8 results on '"Šefer Dragan"'
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2. Kvasac u ishrani monogastričnih životinja
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Perić, Dejan, Maksimović, Željko, Grdović, Svetlana, and Šefer, Dragan
- Subjects
non-ruminant nutrition ,ishrana nepreživara ,žive ćelije kvasca ,live yeast cells ,performanse ,performance - Abstract
Kvasac predstavlja nutritivno vredno hranivo koje je bogat izvor proteina visoke biološke vrednosti, kompleksa vitamina B, minerala u tragovima i mnogih drugih korisnih materija. Uglavnom je u upotrebi stočni i pivski kvasac. Suvi stočni kvasac dobija se gajenjem gljivica kvasca (Torula utilisili Saccharomyces species) na različitim podlogama (melasa, celuloza). Ovakav kvasac sadrži 40-60% sirovih proteina visoke biološke vrednosti i svarljivosti. Od esencijalnih aminokiselina bogat je lizinom (3,47%), a sumpornih aminokiselina ima samo 1,14%, što ga razlikuje od animalnih i nekih biljnih proteinskih hraniva. Najbogatiji je izvor vitamina B kompleksa od svih hraniva. Energetska vrednost suvog stočnog kvasca je 10,1 MJ/kg hrane. Obično se koristi u ishrani svinja i živine u količini od 1-7% u smeši. Suvi pivski kvasac se dobija sušenjem svežeg pivskog kvasca nakon filtracije pivske čorbe fermentisane kvaščevim gljivicama (Saccharomyces species). Ovakav kvasac sadrži 40-50% proteina visoke biološke vrednosti i svarljivosti. Energetska vrednost suvog pivskog kvasca je 7,7 MJ/kg hrane. Pored ovoga, u hranu za životinje mogu se dodati i žive ćelije kvasca (Saccharomices cerevisiae) (Live Yeast Cells-LYC) i njihov značaj je višestruk. Žive ćelije kvasca spadaju u grupu potentnih mikroorganizama koji se koriste kao dodatak u hrani za životinje i predstavljaju alternativu za antibiotike koji su se donedavno učestalo koristili u ishrani životinja kao stimulatori rasta. Za ulogu kvasca kao promotera rasta najzaslužniji je mananoligosaharid, izolovan iz spoljašnjeg ćelijskog zida kvasca (S. cerevisiae). Dokazano je da se suplementacijom obroka celim kvascem ili ćelijskim zidom kvasca u količini 1,0- 1,5 g/kg mogu poboljšati performanse rasta i prirasta mesa kod brojlera. Žive ćelije kvasca poseduju velike količine polisaharida, zajedno sa manozom i glukanima, a poznata je njihova uloga i u modulaciji imunološkog odgovora organizma u interakciji sa različitim imunokompetentnim ćelijama. Pored toga, dodavanje živog kvasca u hranu životinja, može uticati na poboljšanje varenja i apsorpciju hranljivih materija iz intestinalnog trakta i to: modulacijom strukture creva, inhibicijom patogenih bakterija i smanjenjem pH vrednosti u crevima (što dovodi do stvaranja organskih kiselina koje deluju kao zakišeljivači). Yeast is a nutritionally valuable feed that is a rich source of proteins of high biological value, vitamin B complex, trace minerals and many other useful substances. Livestock and brewer's yeast are mainly used. Dry yeast as feed is obtained by growing yeast fungi (Torula utilis or Saccharomyces species) on different substrates (molasses, cellulose). This type of yeast contains 40-60% raw proteins of high biological value and digestibility. It is rich in lysine (3.47%) of essential amino acids, and only 1.14% of sulfur amino acids, which distinguishes it from animal and some vegetable protein nutrients. It is the richest source of vitamin B complex of all nutrients. The energy value of dry animal yeast is 10.1 MJ/kg of feed. It is usually used in the nutrition of pigs and poultry in the amount of 1-7% in the mixture. Dry brewer's yeast is obtained by drying fresh brewer's yeast after filtering beer broth fermented with yeast fungi (Saccharomyces species). This type of yeast contains 40-50% protein of high biological value and digestibility. The energy value of dry brewer's yeast is 7.7 MJ/kg. In addition to this, live yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (Live Yeast Cells-LYC) can be added to animal feed and their importance is multiple. Live yeast cells belong to a group of potent microorganisms that are used as an additive in animal feed and represent an alternative to antibiotics, which