881 results on '"Dávalos, A"'
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2. Computational algorithm based on health and lifestyle traits to categorize lifemetabotypes in the NUTRiMDEA cohort
- Author
Andrea Higuera-Gómez, Víctor de la O, Rodrigo San-Cristobal, Rosa Ribot-Rodríguez, Isabel Espinosa-Salinas, Alberto Dávalos, María P. Portillo, and J. Alfredo Martínez
- Subjects
Exploratory factor analyses ,Clustering ,Machine-learning ,Lifestyle ,Public health ,Precision medicine ,Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Classifying individuals based on metabotypes and lifestyle phenotypes using exploratory factor analyses, cluster definition, and machine-learning algorithms is promising for precision chronic disease prevention and management. This study analyzed data from the NUTRiMDEA online cohort (baseline: n = 17332 and 62 questions) to develop a clustering tool based on 32 accessible questions using machine-learning strategies. Participants ranged from 18 to over 70 years old, with 64.1% female and 35.5% male. Five clusters were identified, combining metabolic, lifestyle, and personal data: Cluster 1 (“Westernized Millennial”, n = 967) included healthy young individuals with fair lifestyle habits; Cluster 2 (“Healthy”, n = 10616) consisted of healthy adults; Cluster 3 (“Mediterranean Young Adult”, n = 2013) represented healthy young adults with a healthy lifestyle and showed the highest adherence to the Mediterranean diet; Cluster 4 (“Pre-morbid”, n = 600) was characterized by healthy adults with declined mood; Cluster 5 (“Pro-morbid”, n = 312) comprised older individuals (47% >55 years) with poorer lifestyle habits, worse health, and a lower health-related quality of life. A computational algorithm was elicited, which allowed quick cluster assignment based on responses (“lifemetabotypes”). This machine-learning approach facilitates personalized interventions and precision lifestyle recommendations, supporting online methods for targeted health maintenance and chronic disease prevention.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Towards predicting the geographical origin of ancient samples with metagenomic data
- Author
Davide Bozzi, Samuel Neuenschwander, Diana Ivette Cruz Dávalos, Bárbara Sousa da Mota, Hannes Schroeder, J. Víctor Moreno-Mayar, Morten E. Allentoft, and Anna-Sapfo Malaspinas
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Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Reconstructing the history—such as the place of birth and death—of an individual sample is a fundamental goal in ancient DNA (aDNA) studies. However, knowing the place of death can be particularly challenging when samples come from museum collections with incomplete or erroneous archives. While analyses of human DNA and isotope data can inform us about the ancestry of an individual and provide clues about where the person lived, they cannot specifically trace the place of death. Moreover, while ancient human DNA can be retrieved, a large fraction of the sequenced molecules in ancient DNA studies derive from exogenous DNA. This DNA—which is usually discarded in aDNA analyses—is constituted mostly by microbial DNA from soil-dwelling microorganisms that have colonized the buried remains post-mortem. In this study, we hypothesize that remains of individuals buried in the same or close geographic areas, exposed to similar microbial communities, could harbor more similar metagenomes. We propose to use metagenomic data from ancient samples' shotgun sequencing to locate the place of death of a given individual which can also help to solve cases of sample mislabeling. We used a k-mer-based approach to compute similarity scores between metagenomic samples from different locations and propose a method based on dimensionality reduction and logistic regression to assign a geographical origin to target samples. We apply our method to several public datasets and observe that individual samples from closer geographic locations tend to show higher similarities in their metagenomes compared to those of different origin, allowing good geographical predictions of test samples. Moreover, we observe that the genus Streptomyces commonly infiltrates ancient remains and represents a valuable biomarker to trace the samples' geographic origin. Our results provide a proof of concept and show how metagenomic data can also be used to shed light on the place of origin of ancient samples.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Metástasis cerebrales en un paciente con antecedente de mixoma cardíaco
- Author
Raymundo Solís-Gómez, Natalia Dávalos Cabral, Gerardo Arrieta Limón, Brandon Alberto Hurtado Presa, Andrea Salgado Alvear, Laura Michelle Reyes Martínez, and Fabiola Eunice Serrano Arias
- Subjects
neoplasias encefálicas ,metástasis de la neoplasia ,neoplasias cardíacas ,mixoma ,accidente cerebrovascular embólico ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción. Los mixomas cardíacos son las neoplasias benignas más comunes del corazón, principalmente ubicadas en el atrio izquierdo. El tratamiento preferido es la resección del mixoma. Este método no solo previene complicaciones, sino que también tiene una baja tasa de recurrencia. Las metástasis cerebrales suelen ocurrir cuando fragmentos tumorales embolizan e implantan en el lugar de destino. Presentación del caso. Informamos el caso de un paciente con múltiples metástasis cerebrales, encontradas durante el seguimiento, después de presentar un accidente cerebrovascular. Este caso destaca porque la embolización causante de la metástasis cerebral podría haber ocurrido tanto durante el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico como durante la remoción del mixoma cardíaco. En nuestro caso, el paciente fue evaluado durante el seguimiento con resonancia magnética cerebral, encontrando múltiples lesiones metastásicas. Para determinar el tipo de lesión, se realizó una biopsia y el diagnóstico histológico indicativo de tejido metastásico de mixoma atrial izquierdo. Conclusión. Los pacientes con cardioembolismo deben someterse a un protocolo diagnóstico completo para distinguir la causa de la embolia, ya sea un coágulo sanguíneo o un émbolo tumoral. El tratamiento de elección es la resección del mixoma, que cura los síntomas neurológicos primarios y previene complicaciones neurológicas. Sin embargo, es esencial mantener una vigilancia activa por más tiempo para la detección y tratamiento adecuado de metástasis cerebrales.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Validación de una escala abreviada para evaluar la gestión en organizaciones de salud
- Author
Bladimir Becerra-Canales, Carmen Vera-Cáceres, María Dávalos-Almeyda, Olinda Oscco-Torres, Marjorie Ybaseta–Soto, Carmen Aquije-Paredes, and María José Cevallos-Cardenas
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encuestas sanitarias ,estudio de validacion ,gestion en salud ,psicometría. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción: La gestión en organizaciones sanitarias permite el desempeño competitivo de las instituciones de salud; por tanto, requiere su monitoreo constante con instrumentos válidos y confiables. Objetivo: Validar una escala para evaluar la gestión en organizaciones de salud, según la percepción de los trabajadores de la salud. Métodos: Estudio de tipo instrumental en el que participaron 302 trabajadores de salud de hospitales y centros de atención primaria de una región sanitaria del Perú. El proceso incluyó una validación de contenido por juicio de expertos y prueba piloto. La validez de constructo se evaluó mediante análisis factorial exploratorio y el ajuste con análisis factorial confirmatorio que incluyó distintos métodos de estimación. Se analizó la validez discriminativa, predictiva y confiabilidad. Resultados: Se obtuvo una versión corta de 8 ítems agrupados en un único factor general que explicó el 55,88 % de la varianza total; el modelo posee adecuados índices de bondad de ajuste de manera independiente al método de estimación utilizado. Los índices de variabilidad de los ítems resultaron excelentes; la validez discriminativa y predictiva fueron satisfactorias. La consistencia interna con el omega de McDonald (ω= 0,892), alfa de Cronbach (α= 0,892) y Gutmann (λ6= 0,887), revelaron valores óptimos de confiabilidad. Conclusiones: La escala para evaluar la gestión en organizaciones de salud posee propiedades métricas adecuadas.
- Published
- 2024
6. Association Between the rs13306703 and rs8192288 Variants of the SOD3 Gene and Breast Cancer and an In Silico Analysis of the Variants’ Impact
- Author
Martha Patricia Gallegos-Arreola, Asbiel Felipe Garibaldi-Ríos, María Teresa Magaña-Torres, Luis E. Figuera, Belinda Claudia Gómez-Meda, Guillermo Moisés Zúñiga-González, Ana María Puebla-Pérez, Irving Alejandro Carrillo-Dávila, Mónica Alejandra Rosales-Reynoso, Ingrid Patricia Dávalos-Rodríguez, Jorge I. Delgado-Saucedo, and Marco Uriel López-Monroy
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breast cancer ,SOD3 gene ,genetic variants ,cancer genetics ,in silico analysis ,Medicine - Abstract
Background/Objectives: This study investigated the association between the rs13306703 and rs8192288 variants of the superoxide dismutase 3 (SOD3) gene and breast cancer (BC) in the Mexican population, conducting both genetic and in silico analyses. Methods: 357 healthy women and 386 BC patients were studied using TaqMan assays, qPCR, and RFLP-PCR. Results: The TT genotype and a recessive pattern of these variants were risk factors for BC (p < 0.05). Specifically, the TT genotype of rs13306703 was associated with metastatic lymph nodes, tumor progression (III–IV), luminal A, nonresponse to chemotherapy, and ki-67 ≥ 20% with diabetes mellitus (DM). Meanwhile, the GT genotype of rs8192288 was associated with menopause, luminal A, tumor progression (III–IV), ki-67 ≥ 20%, and a positive estrogen receptor with nonresponse to chemotherapy. Additionally, the TT genotype combined with DM was identified as a BC risk factor (p < 0.05). The TT haplotype was also found to be a risk factor for BC. In silico analysis suggested that these variants might influence SOD3 regulation by affecting transcription factors and active enhancer sites. Conclusions: The rs13306703 and rs8192288 variants of the SOD3 gene were associated with an increased risk of BC and may alter SOD3 regulation through effects on transcription factors, active enhancers, and transcription start sites, with modified motifs in breast epithelium cells.
- Published
- 2024
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7. Crystal scatter effects in a large-area dual-panel Positron Emission Mammography system.
