Aranda Reneo, Isaac, Albornos Muñoz, Laura, Rich Ruiz, Manuel, Cidoncha Moreno, María Ángeles, Pastor López, Ángeles, Moreno Casbas, María Teresa, Otago Project Working Group, Bays Moneo, Ana Beatriz, Universidad Pública de Navarra. Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud, Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa. Osasun Zientziak Saila, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Gobierno de Murcia, Gobierno Vasco, Gobierno de la Región de Murcia (España), Basque Government (España), Otago Project Working Group, [Aranda-Reneo,I] Economics and Finance Department, Faculty of Social Science, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Talavera de la Reina, Spain. [Albornos-Muñoz,L, Rich-Ruiz,M, Cidoncha-Moreno,MA, Moreno-Casbas,T] Nursing and Healthcare Research Unit (Investén-isciii), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. [Albornos-Muñoz,L] Health Services Research on Chronic Patients Network (REDISSEC), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. [Rich-Ruiz,M, Pastor-López,A] Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (IMIBIC), Universidad de Córdoba (UCO), Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía (HURS), Cordoba, Spain. [Rich-Ruiz,M, Moreno-Casbas,T] CIBER on Frailty and Healthy Ageing (CIBERFES), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. [Cidoncha-Moreno,MA] Subdirection of Nursing, General Head Office of Osakidetza Bioaraba, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, and This work was supported by Spanish National Fund for Health Research (ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación), grant numbers PI16CIII/00031 coordinator, PI16/01520, PI16/00821, PI16/01316, PI16/01649, PI16/01042, PI16/01159 and PI16/01312, and Regional Fund for Health Research (País Vasco & Murcia), grant numbers 2016111005 & FFIS17/AP/02/04.
Research has demonstrated that some exercise programs are effective for reducing fall rates in community-dwelling older people, however, the literature is limited in providing clear recommendations of individual or group training as a result of economic evaluation. The objective of this study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of the Otago Exercise Program (OEP) for reducing the fall risk in healthy, non-institutionalized older people. An economic evaluation of a multicenter, blinded, randomized, non-inferiority clinical trial was performed on 498 patients aged over 65 in primary care. Participants were randomly allocated to the treatment or control arms, and group or individual training. The program was delivered in primary healthcare settings and comprised five initial sessions, ongoing encouragement and support to exercise at home, and a reinforcement session after six months. Our hypothesis was that the patients who received the intervention would achieve better health outcomes and therefore need lower healthcare resources during the follow-up, thus, lower healthcare costs. The primary outcome was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, which used the timed up and go test results as an effective measure for preventing falls. The secondary outcomes included differently validated tools that assessed the fall risk. The cost per patient was USD 51.28 lower for the group than the individual sessions in the control group, and the fall risk was 10% lower when exercises had a group delivery. The OEP program delivered in a group manner was superior to the individual method. We observed slight differences in the incremental cost estimations when using different tools to assess the risk of fall, but all of them indicated the dominance of the intervention group. The OEP group sessions were more cost-effective than the individual sessions, and the fall risk was 10% lower.