Responding to the effects of the earthquake and tsunami in 2004, Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam-Nias (BRR NAD-Nias) was assigned as the coordinating and executing agency for improving the region in Aceh province and Nias islands in Indonesia. The allocation for the projects directly implemented by the BRR was approximately USD 2.6 billion. Based on local regulation, these assets must be turned over to the Aceh government. Although most assets were already occupied, neither an appropriate handover nor external project evaluation was conducted. This preliminary study surveyed opinions from building users regarding building quality, the need for building evaluation, and the general opinion for occupying assets with no appropriate handover process in a post-disaster context. The samples included a school, health center, and a sub-district level government office in Banda Aceh city. This study used descriptive methods and a quantitative approach. Results showed the majority of respondents doubted the quality and condition of the assets and agreed with the importance of conducting asset evaluation. However, they are uncertain whether occupying assets before an appropriate handover was appropriate because the post-disaster situation required assets to be functional as soon as possible.