- Author
Rahal Saaidi, Mercedes Rodríguez-Villafuerte, Héctor Alva-Sánchez, and Arnulfo Martínez-Dávalos
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Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) is a valuable molecular imaging technique for breast studies using pharmaceuticals labeled with positron emitters and dual-panel detectors. PEM scanners normally use large scintillation crystals coupled to sensitive photodetectors. Multiple interactions of the 511 keV annihilation photons in the crystals can result in event mispositioning leading to a negative impact in radiopharmaceutical uptake quantification. In this work, we report the study of crystal scatter effects of a large-area dual-panel PEM system designed with either monolithic or pixelated lutetium yttrium orthosilicate (LYSO) crystals using the Monte Carlo simulation platform GATE. The results show that only a relatively small fraction of coincidences (~20%) arise from events where both coincidence photons undergo single interactions (mostly through photoelectric absorption) in the crystals. Most of the coincidences are events where at least one of the annihilation photons undergoes a chain of Compton scatterings: approximately 79% end up in photoelectric absorption while the rest (
- Published
- 2024
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8. Adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes en adolescentes tras la pandemia por la COVID‑19
- Author
Bladimir Becerra-Canales, Edgar Hernández-Huaripaucar, Domizbeth Becerra-Huamán, Carmen Laos-Anchante, María Dávalos-Almeyda, María José Cevallos-Cardenas, and Jeny del Rio-Mendoza
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COVID-19 ,dependencia psicológica ,salud mental ,teléfono inteligente. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción: La pandemia por la COVID-19 trajo consigo cambios en el comportamiento humano y afecciones psíquicas que afectan la salud mental. Objetivo: Estimar la adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes en adolescentes mujeres tras la pandemia por la COVID-19. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en noviembre y diciembre del 2022, en una institución educativa pública de Ica, Perú. Participaron 581 adolescentes que respondieron a un cuestionario con variables generales y la Escala de Adicción a los Teléfonos Inteligentes. Se aplicó un análisis estadístico descriptivo y multivariado mediante modelos lineales generalizados de la familia Poisson para evaluar la asociación entre las variables. Resultados: De las participantes, el 21,7 % reveló adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes y el 48,7 % se encuentra en riesgo alto de dependencia. Los conflictos familiares en el hogar (razón de prevalencia ajustada - RPa= 1,41; intervalo de confianza -IC 95 %: 1,00-1,99) y los sentimientos de vergüenza (RPa= 1,44; IC 95 %: 1,01-2,03), se asociaron a mayor adicción a los teléfonos inteligentes. No obstante, el sentimiento de tristeza, ansiedad o depresión y el hecho de sentirse rechazado por la sociedad presentaron asociación, no ajustada. Conclusiones: La adición a los teléfonos inteligentes y el riesgo de padecer este trastorno es alto en las adolescentes; existen variables generales susceptibles de ser modificadas que podrían mermar dicha afección comportamental inducida o potenciada por la pandemia de la COVID-19.
- Published
- 2023
9. Establishment of a reproducible and minimally invasive ischemic stroke model in swine
- Author
Carlos Castaño, Marc Melià-Sorolla, Alexia García-Serran, Núria DeGregorio-Rocasolano, Maria Rosa García-Sort, María Hernandez-Pérez, Adrián Valls-Carbó, Osvaldo Pino, Jordi Grífols, Alba Iruela-Sánchez, Alicia Palomar-García, Josep Puig, Octavi Martí-Sistac, Antoni Dávalos, and Teresa Gasull
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Neuroscience ,Medicine - Abstract
The need for advances in the management/treatment options for ischemic stroke patients requires that upcoming preclinical research uses animals with more human-like brain characteristics. The porcine brain is considered appropriate, although the presence of the rete mirabile (RM) prevents direct catheterization of the intracranial arteries to produce focal cerebral ischemia. To develop a reproducible minimally invasive porcine stroke model, a guide catheter and guide wire were introduced through the femoral artery until reaching the left RM. Using the pressure cooker technique, Squid-12 embolization material was deposited to fill, overflow, and occlude the left RM, the left internal carotid artery, and left circle of Willis wing up to the origins of the middle cerebral arteries (MCAs), mimicking the occlusion produced in the filament model in rodents. Longitudinal multimodal cerebral MRI was conducted to assess the brain damage and cerebral blood supply. The technique we describe here occluded up to the origins of the MCAs in 7 of 8 swine, inducing early damage 90 minutes after occlusion that later evolved to a large cerebral infarction and producing no mortality during the intervention. This minimally invasive ischemic stroke model in swine produced reproducible infarcts and shows translational features common to human stroke.
- Published
- 2023
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10. Five copper homeostasis gene clusters encode the Cu-efflux resistome of the highly copper-tolerant Methylorubrum extorquens AM1
- Author
Araceli Dávalos and Alejandro García-de los Santos
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Methylorubrum extorquens ,Copper ,Resistome ,Cu-ATPases ,Antimicrobials ,Opportunistic pathogens ,Medicine ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Background In the last decade, the use of copper has reemerged as a potential strategy to limit healthcare-associated infections and to control the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens. Numerous environmental studies have proposed that most opportunistic pathogens have acquired antimicrobial resistance in their nonclinical primary habitat. Thus, it can be presumed that copper-resistant bacteria inhabiting a primary commensal niche might potentially colonize clinical environments and negatively affect the bactericidal efficacy of Cu-based treatments. The use of copper in agricultural fields is one of the most important sources of Cu pollution that may exert selection pressure for the increase of copper resistance in soil and plant-associated bacteria. To assess the emergence of copper-resistant bacteria in natural habitats, we surveyed a laboratory collection of bacterial strains belonging to the order Rhizobiales. This study proposes that Methylorubrum extorquens AM1 is an environmental isolate well adapted to thrive in copper-rich environments that could act as a reservoir of copper resistance genes. Methods The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of CuCl2 were used to estimate the copper tolerance of eight plant-associated facultative diazotrophs (PAFD) and five pink-pigmented facultative methylotrophs (PPFM) belonging to the order Rhizobiales presumed to come from nonclinical and nonmetal-polluted natural habitats based on their reported source of isolation. Their sequenced genomes were used to infer the occurrence and diversity of Cu-ATPases and the copper efflux resistome of Mr. extorquens AM1. Results These bacteria exhibited minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of CuCl2 ranging between 0.020 and 1.9 mM. The presence of multiple and quite divergent Cu-ATPases per genome was a prevalent characteristic. The highest copper tolerance exhibited by Mr. extorquens AM1 (highest MIC of 1.9 mM) was similar to that found in the multimetal-resistant model bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 and in clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii. The genome-predicted copper efflux resistome of Mr. extorquens AM1 consists of five large (6.7 to 25.7 kb) Cu homeostasis gene clusters, three clusters share genes encoding Cu-ATPases, CusAB transporters, numerous CopZ chaperones, and enzymes involved in DNA transfer and persistence. The high copper tolerance and the presence of a complex Cu efflux resistome suggest the presence of relatively high copper tolerance in environmental isolates of Mr. extorquens.
- Published
- 2023
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11. Tratamiento Quirúrgico del rinofima
- Author
Concepción Isabel Pereira Dávalos, Yamely Domínguez Sánchez, and Elizabeth Blanco Moredo
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rinofima ,electrocirugía ,electrocoagulación ,dermabrasión ,rinoplastia ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción: El rinofima representa una deformidad progresiva de la nariz, que conduce a una alteración estética importante, sus características clínicas pueden variar, desde un enrojecimiento y ligero engrosamiento de la punta nasal, hasta un tumor deformante, diversos métodos quirúrgicos se describen para tratarlo. Objetivo: Actualizar el conocimiento de los diversos métodos quirúrgicos, en el tratamiento del rinofima. Método: Se realizó una revisión integradora, en cuatro bases de datos: ¨Medline¨, ¨Ebsco¨, ¨PubMed¨, ¨Scielo¨, se evaluaron 130 revistas de impacto y se trabajó con 40 artículos, de enero a marzo del 2020. Se utilizó el tesauro en español como ¨Rinofima¨, ¨Electrocirugía¨, ¨Electrocoagulación¨, ¨Dermabrasión¨, ¨Rinoplastia¨ y su contraparte en inglés. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico del tipo, grado de afectación de la enfermedad, recursos disponibles, así como la preparación del profesional, orienta la selección del procedimiento ideal para el paciente.
- Published
- 2021
12. Posner – Schlossman Syndrome: case report
- Author
Diego José Mamani Maquera and Nahuel Pantoja Dávalos
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posner-schlossman syndrome ,anterior uveitis ,ocular hypertension ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introduction: Posner - Schlossman Syndrome (PSS) is a rare disease, more prevalent in men between 20 and 50 years old, characterized by recurrent attacks of anterior uveitis and ocular hypertension. Clinical case: We report the case of a 42-year-old patient with a single eye. He came to the consultation presenting decreased visual acuity, photobobia, halos around the lights, and intense pain in his left eye. The ophthalmological examination revealed inflammatory signs in the anterior segment, elevated intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Medical treatment was started with corticosteroids and topical antiglaucoma drugs, oral acetazolamide and intravenous mannitol, obtaining no response and it was decided to perform a surgical intervention (Ahmed valve implantation) in the left eye, subsequently achieving a good clinical evolution and resolution of the case. Conclusion: This report highlights that the episodic and recurrent nature of SPS requires strict monitoring.
