Tubulanus rhabdotus Corr��a, 1955 (Figure 2 [1]) Tubulanus rhabdotus: Corr��a, 1955: 12, pl. 1, figs 1���6, pl. 2, figs 7���9, pl. 3, figs 10, 11, pl. 4, figs 12���18; Corr��a, 1961: 5, figs 5, 6; Corr��a, 1963: 42; Fox & Ruppert, 1985: 37; Norenburg, 1985: 40, fig. 4; Jespersen & L��tzen, 1987: 187; Jespersen, 1994: 124; Gibson, 1995: 531; Reunov & Klepal, 1997: 132; Stricker et al. 2001: 225; Thollesson & Norenburg, 2003: 409; Ritger & Norenburg, 2006: 932; Santos & Norenburg, 2011. Material examined. One specimen, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 1, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 29.I. 2010. Two specimens, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 2, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 13.X. 2010. Three specimens, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 3, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 12.VIII. 2011. One specimen, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 4, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 01.IX. 2011. One specimen, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 5, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 01.XI. 2011. One specimen, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 6, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 16.VIII. 2012. Two specimens, MZUSP 0 0 0 0 7, Brazil, Cear��, S��o Gon��alo do Amarante, Pec��m harbor, 3 �� 32.08 ��� S 38 �� 47.78 ��� W, on settlement plates, coll. PROCAD team, 20.XI. 2012. One specimen (26 mm long after preservation), MZUSP 0 0 0 0 8, Brazil, Cear��, Caucaia, Praia do Pacheco, 3 �� 41.11 ' S 38 �� 37.91 ' W, between algae, coll. Cecili Mendes, 03.I. 2013. Field diagnosis. Body beige with transverse black rings variably spaced; color persists after fixation; first four rings widest; first ring with median constriction dorsally, interrupted ventrally by mouth. Body with scattered small black dots surrounded by greenish halos; halos can disappear after fixation. Lateral sensory organs visible at fourth black ring as non-pigmented small circular depressions. No eye spots evident. Rhynchopore sub-terminal near anterior margin of cephalic lobe. Distribution. Western Atlantic: USA (Florida [Corr��a 1961]; South Carolina [Fox & Ruppert 1985]); Panama (Bocas del Toro region [Norenburg unpublished data]); Cura��ao (Gibson 1995); Brazil (Cear�� [present study] and S��o Sebasti��o [Corr��a 1955]). Ecology. Worms of this species live in the littoral zone, between algae on rocks, on recruitment plates, on old mangrove roots, under logs in tide pools, in seagrass or algae beds (Corr��a 1955; Corr��a 1961). Most of the specimens in this study were found on offshore recruitment plates installed at Pec��m harbor but one was found among algae. These animals, as others of the genus, produce thin cellophane-like tubes in which they shelter (Corr��a 1961). None of the specimens found in this study were encased in those tubes, some tubes were found on the recruitment plates. Remarks. The only species that can be confused with T. rhabdotus is Tubulanus riceae Ritger and Norenburg, 2006; however adult specimens of the latter generally are smaller, body ground color is whitish, and the lateral sensory organs are in the third dark ring (in the fourth black ring in T. rhabdotus). Specimens collected during the PROCAD project could not be measured because most of them fragmented during the fixation process. Two specimens remained intact and measured 92 mm and 75 mm long. Corr��a (1955; 1961; 1963) reports specimens up to 25 mm long., Published as part of Mendes, Cecili B., Matthews-Cascon, Helena & Norenburg, Jon L., 2016, New records of ribbon worms (Nemertea) from Cear��, Northeast Brazil, pp. 146-156 in Zootaxa 4061 (2) on page 148, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4061.2.4, http://zenodo.org/record/263586, {"references":["Correa, D. D. (1955) Nemertinos do Litoral Brasileiro. Boletim da Faculdade de filosofia, ciencias e letras, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 19, 1 - 119.","Correa, D. D. (1961) Nemerteans from Florida and Virgin Islands. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean, 11, 1 - 44.","Correa, D. D. (1963) Nemerteans from Curacau. Studies on the Fauna of Curacau and other Caribbean islands, 17, 41 - 56.","Fox, R. S. & Ruppert, E. E. (1985) Shallow-Water Marine Benthic Macroinvertebrates of South Carolina. Species Identification, Community Composition, and Symbiotic Associations. Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science No. 14. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, 43 pp.","Norenburg, J. L. (1985) Structure of the nemertine integument with consideration of its ecological and phylogenetic significance. American Zoology, 25, 37 - 51.","Jespersen, A. & Lutzen, J. (1987) Ultrastructure of the nephridio-circulatory connections in Tubulanus annulatus (Nemertini, Anopla). Zoomorphology, 107, 181 - 189. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 00312311","Jespersen, A. (1994) Spermiogenesis, sperm structure and fertilization in the palaeonemertean Cephalothrix rufifrons (Nemertini, Anopla). Zoomorphology, 114, 119 - 124. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 00396644","Gibson, R. 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(2006) Tubulanus riceae new species (Nemertea: Anopla: Palaeonemertea: Tubulanidae), from South Florida, Belize and Panama. Journal of Natural History, 40, 931 - 942. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930600833867","Santos, C. & Norenburg, J. L. (2011) Nemertea. In: Amaral, A. C. Z. & Nallin, S. A. H. (Eds.), Biodiversidade e Ecossistemas Marinhos do Litoral Norte de Sao Paulo Sudeste do Brasil. Biota FAPESP, Campinas, pp. 85 - 99."]}