Mityaev, A. S., Safonov, O. G., Varlamov, D. A., van Reenen, D. D., Serdyuk, A. A., and Aranovich, L. Ya.
To study the formation of S-type ultra-potassic granitic melts under the conditions of the continental crust, we conducted experiments on partial melting of plagioclase-free garnet–two-mica metapelite (with accessory apatite and ilmenite) at 6, 10, and 15 kbar and 700–900°C. Rock melting is driven by a series of peritectic melting reactios as a function of pressure and starts at temperatures of 750–800, ~800, and ~850°C at 6, 10, and 15 kbar, respectively, reflecting the positive dP/dT slope of the solidus. These P–T-conditions of melting, compositions of mineral assemblages and granitic melts formed during melting of plagioclase-free metapelites are similar to those formed during melting of plagioclase-bearing two-mica assemblages. The high K2O content (7–8 wt %) at a K2O/Na2O ratio of >8–10 is the main feature of the composition of the melt, which forms upon melting of plagioclase-free metapelite. These features are similar to the compositions of S-type ultra-potassic rhyolites, which form in extension tectonic settings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]