- Published
- 2021
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13. Cuantificación digital de integración de injertos de piel de espesor parcial ocluidos con sistema de presión negativa
- Author
Juan M Martínez-Castilla, David Zapata Córdoba, Andrés A Dávalos Dávalos, and Ricardo Manzur Ayala
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Injertos piel ,Sistema presión negativa ,Heridas ,Quemaduras ,Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Resumen Introducción y objetivo. El éxito en la integración de los injertos de piel de espesor parcial no depende de un solo factor, siendo uno de los más importantes el método de curación que se le realiza al injerto. Por tal razón, el objetivo de nuestro estudio es demostrar, a través de un programa digital informático, el porcentaje de integración que tienen los injertos de piel de espesor parcial a los que se realizó curación oclusiva con sistema de presión negativa. Material y método. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que toma como muestra todos los pacientes con defectos de cobertura y lecho receptor con tejido de granulación óptimo para realizar injerto de piel de espesor parcial, del Servicio de Cirugía Plástica de la Clínica Reina Catalina sede Barranquilla y Baranoa, en Colombia, desde el 1 de enero de 2019 hasta 31 de diciembre del mismo año. Empleamos el sistema de presión negativa WoundPro® (Ї#x00a9;2020 Pensar Medical, LLC) y posteriormente cuantificamos la integración de los injertos de forma digital a través de un programa de procesamiento de imágenes (ImageJ®), complementado con un desarrollo informático del Área de Sistemas de la Clínica para obtener un resultado matemático que permitiera, de manera más objetiva, evaluar la integración del injerto. Resultados. Revisamos 70 pacientes, de los que 42 eran varones, con una edad promedio de 41.8 años. La etiología más común fue la quemadura (34%), el área anatómica de mayor incidencia fue la pierna (27.7%) y el porcentaje promedio de integración fue del 98.4%. Aplicamos el sistema de presión negativa durante 6 días para luego retirarlo y proceder a la toma de imagen fotográfica que usamos como insumo para el cálculo de la integración; tras la primera cura, el paciente es egresado y realizamos seguimiento ambulatorio, con una media de curación del área injertada de 17 días. Conclusiones. En nuestra experiencia, el uso del sistema de presión negativa como método de curación oclusiva en los injertos de piel parcial, presenta tasas de éxito superiores al 98% en la integración de los injertos, lo cual se traduce en un tratamiento coste - efectivo ya que reduce las complicaciones inherentes al procedimiento. Así mismo, el cálculo matemático de la integración del injerto permite evaluar y definir de forma específica la conducta en cada caso.
- Published
- 2021
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14. Active Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance and Carbapenemase-Encoding Genes According to Sites of Care and Age Groups in Mexico: Results from the INVIFAR Network
- Author
Fabian Rojas-Larios, Bernardo Alfonso Martínez-Guerra, Luis Esaú López-Jácome, Enrique Bolado-Martínez, María del Rosario Vázquez-Larios, María del Consuelo Velázquez-Acosta, Daniel Romero-Romero, Christian Daniel Mireles-Dávalos, Sandra Quintana-Ponce, José Manuel Feliciano-Guzmán, José Miguel Pérez-Hernandez, Yoselin Paola Correa-León, Eduardo López-Gutiérrez, Eduardo Rodriguez-Noriega, Esteban González-Díaz, Elena Victoria Choy-Chang, Juan Pablo Mena-Ramírez, Víctor Antonio Monroy-Colín, Alfredo Ponce-de-León-Garduño, Margarita Alcaraz-Espejel, Laura Karina Avilés-Benítez, Luís Javier Quintanilla-Cazares, Eloisa Ramírez-Alanís, Juan Manuel Barajas-Magallón, Cecilia Padilla-Ibarra, Maria Bertha Ballesteros-Silva, Noe Antonio Atanacio-Sixto, Cecilia Teresita Morales-de-la-Peña, Mario Galindo-Méndez, Talía Pérez-Vicelis, Guillermo Jacobo-Baca, Martha Irene Moreno-Méndez, María de la Luz Mora-Pacheco, Maricruz Gutiérrez-Brito, Xochitl Yadira Sánchez-Godínez, Norberta Vianey Navarro-Vargas, Luz Elena Mercado-Bravo, Alejandro Delgado-Barrientos, María Asunción Santiago-Calderón, Ismelda López-Ovilla, Alejandro Molina-Chavarria, Joaquín Rincón-Zuno, Rafael Franco-Cendejas, Sandra Miranda-Mauricio, Isabel Cristina Márquez-Avalos, Maribel López-García, Lizbeth Soraya Duarte-Miranda, Carlos Miguel Cetina-Umaña, Irma Elena Barroso-Herrera-y-Cairo, Laura Isabel López-Moreno, and Elvira Garza-González
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INVIFAR ,carbapenem-resistance ,antimicrobial resistance ,MRSA ,VRE ,Medicine - Abstract
We analyzed the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data of 6519 clinical isolates of Escherichia coli (n = 3985), Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 775), Acinetobacter baumannii (n = 163), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (n = 781), Enterococcus faecium (n = 124), and Staphylococcus aureus (n = 691) from 43 centers in Mexico. AMR assays were performed using commercial microdilution systems (37/43) and the disk diffusion susceptibility method (6/43). The presence of carbapenemase-encoding genes was assessed using PCR. Data from centers regarding site of care, patient age, and clinical specimen were collected. According to the site of care, the highest AMR was observed in E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa isolates from ICU patients. In contrast, in A. baumannii, higher AMR was observed in isolates from hospitalized non-ICU patients. According to age group, the highest AMR was observed in the ≥60 years age group for E. coli, E. faecium, and S. aureus, and in the 19–59 years age group for A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa. According to clinical specimen type, a higher AMR was observed in E. coli, K. pneumoniae, and P. aeruginosa isolates from blood specimens. The most frequently detected carbapenemase-encoding gene in E. coli was blaNDM (84%).
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Stephan Alejandro Dávalos Barrios, Arturo Felipe de Jesús Sosa Serrano, Jorge Alberto Gama Herrera, Maria Fernanda Ramírez Berumen, and Jose Manuel Pérez Atanasio
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Tendons ,Finger joint ,Follow-up studies ,Outcome study ,Acquired Hand Deformities ,Medicine ,Orthopedic surgery ,RD701-811 - Abstract
ABSTRACT Objective: To establish the association between initial and residual angulation of the distal interphalangeal joint (DIJ) in mallet finger treated conservatively. Methods: An observational, prospective, descriptive and analytical research developed with uncomplicated closed mallet finger patients between January and December 2017. A total of two measurements of the DIJ were done, at the initial trauma and 6 weeks after conservative treatment. All measurements were ranked according to the Crawford Classification and Relative Risk was measured. Results: In total, 43 patients were studied, in which 53.48% of outcomes obtained were excellent. The sample was divided in two groups; one with less than 30º of DIJ initial angulation, which had 28% of residual angulation. The second group with more than 30º presented 72.22% of residual angulation. The Relative Risk to present a residual angulation in patients that had 30º of DIJ initial angulation was 2.99 (CI 95%) with p = 0.0059. Conclusion: It is suggested that patients with an initial DIJ angulation more than 30º are more likely to present residual angulation with conservative treatment. Level of Evidence IV, Case series.
- Published
- 2020
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16. Reconstrucción con colgajos libres tras resección de sarcomas de cabeza y cuello
- Author
Esteban Bolea, Mariano Ramil, Cristian Schauvinhold, Lucas Pina, Silvina Verna, Manuel Raúl Montesinos, and Pablo Dávalos
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Tumores cabeza y cuello ,Sarcomas ,Colgajos libres microquirúrgicos ,Reconstrucción cabeza y cuello ,Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Resumen Introducción y objetivo Los sarcoma de cabeza y cuello son un grupo infrecuente de tumores. La resección quirúrgica es su modalidad óptima de tratamiento, presentando desafíos fun cionales y estéticos. El objetivo de este estudio es describir nuestros resultados en un grupo de pacientes con reconstrucción mediante colgajos libres tras la resección de sarcomas de cabeza y cuello. Material y método Revisión retrospectiva de historias clí nicas de pacientes operados en nuestro Servicio entre octubre de 2015 y enero de 2018. Resultados Seleccionamos 4 adultos: 3 mujeres y 1 varón, con edades entre 25 y 62 años. Dos casos presentaron sarcoma pleomórfico de órbita y otros 2 sarcoma fusocelular y osteosarco ma de la mandíbula. En todos efectuamos resección tumoral completa con már genes satisfactorios. En el caso 1 reconstruimos con un colgajo vertical de recto anterior y en el caso 2 con un colgajo anterola teral de muslo. En ambos pacientes los colgajos permitieron una adecuada cobertura de partes blandas, sin morbilidad en la zona dadora. En los casos 3 y 4, con sarcoma de mandíbula, se produjo un extenso defecto central de la mandíbula y del piso de la boca, y la reconstrucción se llevó a cabo con colgajo libre osteocutáneo de peroné. Ambos pacientes presentaron una pequeña fístula oro cutánea que cerró con tratamiento conservador. Conclusiones Cuando los sarcomas de cabeza y cuello se presentan en pacientes jóvenes, sin comorbilidades, es posible realizar resección quirúrgica extensa y reconstrucción con col gajos libres, ya que en nuestra experiencia, fue un procedimiento seguro con mínima morbilidad en el sitio dador.
- Published
- 2020
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17. Paciente con rinofima no clasificable
- Author
Concepción Isabel Pereira Dávalos, María Elena Gutiérrez Hernández, and Elizabeth Blanco Moredo
- Subjects
rinofima ,clasificación ,enfermedades nasales ,nariz. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción: El rinofima es una enfermedad de la cual se han descrito 4 clasificaciones clínicas asociadas a la gravedad de la afectación dérmica. Aun así, existen casos en quienes no son clasificables por ninguna de las alternativas. Objetivo: Mostrar un paciente no clasificable, según las clasificaciones preexistentes del rinofima. Caso clínico: Se presenta un paciente masculino de 68 años de edad, de piel blanca, con diagnóstico de rinofima, que en el examen físico se observa engrosamiento nasal, nodular, asimétrico, con piel normocoloreada, presencia de telangiectasias en toda su superficie y compromiso de más de una subunidad anatómica nasal. Conclusiones: El caso presentado no se puede enmarcar en ninguno de los ítems de las clasificaciones existentes, lo cual muestra la necesidad del diseño de una nueva clasificación del rinofima más exhaustiva e inclusiva para pacientes con este diagnóstico.