until recently were often used in animal nutrition as growth stimulators. The most important role of yeast as a growth promoter is mannanoligosaccharide, isolated from the outer cell wall of yeast (S. cerevisiae). It has been proven that supplementing the meal with whole yeast or yeast cell wall in the amount of 1.0-1.5 g/kg can improve growth and meat gain performance in broilers. Living yeast cells possess large amounts of polysaccharides, together with mannose and glucans, and their role in modulating the immune response of the organism in interaction with various immunocompetent cells is known. In addition, the addition of live yeast in feed can improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract by: modulating the structure of the intestine, inhibiting pathogenic bacteria and reducing the pH value in the intestine (which leads to the creation of organic acids that act as acidifiers). Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaja
- Published
- 2023
3. Effects of Adding Different Dosages of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Diet on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Intestinal Morphology, and Gut Microflora of Broilers
- Author
Maksimović, Željko, Starčević, Marija, Šefer, Dragan, Janjić, Jelena, Radovanović, Anita, Radulović, Stamen, Perić, Dejan, and Marković, Radmila
- Subjects
Intestinal morphology ,Broiler ,Live yeast ,Performance ,Intestinal microflora ,Carcass characteristics - Abstract
Th e aim of this study was to evaluate the eff ect of adding diff erent dosages of live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in diet on growth performance, carcass characteristics, intestinal morphology, and gut microfl ora of broilers. Th e study was conducted on 270 oneday old chickens (Ross 308) during a 42-day period. Broilers were randomly allocated to one of three dietary treatments that diff ered in the content of added yeast: no additional yeast; with 0.25 g/kg; and with 0.65 g/kg of added yeast. Each experimental group contained 90 animals. Th e results from our study showed that diet supplemented with 0.25 g/kg of yeast resulted in better growth performance and carcass quality (P
- Published
- 2022
4. Phytobiotika als Antibiotika-Ersatz in der Geflügelfleischproduktion
- Author
Bošković Cabrol, Marija, Ristić, Milan, Šević, Kristina, Đorđević, Jasna, Glišić, Milica, Glamočlija, Nataša, Baltić, Milan Ž., Šefer, Dragan, and Marković, Radmila
- Subjects
Leistung ,Essential oils ,Performance ,Cobb ,Zimtaldehyd ,Krypta [Verhältnis Villus] ,Cinnamaldehyde ,crypt ratio [Villus] ,Ätherische Öle ,Thymol - Abstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of three phytogenic feed additives on broiler growth performance, carcass traits, intestinal morphology and meat sensory attributes. 240 onedayold, unsexed Cobb500 broilers were divided into four groups: with control feed (C), with control feed with phytobiotic containing thymol (PFA I), with control feed with phytobiotic containing cinnamaldehyde and thymol (PFA II) or with control feed with phytobiotic which contain cumin, mint, clove and anise (PFA III). They were fed until 42 days of age. The phytobiotic additives decreased feed intake, while body weight and weight gain (P < 0.05) were higher compared with the control group of broilers. The best weight gain had broilers fed with phytobiotic containing thymol. The feed conversion was improved by the administration of phytogenic feed additives (P < 0.05). Broilers fed phytogenic additives had increased villus height in duodenum and ileum, increased villus width in ileum and cecum, and lower cecal crypt depth compared to the control group. Meat from the control broilers achieved the lowest sensory acceptability scores, while meat from birds fed the thymol plus cinnamaldehyde supplemented diet had the best odor and flavor. This study provides additional evidence that phytogenic feed additive consumption could have overall beneficial effects. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Einfluss von drei phytogenen Futtermittelzusätzen auf das Wachstum von Broilern, die Schlachtkörpermerkmale, die Darmmorphologie und die sensorischen Eigenschaften des Fleisches zu bewerten. 