The purpose of this study was to examine the ways that teachers use Connected Classroom Technology (CCT) to potentially support achievement on translation problems that require moving between algebraic representations. Four mathematics classrooms were chosen based on their gain scores on pre- and post-test Algebraic translation problems. Two classrooms with the highest and the lowest gain scores were chosen among the classrooms with pre-test scores that were below 50%. This study used video-recorded observational data and found that teachers in effective classrooms created environments wherein students used multiple representations simultaneously and translated between representations through discussion. In contrast, teachers in less effective classrooms fostered environments wherein students used representations independently and missed opportunities to translate representations through discussion. [For the complete proceedings, see ED583608.]
BIG data, DATA mining, DATABASES, PROBLEM solving, STOCKS (Finance)
The author discusses the importance of big data for businesses. He cites an article which suggests that companies using data and business analytics to guide decision making are more productive and experience higher equity returns compared with companies that do not. He also notes the common pitfalls of big data initiatives.