- Published
- 2021
18. Patient with unclassifiable rhinophyma
- Author
Cocepción Isabel Pereira Dávalos, María Elena Gutiérrez Hernández, and Elizabeth Blanco Moredo
- Subjects
rinofima ,clasificación ,enfermedades nasales ,nariz. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introduction: Rhinophyma is a disease of which four clinical classifications associated with the severity of dermal involvement have been described. Even so, there are cases in which they are not classifiable by any of the alternatives. Objective: To show an unclassifiable patient, according to the preexisting classifications of rhinophyma. Clinical case: A 68-year-old male patient is presented, with white skin, with a diagnosis of rhinophyma, who in the physical examination shows nasal, nodular, asymmetric thickening, with normal-colored skin, presence of telangiectasias on all its surface and compromise of more than one nasal anatomical subunit. Conclusions: The case presented cannot be framed in any of the items of the existing classifications, which shows the need to design a new, more exhaustive and inclusive rhinophyma classification for patients with this diagnosis.
- Published
- 2021
19. Caracterización de pacientes con deformidades faciales
- Author
Elizabeth Blanco Moredo, Carlos Valdés Collazo, Yamely Domínguez Sánchez, Concepción Isabel Pereira Dávalos, and Lázaro Yunier Dunán Mesa
- Subjects
deformidad facial ,defecto facial ,secuela. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción: Las deformidades faciales se expresan como alteraciones métricas perceptibles en la proporción o simetría facial, en desacuerdo con los cánones de belleza y aceptación social históricamente concretos, con repercusión en la psicología del paciente y su entorno. Objetivos: Caracterizar a los pacientes con deformidades faciales de acuerdo al sexo, edad, etiología y localización, así como determinar la relación entre ellas. Método: Las variables estudiadas fueron recogidas durante el examen físico de los pacientes (46), previo consentimiento, vaciadas en una base de datos para su procesamiento, mediante medidas de frecuencias. Para las comparaciones se realizó la prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino (54,3 %), la etiología traumática con el grupo de edad de 40 - 49 años (19,6 %), el 26,1 % de los pacientes presentaron deformidades de más de una región y no se obtuvieron relaciones estadísticamente significativas en ningunas de las relaciones exploradas. Conclusiones: En los pacientes estudiados prevaleció el sexo masculino, de entre 40 y 49 años, la etiología traumática y localización en una sola región anatómica.
- Published
- 2021
20. Characterization of patients with facial deformities
- Author
Elizabeth Blanco Moredo, Carlos Valdés Collazo, Yamely Domínguez Sánchez, Concepción Isabel Pereira Dávalos, and Lázaro Yunier Dunán Mesa
- Subjects
deformidad facial ,defecto facial ,secuela. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introduction: Facial deformities are expressed as perceptible metric alterations in facial proportion or symmetry, at odds with historically specific canons of beauty and social acceptance, with repercussions on the psychology of the patient and his or her environment. Objectives: To characterize patients with facial deformities according to sex, age, etiology and location, as well as to determine the relationship between them. Method: The variables studied were collected during the physical examination of the patients (46) with their consent, and were entered into an SPSS Statistics 22 database where statistical processing was carried out with frequency measures. To compare the Fisher's exact test was used. Results: Male sex predominated (54,3 %), traumatic etiology with the age group of 40-49 years (19,6 %), 26,1 % of the patients presented deformities of more than one region and no statistically significant relationships were obtained in any of the explored relationships. Conclusions: Among the patients studied prevailed male sex, age between 40 and 49 years old, traumatic etiology and located in one anatomical region.
- Published
- 2021
21. Mortalidad de los enfermos renales crónicos en edad laboral en Cuba
- Author
María del Carmen Marín Prada, Francisco Gutiérrez García, Miguel Ángel Martínez Morales, Carlos Antonio Rodríguez García, and José Manuel Dávalos Iglesias
- Subjects
mortalidad ,edad laboral ,ocupación ,hipertensión arterial ,diabetes mellitus ,Medicine - Abstract
RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad renal crónica constituye un gran problema de salud en el mundo y en Cuba. Para el año 2040 puede convertirse en la quinta causa más común de años de vida potencialmente perdidos a nivel mundial y es una importante causa de gastos para la salud, la economía y el seguro social de los países. Objetivo: Caracterizar la mortalidad en pacientes renales crónicos en edad laboral en Cuba, en los años 2011-2017, según variables sociodemográficas seleccionadas. Métodos: Investigación transversal descriptiva. El universo estuvo constituido por los 5 716 fallecidos con enfermedad renal crónica. La información fue tomada de las bases de datos de mortalidad de la Dirección Nacional de Estadísticas, del Ministerio de Salud Pública. Se estudiaron las variables: edad, sexo, ocupación y principales causas de muerte. Se calcularon tasas brutas, así como tasas de mortalidad específicas. Resultados: En la edad laboral la mortalidad por enfermedad renal crónica presentó oscilaciones del año 2011 al 2017. La edad media al morir fue 53.7 años, los mayores de 61 años, hombres, presentaron el mayor riesgo (16 por 10 000 habitantes). La tasa en la población económicamente activa desocupada fue de 33 por 10 000 habitantes. El riesgo fue mayor en las ocupaciones elementales (9 por 10 000 habitantes). La enfermedad renal hipertensiva fue la principal causa de muerte (17 por 100 000 habitantes). Conclusiones: Existe ligero incremento de la mortalidad, en hombres el riesgo es mayor, la tasa más alta es en población económicamente activa desocupada y en las ocupaciones elementales. La principal causa de muerte es la enfermedad renal hipertensiva.
- Published
- 2021
22. Displasia Fibrosa Monostótica de los maxilares. A propósito de un caso
- Author
Concepción Pereira Dávalos, Elizabeth Blanco Moredo, and Bárbara Cepero Rosales
- Subjects
displasia fibrosa monostótica ,heridas y lesiones ,anomalías maxilomandibulares ,procedimientos quirúrgicos orales ,mediana edad ,femenino. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
La displasia fibrosa monostóticaes una entidad benigna, generalmente asintomática, que modifica el tejido óseo, con un remplazo gradual de este por tejido fibroso con alteraciones estéticas y funcionales. Es una enfermedad de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, aunque puede ser encontrada en edades posteriores lo que motivó la presentación de un caso.El objetivo fuereportar los resultados obtenidos con la remodelación como alternativa de tratamiento en estos pacientes. Se concluyó queesta es una alternativa con la cual se obtuvieron buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales, que se han mantenido seis meses después.
- Published
- 2018
23. DUSP5 is methylated in CIMP-high colorectal cancer but is not a major regulator of intestinal cell proliferation and tumorigenesis
- Author
Lars Tögel, Rebecca Nightingale, Rui Wu, Anderly C. Chüeh, Sheren Al-Obaidi, Ian Luk, Mercedes Dávalos-Salas, Fiona Chionh, Carmel Murone, Daniel D. Buchanan, Zac Chatterton, Oliver M. Sieber, Diego Arango, Niall C. Tebbutt, David Williams, Amardeep S. Dhillon, and John M. Mariadason
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract The ERK signalling pathway regulates key cell fate decisions in the intestinal epithelium and is frequently dysregulated in colorectal cancers (CRCs). Variations in the dynamics of ERK activation can induce different biological outcomes and are regulated by multiple mechanisms, including activation of negative feedback loops involving transcriptional induction of dual-specificity phosphatases (DUSPs). We have found that the nuclear ERK-selective phosphatase DUSP5 is downregulated in colorectal tumours and cell lines, as previously observed in gastric and prostate cancer. The DUSP5 promoter is methylated in a subset of CRC cell lines and primary tumours, particularly those with a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP). However, this epigenetic change alone could not account for reduced DUSP5 expression in CRC cells. Functionally, DUSP5 depletion failed to alter ERK signalling or proliferation in CRC cell lines, and its transgenic overexpression in the mouse intestine had minimal impact on normal intestinal homeostasis or tumour development. Our results suggest that DUSP5 plays a limited role in regulating ERK signalling associated with the growth of colorectal tumours, but that methylation the DUSP5 gene promoter can serve as an additional means of identifying CIMP-high colorectal cancers.
- Published
- 2018
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24. Colgajos de pectoral mayor y oblicuo externo para cobertura de expansores y/o prótesis en reconstrucción postmastectomía
- Author
P. Dávalos-Dávalos, J.I. Ramírez-Rivera, and P.A. Dávalos-Dávalos
- Subjects
Reconstrucción mamaria inmediata ,Colgajos musculares ,Expansores mamarios ,Prótesis mamarias ,Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
La reconstrucción mamaria inmediata postmastectomía radical modificada o subcutánea devuelve la feminidad a las pacientes al crear una neomama con volumen adecuado, simetría, visión tridimensional, forma anatómica y sensibilidad táctil en el área reconstruida. Para este fin se han descrito múltiples técnicas quirúrgicas, entre las cuales nosotros hemos utilizado los expansores cutáneos y prótesis mamarias texturizadas de forma anatómica, de perfil alto y altura moderada. Describimos nuestra técnica quirúrgica mediante la cual, al realizar la mastectomía, creamos un bolsillo retromuscular amplio, sin tensión, conformado por el músculo pectoral mayor que es desinsertado en su base inferior, y un colgajo con pedículo lateral interno del músculo oblicuo externo, los cuales al suturarse entre sí, cubren, protegen y crean un amplio bolsillo para el expansor o prótesis mamaria. Estos colgajos se cubren a su vez por un colgajo cutáneo-adiposo.
