Uvod: Korekcijska spinalna ortoza je pomembna in jo priporočajo pri zdravljenju skeletno nezrelih najstnikov z AIS ter pri tistih, ki imajo krivino 25°- 40° po Cobbu. Lyon ortoza ali nastavljiva modularna-večdelna ortoza se uporablja že več kot 60 let. Razvile so se tri nivojske različice teh ortoz te so torakalna, torakolumbalna in lumbalna Lyon ortoza. Ta ortoza omogoča zdravljenje vseh krivin, odstopajočih od normale, razen primarne visoke torakalne krivine, za katero priporočimo Milwaukee ortozo. ART ortoza je nova asimetrična, iz trdnega polikarbonata, torzijska ortoza, izdelana z dvema asimetričnima lateralnima polikarbonatnima deloma, ki sta na sredini povezana z navpično tračnico iz kovine. Cilj ART ortoze ni le dobiti ravno hrbtenico, temveč poravnati obliko trupa, nastalo zaradi skolioze. Ta korekcija je mogoča le, če vretenca niso deformirana, v nasprotnem primeru želimo poudariti popravek asimetrije pritiska na telesa vretenc. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti Lyon in ART korekcijski spinalni ortozi s pomočjo pregleda strokovne literature. Predstaviti želimo zgodovinski razvoj ortoz, njihovo funkcijo, indikacije in kontraindikacije, učinkovitost delovanja na uporabnika in primerjavo rezultatov. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje literature s področja spinalne ortotike, bolj natančno Lyon in ART korekcijskih ortoz. Literaturo smo iskali na spletnih portalih COBISS in DiKUL ter v bibliografskih podatkovnih bazah Google Učenjak, MEDLINE, CINAHL in PubMed. Rezultati: Nekatere študije kažejo dobre rezultate ART ortoze za takojšnje zmanjšanje skolioze, nato pa se trend ohranja še 6 mesecev in eno leto po začetnem nošenju. Torej novi koncepti in prvi rezultati ART ortoze, ki so definirani kot spremenjena ali "nova" Lyon ortoza, potrjujejo, da lahko ta ortoza popolnoma zamenja antigravitacijski korekcijski mavec in staro Lyon ortozo. Zmanjšanje Cobbovega kota po enem letu zagotovo tudi ni končni rezultat zdravljenja (2 leti po odstavitvi ortoze), čeprav nekateri avtorji v tem trenutku kot napovedno mero uporabljajo njegovo zmanjšanje. Razprava in zaključek: Uporaba ortoze pri konzervativnem zdravljenju AIS ima pomembno vlogo, katere cilj je preprečitev nastanka deformacije pri kostno nezrelih mladostnikih in posledično težav v odraslem obdobju. Pri kakovosti posameznih ortoz se mnenja avtorjev razlikujejo, zato je narejenih več raziskav o učinkovitosti le teh. Pri uporabi Lyon ortoz je konzervativno zdravljenje dokazano kot zelo učinkovito. Ambulantno izvajanje korekcije skolioz z antigravitacijskim mavcem in Lyon ortozami je bilo finančno ugodno in otroku omogočalo nemoten pouk. Za nov način izdelave ortoze se strokovnjaki odločajo zaradi izboljšanja kakovosti, predvsem pa zaradi zadovoljstva pacientov, saj s tem pripomorejo k njihovemu boljšemu počutju med izdelavo kot tudi nošenjem ortoze in čim hitrejšemu okrevanju. Učinkovito ortotično zdravljenje ima velik pomen pri pacientovem poteku bolezni. Potrebno je izbrati pravilno vrsto ortoze, saj jo pacient uporablja večji del dneva in močno vpliva na kvaliteto njegovega življenja. Introduction: The correctional spinal orthosis is a very important and recommended tool for treating adolescents with under developed bone structures. It is mostly used for treating younger people with AIS and for people with a 25° to 40° scoliosis according to Cobb. The Lyon orthosis or the modular-multi-part adjustable orthosis has been used for over 60 years. It has developed into 3 subcategories: the thoracic, thoracolumbal and lumbal Lyon orthoses. The Lyon orthosis can be used for treating all kinds of scoliosis (deviating from the normal values). The ART orthosis is a new asymmetric orthosis made from hard polycarbonate. It is a torsional orthosis made from two asymmetric polycarbonate lateral parts that are connected to each other through the middle with a vertical metal track. The goal of the ART orthosis is not only to straighten the spine but also to correct the shape of the body caused by the scoliosis called the scoliosis correction. The purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to present the Lyon and ART correctional spinal orthosis based on professional literature. The orthoses will be described according to their development, function, indications, contraindications and efficiency with the comparison of the results. Methods: Work method is based on the literature review. The review of domestic and foreign literature on spinal orthotics, with special emphasis on the Lyon and ART orthoses was conducted. The literature was searched in COBISS and DiKUL platforms and bibliographic databases such as Google Scholar, MEDLINE, CINAHL and PubMed. Results: Some studies point to the results of ART orthosis for the immediate reduction of scoliosis, and then the trend is maintained for another 6 months within one year of wearing. Therefore the new concepts and the first results of ART orthosis, defined as altered or "new" Lyon orthosis, confirm that the antigravitation plaster cast and the old Lyon orthosis can be replaced. Angular reduction in the first year is also certainly not the final result of the treatment (2 years after the removal of orthosis), therefore further studies are needed. Conclusion: The use of the orthosis in conservative AIS treatment has a significant role. The goal is to prevent a deformity in adolescents with bone structures not yet fully developed, thereby preventing further problems in adulthood. The opinions of authors differ regarding the quality of different kinds of orthosis. Therefore, various researches about the efficiency of different kinds of orthosis were conducted. It has been proven that conservative treatment is very successful when using the Lyon orthosis. Clinical scoliosis correction with a antigravitation plaster cast and a Lyon orthosis is an inexpensive way of treating scoliosis and it allows children to continue their education. The improved orthosis was decided upon due to higher quality, the added comfort during the manufacture and wearing and faster rehabilitation. Efficient orthotic treatment has an important role in the development of the medical condition. The correct orthosis should be selected since it is worn up to 23h a day and it effects the quality of patient’s life.