This study attempts to determine whether exercise treadmill testing with clinical, electrocardiographic, and thallium-201 myocardial perfusion imaging data can identify which patients have left main or 3-vessel (anatomically high-risk) coronary artery disease (CAD) after their first transmural myocardial infarct (MI). Twelve exercise test criteria for high-risk disease were compared in 40 patients referred for cardiac catheterization; 34 had a history of chest pain and 17 had angiographically defined high-risk CAD. A thallium image defect outside the vascular distribution of the MI was the most reliable criterion to distinguish patients with high-risk CAD (p = 0.00052 for Fisher's exact test of discrimination). Thallium imaging was somewhat more sensitive (92 versus 65%, p = 0.108) when patients with negative thallium imaging criteria who failed to achieve 85% of the age-predicted maximal heart rate were excluded. Failure to achieve 85% of predicted heart rate was by itself a useful criterion for detecting high-risk CAD (p = 0.017), especially in patients not taking propranolol (p = 0.004). Development of positive S-T segment depression at less than 70% predicted heart rate also discriminated left main or 3-vessel disease from less extensive CAD (p = 0.016). Other criteria failed to discriminate significantly between high-risk and less extensive CAD in patients after their first MI (p greater than 0.05). S-T segment depression (p = 0.199) or chest pain (p = 0.577) during exercise testing were particularly unreliable. Further, none of the criteria for high-risk CAD were influenced by irreversible left ventricular dysfunction. It is concluded that patients with thallium imaging defects outside the region of the infarct, decreasing blood pressure during exercise, failure to achieve 85% of predicted heart rate, or S-T depression at less than 70% of predicted heart rate have a high probability of having left main or 3-vessel disease. Patients without these criteria have a very low probability of having high-risk CAD and probably do not need coronary angiography for the purpose of excluding these high-risk coronary lesions after a first MI.