- Published
- 2015
25. Promotion of health rights in Peru: an approach from the perspective of the Peruvian National Health Authority
- Author
Edward Mezones-Holguín, Ricardo Díaz-Romero, Jackeline Castillo-Jayme, María Jerí-de-Pinho, Vicente Benites-Zapata, Edith Marquez-Bobadilla, César López-Dávalos, and Flor de María Philipps-Cuba
- Subjects
derecho a la salud ,participación ciudadana, organización comunitaria ,calidad de la atención de salud ,reforma del sector salud ,organizaciones del usuario ,perú ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
In Peru, The National Health Authority (SUSALUD) is granted the responsibility to promote, protect and defend the health rights of every citizen. However, in the Peruvian Health System (PHS) there exists an insufficient culture of health rights, a low level of knowledge of health rights by the population, and a limited degree of cooperation between users, providers and funders. In light of this limited popular participation in the health rights of the citizenry, it has been necessary for SUSALUD to pursue various activities in order to promote the exercise of health rights by Peruvians. Among the strategies implemented are the development of Organized Boards of Users (OBU) and a Program of Integrated Actions for the Promotion of Health Rights (PIAPHI). The aim of both interventions is to increase the level of trust between citizens and government, which fosters and strengthens the capacity of citizens to pursue their health rights. In this article we begin with a brief presentation on the state of knowledge, attitudes and practices of users of the health system regarding their rights. Then we explain both programs, their goals and procedures, and a general description of their activities. Also, some indicators of process and some results are presented along with discussion and future prospects. We believe that the gradual implementation of the OBU and PIAPHI programs will enhance the participation of Peruvians in their health system, and will contribute positively to their empowerment and the pursuit of their health rights.
- Published
- 2016
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26. Compound odontoma associated with a calcifying odontogenic cyst. Case report and systematic review
- Author
Fabiola Salgado-Chavarria, Marco Xavier Vizuete-Bolaños, Norma Michelle Vazquez-Dávalos, José de Jesus Ramos-Nieto, and Carla Monserrat Ramírez-Martínez
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,business.industry ,Enucleation ,Odontoma ,MEDLINE ,Compound Odontoma ,Odontogenic Cyst, Calcifying ,medicine.disease ,Dermatology ,Calcifying odontogenic cyst ,Otorhinolaryngology ,Odontogenic cyst ,Maxilla ,Odontogenic Cysts ,Inclusion and exclusion criteria ,Humans ,Medicine ,Female ,Surgery ,Oral Surgery ,business - Abstract
The objectives of the present study were to comprehensively evaluate all the published cases on compound odontoma associated with calcifying odontogenic cyst (COaCOC) in the English literature and to describe the clinical, imaging and therapeutic variables for this condition. In August 2020, an electronic search of the PubMed / MEDLINE, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Springer, and Scopus databases was carried out. The eligibility criteria included publications with enough information to confirm the diagnosis. Furthermore, we present a clinical case of a 16-year-old male patient with OCCaC, who was treated with enucleation, obtaining favorable and functional results. A total of 32 cases reported in the literature that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, including ours, were analyzed and discussed. The mayority of the patients were women (n = 17) with an average age of 14.4 years, the maxilla was the most affected bone (n = 22) and the maxillary anterior region was the area with the highest number of cases (n = 18), the main clinical presentations were the volume increase (n = 14) and asymptomatic (n = 14). The choice treatment was enucleation (n = 26) and, in most cases, no recurrence was reported (n = 20). This study allows to update the characteristics of the OCCaC, giving an effective vision of how to treat this rare pathological association made up of two conditions that are completely different from each other.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Ischaemic stroke as a complication of cardiac catheterisation. Clinical and radiological characteristics, progression, and therapeutic implications
- Author
N. Pérez de la Ossa-Herrero, O. Rodríguez-Leor, María Hernández-Pérez, P. Puyalto, P. Cuadras, M. Paré-Curell, Sebastian Remollo, A. Dávalos, Carlos Castaño, E. Fernández-Nofrerias, Lorena Martín-Aguilar, Anna Ramos-Pachón, Elena López-Cancio, Laura Dorado, and Mónica Millán
- Subjects
Cardiac Catheterization ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Brain Ischemia ,03 medical and health sciences ,Therapeutic approach ,0302 clinical medicine ,Reperfusion therapy ,Internal medicine ,Ischaemic stroke ,Materials Chemistry ,medicine ,Humans ,Artery occlusion ,Stroke ,Ischemic Stroke ,business.industry ,Mortality rate ,medicine.disease ,United States ,Ischemic Attack, Transient ,Radiological weapon ,Cardiology ,Complication ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
INTRODUCTION Ischaemic stroke is the most common neurological complication of cardiac catheterisation. This study aims to analyse the clinical and prognostic differences between post-catheterisation stroke code (SC) and all other in-hospital and prehospital SC. METHODS We prospectively recorded SC activation at our centre between March 2011 and April 2016. Patients were grouped according to whether SC was activated post-catheterisation, in-hospital but not post-catheterisation, or before arrival at hospital; groups were compared in terms of clinical and radiological characteristics, therapeutic approach, functional status, and three-month mortality. RESULTS The sample included 2224 patients, of whom 31 presented stroke post-catheterisation. Baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was lower for post-catheterisation SC than for other in-hospital SC and pre-hospital SC (5, 10, and 7, respectively; P=.02), and SC was activated sooner (50, 100, and 125minutes, respectively; P
- Published
- 2022
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28. Urban and semi-urban mosquitoes of Mexico City: A risk for endemic mosquito-borne disease transmission.
- Author
Eduardo Dávalos-Becerril, Fabián Correa-Morales, Cassandra González-Acosta, Rene Santos-Luna, Jorge Peralta-Rodríguez, Crescencio Pérez-Rentería, José Ordoñez-Álvarez, Herón Huerta, Mariana Carmona-Perez, José Alberto Díaz-Quiñonez, María Dolores Mejía-Guevara, Gustavo Sánchez-Tejeda, Pablo Kuri-Morales, Jesús Felipe González-Roldán, and Miguel Moreno-García
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Since past century, vector-borne diseases have been a major public health concern in several states of Mexico. However, Mexico City continues to be free of endemic mosquito-borne viral diseases. The city is the most important politic and economic state of Mexico and one of the most important city of Latin America. Its subtropical highland climate and high elevation (2240 masl) had historically made the occurrence of Aedes species unlikely. However, the presence of other potential disease vectors (Culex spp, Culiseta spp), and the current intermittent introductions of Aedes aegypti, have revealed that control programs must adopt routine vector surveillance in the city. In this study, we provide an updated species list from a five-years of vector surveillance performed in Mexico City. A total of 18,553 mosquito larvae were collected. Twenty-two species from genus Culex, Aedes, Culiseta, Anopheles, Lutzia and Uranotaenia were observed. Nine new mosquito records for the city were found. Ae. albopictus was recorded for the first time in Mexico City. Interestingly, a new record, Ae. epactius was the most frequent species reported. Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus exhibited the highest number of individuals collected. We detected six areas which harbor the highest mosquito species records in the city. Cemeteries included 68.9% of our collection sites. Temporarily ponds showed the highest species diversity. We detected an increasing presence of Ae. aegypti, which was detected for three consecutive years (2015-2017), predominantly in the warmer microclimates of the city. We found a possible correlation between increasing temperature and Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus expanding range. This study provides a starting point for developing strategies related to environmental management for mosquito control. The promotion of mosquito control practices through community participation, mass media and education programmes in schools should be introduced in the city.
- Published
- 2019
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29. Evaluación, investigación y sistematización de experiencias: generación del conocimiento en los proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo
- Author
Romy Kaori Dávalos Alvarado
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Medicine ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
La evaluación en los proyectos de cooperación es una práctica habitual que suele estar incluida en la formulación de proyectos y al que se le asigna un prepuesto específico. Se constituye en una herramienta para dar respuesta a preguntas concretas que pueden provenir de la propia comunidad beneficiaria, de los gestores del proyecto o programa o de las autoridades políticas.Una evaluación debe proporcionar unas informaciones creíbles y útiles, que permitan integrar las enseñanzas sacadas en los mecanismos de elaboración de las decisiones, tanto de los países de acogida como de los donantes”. Sin embargo, en entornos académicos suele confundirse, muy a menudo, investigación con evaluación, aunque son dos conceptos diferenciados: la investigación responde a las exigencias del método científico y la evaluación responde a las exigencias de racionalidad propias de un enfoque tecnológico. Cuando se está investigando, se indaga una explicación. Es decir, se indaga por qué se han producido determinados cambios o por qué se han alcanzado determinadas cotas de aprendizaje. A través de la investigación se intenta obtener hallazgos y conclusiones que sean generalizables a otros contextos y personas. Se generan así nuevos conocimientos que sean aplicables. Para ello se plantean distintas gamas de hipótesis o predicciones plausibles en al área de la formación.