240 Eintagsküken beider Geschlechter der Herkunft Cobb500- Broiler wurden in vier Gruppen eingeteilt: mit Kontrollfutter (C), mit Kontrollfutter mit Thymol (PFA I) enthaltendem Phytobiotikum, mit Kontrollfutter mit Zimtaldehyd und Thymol (PFA II) enthaltendem Phytobiotikum und mit Kontrollfutter mit Phytobiotika, die Kümmel, Minze, Nelke und Anis (PFA III) enthalten. Die Fütterung erfolgte bis zum Alter von 42 Tagen. Die phytobiotischen Zusatzstoffe verringerten die Futteraufnahme, während Körpergewicht und Gewichtszunahme (P < 0.05) im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe der Broiler höher waren. Die beste Gewichtszunahme hatten Broiler, die mit Phytobiotika gefüttert wurden, die Thymol enthielten. Die Futterverwertung wurde durch die Verabreichung von phytobiotischen Futterzusätzen (P < 0.05) verbessert. Broiler, die mit phytogenen Zusätzen gefüttert wurden, hatten im Zwölffingerdarm und im Ileum eine erhöhte Villus-Höhe, im Ileum und im Blinddarm eine größere Villus-Breite und im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe eine geringere Tiefe der Krypta. Das Fleisch der Kontrollgruppe erreichte die niedrigsten sensorischen Akzeptanzwerte, während das Fleisch der Broiler, die mit Thymol plus Zimtaldehyd-supplementierter Diät gefüttert wurden, den besten Geruch und Geschmack hatte. Diese Studie liefert zusätzliche Beweise dafür, dass die Aufnahme phytogener Futterzusatzstoffe insgesamt positive Auswirkungen haben könnte.
- Published
- 2021
5. Effects of fish meal replacement by red earthworm (lumbricus rubellus) meal on broilers performance and health
- Author
Janković, Ljiljana, Radenkovic-Damnjanović, Brana, Vučinić, Marijana, Šefer, Dragan, Teodorović, Radislava, Đorđević, Milutin, and Radisavljević, Katarina
- Subjects
nutrition ,broilers ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,earthworm meal ,performance - Abstract
The research was performed to determine the nutritive value of raw earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus) and dried earthworm powder, or earthworm meal (EM). In addition, the effects of a diet in which fish meal was substituted with EM or fresh earthworms on the health and productive performance of broilers were monitored. The experiment, which lasted 42 days, was conducted on one hundred Hybro G broilers divided into four equal groups. The control group was fed a standard feed, whereas, the first and the second one were given diets in which 50% or 100% of fish meal had been substituted with EM. The third experimental group received no fish meal but was given fresh earthworms ad libitum. The results of chemical analyses showed that earthworm meal contained 41.42% proteins (in dry matter) and satisfactory amounts of amino acids. Microbiological examination and tests for heavy metals suggest that earthworm meal and fresh earthworms did not contain heavy metals and harmful bacteria. Therefore, these feeds may be considered suitable for chickens. In the experiment as a whole no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) was observed in the productive performance between the experimental groups of broiler chickens. These results suggest that dehydrated earthworm meal can be an adequate substitute for fish meal in the broilers feed.
- Published
- 2015
6. Uticaj različitih stimulatora rasta na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate brojlera u tovu
- Author
Marković, Radmila, Baltić, Milan Ž., Radosavac, Adriana, and Šefer, Dragan
- Subjects
growth promoters ,brojleri ,zdravstveno stanje ,stimulatori rasta ,health status ,broiler ,performance ,proizvodni rezultati - Abstract
