16 results on '"Florence, Jacques"'
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2. Psychotria niauensis Florence & Butaud 2020, sp. nov
- Author
Florence, Jacques and Butaud, Jean-Fran��ois
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Psychotria ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales ,Psychotria niauensis - Abstract
Psychotrianiauensis Butaud & J.Florence, sp. nov. (Figs 3; 4) P. leiophyllae Merr. & L.M.Perry affinis, sedsemper munitispedunculo longiori quam 3,5 cm inflorescentiis (vs sessilia atquee base ramosa vel pedunculominusquam 3 cm inflorescentia), ovoideisminus quam 3 mm crassis pyrenis (vs subellipsoideas vel subglobosas ultra 3,5 mm crassas pyrenas), minus quam 1 cm longo petiolo (vs 1-5 cm), praecipue differt. TYPUS. ��� Polyn��sie fran��aise, Archipeldes Tuamotu. Atollde Niau, Ouest de l���a��roport, cot�� lagon en arri��re des zones d���extraction, 8 m, 16��09���S, 146��24���W, 17.X.2006, fl. & fr., J.- F. Butaud 1519 (holo-, P!; iso-, PAP [PAP015889!]) (Fig. 5). PARATYPI. ��� Polyn��sie fran��aise, Archipeldes Tuamotu. Atoll de Niau, Tupana, derri��re le cimeti��re, 8 m, 16��08���S, 146��20���W, 13.X.2006, fr., J.- F. Butaud 1498 (PAP [PAP015764!]); Tupana, derri��re le cimeti��re, 8 m, 16��08���S, 146��20���W, 13.X.2006, fl., J.- F. Butaud 1499 (PAP [PAP015763!]); Tupana, enarri��reducimeti��re, 8 m, 16��08���S, 146��20���W, 24.X.2006, fl., fr., J.- F. Butaud 1540 (PAP [PAP015890, PAP015891]!; P!). PH��NOLOGIE. ��� En fleurs et enfruits en f��vrier, mars, juin, octobre et novembre, d���apr��s les ��chantillons d���herbier et les observations de diff��rents botanistes. ��TYMOLOGIE. ��� Le nom d���esp��ce se r��f��re �� l���atoll de Niau duquel la plante est end��mique. NOM LOCAL ET USAGES. ��� Aucun nom polyn��sien ni aucun usage n���ont ��t�� relev��s pour cette esp��ce �� Niau. DESCRIPTION Arbuste atteignant 1,5 �� 2 m de hauteur et 5 cm de diam��tre �� la base, enti��rement glabre, au port parfois retombant, aux rameaux longtemps chlorophylliens de 2 �� 3 mm de diam��tre, souvent aplatis, puis �� ��corce brun��tre et lisse. Rameaux, face inf��rieure desfeuilles et ramilles de l���inflorescenceparsem��s de faisceaux de raphides, de 0,2-0,7 mm de longueur. Feuilles Oppos��es-d��cuss��es, limbede 7,5-15 �� 2,5-5,5 cm (1,8 Inflorescences Terminales, cymeuses, non calyptr��es, de (5-)6,7-15,5 �� (2,2-) 4,5-10 cm, avec 50 �� 65 fleurs, p��doncule unique de 3,5-10 cm, se divisant en 4 �� 5 cymesdichasiales ou verticill��es, parfoiscontract��es jusqu����� devenir subcapit��es, ramifi��es 3 �� 4 fois, les ramifications ultimes portant 3 (ou 4) fleurs; paires de bract��es s��teuses, 0,8 �� 0,3 mm, au sommet du p��doncule et des divisons successives. Fleurs Hermaphrodites, p��dicellede 1-1,5 mm. Hypantheobconique de 1-1,2 mm de longueur. Calice verd��tre, tube de 0,8-1 mm de longueur, (4) 5 (6) lobes dress��s largement triangulaires de 0,5 mm de longueur. Corolle blanche, de 3 mm de hauteur et 7 mm de diam��tre, hypocrat��riforme, tube barbu sur la face interne, 2-2,5 mm de longueur et (4) 5 (6) lobes ��troitement ovales, 2,5-3 �� 1,5-2 mm, r��volut��s; ��taminesblanches��jaun��tres, exsertes, (4) 5 (6) anth��res longues de 1,3 mm. Style long de 3,5 mm et stigmate divis�� en deux lobes papilleux ovo��des; h��t��rostylie non observ��e. Fruit Drupac��, tronconique �� l�����tat immature �� cylindrique �� maturit��, de 7 �� 6-7 mm, rose �� violet noir��tre �� maturit��, couronn�� par les dents du calice verd��tres, comportant deuxpyr��nes; p��dicellede 2 mm; pyr��nes ovo��des, h��misph��riques en coupe, 4,5-5 �� 2,5-3 �� 2 mm, �� face ventrale plane, travers��e longitudinalement par un sillon bisulqu�� central, largede 0,5 mm, et��face dorsalearrondieetlisse; absence de fente de germination pr��form��e, mais pr��sence d���unporeapical. Psychotrialeiophylla Merr. & L.M.Perry & Caract��re Eumachia DC. P. niauensis Butaud & J.Florence sp. nov. Type biologiqueArbuste ou petit arbre ArbusteRaphidesPr��sence Pr��senceCouleur des parties v��g��tativesVert jaun��tre p��le �� l�����tat sec Vert jaun��tre p��le �� l�����tat secTexture des rameauxLisses et non li��geux Lisses et non