- Published
- 2019
30. Predictors of Functional Outcome After Thrombectomy in Patients With Prestroke Disability in Clinical Practice
- Author
Mònica Millán, Anna Ramos-Pachón, Laura Dorado, Alejandro Bustamante, María Hernández-Pérez, Luís Rodríguez-Esparragoza, Meritxell Gomis, Sebastia Remollo, Carlos Castaño, Mariano Werner, Denisse Wenger, Sara Rubio, Manuel Domínguez-Lizarbe, Mikel Terceño, Andrés Julián Paipa, Alejandro Rodríguez-Vázquez, Sandra Boned, Pol Camps-Renom, David Cánovas, Eva Giralt, Elena López-Cancio, Antoni Dávalos, Josep Ros-Roig, Natalia Pérez de la Ossa, Pere Cardona, Helena Quesada, Blanca Lara, Ana Nuñez Guillen, Roger Barranco, Lucia Aja, Paloma Mora, Oscar Chirife, Sonia Aixut, Maria Angeles de Miquel, Toni Martínez-Yelamos, Carlos Molina, Marta Rubiera, Jorge Pagola, David Rodríguez-Luna, Marian Muchada, Alejandro Tomasello, Marc Ribó, Carlos Piñana, Manuel Requena, Matías Deck, Alvaro Garcia-Tornel, Marta Olivé, Noelia Rodriguez, Jesus Jueg, Ángel Chamorro, Sergio Amaro, Xabier Urra, Laura Llull, Arturo Renú, Salvatore Rudiloso, Juan M. Macho, Jordi Blasco, Luis San Roman Manzanera, Antonio López, Federico Zarco, Ramón Torné, Ricard Valero, Víctor Obach, Víctor Vera, Martha Vargas, Carlos Laredo, Joan Martí-Fàbregas, Raquel Delgado-Mederos, Alejandro Martínez-Domeño, Luis Prats-Sánchez, Daniel Guisado-Alonso, Marina Guasch-Jiménez, Rebeca Marín Bueno, Jordi Branera-Pujol, José Pablo Martínez, Lavinia Dinia, Anna Pellisé, Xavier Ustrell, Alan Flores, Laia Seró, Joaquín Serena, Yolanda Silva, Saima Bashir, Alan Murillo, Jerzy Krupinski, Sonia Huertas, Jessica Molina, Georgina Figueras, Sarah Besora, Ana Rodríguez-Campello, Jaume Roquer, Ángel Ois, Elisa cuadrado-Godia, Jordi Jiménez-Conde, Elio Vivas, Polo Guimaraens, Maria del Carmen Garcia, Jordi Estela, Joan Perendreu, Nicolas Romero, Roberto Eduardo Correa, Oriol Barrachina, Moisès Broggi, Manuel Gómez-Choco, Sonia M. García, Maria Àngels Font Padrós, Juan José Mengual Chirife, Luis Mena Romo, Ernest Palomeras, Virginia Casado, Nicolau Guanyabens, Marta Álvarez, Esther Catena, José Luis Camacho Velasquez, Francisco Purroy, Gerard Mauri, Cristina Garcia, Jessica García Alhama, Irene Bragado Trigo, Jordi Monedero, Mònica Perecaula, Luis Guillermo Casanovas, Carla Colom, Dolores Cocho, Adela Rios González, Juanjo Baiges, Josep Zaragoza, Gisela Martin, Sonia Escalante, Patricia Esteve, Iago Payo, Lidia Binela, Josep Maria Aragonés, Núria Matos, Josep Maria Soler-Insa, Natalia Mas, Glòria Diaz, Margarida Vergés, Xavier Costa, Liseth Molina, M. Cruz Almendros, Marc Pérez, Ana Cabanelas, Olga Belchi, Maria Rybyeba, Miquel Barceló, Dolors Carrión, Carmen Repullo, Eduard Sanjurjo, Mercè Salvat-Plana, Josep Roig, Verònica Hidalgo, Olga Fagúndez, Victòria Sala, Anabel Alonso, Marisol Querol, Montse Gorchs, Xavier Jiménez, and Maria Àngels Mora
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Treatment outcome ,Outcome (game theory) ,Humans ,Medicine ,Disabled Persons ,In patient ,Prospective Studies ,Registries ,Stroke ,Aged ,Ischemic Stroke ,Thrombectomy ,Aged, 80 and over ,Advanced and Specialized Nursing ,business.industry ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Mechanical thrombectomy ,Clinical Practice ,Spain ,Ischemic stroke ,Physical therapy ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Background and Purpose: Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in ischemic stroke patients with poor prestroke conditions remains controversial. We aimed to analyze the frequency of previously disabled patients treated with MT in clinical practice, the safety and clinical response to MT of patients with preexisting disability, and the disabled patient characteristics associated with a better response to MT. Methods: We studied all consecutive patients with anterior circulation occlusion treated with MT from January 2017 to December 2019 included in the Codi Ictus Catalunya registry—a government-mandated, prospective, hospital-based data set. Prestroke disability was defined as modified Rankin Scale score 2 or 3. Functional outcome at 90 days was centrally assessed by a blinded evaluator of the Catalan Stroke Program. Favorable outcome (to return at least to prestroke modified Rankin Scale at 90 days) and safety and secondary outcomes were compared with patients without previous disability. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between prestroke disability and outcomes and to identify a disabled patient profile with favorable outcome after MT. Results: Of 2487 patients included in the study, 409 (17.1%) had prestroke disability (313 modified Rankin Scale score 2 and 96 modified Rankin Scale score 3). After adjustment for covariates, prestroke disability was not associated with a lower chance of achieving favorable outcome at 90 days (24% versus 30%; odds ratio, 0.79 [0.57–1.08]), whereas it was independently associated with a higher risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (5% versus 3%; odds ratio, 2.04 [1.11–3.72]) and long-term mortality (31% versus 18%; odds ratio, 1.74 [1.27–2.39]) compared with patients without disability. Prestroke disabled patients without diabetes, Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score >8 and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score Conclusions: Despite a higher mortality and risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage, prestroke-disabled patients return as often as independent patients to their prestroke level of function, especially those nondiabetic patients with favorable early ischemic signs profile. These data support a potential benefit of MT in patients with previous mild or moderate disability after large anterior vessel occlusion stroke.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Polimorfismo VNTR (CAG)n del gen ATXN2 y parámetros metabólicos de riesgo cardiovascular asociados con el grado de obesidad en población amerindia de Oaxaca
- Author
Ana Rosa Rincón-Sánchez, Carlos J Castro-Juárez, Luis Javier Flores-Alvarado, José Isaías Siliceo-Murrieta, Sabina López-Toledo, Rufina Guzmán-López, Perla Montserrat Madrigal Ruiz, José Rafael Villafán-Bernal, Sergio Alberto Ramirez-Garcia, and Nory Omayra Dávalos-Rodríguez
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,ATXN2 gene ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Endocrinology ,Amerindian population ,Polymorphism (computer science) ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,Obesity - Abstract
Resumen Introduccion El gen ATXN2 presenta un VNTR (CAG)n con locus en el exon 1, los alelos largos dentro del rango normal (22-29 repeticiones) se asocian con obesidad severa en sujetos del Reino Unido, Indonesia y el Caribe. Objetivo Analizar la influencia del VNTR (CAG)n del gen ATXN2 en el perfil metabolico en adultos con obesidad y preobesidad asi como analizar su asociacion con parametros metabolicos y ambientales de riesgo cardiovascular. Metodos y materiales Se incluyeron 255 adultos de origen etnico amerindio chinanteca a quienes se les realizo evaluacion antropometrica y bioquimica. El VNTR fue amplificado por PCR punto final y electroforesis PAGE al 8%. Resultados Se encontraron diferencias en la circunferencia indice cintura/cadera e indice de masa corporal en los portadores de genotipos diferentes al homocigoto de 22 repeticiones con un valor para la prueba t de Student de 0,0041 y 0,0334 respectivamente. Tambien encontramos asociacion con la historia familiar de enfermedad cronica. Conclusion El VNTR de ATXN2 se asocia al grado de obesidad en adultos mexicanos con ancestria chinanteca.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Aedes aegypti, the dengue fever mosquito in Mexico City. Early invasion and its potential risks
- Author
María D. Mejía-Guevara, Carlos Ramírez-Huicochea, Andrés Martínez-Gaona, Cassandra González-Acosta, Fabián Correa-Morales, Mariela Hernández-Nava, Eduardo Dávalos-Becerril, Miguel Moreno-García, Jorge L. Peralta-Rodríguez, Víctor Salazar-Bueyes, Mariana Carmona-Pérez, Leopoldo Rosas-Trinidad, and Fernando Tapia-Olarte
- Subjects
Aedes ,Veterinary medicine ,Eggs ,fungi ,education ,Mosquito Vectors ,General Medicine ,Aedes aegypti ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease_cause ,Dengue fever ,Dengue ,Species Specificity ,Larva ,Mexico city ,medicine ,Animals ,Colonization ,Chikungunya ,Cities ,Mexico - Abstract
Mexico City has no endemic presence of Aedes aegypti, and it is therefore free of vector-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, Zika and chikungunya. However, evidence has shown the presence of Aedes aegypti eggs in the city since 2015.To report the constant and increasing presence of Aedes aegypti eggs in Mexico City from 2015 to 2018.Surveillance was carried out using ovitraps. Eggs were counted and hatched in order to determine the species.From 2015 to 2018, 378 organisms were identified as Ae. aegypti. In total, 76 Aedes aegypti-positive ovitraps were collected at 50 different places in 11 boroughs of the city. Northeastern Mexico City was the area with the highest number of positive traps.The results may be indicating a period of early colonization and the probable existence of cryptic colonies of the mosquito; Mexico City could be at risk of experiencing vector-borne epidemics.La Ciudad de México no tiene presencia endémica de Aedes aegypti, por lo que está libre de enfermedades transmitidas por vector como dengue, Zika y chikunguña. Sin embargo, existe evidencia de la presencia de huevecillos en la urbe desde 2015.Reportar la presencia constante y en aumento de huevecillos de Aedes aegypti en la Ciudad de México de 2015 a 2018.Se realizó vigilancia a través de ovitrampas; se contabilizaron y eclosionaron huevecillos para determinar la especie.De 2015 a 2018 fueron identificados 378 organismos como Aedes aegypti. En total fueron colectadas 76 ovitrampas positivas a Aedes aegypti en 50 sitios distintos de 11 alcaldías. El noreste de la Ciudad de México fue el área con mayor positividad.Los resultados pueden estar indicando un periodo de colonización incipiente y la probable la existencia de colonias crípticas del mosquito, por lo que la Ciudad de México podría estar en riesgo de presentar epidemias de enfermedades transmitidas por vector.