U cilju ispitivanja uticaja različitih stimulatora rasta u ishrani brojlera na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate organizovan je ogled po grupno-kontrolnom sistemu. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 236 jedinki podeljenih u 4 grupe. Ogled je trajao 42 dana, a podeljen je u tri faze. Prva faza trajala je 21, druga 14, a treća 7 dana. Na početku ogleda uzeti su uzoraci potpunih smeša za analizu. Tokom ogleda izvršena su kontrolna merenja telesne mase brojlera i količine konzumirane hrane. Brojleri su hranjeni sa tri vrste potpunih smeša za ishranu brojlera u tovu standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava koje su u potpunosti zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u različitim fazama tova. Potpuna smeša za početni tov brojlera korišćena je 1–21 dan, a potpune smeša za završni tov 21–35, odnosno 35–42 dana ogleda. Tokom ogleda kontrolna grupa brojlera hranjena je smešama bez stimulatora rasta, dok su ogledne grupe, po redosledu (O-I, O-II, O-III), dobijale hranu sa dodatkom antibiotika (Flavomycin), probiotika (All-Lac) ili prebiotika (Bio-Mos). Brojleri kontrolne i oglednih grupa bili su skladne telesne građe, pravilno razvijenog koštanog i mišićnog tkiva, živahnog temperamenta i dobre kondicije. Perje, koža i vidljive sluznice bile su bez vidljivih promena. Apetit je bio dobar, a feces uobičajeno formiran. Sposobnost aktivnog kretanja i koordinacija pokreta bili su usklađeni, a mišićni tonus normalno izražen. Tokom ogleda nije bilo uginuća oglednih životinja. Kontrolna grupa brojlera hranjena smešama bez dodatog stimulatora rasta postigla je uobičajene proizvodne rezultate za provenijenciju, dužinu tova i uslove držanja, a primenom antibiotika kao stimulatora rasta postižu se pozitivni efekti što se zasniva na većem prirastu (oko 5%), boljoj konzumaciji i boljoj konverziji hrane (oko 6%) prosečno. Upotrebom probiotika (prirast 43,17±5,02 g; konzumacija 83,50 g; konverzija 1,934 kg) i prebiotika (prirast 44,58±4,76 g; konzumacija 81,84 g; konverzija 1,836 kg) postižu se slični proizvodni rezultati kao pri korišćenju antibiotika s tim što se izbegavaju mogući neželjeni efekti (rezidue, karenca, rezistencija, alergije, genotoksičnost i dr.). Korišćenje probiotika i prebiotika kao alternativnih mogućnosti u stimulaciji rasta ima svoje nutritivno, medicinsko i ekonomsko opravdanje. The 42 day long trial was performed in order to evaluate the influence of different growth promoters (GP) in broiler nutrition on health status and performance. The trial was carried out on 236 broilers divided into four groups. The experiment was divided into three phases, which lasted 21, 14 and 7 days, respectively. At the beginning of the trial samples of feed mixtures were taken for analysis. During the experiment body weights were measured. The broilers were fed with complete feed mixtures containing standard ingredients and chemical compounds for broiler nutrition. Complete starter feed were used from 1-21st day, while growing and finishing feeds were used from 21-35th and 35-42nd day of trial. Control group of broilers was fed mixture without GP, while broilers in experimental groups, in the order (O-I, O-II, O-III), were fed mixtures with antibiotic (Flavomycin), probiotic (All-Lac) or prebiotic (Bio-Mos). Broilers of both control and experimental groups, were of harmonically physique, regularly developed bone and muscle tissue, vivaciously tempers and good condition. Feather, skin and visible mucous tissues didn’t have visible changes. Appetite was good, feces normally formed. Ability of locomotion and motion coordination were harmonic, muscle tonus normally marked. There were no losses during experiment due to death of animals. Control group (C) of broilers fed mixtures without growth promoters showed standard performance for provenience, duration of fattening and environmental conditions, but using antibiotics as growth promoters gave positive effect with increased weight gain (approximately 5%), consumption and better feed conversion (approx. 6%). Use of probiotics (gain 43,17±5,02 g; consumption 83,50 g; conversion 1,934 kg) and prebiotics (gain 44,58±4,76 g; consumption 81,84 g; conversion 1,836 kg) has shown similar performances as obtained by use of antibiotics, but undesirable effects were eliminated (residues, withdrawal period, resistance, allergy, genotoxic effects). The use of probiotics and prebiotics as an alternative growth promoter has its nutritive, medical and economical justification.