li��geuxForme des jeunes rameaux et entrenoeudsSouvent aplatis Souvent aplatisPosition et forme des stipules Interp��tiolaires, enti��res, g��n��ralement unies Interp��tiolaires, parfois bifides, non calyptr��es �� la base ou calyptr��es sur une grande partie de leur longueurpartie de leur longueurPersistance des stipules Semi-d��cidues, devenant indur��es et Semi-d��cidues, leurs extr��mit��s se leurs extr��mit��s se d��sagr��geant d��sagr��geant progressivement progressivementleurs extr��mit��s se d��sagr��geant d��sagr��geant progressivement progressivementInflorescencesCymeuses aux ramilles vertes �� blanchies Cymes compos��es aux ramilles vertesForme du calice et de la corolle Actinomorphe, corolle infundibuliforme �� Actinomorphe, corolle hypocrat��riforme hypocrat��riforme Couleur de la corolleBlanc, cr��me, vert-jaune BlancPr��floraisonValvaire ValvairePilosit�� de la gorge de la corolleBarbue BarbueStyleH��t��rostyle HomostylePolym��rie4 ou 5-m��re 5-m��reOvaire Biloculaire aux ovules solitaires et basaux Biloculaire aux ovules solitaires et basaux dans chaque loge dans chaque logeType et forme de fruitDrupac��, ellipso��de �� subglobuleux Drupac��, tronconiqueCouleur du fruitOrange �� rouge Rose, pourpre �� violetForme des pyr��nesH��misph��rique en coupe H��misph��rique en coupeFace dorsale du pyr��neLisse �� c��tel��e LisseFace ventrale du pyr��nePlane��concaveetsanssillonlongitudinal Planeavecsillonlongitudinalbisulqu��Fente de germination pr��form��e Pr��sencede 2 fentesenpositionmarginale Aucunefentemaispr��senced���unporeapical sur la base de la face ventrale Albumen Non rumin��, souvent avec une petite Non rumin��, sans invagination au centre de la invagination au centre de la face ventrale face ventrale Pr��sence dans le t��gument d���un pigment NonOuirouge soluble �� l�����thanol Graine ��albumen non rumin��, dot�� d���un pigment t��gumentaire rouge soluble �� l�����thanol. AFFINIT��S Les affinit��s de P. niauensis sp. nov. sont clairement �� rechercher avec P. leiophylla des ��les Salomon et de la Polyn��sie occidentale (Fidji, Samoa et Tonga), puisque seuls des caract��res relativement mineurs, mais notables et r��currents permettent de l���en distinguer (voir la diagnose) et d���autres l���en rapprochent (dont les fruits de couleur rose, violet ou pourpre, le pore apical du pyr��ne lisse, le pigment t��gumentaire soluble �� l�����thanol). Plus pr��cis��ment, P. niauensis sp. nov. se distingue de Psychotria leiophylla par ses inflorescences toujours p��doncul��es avec un p��doncule de plus de 3,5 cm, tandis qu���elles sont ramifi��es d��s la base ou p��doncul��es sur moins de 3 cm chez P. leiophylla. Les pyr��nes de cette derni��re sont subellipso��daux �� subglobuleux et mesurent plus de 3,5 mm de largeur, tandis que ceux de P. niauensis sp. nov. sont ovo��des et mesurent moins de 3 mm de largeur. Enfin, le p��tiole de P. leiophylla atteint 1-5 cm, tandis que celui de P. niauensis sp. nov. est inf��rieur �� 1 cm. Ces deux esp��ces appartiennent tr��s probablement au sous-clade PNG du clade IV de Barrab�� (2013) et Barrab�� et al. (2014) pr��sent en Nouvelle-Guin��e, Micron��sie, M��lan��sie et Polyn��sie occidentale, jusqu���alors absent de la Polyn��sie orientale. Psychotrianiauensis sp. nov. r��sulte ainsi d���un ��v��nement de dispersion distinct de ceux de tous les autres Psychotria de la r��gion, qui appartiennent apparemment uniquement au clade Pacifique. Le seul Eumachia de Polyn��sie orientale, E. lepiniana end��mique de l�����le de Tahiti, ainsi qu���un taxon proche non d��crit propre �� l�����le de Raiatea, font partie, quant �� eux, du sous-clade carnea de Barrab�� et al. (2012). Les affinit��s avec P. leiophylla sont ��galement ��cologiques, puisque ces deux esp��ces se cantonnent le plus souvent aux stations littorales, souvent sur calcaire soulev��, aux Salomon, Fidji, Tonga et Tuamotu avec, n��anmoins, des stations de P. leiophylla plus �� l���int��rieur des terres aux Samoa, entre 400 et 850 md���altitude (Smith & Darwin 1988; Whistler 2011). Whistler (2011) met en doute la pr��sence de cette derni��re aux Samoa, notamment en raison de la couleur rouge des fruits m��rs