Anchovy (Engraulis Encrasicholus) and sardine (Sardina Pilchardus) are blue fishes linked to our alimentary tradition of Mediterranean. In our work, particularly, we tested for the first time physical and enzymatic methods to verify the freshness of species of blue fish, anchovy and sardine of Mediterranean. In connection with to the lowering of the pH after post-mortem stage we assisted to a increase in proteolytic activity of calpaine and catpsine. Already after 2 h in post-mortem there was a significant increase., {"references":["Ozogul, Y., Ozyurt, G., Ozogul, F., Kuley, E., and Polat, A. 2005.\nFreshness assessment of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) by sensory,\nchimica and microbiological methods. Food Chem., 92, 745-751,","Ouali A. 1992. Proteolytic and physiochemical mechanism involved in\nmeat texture development. Biochimie, 74, 251-265","Rehbein H. 1979. Development of an enzymatic method to differenziate\nfresh and sea-frozen and thawed fish fillets. Z Lebensm Unters-Forsch.\n169: 263-265","Uddiin M, Okazaki E. 2004. Classification of fresh and frozen-thawed\nfish by near-infrared spectroscopy. J Food Sci. 69: C665-668.","Bennett, R. & M. Hamilton, 1986. Consumer acceptability of cod and\nwhiting after chilled storage and freezing and thawing. Journal of Food\nTechnology, 21, 311−317.","Vyncke, W., 1983. Shelf life of thawed cod fillet kept in ice. Zeitschrift\nf├╝r Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Forschung, 177,1921.","Ho M.L., Chen G.H., Jiang S.T. 1999. Effects of mackerel cathepsins L\nand L-like, and calpain on the degradation on mackerel surimi. Fish. Sci.\n66: 558-568.","Bito M., Yamada K., Mikuma Y., Amano K. (1983). Tokay Reg. Fish.\nRes. Lab., No. 109, 89-96.","Sigholt T., Erikson U., Rustad T., Johansen S., Nordvedt T.S., Seland A.\n(1997). Handling stress and storage temperature affect meat quality of\nfarmed-raised atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). J. Food Sci. 62: 898-905.\n[10] Jiang S.T., Wang Y.T., Gau B.S.,, Chen C.S. (1990). Role of pepstatinsensitive\nproteases on the postmortem changes of tilapia (Tilapia nilotica\nX Tilapia aurea) muscle myofibrils. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 38: 1464-\n1468.\n[11] Yamashita M, Konagaya S. (1990). Participation of Cathepsin L into\nexstensive softening of muscle of chum salmon caught during spawning\nmigration. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 56: 1271-1272.\n[12] Geesink G.H., Morton J.D., Kent M.P., Bickerstaffe R. (2000). Partial\npurification and characterization of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus\ntshawytscha) calpains and an evaluation of their role in postmortem\nproteolysis. J. Food Sci. 65 1318-1324.\n[13] Aoki T., Ueno R. (1997). Involvement of cathepsins B and L in the postmortem\nautolysis of mackerel muscle. Food Res. Int. 30: 585-591.\n[14] Ho M.L., Chen G.H., Jiang S.T. (1999). Effects of mackerel cathepsins\nL and L-like, and calpain on the degradation on mackerel surimi. Fish.\nSci. 66: 558-568.\n[15] Ogata H., Aranishi F., Hara K., Osatomi K., Ishihara T. (1998).\nProteolytic degradation of myofibrillar components by carp cathepsin L.\nJ Sci Food Agric, 76, 499-504.\n[16] Ladrat C., Chaplet M., Verrez-Bagnis V., No├½l J., Fleurence J. (2002). In\nvitro proteolysis of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmatic proteins of white\nmuscle of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.): effects of cathepsins B, D\nand L. Food Chem. 81: 517-525.\n[17] Masashi A., Haruhiko T., Yutuka S., Morihiko S. (1991). Post-Mortem\ntenderization of fish muscle proceeds independently of resolution of\nrigor mortis. Nippon Suisan Gakkashi 57(6), 1165-1169."]}