- Published
- 2008
7. Ispitivanje uticaja prirodnih stimulatora rasta na zdravstveno stanje i proizvodne rezultate prasadi u odgoju
- Author
Radulović, Stamen, Šefer, Dragan, Krnjajić, Dejan, Marković, Radmila, Jakić-Dimić, Dobrila, and Ivetić, Vojin
- Subjects
growth promoters ,morphology ,morfologija ,pigs ,stimulatori rasta ,prasad ,performance ,proizvodni rezultati - Abstract
Rezime: U cilju ispitivanja uticaja različitih stimulatora rasta u ishrani prasadi na proizvodne rezultate i zdravstveno stanje organizovan je ogled po grupnokontrolnom sistemu na farmi registrovanog gazdinstva u Malim Radincima. Ogled je trajao 40 dana, a podeljen je u dve faze od po 20 dana. Za ogled je korišćeno 48 prasadi, melezi švedskog landrasa i pietrena, odbijenih od krmače u starosti od 35 dana. Ispitivanja su izvedena na prasadima oba pola, prosečne telesne mase 8,61±1,59 kg koja su odmah nakon odbijanja raspoređena u jedan od četiri hranidbena tretmana. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena je smešom bez stimulatora rasta, dok su ogledne grupe, po redosledu, dobijale hranu sa dodatkom preparata probiotika, prebiotika ili fitobiotika u količinama preporučenim od strane proizvođača. Tokom ogleda praćeno je zdravstveno stanje i proizvodni rezultati prasadi. Na početku i kraju svake faze ogleda izvršeno je merenje telesne mase životinja, utrošak hrane kao i uzimanje uzoraka potpunih smeša za analizu a iz dobijenih podataka vršeno je izračunavanje ostalih proizvodnih rezultata. Na kraju druge faze ogleda izvršeno je planirano žrtvovanje po 6 jedinki iz svake grupe, a prilikom žrtvovanja uzeti su uzorci creva i crevnog sadržaja za fizičko-hemijska, mikrobiološka i histološka ispitivanja. Tokom ogleda nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja i/ili ispoljavanja kliničkih znakova oboljenja. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena smešama bez dodatog stimulatora rasta postgla je uobičajenu telesnu masu, dnevni prirast, konzumaciju i konverziju hrane za datu rasu, starost i uslove držanja. Korišćenjem stimulatora rasta postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, s tim da je upotreba probiotika rezultirala najboljim proizvodnim rezultatima zasnovanim na najvećoj postignutoj telesnoj masi (27,98±4,76 kg), najvećem ostvarenom prosečnom dnevnom prirastu (0,49±0,09 kg) i najboljoj konverziji hrane (1,959). Upotrebom stimulatora rasta smanjen je ukupan broj bakterija u ispitivanim delovima digestivnog trakta, čime je povećana dostupnost hranljivih materija domaćinu. Pozitivan uticaj dodatih stimulatora rasta na morfometrijske karakteristike sluznice creva ostvaren je povećanjem dužine i širine crevnih resica u jejunumu, kao i dubine kripti u cekumu čime je povećan resorptivni kapacitet crevne sluznice... Summary: In order to investigate the influence of different growth promoters in pigs nutrition on the performance and health status trial was organized by a groupcontrol system on the registered farm in Mali Radinci. The experiment lasted 40 days and was divided into two phases, 20 days of each. For the experiment 48 piglets were used, Swedish Landrace and Pietrain, weaned at the age of 35 days. Examinations were carried out on pigs, with an average body weight of 8.61±1.59 kg, which were arranged immediately after weaning into the one of the four feeding treatments. The control group was fed a mixture without growth promoters, while the experimental groups, in order, had a diet containing product of probiotics, prebiotics or phytobiotics in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer. During the experiment, health status and prerformances of pigs have been observed. At the beginning and at the end of each phase of the experiment, animal body weight and feed consumption were evaluated, as well as sampling of complete mixtures for analysis and with obtained data was performed calculating of other production items. At the end of the second phase of the experiment planned sacrifice was carried out on the 6 animals in each group, and samples of intestine and intestinal content were taken for the physico-chemical, microbiological and histological examination. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health and manifestation of clinical signs of disease were not recorded. The control group of pigs fed a diet without added growth stimulators achieved normal body weight, daily gain, feed consumption and feed conversion for a given race, age and housing conditions. Using the growth stimulators led to the better performances compared to the control group, with the probiotics resulted in the best production results based on the maximum achieved body weight (27.98±4.76 kg), the largest average daily gain (0.49±0.09 kg) and the best feed conversion (1.959)...