de ce taxon, rappelant donc plut��t ceux d��� Eumachia forsteriana, tandis que ceux de Tonga sont pourpres. Des ��tudes semblent encore n��cessaires afin de clarifier la situation aux Samoa, mais l���examen des images de certains sp��cimens d���herbier (notamment Whistler 899 [BISH417668] collect���� Savai���i) nousfait penchersurune pr��sence effective de P. leiophylla aux Samoa. R��PARTITION, HABITAT & ��COLOGIE Psychotria niauensis sp. nov. n���est connue en Polyn��sie fran��aise que de l���atoll soulev�� de Niau (6 m d���altitude maximale) et constitue le seul repr��sentant de son genre dans tout l���archipel des Tuamotu. Sur l���atoll de Niau, Psychotria niauensis sp. nov. a ��t�� identifi��e apr��s des prospections intensives dans des sites qu���ilestpossiblederegrouperentroissous-populations: �� l���ouest du village de Tupana dans le nord-est, �� Vaiava dans l���est et �� Tapae �� l���ouest (Fig. 6). Un total de 78 pieds a ��t�� d��compt�� lors de ces prospections, dont la moiti�� dans la localit�� de Tupana. Il s���agit d���un arbuste de sous-bois des for��ts peu perturb��es sur corail soulev�� domin��es par les arbres indig��nes Glochidion tuamotuense J.Florence (Phyllanthaceae), Guettarda speciosa L. (Rubiaceae), Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex Du Roi (Pandanaceae), Pisonia grandis R.Br. (Nyctaginaceae), Planchonella tahitensis (Nadeaud) Pierre ex Dubard (Sapotaceae), Xylosma suaveolens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) G.Forst. (Salicaceae), les arbustes indig��nes Allophylus rhomboidalis (Nadeaud) Radlk. (Sapindaceae), Cyclophyllum barbatum (G.Forst.) N.Hall�� & J.Florence (Rubiaceae), Ixora sp. (Rubiaceae), �� Meryta sp. nov.�� (Araliaceae), Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae), Myrsine niauensis Fosberg & Sachet (Primulaceae), Tarenna sambucina (G.Forst.) T.Durand ex Drake (Rubiaceae), Premna serratifolia L. (Lamiaceae), l���herbac��e indig��ne Peperomia pallida (G.Forst.) A.Diet. (Piperaceae), les lianes indig��nes Capparis spinosa subsp. cordifolia (Lam.) Fici (Capparidaceae), Gynochthodes myrtifolia (A.Gray) Razafim. & B.Bremer (Rubiaceae), lesfoug��res indig��nes Asplenium nidus L. & Asplenium polyodon G.Forst. (Aspleniaceae), Microsorum grossum (Langsd. & Fisch.) S.B.Andrews (Polypodiaceae) et le palmier introduit Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae). Avec ses fruits charnus violets �� pourpres �� maturit��, cet arbuste est tr��s probablement diss��min�� par des oiseauxfrugivores, au premier rang desquels figure le Ptilope des Tuamotu (Ptilinopus coralensis Peale, 1848), end��mique de l���archipel et abondant dans les for��ts naturelles de l�����le. La pollinisation est tr��s probablement assur��e par des insectes, mais aucune observation probante n���a ��t�� r��alis��e. Seule la fourmi d���introduction moderne Monomorium floricola (Jerdon, 1851) a ��t�� observ��e sur les fleurs de P. niauensis sp. nov. en train de prospecter pour du nectar, mais sa tr��s petite taille exclut tout r��le de diss��mination du pollen. STATUT DE CONSERVATION P. niauensis sp. nov. n���est connue que de l���atoll de Niau dont la superficie atteint 21,5 km ��. Elle est pr��sente sous la forme de 3 sous-populations distantes les unes des autres de moins de 5 km (Fig. 6) et au sein desquelles pr��s de 80 pieds ont ��t��d��nombr��s; cenombre estprobablementsous-estim��en raison de sa discr��tion �� l�����tat st��rile. Elle est essentiellement menac��e par la d��gradation de sonhabitat li��e�� l���urbanisation (la sous-population principale situ��e �� proximit�� du village de Tupana ��tant incluse dans la zone urbaine ��� UB du Plan G��n��ral d���Am��nagement [PGA] de la Commune de Fakarava dont fait partie l���atoll de Niau), aux incendies cons��cutifs �� la culture du coprah et d��bordant sur les for��ts naturelles et �� l���extension de plantes envahissantes, en particulier l���arbre Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (Myrtaceae) d��j�� pr��sent sous la forme de pieds-m��res isol��s et de plantules �� proximit�� de ses stations, et faisant officiellement partie des esp��ces mena��ant la biodiversit�� en Polyn��sie fran��aise (arr��t�� 466 CM du 22 mars 2018). La diversit�� des menaces pesant sur lesdiff��rentes sous-populationsconduit �� retenir deux localit��s, la premi��re de Tupana ��tant tr��s menac��e par l���urbanisation, car non prise en compte par le PGA, tandis que la seconde regroupant les deux autres sous-populations est int��gr��e �� la zone de site prot��g�� de la zone tampon ��� NDzt du PGA. L���aire d���occupation de l���esp��ce, en se fondant sur des carr��s d���un kilom��tre de c��t��, atteint 6 km ��, tandis que son aire d���occurrence est inf��rieure �� 50 km ��. Cette aire de r��partition n���est pas consid��r��e comme s��v��rement fragment��e, en raison de la proximit�� des trois sous-populations ou des deux localit��set de la pr��sence d���un oiseau frugivore diss��minateur des semences. En raison des incendies r��currents, de l���agrandissement progressif du village de Tupana et du d��veloppement de l���envahissant Syzygium cumini, un d��clin continu a ��t�� estim�� pour l�����tendue et la qualit�� de son habitat. Ainsi, en utilisant le crit��re Bde la liste rouge de l���UICN (IUCN 2019), P.niauensis sp. nov. peut ��tre ��valu��e comme en danger d���extinction EN B1, B2ab(iii). En utilisant le crit��re Det avec 80 individus recens��s (dont des juv��niles) et moins de 250 individus matures estim��s, P. niauensis sp. nov. peut ��galement ��tre ��valu��e comme en danger d���extinction EN D., Published as part of Florence, Jacques & Butaud, Jean-Fran��ois, 2020, Psychotria niauensis sp. nov. (Rubiaceae), esp��ce calcicole end��mique de la Polyn��sie fran��aise, d��crite de l'atoll soulev�� de Niau (Tuamotu), pp. 119-130 in Adansonia 42 (6) on pages 122-128, DOI: 10.5252/adansonia2020v42a6, http://zenodo.org/record/3744689, {"references":["BARRABE L. 2013. - Systematique et Evolution du genre Psychotria (Rubiaceae) en Nouvelle-Caledonie. These de doctorat. Universite de Nouvelle Caledonie, Nouvelle-Caledonie, 367 p. https: // tel. archives-ouvertes. fr / tel- 00967108","BARRABE L., MAGGIA L., PILLON Y., RIGAULT F., MOULY A., DAVIS A. P. & BUERKI S. 2014. - New Caledonian lineages of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) reveal different evolutionary histories and the largest documented plant radiation for the archipelago. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 15 - 35. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. ympev. 2013.10.020","BARRABE L., BUERKI S., MOULY A., DAVIS A. P., MUNZINGER J. & MAGGIA L. 2012. - Delimitation of the genus Margaritopsis (Rubiaceae) in the Asian, Australasian and Pacific region, based on molecular phylogenetic inference and morphology. Taxon 61 (6): 1251 - 1268. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / tax. 616007","SMITH A. C. & DARWIN S. P. 1988. - Rubiaceae, in SMITH A. C. (ed.), Flora Vitiensis Nova 4. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Hawai'i: 143 - 376.","WHISTLER W. A. 2011. - The Rare Plants of Tonga. Report Prepared for the Tonga Trust Ltd. Funded by Conservation International and Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund. Isle Botanica, Honolulu, 173 p.","IUCN 2019. - The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2018 - 2. IUCN, Cambridge. http: // www. iucnredlist. org"]}
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3. Reassessment of the Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Rubiaceae) complex in Tahiti, Society Islands, with a new combination and description of new species, Psychotria paulae J.-Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, sp. nov
- Author
Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques, and Meyer, Jean-Yves
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques, Meyer, Jean-Yves (2017): Reassessment of the Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Rubiaceae) complex in Tahiti, Society Islands, with a new combination and description of new species, Psychotria paulae J.-Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, sp. nov. Adansonia 39 (1): 41-53, DOI: 10.5252/a2017n1a4
- Published
- 2017
4. Psychotria speciosa G. Forst
- Author
Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques, and Meyer, Jean-Yves
