Ovaj radi bavi se analizom diplomatskih odnosa između Engleske u vrijeme Elizabete I. i Osmanskog Carstva, kulturnim transferima orijentalnih elemenata na elitno društvo Engleske i međuodnosom oba procesa. Rad također uključuje analizu europskih percepcija orijentalnog, tj. osmanskog Drugog kao i širu percepciju kršćanske Europe od strane islamskog svijeta. Povijest percepcija u ovom radu je prikazana kronološki i prvenstveno kroz širu sliku Europe, a zatim i kroz specifično Engleske percepcije, prije i tijekom perioda proučavanja. Diplomatski odnosi analizirani su kroz opsežnu korespondenciju vladara Engleske i Osmanskog Carstva, kao i kroz druge relevantne izvore. Ovaj rad daje sliku o razvitku ideje začetka diplomatskih odnosa, kao i njihov razvoj kroz posljednjih 30-ak godina XVI. stoljeća. Rad uključuje i osvrt na druge islamske zemlje s kojim je Engleska stupila u kontakt kroz XVI. stoljeće i stavljajući ih u kontekst osmanske diplomacije formira se upotpunjenija slika elizabetanske diplomacije s islamskim svijetom. Kultura i kulturni transferi na Engleske elite čine značajan dio rada. Kroz kraći, generalizirani prikaz kulture Osmanskog Carstva i Engleske prije njihovog diplomatskog kontakta stavlja se značaj na promjene koje su uslijedile nakon početka odnosa. Rad se primarno bavi materijalnom kulturom poput tepiha, odjeće, hrane, slikarstva i slično, ali i ne-materijalnim konceptima i idejama koje su također prenijete na Engleske elite. Cilj rada je promatranje međuodnosa ova tri aspekta: percepcija, diplomacije i kulturnih transfera. This paper deals with the analysis of diplomatic relations between England during Elizabeth I. and the Ottoman Empire, the cultural transfers of oriental elements to the elites of England and the interrelationship of both processes. The paper also includes an analysis of European perceptions of the Oriental, i.e. Ottoman Other, as well as the broader perception of Christian Europe by the Islamic world. The history of perceptions in this paper is presented chronologically and primarily through the broader picture of Europe, and then specifically through English perceptions, before and during the period of this study. Diplomatic relations were analyzed through the extensive correspondence of the rulers of England and the Ottoman Empire, as well as through other relevant sources. Through this paper we can see how the development of the idea to begin diplomatic relations was formed, as well as its development throughout the last 30 years of the XVI.th century. The paper also includes an overview of other Islamic countries with which England came into contact through the XVI.th century, and by placing them in the context of Ottoman diplomacy, a more complete picture is formed of Elizabethan diplomacy with the Islamic world. Culture and cultural transfers to the English elites form a significant part of the work. Through a brief, generalized account of the culture of the Ottoman Empire and England before their diplomatic contact, importance is placed on the changes that followed after the beginning of their relations. The work primarily deals with material culture such as carpets, clothing, food, painting and the like, but also non-material concepts and ideas that have been passed on to English elites. The goal of the paper is to observe the interrelationship of these three aspects: perception, diplomacy and cultural transfers.