- Published
- 2014
8. Examination of influence of natural growth promoters on the health status and performances of rearing pigs
- Author
Radulović, Stamen, Šefer, Dragan, Krnjaić, Dejan, Marković, Radmila, Jakić-Dimić, Dobrila, and Ivetić, Vojin
- Subjects
growth promoters ,morphology ,morfologija ,pigs ,stimulatori rasta ,prasad ,performance ,proizvodni rezultati - Abstract
Summary: In order to investigate the influence of different growth promoters in pigs nutrition on the performance and health status trial was organized by a groupcontrol system on the registered farm in Mali Radinci. The experiment lasted 40 days and was divided into two phases, 20 days of each. For the experiment 48 piglets were used, Swedish Landrace and Pietrain, weaned at the age of 35 days. Examinations were carried out on pigs, with an average body weight of 8.61±1.59 kg, which were arranged immediately after weaning into the one of the four feeding treatments. The control group was fed a mixture without growth promoters, while the experimental groups, in order, had a diet containing product of probiotics, prebiotics or phytobiotics in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer. During the experiment, health status and prerformances of pigs have been observed. At the beginning and at the end of each phase of the experiment, animal body weight and feed consumption were evaluated, as well as sampling of complete mixtures for analysis and with obtained data was performed calculating of other production items. At the end of the second phase of the experiment planned sacrifice was carried out on the 6 animals in each group, and samples of intestine and intestinal content were taken for the physico-chemical, microbiological and histological examination. During the experiment, there was no disturbance of health and manifestation of clinical signs of disease were not recorded. The control group of pigs fed a diet without added growth stimulators achieved normal body weight, daily gain, feed consumption and feed conversion for a given race, age and housing conditions. Using the growth stimulators led to the better performances compared to the control group, with the probiotics resulted in the best production results based on the maximum achieved body weight (27.98±4.76 kg), the largest average daily gain (0.49±0.09 kg) and the best feed conversion (1.959)... Rezime: U cilju ispitivanja uticaja različitih stimulatora rasta u ishrani prasadi na proizvodne rezultate i zdravstveno stanje organizovan je ogled po grupnokontrolnom sistemu na farmi registrovanog gazdinstva u Malim Radincima. Ogled je trajao 40 dana, a podeljen je u dve faze od po 20 dana. Za ogled je korišćeno 48 prasadi, melezi švedskog landrasa i pietrena, odbijenih od krmače u starosti od 35 dana. Ispitivanja su izvedena na prasadima oba pola, prosečne telesne mase 8,61±1,59 kg koja su odmah nakon odbijanja raspoređena u jedan od četiri hranidbena tretmana. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena je smešom bez stimulatora rasta, dok su ogledne grupe, po redosledu, dobijale hranu sa dodatkom preparata probiotika, prebiotika ili fitobiotika u količinama preporučenim od strane proizvođača. Tokom ogleda praćeno je zdravstveno stanje i proizvodni rezultati prasadi. Na početku i kraju svake faze ogleda izvršeno je merenje telesne mase životinja, utrošak hrane kao i uzimanje uzoraka potpunih smeša za analizu a iz dobijenih podataka vršeno je izračunavanje ostalih proizvodnih rezultata. Na kraju druge faze ogleda izvršeno je planirano žrtvovanje po 6 jedinki iz svake grupe, a prilikom žrtvovanja uzeti su uzorci creva i crevnog sadržaja za fizičko-hemijska, mikrobiološka i histološka ispitivanja. Tokom ogleda nije došlo do poremećaja zdravstvenog stanja i/ili ispoljavanja kliničkih znakova oboljenja. Kontrolna grupa prasadi hranjena smešama bez dodatog stimulatora rasta postgla je uobičajenu telesnu masu, dnevni prirast, konzumaciju i konverziju hrane za datu rasu, starost i uslove držanja. Korišćenjem stimulatora rasta postignuti su bolji proizvodni rezultati u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, s tim da je upotreba probiotika rezultirala najboljim proizvodnim rezultatima zasnovanim na najvećoj postignutoj telesnoj masi (27,98±4,76 kg), najvećem ostvarenom prosečnom dnevnom prirastu (0,49±0,09 kg) i najboljoj konverziji hrane (1,959). Upotrebom stimulatora rasta smanjen je ukupan broj bakterija u ispitivanim delovima digestivnog trakta, čime je povećana dostupnost hranljivih materija domaćinu. Pozitivan uticaj dodatih stimulatora rasta na morfometrijske karakteristike sluznice creva ostvaren je povećanjem dužine i širine crevnih resica u jejunumu, kao i dubine kripti u cekumu čime je povećan resorptivni kapacitet crevne sluznice...
- Published
- 2014
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