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Psychotria speciosa ,Psychotria ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Fig. 2) Florulae Insularum Australium Prodromus: 16, taxon 89 (1786). ��� Cephaelis speciosa (G. Forst.), Spreng., Systema vegetabilium 1: 749 (1824). ��� Uragoga speciosa (G. Forst.) Drake, Illustrationes Florae Insularum Maris Pacifici 15: 38 (1890). ��� Lectotype, here designated: Society Islands,Tahiti, without locality or date (fl. buds), G. Forster 57 (GOET[GOET012552]!). The sheet is annotated ���57. Psychotria speciosa Prodr. 89��� perhaps in handwriting of G. Forster; on a second blue label is written ���Original Forster��� with a det. slip by F. R. Fosberg ���57. Psychotria speciosa Forst. f. in 1986���. Due to the poor condition of the lectotype, we also designate the following specimen as epitype. EPITYPE. ��� Here designated: Society Islands. Tahiti, plateau deTaravao, captage de l���Hamoa, 17��47���S, 149��15���W, 950 m, 9.II.1983, (fl.), J. Florence 4492 (epi-, P[P02286909]!; isoepi-, BISH, P[P02286910]!, PAP). DISTRIBUTION, HABITAT AND ECOLOGY. ��� Psychotria speciosa occurs as isolated plants in mid-elevation forests at 700-1500 m. Its ecology is poorly known, but collectors��� notes indicate it is rare in high valleys along streams associated with species of Cyathea Sm. and Cyrtandra J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. Many of these areas are invaded by Miconia calvescens DC. REPRESENTATIVE SPECIMENS. ��� Society Islands. Tahiti, Plateau de Taravao, captage de l���Hamoa, 930 m, 17��47���S, 149��15���W, 9.II.1983, J. Florence 4487 (P [P02286904]!). Without precise locality: bel arbrisseau dans les hautes vall��es, fl. & fr., s.d., Vieillard s.n. (P [P00701046]!); b. fl., Vieillard s.n., s.d. (P [P02286905]!). DESCRIPTION Shrubs or treelets 2-4 m tall, sparsely branched, vegetative parts glabrous; twiglets cylindrical, fistulose. Leaves of a pair equal or subequal; stipules caducous, united into a calyptra 2-2.5 cm long, terminated by a narrowly elliptic appendage 0.4-0.8 cm long, �� bifid at the tip; petiole stout, 1.2-5.2 cm long; blade when fresh light green to bright green above, paler below, subcoriaceous, obovate, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 5.3-19.2 cm long, 6.2-9.3cm wide, base cuneate to very narrowly decurrent, apex obtuse or rounded to acute or short acuminate, abaxially with whitish or reddish brown domatia sometimes present in secondary vein axils, costa flattened adaxially, prominulous abaxially, secondary veins 8-13 on each side, prominulous abaxially, tertiary vein network inconspicuous. Inflorescence terminal, in bud enclosed in a stipule-like calyptra 3.3-4.5 cm long, bifid at apex, enclosing 3-9 densely clustered sessile or subsessile flowers, inflorescence becoming pseudo-axillary by development of sympodial vegetative branch. Flowers fragrant when fresh, monomorphic. Hypanthium glabrous, turbinate, 2.5-4.2 mm long, 2-3.3 mm wide, calyx pale green, tube 2.5-4.2 mm long, 2.8-4 mm wide, flared; calyx lobes linear to triangular-ovate, narrowly oblong, or spathulate, 2.8-5.2 mm long, 1-1.8 mm wide (Fig. 2 A-D). Corollas white, fleshy, hypocrateriform, tube 2.8-3.5 cm long, 2.0- 2.5 mm in diam., straight or slightly curved, glabrous without or the lobes sparsely puberulent, lobes narrowly oblong-triangular, 1.3-1.5 cm long, 2.1-2.5 mm wide, recurved at maturity, papillose to tomentellose within, more densely so at the throat, apex acute, uncinulate at tip.Stamens inserted below top of tube; anthers sessile, linear, 2.8-3 mm long. Style 2.8-3.3 cm long, reaching throat, pubescent in distal third, stigmatic branches c. 2 mm long, scarcely exserted or exserted for 2-3 mm, spreading at maturity, ventrally with white hairs 0.3 mm long, apex disciform-lobed; nectary disc glabrous. Infructescence terminal or lateral by displacement. Fruits sessile or scarcely pedicellate, clustered, ellipsoid-ovoid to subglobose, 1.5-2.2 cm long, 0.8-1.1 cm wide, red at maturity, apex umbonate.Pyrenes ellipsoid, 1.4-1.7 cm long, 0.7-1.0 cm wide, 0.2-0.4 cm thick, ventral surface plane, dorsal surface with two