Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Miller, Richard L., Amsel, Eric, Kowalewski, Brenda Marsteller, Beins, Bernard C., Keith, Kenneth D., Peden, Blaine F., Miller, Richard L., Amsel, Eric, Kowalewski, Brenda Marsteller, Beins, Bernard C., Keith, Kenneth D., Peden, Blaine F., and Society for the Teaching of Psychology
To promote student engagement, professors must actively seek to create the conditions that foster engagement. Chickering and Gamson (1987) suggest that good practices in undergraduate education are ones that: encourage student-faculty contact, develop reciprocity and cooperation among students, encourage active learning, provide students with prompt feedback, emphasize time on task, communicate high expectations and respect diverse talents and ways of knowing. The purpose of the book is to provide the reader with a variety of techniques that can be used to foster student engagement. The techniques include ways to enhance the level of academic challenge, promote active and collaborative learning, increase student-faculty interaction, provide enriching educational experiences, and create supportive learning environments. The book is divided into six sections. The first section describes factors that promote student engagement and the learning outcomes related to student engagement. The second and third sections describe programs that promote student engagement and include programs that can be implemented at the course level, programs that can be offered by a department, programs that provide for community involvement, institution-wide programs, as well as national programs. Instructors can enhance student engagement by encouraging students to become more active participants in their education. Section 4 of the book provides a number of techniques that can be used to promote active participation in the classroom. Several opportunities for student engagement are described in Section 5. The final section of the book describes several innovative approaches on how to assess student engagement. Section 1, Why and How Engagement Matters, contains: (1) Factors that Promote Student Engagement (Corey L. Guenther and Richard L. Miller); and (2) Outcomes Associated with Student Engagement (Richard L. Miller and Jeanne M. Butler). Section 2, Programs that Promote Student Engagement I, contains: (3) Engaging Students through Psychology Organizations (Kristina Thielen, Donna Stuber, Cathy Grover and Kenneth Weaver); (4) Psi Beta as an Avenue of Engagement (Valerie T. Smith and Jennifer L. O'Loughlin Brooks); (5) Preparing to Serve: A Program Training College Students for Tutoring and Mentoring in Public Schools (Eric Amsel, Sheldon Cheshire, Alisha Massen, Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski, and Jan Winniford); (6) Community Service Engagement: How our students benefit from this service and how to encourage them to pursue community service (Maya M. Khanna); (7) Undergraduate Internships for Psychology Majors (George B. Yancey); (8) Residential Learning Communities in Psychology: How to Get Started (Courtney A. Rocheleau, M. Corinne Smith, Shawn Bergman and Mark C. Zrull); (9) Increasing Student Engagement through Curricular-Based Learning Communities (Kim Buch and Kenneth E. Barron); (10) Civic Engagement Through Service Learning (Jennifer L. O'Loughlin Brooks and Valerie T. Smith); (11) Interdisciplinary International Service-Learning: The Story of Our Success (Steve T. Barney, Rachel Kirk and Boyd Fife); and (12) Alumni in the Classroom (and Beyond) (Donna Stuber, Kristina R. Thielen, Jennifer Babitzke, and Bill Allan). Section 3, Programs that Promote Student Engagement II, contains: (13) Building the Case for Engagement in Honors College Programs (Chrisanne Christensen); (14) Structuring the Capstone Experience in Psychology (Theresa A. Wadkins and Richard L. Miller); (15) SENCER: Science Education and Running Before Walking (William Wozniak); (16) First-Year Experience: Introduction to the Psychology Major Course (Brian W. Schrader, Kenneth A. Weaver, and James Persinger); (17) Student Engagement in Undergraduate Research (Jeffrey D. Holmes and Bernard C. Beins); (18) Freshman Orientation Programs (Brooke Bennett-Day and Lisa Rouleau); (19) School in Your Skivvies: Lessons Learned on Promoting Student Engagement in a Virtual Versus Traditional Classroom Setting (Sara Villanueva); (20) Interteaching: A Behavior-Analytic Approach to Promoting Student Engagement (Bryan K. Saville); and (21) The "Democratic Academy": Pedagogies for Student Engagement (Kerrie Baker, Kathleen Boland, Elizabeth Meade, and Suzanne Weaver). Section 4, Student Engagement Techniques, contains: (22) Engaging Students through e-Polling (Bill Hill and Randolph A. Smith); (23) Active Learning (Isabelle D. Cherney); (24) Using Reflective Journaling in the College Course (Krista K. Fritson, Krista D. Forrest, and Mackenzie L. Bohl); (25) Increasing Student Engagement with a Motivational Interviewing Strategy (Susan E. Becker, Leslie Miller and Bruce A. Bishop); (26) Peer Learning and Its Applications to Undergraduate Psychology Instruction (John D. Murray); (27) Do Podcasts Engage and Educate College Students? (Blaine F. Peden and Benjamin Z. Domask); (28) Strategies for Making Psychology Self-Relevant In and Out of the Classroom (Natalie J. Ciarocco, Lisa M. Dinella, and Gary W. Lewandowski Jr.); (29) Increasing Learner Engagement with Team-based Learning (Heath Marrs); (30) Embedding Guided Discussions in Class Activities and Assignments (Jeannetta G. Williams and Sara Villanueva); (31) Jigsaw Classroom (David V. Perkins and Michael J. Tagler); (32) Using E-Portfolios in Psychology Courses (Michael Vigorito); and (33) "Insert Comment" Technique Promotes Student Engagement in Online Courses (Blaine F. Peden, Jill M. Jansen, and Amy K. Thoftne). Section 5, Special Opportunities for Engagement, contains: (34) First-Class First Classes (Mitchell M. Handelsman); (35) The Last Word: Engaging Students for Life (Kenneth D. Keith); (36) Web 2.0 Applications to Foster Student Engagement (B. Jean Mandernach and Sarah S. Taylor); (37) Engaging Students: Issues of Cultural Privilege (Loreto Prieto); (38) Academic Engagement for the Benefit of All: Practical Strategies for Incorporating Non Gender Normative Students (Jennifer R. Daniels); (39) Commentary on Multicultural Student Engagement (Kelley Haynes Mendez); and (40) Engagement of International Students on United States Campuses (Matthew J. Mims and Grace Ann Mims). Section 6, Assessing Student Engagement, contains: (41) Documenting the Beneficial Effects of Student Engagement: Assessing Student Learning Outcomes (R. Eric Landrum); (42) Using Standardized Tests to Assess Institution-Wide Student Engagement (Jeanne M. Butler); (43) Assessing Civic Engagement (Katrina H. Norvell and Sherril B. Gelmon); (44) Assessing Course Student Engagement (B. Jean Mandernach, Emily Donnelli-Sallee and Amber Dailey-Hebert); (45) Working with Students to Promote Engagement in Departmental and University-Wide Assessment (Kenneth E. Barron and Jeanne Butler); (46) Secret Agents, Alien Spies, and a Quest to Save the World: Engaging Students in Scientific Reasoning and Critical Thinking through Operation ARIES! (Heather A. Butler, Carol Forsyth and Diane F. Halpern); and (47) I Have One Question: Engaging Students through Formative Assessment (Rob McEntarffer). Individual papers contain tables, figures, references and appendices.