- Published
- 2023
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33. Mexican Consensus of Multiple Myeloma
- Author
Mario Alberto Martínez-Ramírez, Lorena Nava-Villegas, Erika Añorve-Hernández, Erick Saucedo-Montes, Luisa Ma. Alcivar-Cedeño, Ma. Teresa Palafox-Zaldívar, José Antonio de la Peña-Celaya, Ramón A Bates-Martín, Javier de Jesús Morales-Adrián, Aldo Mujica-Martínez, Alinka Socorro García-Camacho, Wilfrido Herrera-Olivares, Luis Arteaga-Ortiz, Jesús Emanuel Medina-Coral, Lizeth Meza-Dávalos, Juan P Macías-Flores, Silvia A. Hernández-Cervantes, Juan J Orellana-Garibay, Areli E. Hernández-Alcántara, Maricruz Morales-de Azcué, José Luis Álvarez-Vera, Martha Alvarado-Ibarra, Juan L. Murillo-Cruz, Óscar Teomitzi-Sánchez, Carolina García-Castillo, Ana K Hernández-Colín, Ángel de Jesús Castillo-Salas, Katheryn B. Garzón-Velásquez, Dafne Itzel Campa-Monroy, Xóchitl Cota-Rangel, Flavio Rojas-Castillejos, Jéssica Nájera-Martínez, Luisa Banda-García, Marco A. Nava-Alpide, María Eugenia Espitia-Ríos, Iris Mabel Narváez-Sarmiento, Orlando Gabriel Palma-Moreno, Pamela Elena Báez-Islas, Yanet Ventura-Enríquez, Luara L Arana-Luna, Eleazar Hernández-Ruiz, Carlos Gil-Rondero, Gregorio Ignacio-Ibarra, Patricia Estrada-Domínguez, Irene Anaya-Cuellar, Shendel P. Vilchis-González, Karina Silva-Vera, Guillermo Díaz-Vargas, Andrea Martínez-de la Vega, Nidia Zapata-Canto, Hilda Romero-Rodelo, Eugenia Patricia Paredes-Lozano, Jorge Martínez-Coronel, Ma. Luisa Pedraza-Colín, Azucena Saavedra-González, Eduardo Romero-Martínez, Faustino Leyto-Cruz, Josué Ruiz-Contreras, Mariela Cardiel-Silva, Alejandra B. Pérez-Lizardi, Lidia V Guerra-Alarcón, Sergio I. Inclán-Alarcón, Juan Manuel Pérez Zúñiga, Luis G. Silva-Michel, Elizabeth Morales-López, Pedro A. Zárate-Rodríguez, Atenas Villela-Peña, Alba Morales-Hernández, Leire Montoya-Jiménez, Fredy Tepepa-Flores, Denisse Jocelyn Fermín-Caminero, and Jocelyn Aguilar-Luevano
- Subjects
Lytic lesions ,Gynecology ,Plasma cell leukemia ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Focal lesion ,business.industry ,Diagnostico diferencial ,Overall survival ,Medicine ,General Medicine ,Bone plasmacytoma ,business ,medicine.disease - Abstract
espanolPara identificar una patologia cada vez mas comun, conocida como mieloma multiple, es necesario hacer alusion de los factores especificos que la caracterizan. Para ello existen los clasicos criterios conocidos como CRAB (hipercalcemia, insufi- ciencia renal, anemia y lesiones liticas), siendo la insuficiencia renal una de sus complicaciones mas frecuentes. Reciente- mente se han descrito tres biomarcadores indiscutibles para el apoyo diagnostico del mieloma multiple, que son: mas del 10% de celulas plasmaticas clonales en medula osea o biopsia que corrobora la presencia de un plasmocitoma, relacion de cade- nas ligeras ≥ 100 mg/dl y mas de una lesion focal en resonancia magnetica. Se debe tomar siempre en cuenta el diagnostico diferencial con leucemia de celulas plasmaticas, plasmocitoma oseo solitario y plasmocitoma extramedular. Al ser una enfer- medad incurable, se ha investigado mucho en cuanto al manejo terapeutico, el cual tiene como objetivo principal la desapa- ricion de las celulas plasmaticas y la mejoria clinica del paciente. El primer farmaco que demostro algun beneficio fue el melfalan en el ano 1958 y posteriormente al adicionar un esteroide como segundo farmaco se logro mejorar las tasas de respuesta. Despues se fueron estudiando diferentes moleculas, con las que se han realizado multiples combinaciones, alcan- zando mejores tasas de supervivencia global y supervivencia libre de progresion. Anos mas tarde, con la llegada de los inhi- bidores de proteosoma como el bortezomib, asi como de los agentes inmunomoduladores como la talidomida y la lenalido- mida, se presenta un giro importante en la enfermedad, ya que se logran respuestas mas profundas, periodo de remisiones mas prolongadas y mejoria en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Este consenso tiene la finalidad de integrar a un grupo de especialistas mexicanos y promover la actualizacion de esta patologia. EnglishTo identify this increasingly common pathology, known as Multiple Myeloma, it is necessary to refer to the specific factors that characterize it; to this end, the classic criteria known as CRAB (hypercalcemia, renal failure, anemia and lytic lesions) are available, in which renal failure is one of the most frequent complications. Recently, 3 indisputable biomarkers have been described for the diagnostic support for Multiple Myeloma, which are: more than 10% of clonal plasma cells in BM or, a biop- sy that corroborates the presence of a plasmacytoma, light chain ratio ≥100 mg/dL and more than one focal lesion on mag- netic resonance imaging (MRI). A differential diagnosis for plasma cell leukemia, solitary bone plasmacytoma, and extramed- ullary plasmacytoma should always be considered. Being this an incurable disease, a lot of research has been done regarding its therapeutic management, whose main objective is the disappearance of plasma cells and the patient clinical improvement. Melphalan was the first drug that showed a benefit in 1958 and afterwards, with the addition of a steroid as a second drug, it was possible to improve response rates. Subsequently, different molecules were studied, forming multiple combinations, and achieving better rates of Overall Survival and Progression-Free Survival. Years later, with the arrival of proteasome inhibitors such as bortezomib, and immunomodulators such as thalidomide and lenalidomide, an important turnaround in the disease has been seen, as deeper responses, more prolonged remissions, and improvement in the quality of life of patients have been achieved. This consensus has the purpose of integrating a group of Mexican specialists and promoting the updating of this pathology.