marginal and one central crests; preformed germination slit ventral, extending ��-1/3 distance from apex (Fig. 5B). Endosperm not ruminate, lacking reddish alcohol-soluble pigment. IDENTITY OF PSYCHOTRIA TRICHOCALYX, COMB. NOV. Drake Del Castillo(1886) considered Nadeaud���s ���Var.D cymosa ��� of P.speciosa to represent a distinctive species with inflorescences having villous peduncles and calyces and described it as Uragoga trichocalyx Drake, citing two specimens (L��pine 184 and Nadeaud 343). He later (Drake Del Castillo 1892) transferred it to Calycosia A. Gray as Calycosia trichocalyx (Drake) Drake. Calycosia is a genus of six to eight species distributed in Fiji, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, and New Guinea. It is closely related to Psychotria (Smith & Darwin 1988; Andersson 2002) and is distinguished morphologically by the capitular or capitular-cymose inflorescences with conspicuous, often numerous, pale green to white, free or united, involucrate stipule-like deciduous bracts, and flowers with a large, infundibular calyx limb, deciduous in fruit (Smith & Darwin 1988). However, Smith & Darwin (1988) stated these characters are not reliable in separating the genus from all groups of Psychotria. Our observations reveal that young inflorescences of many Pacific Psychotria species are enveloped by stipules or stipule-like bracts. Capitular-cymose inflorescences occur in several Marquesan and Micronesian Psychotria species (Fosberg & Sachet 1991; Lorence &Wagner2005; Lorence &Wood 2012). Furthermore, calyx limb size and lobing varies considerably between Psychotria species. For these reasons we believe C. trichocalyx is best placed in Psychotria and make the following new combination., Published as part of Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques & Meyer, Jean-Yves, 2017, Reassessment of the Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Rubiaceae) complex in Tahiti, Society Islands, with a new combination and description of new species, Psychotria paulae J. - Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, sp. nov., pp. 41-53 in Adansonia 39 (1) on page 46, DOI: 10.5252/a2017n1a4, http://zenodo.org/record/4599027, {"references":["DRAKE DEL CASTILLO E. 1886. - Illustrationes Flora Insularum Maris Pacifici. G. Masson, Paris. 458 p., 50 tables. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 86930","SMITH A. C. & DARWIN S. P. 1988. - Rubiaceae, in SMITH A. C. (ed.), Flora Vitiensis Nova 4. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Hawaii: 143 - 376.","ANDERSSON L. 2002. - Relationships and generic circumscriptions in the Psychotria complex (Rubiaceae, Psychotrieae). Systematics and Geography of Plants 72 (1): 167 - 202.","FOSBERG F. R. & SACHET M. - H. 1991. - Studies in Indo-Pacific Rubiaceae. Allertonia 6: 191 - 278.","LORENCE D. H. & WAGNER W. L. 2005. - A revision of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia). Allertonia 9: 1 - 38.","LORENCE D. H. & WOOD K. R. 2012. - Psychotria kosraensis (Rubiaceae), a new species from Kosrae, Caroline Islands, Micronesia. Novon 22 (1): 51 - 55. https: // doi. org / 10.3417 / 2011048"]}
- Published
- 2017
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5. Psychotria trichocalyx Fosberg, comb. nov
- Author
Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques, and Meyer, Jean-Yves
- Subjects
Psychotria trichocalyx ,Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Psychotria ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Psychotria trichocalyx (Drake) Fosberg ex J.-Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, comb. nov. (Fig. 1B, C) Basionym: Uragoga trichocalyx Drake, Illustrationes florae insularum Maris Pacifici 16: 40 (1886). ��� Type: Tahiti, L��pine 184 (lecto-, P[P007010414, P00701042]!, 2 sheets, here designated). ��� Syntype: Tahiti, Mt. Marau, 1200 m, Nadeaud 343 p. p. (P[P00701043]!). Calycosia trichocalyx (Drake) Drake, Illustrationes florae insularum Maris Pacifici: 196 (1886). Psychotria speciosa var. D cymosa Nadeaud, ��num��ration des plantes indig��nes de l�����le de Tahiti: 51 (1873). REMARK Drake Del Castillo (1886) cited two syntype collections, L��pine 184 and Nadeaud 343 (a mixed collection), both at Paris. F. R. Fosberg proposed but never published this combination in his herbarium annotations of the syntypes. We hereby designate L��pine 184 (2 sheets) as lectotype. This species is distinguished from other Tahiti congeners by a shortly pedunculate, 3-4-flowered inflorescence covered by spreading reddish-brown hairs, externally pilose campanulate calyx with short triangular to oblong lobes, pilose hypanthium and fruit, and white corollas with lobes puberulent distally (Fig. 1B, C). DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES, PSYCHOTRIA PAULAE J. -Y. MEYER, LORENCE & J. FLORENCE, SP. NOV. Intensive botanical surveys on the island ofTahiti have produced numerous new collections and new locations for Psychotria, including a distinctive new species discovered by J.-Y. Meyer at one locality on the western slopes of Tahiti. This new species does not match any of the recognized Pacific Island taxa but is most similar to P. speciosa. Tahiti currently has nine Psychotria species, including P. trichocalyx, comb. nov., and the new species P. paulae, sp. nov., described below., Published as part of Lorence, David H., Florence, Jacques & Meyer, Jean-Yves, 2017, Reassessment of the Psychotria speciosa G. Forst. (Rubiaceae) complex in Tahiti, Society Islands, with a new combination and description of new species, Psychotria paulae J. - Y. Meyer, Lorence & J. Florence, sp. nov., pp. 41-53 in Adansonia 39 (1) on pages 46-48, DOI: 10.5252/a2017n1a4, http://zenodo.org/record/4599027, {"references":["DRAKE DEL CASTILLO E. 1886. - Illustrationes Flora Insularum Maris Pacifici. G. Masson, Paris. 458 p., 50 tables. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 86930"]}
- Published
- 2017
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6. Psychotria rupestris Pancher
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Psychotria rupestris ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Psychotria ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Psychotria rupestris Pancher Nom. mss. in herb. Psychotria rupicola (Baill.) Schltr., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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7. Psychotria avenis Pancher ex Beauvis
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Psychotria ,Psychotria avenis ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Psychotria avenis Pancher ex Beauvis. Annales de la Société Botanique de Lyon 26: 53 (1901), nom. nud., mss. in herb. Psychotria semperflorens (Pancher ex Beauvis.) Guillaumin., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 351, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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8. Uragoga phyllanthifolia Baill. ex Guillaumin 1930
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Uragoga phyllanthifolia ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Uragoga ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Uragoga phyllanthifolia Baill. ex Guillaumin Annales du Musée colonial de Marseille 9: 175 (1911), nom. nud. Psychotria monanthos (Baill.) Schltr., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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9. Uragoga phyllanthoides Baill. ex Schltr
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Uragoga phyllanthoides ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Uragoga ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Uragoga phyllanthoides Baill. ex Schltr. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik,Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 39: 263 (1906), nom.nud., mss. in herb. Psychotria monanthos (Baill.) Schltr., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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10. Uragoga nummularioides Baill. ex Guillaumin 1901
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Uragoga nummularioides ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Uragoga ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Uragoga nummularioides Baill. ex Guillaumin Annales du Musée colonial de Marseille 9: 174 (1911), nom. nud. Psychotria nummularioides Baill. ex Guillaumin., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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11. Uragoga deplanchei Baill. ex Beauvis
