1. Measurement of associated Z + charm production in proton–proton collisions at s=8TeV
- Author
Sirunyan, AM, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Ambrogi, F, Asilar, E, Bergauer, T, Brandstetter, J, Brondolin, E, Dragicevic, M, Erö, J, Flechl, M, Friedl, M, Frühwirth, R, Ghete, VM, Grossmann, J, Hörmann, N, Hrubec, J, Jeitler, M, König, A, Krätschmer, I, Liko, D, Madlener, T, Matsushita, T, Mikulec, I, Pree, E, Rabady, D, Rad, N, Rohringer, H, Schieck, J, Spanring, M, Spitzbart, D, Strauss, J, Waltenberger, W, Wittmann, J, Wulz, C-E, Zarucki, M, Chekhovsky, V, Mossolov, V, Gonzalez, J Suarez, Shumeiko, N, De Wolf, EA, Janssen, X, Lauwers, J, Van De Klundert, M, Van Haevermaet, H, Van Mechelen, P, Van Remortel, N, Van Spilbeeck, A, Zeid, S Abu, Blekman, F, D’Hondt, J, De Bruyn, I, De Clercq, J, Deroover, K, Flouris, G, Lowette, S, Moortgat, S, Moreels, L, Olbrechts, A, Python, Q, Skovpen, K, Tavernier, S, Van Doninck, W, Van Mulders, P, Van Parijs, I, Brun, H, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Delannoy, H, Fasanella, G, Favart, L, Goldouzian, R, Grebenyuk, A, Karapostoli, G, Lenzi, T, Luetic, J, Maerschalk, T, Marinov, A, Randle-conde, A, Seva, T, Velde, C Vander, Vanlaer, P, Vannerom, D, Yonamine, R, Zenoni, F, Zhang, F, Cimmino, A, Cornelis, T, Dobur, D, Fagot, A, Gul, M, Khvastunov, I, Poyraz, D, Salva, S, Schöfbeck, R, Tytgat, M, Van Driessche, W, Verbeke, W, Zaganidis, N, and Bakhshiansohi, H
- Subjects
CMS Collaboration ,CMS ,Heavy flavour ,Physics ,SMP ,Standard model physics ,Vector boson ,hep-ex ,Atomic ,Molecular ,Nuclear ,Particle and Plasma Physics ,Quantum Physics ,Nuclear & Particles Physics - Abstract
A study of the associated production of a Z boson and a charm quark jet ( Z+c ), and a comparison to production with a b quark jet ( Z+b ), in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV are presented. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb-1 , collected with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. The Z boson candidates are identified through their decays into pairs of electrons or muons. Jets originating from heavy flavour quarks are identified using semileptonic decays of c or b flavoured hadrons and hadronic decays of charm hadrons. The measurements are performed in the kinematic region with two leptons with pTℓ>20GeV , |ηℓ|
- Published
- 2018