Rad se sastoji od istraživačkog dijela (sociološkog) i filozofskog dijela. Cilj istraživačkog dijela rada bio je dobiti uvid u stavove studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prema pojedinim imigrantima, a filozofskog dijela rada pokušati dati odgovor na pitanje o važnosti razvoja kritičkoga mišljenja te promicanja tolerancije u nastavi filozofije, logike i etike. Utvrđivala se korelacija između predrasuda i socijalne distance odnosno spremnosti na stupanje u socijalni kontakt sa pojedinim etničkim skupinama. Predrasude su se ispitivale u vidu realistične i simboličke prijetnje. Realistična prijetnja podrazumijeva strah od gubitka ekonomske i političke moći te strah od fizičke i materijalne ugroze, dok se simbolička očituje u vidu straha od ugroze vrijednosti grupe kojoj pripadamo, strah da ćemo morati mijenjati način života, kulturu, vjeru... Simboličke se predrasude često smatraju prikrivenima, za razliku od otvorenih koje odražavaju izravnu nesnošljivost prema pripadnicima vanjske grupe. Ispitani studenti zagrebačkog sveučilišta iskazuju relativno nizak stupanj predrasuda, nizak stupanj percepcije prijetnje sigurnosti i imovni građana RH od strane pojedinih etničkih, nacionalnih, vjersko-religijskih te kulturoloških skupina, što je još jedan oblik predrasuda, odnosno percepcija realistične prijetnje i prediktor diskriminativnog ponašanja prema imigrantima. Sukladno rezultatima koji pokazuju relativno niske razine predrasuda, studenti pokazuju nisku razinu diskriminativnih stavova te relativno nisku razinu socijalne distance prema pojedinim etničkim skupinama. No, studenti koji su iskazali veću razinu predrasuda iskazuju i veći stupanj socijalne distance čime se potvrdila hipoteza o povezanosti predrasuda i distance prema imigrantima. Studenti tehničkih, prirodoslovnih i biomedicinskih fakulteta u usporedbi sa studentima društveno - humanističkih fakulteta u većem stupnju izražavaju predrasude prema imigrantima. Studenti koji se politički pozicioniraju na centru i desnom spektru, studenti koji su deklarirali vjeroispovijest, studenti s većim stupnjem vjerskog uvjerenja i religijske pripadnosti iskazuju veću razinu predrasuda prema imigrantima te veću razinu socijalne distance prema pojedinim etničkim skupinama u usporedbi sa studentima koji nisu religiozni/agnostici/ateisti i koji su lijevo orijentirani. Sagledavanje stvari iz tuđe perspektive, sposobnost da se „stavimo u tuđe cipele“ preduvjet je ka ostvarenju tolerancije. Tolerancija počiva na poštovanju, prihvaćanju i uvažavanju drugih i drugačijih. U tom smislu predmeti poput etike i filozofije u većoj mjeri od predmeta prirodnih znanosti, utječu na formiranje stavova i sustava vrijednosti učenika. Stoga se u ovome radu promovira učenje toleranciji kao prijeko potrebnom odgojnom idealu svih školskih programa. This study consists of the investigative (sociological) and the philosophical part. The goal of the investigative part of the study was to gain insight into the opinion of the students of University of Zagreb on different groups of immigrants, and the goal of the philosophical part was to give an answer to the question of importance of the development of critical thinking and the promotion of tolerance in the teaching of philosophy, logic and ethics. The goal was to establish a correlation between prejudice and social distancing, i.e. readiness to initiate a social contact between different ethnic groups. The prejudice was investigated through experiencing of both realistic and symbolic threats. The realistic threat implies fear of losing economic and political power as well as fear of physical harm and harm to property, while the symbolic threat manifests in the form of fear of endangering the values of one's own group or fear of having to change one's own lifestyle, culture, religion, etc. While symbolic prejudice is often perceived as concealed, open prejudice displays clear animosity towards the members of an outside group. Questioned students of the University of Zagreb showed relatively low levels of prejudice towards and low levels of perception of the threat towards the safety and property of Croatian citizens from the members of specific ethnic, national, religious and cultural groups, which would be another form of prejudice, i.e. perception of realistic threat and predictor of discriminatory behavior towards immigrants. In accordance with the results which showed relatively low levels of prejudice, the students showed low levels of discriminatory views and relatively low levels of social distancing in regard to specific ethnic groups. However, students who showed higher levels of prejudice also showed higher levels of social distancing, which confirms the hypothesis of a relation between prejudice and distancing in regard to the immigrants. Students of technical, natural science and biomedical faculties showed more prejudice towards the immigrants when compared with the students of social science faculties. Students who declared themselves as being politically on the centre or right wing, students who declared themselves as having a religion, and students who claimed a higher degree of religious belief and belonging showed higher levels of prejudice towards immigrants as well as higher levels of social distancing towards specific ethnic groups compared to atheists/non-religious/agnostics and politically left oriented. Seeing things from someone else's perspective – the ability to „put ourselves in someone else's shoes“ – is a prerequisite for realization of tolerance. Tolerance is based on respect and acceptance of those who are different from us. In that sense, subjects like ethics and philosophy affect the formation of views and value systems to a greater extent than STEM subjects. Therefore, this study promotes teaching of tolerance as a crucial educational ideal of all school programs.