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Uragoga deplanchei ,Plantae ,Uragoga ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Uragoga deplanchei Baill. ex Beauvis. Annales de la Société Botanique de Lyon 26: 55 (1901), nom. nud., mss. in herb Psychotria gabriellae (Baill.) Guillaumin., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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12. Ixora variegata Vieill. ex Guillaumin 1911
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Ixora variegata ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Ixora ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Ixora variegata Vieill. ex Guillaumin Mémoires du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, série B, Botanique 8: 108 (1957), nom. nud., mss. in herb. Psychotria coptosperma (Baill.) Guillaumin., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 351, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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13. Psychotria macrodaphne
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Psychotria macrodaphne ,Psychotria ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Psychotria macrodaphne (Baill. ex Guillaumin) Guillaumin Annales du Musée colonial de Marseille 9: 174 (1911), nom. nud. Psychotria coptosperma (Baill.) Guillaumin., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 351, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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14. Uragoga macrodaphne Baill. ex Guillaumin
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Uragoga macrodaphne ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Uragoga ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Uragoga macrodaphne Baill. ex Guillaumin Annales du Musée colonial de Marseille 9: 174 (1911), nom. nud., mss. in herb. Psychotria coptosperma (Baill.) Guillaumin., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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15. Uragoga lenormandii Baill. ex Guillaumin
- Author
Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud, and Florence, Jacques
- Subjects
Uragoga lenormandii ,Tracheophyta ,Magnoliopsida ,Rubiaceae ,Biodiversity ,Plantae ,Uragoga ,Taxonomy ,Gentianales - Abstract
Uragoga lenormandii Baill. ex Guillaumin Annales du Musée colonial de Marseille 9: 174 (1911), nom. nud. Margaritopsis collina (Labill.) Barrabé & Mouly, comb. nov., Published as part of Barrabé, Laure, Mouly, Arnaud & Florence, Jacques, 2013, Psychotriae (Rubiaceae) neocaledonicarum specierum nomenclator, pp. 281-357 in Adansonia (3) (3) 35 (2) on page 352, DOI: 10.5252/a2013n2a6, http://zenodo.org/record/5206600
- Published
- 2013
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16. Revision of Ixora (Rubiaceae) in the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia).
- Author
- Subjects
During the preparation of the Vascular Flora of the Marquesas Islands and Flore de la Polynésie française, four new species of Ixora L. (Rubiaceae) have come to light and are described and illustrated herein: Ixora jourdanii Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora tahuataensis Mouly & J.Florence, Ixora uahukaensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner, and Ixora uapouensis Lorence & W.L.Wagner. In addition to these new taxa, the following three species of Ixora previously described from the Marquesas are recognized: Ixora marquesensis F.Br., Ixora ooumuensis J.Florence, and Ixora spathoidea F.Br. As the Marquesan environment is under serious threat from human impact, feral animals and weeds, the conservation status was estimated for each Ixora species. It is concluded that all Marquesan taxa are in need of inclusion in the IUCN Red List, their status ranging from endangered to critically endangered. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 155, 581–597. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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