本研究は,発達障害児の早期発見・早期療育への現状と課題を検討する為に,3名の保育者を対象に子どもの保護者をどのようにとらえてかかわっているかを明らかにすることを目的として質的記述的研究を行った。保育者は,【さまざまな保護者がいる】,【保護者は気づきにくい】ととらえていた。そのために保育者は,【保護者に子どもの問題へ気づいてもらう】,【保護者へ伝えるタイミングをはかる】,【保護者との信頼関係の構築に努める】,【専門機関への受診・相談をすすめる】ようにかかわっていた。そして,【専門機関との情報交換・連携が欲しい】とも感じていた。保育者が発達に問題がある子どもに気づいても,保護者からのアプローチがなければ専門機関と連携をとることは困難であるという現状があった。早期発見・早期療育につなげるためには,現在の健診に加えて,保育者,医療従事者,教育者,保健・福祉専門職間の情報交換や協力・連携が求められる。, We conducted a qualitative and descriptive study on three childcare workers’ perspectives on the present situation and problems in early detection and treatment of children who are suspected of having developmental problems, to clarify their perceptions and involvement with parents of such children.The childcare workers felt that parents’ characteristics varied greatly and that it was difficult for parents to detect their children’s developmental problems. Therefore, they made efforts to remind parents of their children’s problems, looked for the right time to tell them about such problems, built a trusting relationship with parents, and advised them to seek consultation from specialized medical institutions. The childcare workers also felt that they needed to exchange information and collaborate with specialized medical institutions.In the current situation, when childcare workers detect a developmental problem in a child, it is difficult for them to collaborate with a specialized medical institution unless there is a request from the child’s parent. In order to promote early detection and treatment, information exchange, cooperation and collaboration between childcare workers, medical professionals, educators, and health and welfare professionals are required in addition to the medical examinations that are conducted currently.