
Your search keyword '"Food"' showing total 13 results
13 results on '"Food"'

Search Results

1. Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Dietary Practices for Mothers in Japan.

2. Relationships among Local Agricultural Product Purchases, Self-Cooked Meal Consumption, and Healthy Eating Habits: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Town in Gunma, Japan.

3. Cardiometabolic Profiles and Change in Neighborhood Food and Built Environment Among Older Adults: A Natural Experiment.

4. Transmitting Ainu traditional food knowledge from mothers to their daughters.

5. Food allergy response capabilities of mothers and related factors.

6. Nested Houses: Domestication dynamics of human--wasp relations in contemporary rural Japan.

7. A Comprehensive Examination of the Determinants for Food Risk Perception: Focusing on Psychometric Factors, Perceivers’ Characteristics, and Media Use.

8. Estimation of habitual iodine intake in Japanese adults using 16 d diet records over four seasons with a newly developed food composition database for iodine.

9. Association of periodontal status with occlusal force and food acceptability in 70-year-old adults: from SONIC Study.

10. Oral health status: relationship to nutrient and food intake among 80-year-old Japanese adults.

11. Dietary sources of five nutrients in ethnic groups represented in the Multiethnic Cohort.

12. Influence of food cost on diet quality and risk factors for chronic disease: A systematic review.

13. Effect of dose timing in relation to food intake on systemic exposure to blonanserin.


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