U članku su s aspekta povijesti institucija prikazani rezultati istraživanja ustroja i nadležnosti tehničko-prometnih organa 6. korpusa narodnooslobodilačke vojske, kao i njihovo djelovanje vezano uz organizaciju željezničkog prometa. Detaljnije je razrađen rad Tehničkog odsjeka 6. korpusa, koji je do početka kolovoza 1944. bio nadležan za željeznice na svome području djelovanja. Željezničke pruge na području djelovanja 6. korpusa bile su prve pruge na prostoru Hrvatske koje su koristile jedinice narodnooslobodilačke vojske. Tako je već 22. listopada 1943. Tehnički odsjek 6. korpusa izdao Naredbu o željezničkom saobraćaju na pruzi Zvečevo – Cikočka Rijeka. U kolovozu 1944. proveden je preustroj Tehničkog odsjeka 6. korpusa. Saobraćajna sekcija izdvojena je iz Tehničkog odsjeka i otada je djelovala kao samostalni Saobraćajni odsjek koji je preuzeo nadležnost za željeznice na svome području djelovanja. Rezultati istraživanja temelje se prvenstveno na analizi arhivskog gradiva fondova koji se nalaze u Hrvatskom državnom arhivu. U radu su korišteni i zbornici dokumenata i podataka o narodnooslobodilačkom ratu, te predmetna literatura., From the aspect of history of institutions this article shows research results of the structure and jurisdiction of the technical-traffic bodies of the 6th Corps of the National Liberation Army, together with their activities regarding organizing rail traffic. The work of the 6th Corps’ Technical Division is developed in detail, since until the beginning of August 1944 it was in charge of the railways in its area of activity. The railway lines in the area of the 6th Corps activity were the first ones in the area of Croatia used by the units of the National Liberation Army. Already on the October 22, 1943 the Technical Division of the 6th Corps issued the Decree about the Rail Traffic on the Zvečevo – Cikočka Rijeka Railway Line. The Technical Division of the 6th Corps was reorganized in August 1944. The Traffic Section was singled out from the Technical Division and was since then active as an independent Traffic Division that took over the jurisdiction of the railways in its area of activity. The research results are primarily based on the analysis of the archives of fonds kept in the Croatian State Archives. Other used sources include anthologies of documents and information on the Liberation War, as well as subject literature.