1. Neutron-rich heavy nuclei
- Author
Gorički, Kristijan, Szilner, Suzana, and Milin, Matko
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,sudari teških iona ,reakcije prijenosa nukleona ,neutron-rich nuclei ,heavy-ion collisions ,multinucleon transfer reactions ,magnetic and gamma spectrometers ,neutronski bogate jezgre ,magnetski i gama spektometri ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
U okviru rada identificirani su karakteristični elektromagnetski prijelazi jezgara olova 205-210^Pb proizvedeni nuklearnom reakcijom 40^Ar+208^Pb mjerenom magnetskim spektrometrom PRISMA u koincidenciji s detektorom gama-zračenja CLARA na akceleratorskom postrojenju INFN - LNL, Italija. U spektrima pobuđenja izotopa olova izazvanih reakcijom prijenosa neutrona opažena su snažna pobuđenja jednočestičnih stanja kao i kolektivnih stanja od kojih je najznačajnije 3^- stanje izotopa 208Pb. Stanje 3^- igra važnu ulogu u spektrima pobuđenja susjednih jezgara. Opažena su i pobuđenja koja se mogu opisati vezanjem kolektivnih i jednočestičnih stanja. Jakosti elektromagnetskih prijelaza korištene su za izvrednjavanje udarnih presjeka pobuđenih stanja te evaluaciju udarnog presjeka osnovnog stanja usporedbom podataka mjerenja fragmenata i fragmenata u koincidenciji s γ- zračenjem. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s kodom GRAZING. Takav postupak nam je pomogao u evaluaciji udarnog presjeka u drugim mjerenjima, posebno onih koji koriste (manje intenzivne) radioaktivne snopove. Pokazalo se da su reakcije prijenosa nukleona pogodne za proizvodnju neutronski bogatih teških jezgara kada se koriste neutronski bogati snopovi kao laki partneri u reakciji. Within the work, characteristic electromagnetic transitions of 205-210Pb isotopes, produced in the 40^Ar + 208^Pb nuclear reaction, were identified. The reaction was measured by a magnetic spectrometer PRISMA coupled to the CLARA gamma-ray detector at the INFN-LNL accelerator complex, Legnaro, Italy. In the neutron transfer channels, strong excitations of single-particle states as well as collective states were observed, the most significant of which was the 3^- state in 208^Pb. The 3^- state plays an important role in the excitation spectra of neighboring nuclei. Excitations of states with the structure that can be described as a coupling of collective and single-particle states have also been observed. The intensities of electromagnetic transitions were used to evaluate cross sections of the ground state by comparing the data where only fragments, with the data where fragments in coincidence with gamma radiation were detected. The obtained results were compared with the code GRAZING. Such a procedure helped us to evaluate cross sections of ground state in other measurements, especially those using (less intensive) radioactive beams. Multinucleon transfer reactions have been shown to be suitable for the production of neutron-rich heavy nuclei when neutron-rich beams are used as light partners in the reaction.
- Published
- 2021