CORBICULA JAPONICA PRIME, 1864 Corbicula japonica Prime, 1864: 68 (Japan, without a precise locality) = Corbicula biformis Reinhardt, 1877: 70 (Japan, ‘Jedo’ = Tokyo) = Cyrena (Corbicula) leana von Martens, 1877: 119, non Prime, 1864 (Yokohama) = Cyrena (Corbicula) transƲersa von Martens, 1877: 120 (Yokohama) = Cyrena yokohamensis G.B. Sowerby II, 1877: pl. 12, fig. 55 (Yokohama) = Corbicula oƲalis Reinhardt, 1878: 192, pl. 5, fig. 5, non Prime, 1860 (Japan) = Corbicula fuscata var. atrata Reinhardt, 1878: 191, pl. 5, fig. 4 (Japan) = Corbicula doenitziana Clessin, 1879: 197, pl. 39, fig. 4 (Japan, Yokohama) = Corbicula martensii Clessin, 1879: 196, pl. 38, figs 17, 18 (Japan, Yokohama) = Corbicula reiniana Clessin, 1879: 196, pl. 39, figs 8, 9 (Japan, Yokohama) = Corbicula sadoensis Pilsbry, 1901: 406 (Japan, Sado) H, C. elatior from the Lower Amur River (lot no. RMBH Corb 0015/1). I, longitudinal section of the siphon. J, gills. K, outgrowths on the mantle edge on the different parts of the mantle. L, section of the female gonad. M, section of the male gonad. Scale bars: 1 cm in A; 1 mm in B, F, G, J, K; 2 mm in D, E, H, I; 0.2 mm in L; 0.1 mm in M. Photographs: O.V. Aksenova. TAXONOMY OF NATIVE AND INVASIVE CLAMS 115 = Corbicula nipponensis Pilsbry, 1907: 159, pl. 7, figs 3, 4 (Japan, Kiogawaranuma, Mutsu) = Corbicula nipponensis delicata Pilsbry, 1907: 160, pl. 7, figs 11, 12 (Japan, Imaegata, Kaga) = Corbicula suifuensis var. finitima Lindholm, 1927: 552, pl. 32, fig. 2 [Russia, Primorye Region, estuary of the Mai-khé River (nowadays Artemovka)], synon. nov. = Corbicula fluminalis var. extrema Lindholm, 1927: 550 (Russia, Primorye Region, and Sakhalin Island) = Corbicula fluminea Zhadin, 1952: 317, non O.F. Müller, 1774, partim. = Corbicula lindholmi Kursalova & Starobogatov, 1971: 94 [Russia, Primorye Region, the lower course of the Pachikheza River (nowadays Kiparisovka) River)], synon. nov. Type material: Syntypes ZMB 32.198 (two pairs of valves ex coll. Gundlach; ‘ Corbicula japonica Prime, Japan, Gulick, Prime’); syntypes ZMB 170.411 (two pairs of valves ex coll. Dunker; ‘ Corbula japonica, von Mr Prime selbst erhalten’) inspected during this work. According to Glaubrecht et al. (2007), three other specimens (presumable syntypes) are kept in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (not seen). Type locality: ‘ Japonia (fide Gulick) collect. Wheatley, Jay, Browne, Cooper, Lyc. Hist. Nat., Prime and Lea’ = Japan (Glaubrecht et al., 2007). Material examined: Far East of Russia: Artemovka, Kiparisovka, Razdolnaya, Partizanskaya and Kievka rivers, in total 194 specimens; IX.2020, Aksenova O. V., Bespalaya Yu. V., Kropotin A. V., Travina O. V., Vinarski M. V.leg.[lot nos RMBH Corb 54 and RMBH Corb 113–119], 43 specimens from the Razdolnaya and Artemovka rivers are kept in LMBI (accession numbers 21-043 and 21-045). Description: Shell relatively large, oval–triangular (Fig. 5). The umbo is centrally located and prominent. External shell colour varies from olive or greenish brown to black. The exterior exhibits concentric sculpture with regular ribs. Internal shell coloration matte white, with pale violet or dark purple marks in the area of the umbo. Hinge of the heterodont dentition type, with three cardinal teeth on each valve and two crenulated lateral teeth. Shell sculpture of young individuals characterized by well-marked concentric ridges and pronounced transverse stripes; shell coloration is lighter than in adults. Nacre varies from pure purple to purple with wide white marks. Siphons conical, both narrow. Inhalant siphon with a row of long papillae and with an additional row of short papillae. Black pigment is concentrated in rings internally at the base of both siphons and in the edge of the mantle forming the siphons. The outer surface of the siphons is white; on the inside, the siphons are bright orange. Larger papillae of the inhalant siphon, with dark rings. Distribution: East Asia: the Japan Sea (including some lakes and rivers near the sea), Korea, southern Sakhalin, southern Kurile Islands and the lower reaches of the Amur River (Glaubrecht et al., 2003; Yamada et al., 2014; Vinarski & Kantor, 2016)., Published as part of Bespalaya, Yulia V., Kropotin, Alexander V., Kondakov, Alexander V., Aksenova, Olga V., Gofarov, Mikhail Yu., Kim, Sang Ki, Lee, Jin Hee, Travina, Oksana V., Vikhrev, Ilya V., Vinarski, Maxim V. & Bolotov, Ivan N., 2023, A taxonomic reassessment of native and invasive species of Corbicula clams (Bivalvia: Cyrenidae) from the Russian Far East and Korea, pp. 104-126 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 197 (1) on pages 112-115, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac078,, {"references":["Prime T. 1864. Notes on species of the family Corbiculadae, with figures. 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