1. Annotated World Bibliography of Host Plants of the Melon Fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
- Author
McQuate, Grant T., Liquido, Nicanor J., and Nakamichi, Kelly A. A.
- Subjects
Cactaceae ,Malvales ,Musaceae ,Ranunculales ,Myrtaceae ,Malpighiales ,Liliopsida ,Asparagales ,Fabales ,Rubiaceae ,Arecaceae ,Asteraceae ,Moraceae ,Sapindaceae ,Magnoliales ,Vitales ,Passifloraceae ,Meliaceae ,Plantae ,Pandanaceae ,Malvaceae ,Solanaceae ,Amaranthaceae ,Asterales ,Poales ,Phyllanthaceae ,Euphorbiaceae ,Cucurbitales ,Fabaceae ,Biodiversity ,Brassicales ,Loganiaceae ,Berberidaceae ,Caryophyllales ,Lamiales ,Sapindales ,Ebenaceae ,Vitaceae ,Fagales ,Ericaceae ,Canellaceae ,Calophyllaceae ,Anacardiaceae ,Zingiberales ,Annonaceae ,Capparaceae ,Poaceae ,Juglandaceae ,Arecales ,Magnoliopsida ,Lauraceae ,Combretaceae ,Pandanales ,Rosales ,Rosaceae ,Rutaceae ,Taxonomy ,Sapotaceae ,Lamiaceae ,Solanales ,Myrtales ,Rhamnaceae ,Amaryllidaceae ,Agavaceae ,Caricaceae ,Lardizabalaceae ,Apocynaceae ,Tracheophyta ,Cucurbitaceae ,Canellales ,Brassicaceae ,Laurales ,Bignoniaceae ,Gentianales ,Ericales - Abstract
McQuate, Grant T., Liquido, Nicanor J., Nakamichi, Kelly A. A. (2017): Annotated World Bibliography of Host Plants of the Melon Fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Insecta Mundi 2017 (527): 1-339, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5353580, {"references": ["Agarwal, M. L., D. D. Sharma, and O. Rahman. 1987. Melon fruit-fly and its control. Indian Horticulture 32: 10-11.", "Agarwal, M. L., and S. S. Yazdani. 1991. A note on growth potential of melon fruit fly, Dacus (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae Coquillett in relation to certain host plants in North Bihar. Journal of Research, Birsa Agricultural University (BAU) 3: 61-62.", "Agrawal, N., and Y. K. Mathur. 1991. The fruit fly problem associated with cultivated crops in India and its control. p. 140-151. In: S. Vijaysegaran and A. G. Ibrahim (eds.). Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on fruit flies in the tropics, Kuala Lumpur, 1988. 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