Nujni carski rez ima za žensko lahko veliko negativnih psiholoških posledic. Eden ključnih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na doživljanje poroda, je okolje, v katerem ženska rodi. Pomembno je tako širše okolje, kultura, iz katere porodnica izhaja, kot tudi specifično okolje porodnišnice, v kateri rodi. Ženske namreč svojo predstavo o porodu zgradijo na podlagi javnega diskurza o porodu, ki je v Sloveniji bolj naklonjen vaginalnemu porodu, v porodnišnici pa prevladuje biomedicinski diskurz, ki zagovarja rabo medicinskih intervencij, med katere spada tudi carski rez. Zaradi neizpolnjene predstave o porodu pogosto pride do občutka izgube nadzora, ki je najpomembnejši dejavnik za slabši psihološki izid poroda. V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala pomen predstav o porodu in različne porodnišnične prakse pri izkušnji carskega reza. V kvalitativni raziskavi sem uporabila kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo. Opravila sem tri skupinske intervjuje s skupno 11 ženskami, ki so rodile z nujnim carskim rezom v ljubljanski, postojnski ali jeseniški porodnišnici. Ugotovila sem, da so ženske po carskem rezu občutile veliko različnih čustev, kot so strah, žalost, jeza, razočaranje, stres, nesposobnost in manjvrednost, kljub temu pa je bilo najbolj pogosto čustvo veselje. Porodnice so največji vpliv pripisovale odnosu zdravstvenih delavcev do njih, pa tudi porodnišničnim protokolom, kot sta sprožanje in pospeševanje poroda, vrsti uporabljene anestezije, prvemu stiku z otrokom po porodu in bivanju v porodnišnici. Prav tako so se vse spoprijemale z neizpolnjenimi pričakovanji o porodu, saj so si vse predstavljale, da bodo rodile vaginalno. Doprinos magistrskega dela vidim v osvetlitvi konteksta izvajanja nujnega carskega reza in možnih negativnih posledic, k čemur lahko prispevajo porodnišnice s svojimi praksami. Psihološke posledice carskega reza vplivajo tako na delovanje mame kot tudi otroka, zato je tej tematiki pomembno posvetiti pozornost. Emergency cesarean section can have a lot of negative psychlogical consequences for a woman. One of the key factors, that effect woman's birth experience is the enviroment in which she gives birth. Both the enviroment she comes from and the enviroment she gives birth in are important for her experience. Women build their expectations of their birth experience on publick discourse about birth, and in Slovenia public discourse is more on the side of vaginal birth. And the discours in the maternity ward is biomedical, which means it promotes the use of medical interventions such as cesarean section. If the woman's expectations of her birth experience aren't met it can often lead to the sense of loss of control and the loss of control is the most important factor for poor psychological outcome of birth. in my masters thesis I am going to explore the impact of women's expectations about birth experience and different maternity hospital practices on woman's experience of cesarean section. Empirically I researched this with three group interviews with 11 women who gave birth via emergency cesarean section in maternity hospitals in Ljubljana, Postojna and Jesenice. Women felt a lot of different emotions after cesarean, such as fear, sorrow, anger, disapointment, stress, incompetence and inferiority, the most common emotion was joy. Medical staff and hospital protocols had the biggest impacts on the emotional outcome. All of them also faced unmet expectations about their delivery, because they all imagined giving birth vaginaly. But despite all the negative emotions and having given birth via cesarean section non of them suffered from psichological disorders such as postpartum depression, PTSD or postpartum psychosis. This subject is important, because the psychological consequences of cesarean section impact functioning of mother and baby. The importance of this masters thesis is enlightening the context of emergency cesarean section and possible negative outcomes of it on which maternity hospitals have a great impact with their protocols.