Nerita (Amphinerita) gouetensis sp. nov. (Fig. 2 a���c) Type material. Holotype MNHN A 31489 (Pacaud leg., Fig. 2 a���c). Stratum typicum. Late Eocene, Bartonian, ���Sands of Bois-Gou��t���. Locus typicus. Bois-Gou��t, Saffr��, Loire-Atlantique, France. 47 ˚ 29 �� 9.25 ˝ N 1 ˚ 36 �� 45.55 ˝ E. Derivatio nominis. Named after Bois-Gou��t, the type locality and the only locality at which this species has, as yet, been found. Diagnosis. A small Nerita with prominent, rounded, spiral ribs and a smooth, edentate septum. Description. Protoconch badly worn in only known specimen. Teleoconch of just over two whorls increasing rapidly in size, earlier rather worn in holotype. Last whorl bears nine prominent, smooth, rounded, spiral ribs, mostly evenly spaced; 6 th and 7 th below suture closer together. Apart from spiral ribs, surface of teleoconch smooth, lacking any collabral ornamentation other than some fine, rather faint growth lines. No colour pattern discernable but brown colour remains between ribs where shell relatively unworn. Slightly worn septum smooth, edge slightly concave, edentate. Outer lip thickened within, smooth apart from small protuberance about 1 mm from adapical end of septum. Gutter at junction of adapical end of septum and outer lip. Apertural tooth prominent, below abapical end of septum, in form of apostrophe with thicker end inward, higher, sloping to tail of apostrophe. Size. The holotype is approximately 4 mm high, and 4 mm wide. Remarks. Nerita (Amphinerita) gouetensis does not fit precisely within any of the generally accepted subgenera of Nerita. Those that share diagnostic characteristics with Na. (A.) gouetensis are: Lisanerita Krinjen, 2002 (Type species by original designation: Nerita lirellata Rehder, 1980); Heminerita Martens, 1887 (type species by monotypy: Nerita pica Gould, 1859 = Nerita japonica Dunker, 1861); Amphinerita Martens, 1887 (type species by subsequent designation Crosse, 1892: 98: Nerita umlaasiana Krauss, 1848); Cymostyla Martens, 1887 (type species by subsequent designation Crosse, 1892: 98: Nerita undata Linn��, 1758); Theliostyla M��rch, 1852 (type species by subsequent designation Kobelt, 1879: 147: Nerita albicilla Linn��, 1758); Subgenus Septum Septum edge Teleoconch Lisanerita Smooth Edentate or with very small teeth Smooth or with finely incised lines Heminerita Smooth Edentate or with 1 or 2 obscure Smooth or with low spiral lirae low broad projections Amphinerita Smooth Edentate or with small, obscure Smooth or with spiral ribs or well defined teeth In his subgenus Amphinerita, Martens (1887) included Na. umlaasiana and Na. georgina R��cluz, 1841. The former has an almost smooth shell but the latter has numerous well developed spiral ribs. Amphinerita is recorded in Europe from as early as the Thanetian [Na. (A.) semilugubris Deshayes, 1864, Le Renard & Pacaud 1995]. Although Na. (A.) gouetensis has fewer and broader ribs than Na. (A.) georgina, we consider that it can nevertheless be placed within Amphinerita. Nerita (A.) gouetensis is superficially similar to some juvenile specimens of Nerita (?) plutonis Basterot, 1825 from the Miocene of the south of France but its septum is normally neither smooth nor edentate but has granules on the surface and several well defined teeth on the edge. Range and distribution. Only known from type locality., Published as part of Symonds, Malcolm Francis & Pacaud, Jean-Michel, 2010, New species of Neritidae (Neritimorpha) from the Ypresian and Bartonian of the Paris and Basse-Loire Basins, France, pp. 55-68 in Zootaxa 2606 on pages 58-59, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.197721, {"references":["Krinjen, C. (2002) The subgenera of the genus Nerita Linnaeus, 1758. Gloria Maris, 41, 38 - 69.","Rehder, H. A. (1980) The marine mollusks of Easter Island (Isla de Pascua) and Sala y Gomez. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 289, 1 - 167.","Martens, E. von. (1887 - 1889) Die Gattungen Nerita und Neritopsis. In: Kuster, H. C. and Kobelt, W. (Eds.), Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz, 2 (11). Bauer & Raspe, Nurnberg, pp. 1 - 147, pls 1 - 15.","Gould, A. A., (1859) Descriptions of new species of shells. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 7, 40 - 45.","Dunker, W. B. R. H. (1861) Mollusca Japonica Descripta et Tabulis Tribus Iconum. E. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 36 pp., 3 pls.","Crosse, H. (1892) Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de l'ile de Portorico. Journal de Conchyliologie, 32, 5 - 71.","Krauss, F. (1848) Die Sudafrikanischen Mollusken. Ebner & Seubert, Stuttgart, 140 pp., 6 pls.","Linne, C. (1758) Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis. Editio decima, reformata. Vol. 1. Regnum Animale. Salvius, Stockholm, 824 pp.","Morch, O. A. L. (1852) Catalogus Conchyliorum quae Reliquit d'Alphonso d'Aguirra & Gadea Comes de Yoldi. 1. Hafni, Copenhagen, 1 - 170.","Kobelt, W. (1879) Illustrirtes Conchylienbuch. Bauer & Raspe, Nurnberg, 391 pp., 112 pls.","Recluz, C. A. (1841) Description de quelques nouvelles especes de nerites vivantes. Revue Zoologique par la Societe Cuvierienne, 4, 177 - 182.","Deshayes, G. P. (1864) Description des Animaux sans Vertebres Decouverts dans le Bassin de Paris. J. B. Bailliere et fils, Paris, 3, 1 - 200, pls 63 - 85.","Le Renard, J. & Pacaud, J-M. (1995) Revision des mollusques Paleogenes du Bassin de Paris II - Liste des references primaires des especes. Cossmanniana, 3, 65 - 132.","Basterot, B. de, (1825) Description geologique du Bassin Tertiaire du sud-ouest de la France. Memoires de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, 2, 1 - 100."]}