There are at present no validated methods for reliably finding economically significant accumulations of natural gas hydrate in marine environments. The seismic bottom simulating reflector (BSR) has been regarded as a primary indicator of hydrate presence in marine environments, but the presence of a BSR conveys no information about the abundance of hydrate in the sediments above it. Seafloor features such as gas seeps, pockmarks or hydrate outcrops may be qualitative markers of deeper hydrate presence, but cannot be interpreted quantitatively. Another approach to exploration geophysics is required to find exploitable gas hydrate reservoirs with high reliability. It is known that in many cases gas is supplied to the gas hydrate stability zone primarily through faults or fractures. In a certain range of gas flux, these fissures should become mineralized with gas hydrate and form vertical or subvertical dykes. The dip and strike of these dykes are controlled by the principal stress directions, which can be predetermined. Thus multiple hydrate dykes are expected to be parallel. Even if the greatest volume of gas hydrate is to be found in sub-horizontal permeable beds, the steeply dipping mineralized conduits that fed gas to them may be the most reliable marker of substantial subsurface hydrate presence. Geological and geophysical survey methods sensitive to parallel arrays of vertical and subvertical hydrate dykes are presented. Gas hydrate is thought to be an important component of deep water marine sediments, and is thus of interest to those looking for economically significant sources of fossil fuels. Indeed, seismic evidence of offshore gas hydrate deposits is widespread. A compilation (Kvenvolden & Lorenson 2001) documents more than one-hundred occurrences of hydrate on continental margins and in inland seas. However, drilling campaigns in some promising offshore areas, such as Blake Ridge offshore South Carolina (Paull et al. 2000), and Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon (Trehu et al. 2004a), have shown gas hydrate to be generally dilute throughout the gas hydrate stability zone. Higher concentrations can be found in limited depth intervals, sometimes coincident with beds of relatively coarse permeable sand within otherwise fine-grained marine sediments. If marine gas hydrate is abundant, the mechanisms by which it accumulates below the seafloor may make it difficult or impossible to find using the conventional techniques of exploration geophysics as presently applied. This chapter presents a new exploration paradigm based on a probable mechanism of marine hydrate deposit accumulation. Present exploration methods The most important technique for probing deep water geological formations is the marine seismic survey. Modern seismic surveys efficiently generate three-dimensional images of the subsurface over large areas. Gas hydrate has a distinctive seismic signature, the bottom simulating reflector (BSR) (Shipley et al. 1979). The BSR is seen in marine seismic images, running parallel to, and several hundred metres below, the seafloor, approximately coincident with the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). As such its presence has been a primary driver of many hydrate exploration campaigns. Several major offshore drilling campaigns have been directed primarily by the presence of the BSR, including ODP Leg 164 at Blake Ridge (Paull et al. 2000) and the 32-well campaign in the Nankai Trough, offshore Japan, in 2004 (Takahashi & Tsuji 2005). The US Department of Energy/ Chevron Joint Industry Project (JIP), which drilled at two sites in the Gulf of Mexico, selected one site based on BSR occurrence and the other based on geological evidence (Claypool et al. undated). BSR maps were combined with geological, geochemical and microbiological information to choose drilling sites offshore India in 2006 (Ramana et al. 2006). Unfortunately, the BSR is not always a good predictor of abundant hydrate occurrence. For example, at Blake Ridge, little hydrate was found in a well drilled to a strong BSR, whereas there were hydrate shows in a well drilled in a locale where the BSR was absent (Paull et al. 2000). From: LONG, D., LOVELL, M. A., REES, J. G. & ROCHELLE, C. A. (eds) Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 319, 21–28. DOI: 10.1144/SP319.3 0305-8719/09/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2009. When interpreting the significance of the BSR, three principles should be kept in mind. Firstly, very little gas is required to produce a strong seismic reflector (Domenico 1977). Secondly, very little hydrate is needed to elevate the capillary pressure of a finegrained marine sediment to the point where it resists the entry of gas. Thirdly, an apparently continuous seismic reflector does not imply a continuous gas-saturated stratum. High-resolution seismic acquisition and processing show that a strong BSR, which appears continuous at low resolution, can be produced by small discontinuous pockets of gas (Wood et al. 2002; Dai et al. 2004). Seismic velocity anomalies have been used to detect and/or quantify gas hydrate presence in the subsurface (Barth et al. 2004; Dai et al. 2004). Seismic and well log estimates of hydrate saturation have been compared at Hydrate Ridge (Kumar et al. 2007) and at the JIP Atwater Valley site (Dai et al. 2008). However, the ability of seismic velocity analysis to accurately predict hydrate saturation depends on an accurate transform between hydrate saturation and acoustic velocity, and a good model for the velocity profile of the sediment in the absence of hydrate. Another characteristic of the seismic response to gas hydrate is amplitude blanking within the GHSZ, noted by early investigators of marine hydrate deposits (Shipley et al. 1979). Various theories have been proposed to explain blanking. One holds that hydrate, which increases the acoustic velocity of unconsolidated sediments, is most likely to form in high porosity, i.e. low velocity, strata, thus reducing the acoustic contrast with neighbouring strata (Lee & Dillon 2001; Hornbach et al. 2003). Blanking has also been explained by the disruption of sedimentary stratigraphy in marine environments thought to harbour hydrate (Chapman et al. 2002). A third explanation is destructive interference from vertically displaced reflectors within the Fresnel zone (Wood & Ruppel 2000). A fourth explanation attributes blanking to the presence of liquid and gas migrating upwards through conduits (Chapman et al. 2002). Still other theories remain current (Hornbach et al. 2007). Regardless of the cause, amplitude blanking has not been been correlated with economically significant hydrate deposits. Mechanisms of gas hydrate reservoir