Cilj je ovoga rada bio istražiti ideološke sukobe vezane za aktualnu reformu odgojno-obrazovnoga sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj – Cjelovitu kurikularnu reformu. Posebni ciljevi bili su utvrditi koji su ključni akteri sukoba koji otežavaju njezinu implementaciju, koju ideološku poziciju zastupaju, koji su interesi i ciljevi tih aktera, kojim se argumentima služe kako bi ih ostvarili, koje su teme točke prijepora te za koje se aktere vežu. Kako bismo ostvarili navedene ciljeve, koristili smo metodu studije slučaja i kvalitativnu analizu sadržaja u kojoj je analizirani slučaj bio pokušaj provedbe Cjelovite kurikularne reforme, a analizirani sadržaji bile su tri najčitanija portala u RH:, Več i, zatim mrežne stranice istaknutih aktera: portal, mrežna stranica GOOD inicijative i mrežna stranica stranke Hrast te naposljetku dokument Okvir nacionalnog kurikuluma. Kao okvir analize rezultata koristili smo teoriju konzervativne modernizacije američkoga kritičkog pedagoga Michaela Applea, prema kojoj vodstvo u razvoju obrazovnih politika i obrazovnih reformi preuzima novi savez ili „novi hegemonijski blok“ okupljen ispod prilično velikog kišobrana, u koji spadaju četiri glavne grupe: neoliberali, neokonzervativci, autoritarni populisti te nova srednja klasa stručnjaka i menadžera. Svaka od ovih grupa ima vlastitu relativno autonomnu povijest i dinamiku, ali sve su u isto vrijeme uključene u širi konzervativni pokret. Analiziranjem prikupljenih podataka zaključili smo da su predstavnici svih grupa konzervativne modernizacije prisutni i uključeni u javne rasprave, no nisu svi zastupljeni u jednakim omjerima te nemaju sva obilježja koja je Apple naveo u svojoj teoriji konzervativne modernizacije. Postoji mnogo elemenata pokreta konzervativne modernizacije kako ga opisuje Apple, no nedostaje još veći utjecaj neoliberalne politike u obrazovanju koje bi se uključilo u tržišno natjecanje. U RH su izraženije konzervativne struje te one sve snažnije i glasnije pokušavaju utjecati na obrazovne politike i sadržaje koji se predaju u školama. The aim of this paper was to investigate ideological conflicts related to the current educational system reform in the Republic of Croatia – The Complete Curricular Reform. Specific goals were to identify key conflict actors that hamper its implementation, ideological position they represent, the interests and goals of these actors, arguments they use to achieve their goals, topics of the controversy and the actors that are interested in these topics. In order to achieve these goals we used the case study methodology and qualitative content analysis in which the case was attempted implementation of the Complete Curricular Reform, and the analyzed contents were the three most widely used web portals in Croatia:, Več i, web portals of prominent actors: portal, GOOD initiative website and website of the party Hrast, and finally the document of the National Curriculum Framework. As a framework for the analysis of the results we used the theory of conservative modernization of American critical pedagogue Michael Apple, according to which leadership in the development of educational policies and educational reforms assumes a new alliance or a "new hegemonic block" assembled under a rather large umbrella, consisting of four major groups: neoliberals, neoconservatives, authoritarian populists, and a new middle class of experts and managers. Each of these groups has their own relatively autonomous history and dynamics, but all are simultaneously involved in a wider conservative movement. By analyzing the collected data we concluded that representatives of all groups of conservative modernization are present and involved in public hearings, but not all are represented in equal proportions and do not have all of the features Apple has described in his theory of conservative modernization. There are many elements of the conservative modernization movement described by Apple, but there is still missing a greater influence of the neoliberal policy in education that would be involved in the market competition. The conservative currents in Croatia are more pronounced, and they are trying to influence more and more loudly the educational policies and contents that are being taught in schools.