Claw1d 1.0 is a computer program that performs 2 tasks: numerical solution of initial boundary value problems for one-dimensional conservation laws and solution for related optimal control problems. Three types of conservation laws are included in the present version: 1d pressurized flow equations, open channel flow equations and 1d shallow water equations. For each type of the flow model numerous boundary conditions are included. Numerical solution is based on the application of state of the art numerical methods for hyperbolic conservation law with significant source term: ENOLLF, ENO-Roe, Q-schemes, Hubbards, Roes with source term splitting. Optimal control problems that can be also solved with this program are model calibration problems, problems of finding optimal strategies for manipulations with turbines, pumps, valves, dams, weirs, etc, and optimal shape design problems. The applied optimization method is the genetic algorithm (GA). In the program many different variations of the basic GA operator are implemented. The complete programs code is object oriented and it is written in C++. User interface is developed using the Microsoft Developer Studio Visual C++ 6.0 and it enables the user to easily build a new project, add all the components of the model, define all the necessary data, perform all computations and examine graphically and numerically all the obtained results. Graphical representations are 2d and 3d and are implemented through OpenGL. The programs is and can be applied to problems of gas-liquid mixture flows in pipelines in power plants, ships, oil industry, etc. as well as problems of flow in natural watercourses, artificial channels or propagation of flood waves.