- Published
- 2023
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34. Consenso Mexicano de Mieloma Múltiple
- Author
Alejandra B. Pérez-Lizardi, Carlos Gil-Rondero, Wilfrido Herrera-Olivares, Sergio I. Inclán-Alarcón, Karina Silva-Vera, Eugenia Patricia Paredes-Lozano, Mario Alberto Martínez-Ramírez, Ana K Hernández-Colín, Denisse Jocelyn Fermín-Caminero, Iris Mabel Narváez-Sarmiento, Jocelyn Aguilar-Luevano, Jorge Martínez-Coronel, Lidia V Guerra-Alarcón, Juan L. Murillo-Cruz, Luisa Banda-García, Irene Anaya-Cuellar, Lorena Nava-Villegas, Ángel de Jesús Castillo-Salas, Ma. Teresa Palafox-Zaldívar, M Eugenia Espitia-Ríos, Erick Saucedo-Montes, Silvia A. Hernández-Cervantes, Leire Montoya-Jiménez, Guillermo Díaz-Vargas, Alinka Socorro García-Camacho, Pedro A. Zárate-Rodríguez, Javier de Jesús Morales-Adrián, Azucena Saavedra-González, Maricruz Morales-de Azcué, Juan P Macías-Flores, Luis G. Silva-Michel, Elizabeth Morales-López, Lizeth Meza-Dávalos, Atenas Villela-Peña, José Antonio de la Peña-Celaya, Ramón A Bates-Martín, José Luis Álvarez-Vera, Katheryn B. Garzón-Velásquez, Juan Manuel Pérez-Zúñiga, Erika Añorve-Hernández, Aldo Mujica-Martínez, Luisa Ma. Alcivar-Cedeño, Eleazar Hernández-Ruiz, Martha Alvarado-Ibarra, Jéssica Nájera-Martínez, Alba Morales-Hernández, Luis Arteaga-Ortiz, Óscar Teomitzi-Sánchez, Carolina García-Castillo, Nidia Zapata-Canto, Andrea Martínez-de la Vega, Jesús Emanuel Medina-Coral, Patricia Estrada-Domínguez, Hilda Romero-Rodelo, Dafne Itzel Campa-Monroy, Luara L Arana-Luna, Pamela Elena Báez-Islas, Gregorio Ignacio-Ibarra, Josué Ruiz-Contreras, Ma. Luisa Pedraza-Colín, Mariela Cardiel-Silva, Shendel P. Vilchis-González, Fredy Tepepa-Flores, Areli E. Hernández-Alcántara, Juan J Orellana Garibay, Yanet Ventura-Enríquez, Eduardo Romero-Martínez, Faustino Leyto-Cruz, Xóchitl Cota-Rangel, Orlando Gabriel Palma-Moreno, Flavio Rojas-Castillejos, and Marco A. Nava-Alpide
- Subjects
Plasma cell leukemia ,Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Bortezomib ,business.industry ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Thalidomide ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Gammopathy ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Plasmacytoma ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Bone marrow ,business ,Multiple myeloma ,medicine.drug ,Lenalidomide - Abstract
To identify this increasingly common pathology, known as multiple myeloma (MM), it is necessary to refer to the specific factors that characterize it; to this end, the classic criteria known as CRAB (hyperkalemia, renal failure, anemia, and lytic lesions) are available, in which renal failure is one of the most frequent complications. Recently, three indisputable biomarkers have been described for the diagnostic support for MM, which are: more than 10% of clonal plasma cells in bone marrow or, a biopsy that corroborates the presence of a plasmacytoma, light chain ratio ≥ 100 mg/dL and more than one focal lesion on magnetic resonance imaging. A differential diagnosis for plasma cell leukemia, solitary bone plasmacytoma, and extramedullary plasmacytoma should always be considered. Being this an incurable disease, a lot of research has been done regarding its therapeutic management, whose main objective is the disappearance of plasma cells and the patient clinical improvement. Melphalan was the first drug that showed a benefit in 1958 and afterward, with the addition of a steroid as a second drug, it was possible to improve response rates. Subsequently, different molecules were studied, forming multiple combinations, and achieving better rates of overall survival and progression-free survival. Years later, with the arrival of proteasome inhibitors such as bortezomib, and immunomodulators such as thalidomide and lenalidomide, an important turnaround in the disease has been seen, as deeper responses, more prolonged remissions, and improvement in the quality of life of patients have been achieved. This consensus has the purpose of integrating a group of Mexican specialists and promoting the updating of this pathology.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Ofelia Mora, Martín Barbosa Amezcua, Laura González Dávalos, Luz Vázquez Moreno, and Armando S. Shimada
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,Chromatography ,biology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Carotene ,Fast protein liquid chromatography ,Plant Science ,medicine.disease_cause ,High-performance liquid chromatography ,Enzyme assay ,law.invention ,Pigment ,Enzyme ,chemistry ,law ,visual_art ,medicine ,biology.protein ,Recombinant DNA ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Escherichia coli ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Los forrajes utilizados en la producción de ganado bovino en el trópico tienen altos niveles de β-caroteno, que produce canales con grasa de color amarillo y demerita su valor económico. La pigmentación amarilla se debe a la actividad baja de la enzima β -caroteno 15,15’-monooxigenasa (BCMO1) en el intestino delgado e hígado. Un uso biotecnológico de esta enzima podría escindir al β -caroteno en dos moléculas de retinal, eliminar la fuente de coloración y optimizar el valor comercial de la carne del ganado bovino alimentado en pastoreo. El objetivo de este estudio fue obtener una enzima BCMO1 recombinante con actividad similar a las enzimas nativas, a partir de bacterias transformadas con el gen que codifica la b-caroteno 15,15’-monooxigenasa de Gallus gallus (gBCMO1). La enzima se obtuvo por sobre expresión a partir de una Escherichia coli XL1-Blue transformada con dicho gen, y se purificó por Cromatografía rápida de proteína líquida (Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography, FPLC); se midió la actividad in vitro del proceso por Cromatografía de afinidad por metales inmovilizados (Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography, IMAC) y el producto final se detectó por Cromatografía de líquidos de polaridad alta (High Polarity Liquid Chromatography, HPLC). Una proteína de aproximadamente 63 kDa se obtuvo, la cual presentó una actividad enzimática de 2993 (± 108.2) pmol mg-1 de proteína h-1 (n=3). La proteína aislada se puede evaluar como aditivo en estudios in vitro con el fin de disminuir la coloración amarilla de las canales de bovinos.
- Published
- 2021
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36. Endovascular Treatment Effect Diminishes With Increasing Thrombus Perviousness: Pooled Data From 7 Trials on Acute Ischemic Stroke
- Author
Diederik W.J. Dippel, Philip White, Michael D. Hill, Guang Zhang, Tudor G Jovin, Andrew M. Demchuk, Keith W. Muir, Antoni Dávalos, Heitor C.B.R. Alves, Serge Bracard, Yvo B.W.E.M. Roos, Francis Guillemin, Bruna Garbugio Dutra, Manon Kappelhof, Henk A. Marquering, Aad van der Lugt, Manon L Tolhuisen, Peter Mitchell, Scott Brown, Mayank Goyal, Charles B. L. M. Majoie, Jeffrey L. Saver, Kilian M. Treurniet, Bruce C.V. Campbell, Graduate School, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, ACS - Atherosclerosis & ischemic syndromes, ACS - Microcirculation, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Compulsivity, Impulsivity & Attention, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurovascular Disorders, Biomedical Engineering and Physics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Brain Imaging, Neurology, and Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,decision making ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Residual flow ,Internal medicine ,Occlusion ,Medicine ,Pooled data ,cardiovascular diseases ,Thrombus ,Endovascular treatment ,Stroke ,Acute ischemic stroke ,tissue-type plasminogen activator ,Thrombectomy ,Advanced and Specialized Nursing ,business.industry ,Cerebral infarction ,Tissue-type plasminogen activator ,cerebral infarction ,medicine.disease ,stroke ,reperfusion ,thrombectomy ,Reperfusion ,Cardiology ,Neurology (clinical) ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Decision making ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Background and Purpose: Thrombus perviousness estimates residual flow along a thrombus in acute ischemic stroke, based on radiological images, and may influence the benefit of endovascular treatment for acute ischemic stroke. We aimed to investigate potential endovascular treatment (EVT) effect modification by thrombus perviousness. Methods: We included 443 patients with thin-slice imaging available, out of 1766 patients from the pooled HERMES (Highly Effective Reperfusion Evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke trials) data set of 7 randomized trials on EVT in the early window (most within 8 hours). Control arm patients (n=233) received intravenous alteplase if eligible (212/233; 91%). Intervention arm patients (n=210) received additional EVT (prior alteplase in 178/210; 85%). Perviousness was quantified by thrombus attenuation increase on admission computed tomography angiography compared with noncontrast computed tomography. Multivariable regression analyses were performed including multiplicative interaction terms between thrombus attenuation increase and treatment allocation. In case of significant interaction, subgroup analyses by treatment arm were performed. Our primary outcome was 90-day functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale score), resulting in an adjusted common odds ratio for a one-step shift towards improved outcome. Secondary outcomes were mortality, successful reperfusion (extended Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score, 2B–3), and follow-up infarct volume (in mL). Results: Increased perviousness was associated with improved functional outcome. After adding a multiplicative term of thrombus attenuation increase and treatment allocation, model fit improved significantly ( P =0.03), indicating interaction between perviousness and EVT benefit. Control arm patients showed significantly better outcomes with increased perviousness (adjusted common odds ratio, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.1–1.3]). In the EVT arm, no significant association was found (adjusted common odds ratio, 1.0 [95% CI, 0.9–1.1]), and perviousness was not significantly associated with successful reperfusion. Follow-up infarct volume (12% [95% CI, 7.0–17] per 5 Hounsfield units) and chance of mortality (adjusted odds ratio, 0.83 [95% CI, 0.70–0.97]) decreased with higher thrombus attenuation increase in the overall population, without significant treatment interaction. Conclusions: Our study suggests that the benefit of best medical care including alteplase, compared with additional EVT, increases in patients with more pervious thrombi.
- Published
- 2021
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37. Otoplastia en orejas prominentes: alternativa quirúrgica Otoplasty in prominent ears: surgical alternative
- Author
P. Dávalos Dávalos, J.I. Ramírez Rivera, and P.A. Dávalos Dávalos
- Subjects
Orejas prominentes ,Orejas protuidas ,Orejas en asa ,Orejas en soplillo ,Otoplastia ,Neoantihélix ,Prominent ear ,Protuded ear ,Ear in handle ,Puff ear ,Otoplasty ,Neoantihelix ,Medicine ,Surgery ,RD1-811 - Abstract
Las orejas prominentes o en asa son la deformidad congénita más frecuente del pabellón auricular. En esta patología es notoria la falta del antihélix y el aumento del ángulo mastoideoconchal, teniendo en cuenta que las dimensiones del área del pabellón auricular estén dentro de unos límites normales. Han sido descritas numerosas y diversas técnicas quirúrgicas para su corrección, buscando todas ellas cómo acortar el ángulo mastoideo conchal y crear un nuevo antihélix. Cada oreja tiene sus propias características en el contexto anatómico normal del paciente, por lo que es importante realizar una evaluación correcta para aplicar la técnica quirúrgica más adecuada a cada caso. En el presente trabajo describimos sistemáticamente los pasos quirúrgicos a seguir buscando la simplificación del procedimiento y sobre todo, demostrando que con una incisión mínima producida por una aguja calibre 21G con punta angulada, mediante la que se realizan cortes de relajación en la superficie anterior del cartílago paralelos al eje vertical del pabellón auricular en el área que corresponde a la proyección del antihélix, se puede obtener una curvatura natural del neoantihélix.Prominent ear, is the most frequent congenital malformation of the auricular pavillion. In this pathology, the absence of the antihelix is notorious as well as the increase of the mastoid-conchal angle, considering that the dimensions of the area of the auricular pavillion are within the normal limits. Many techniques have been described, all of them trying to reduce the mastoid-conchal angle and to create a new antihelix. Each ear has its own characteristics within the normal anatomic context; so it is important to make a correct evaluation in order to apply the adequate surgical technique. The surgical steps to be followed are systematically described to simplify the procedure, and most of all, showing that with a minimum incision done with a 21G size angulated needle, over the anterior side of the auricular cartilage, we can perform relaxation cuts parallel to the vertical axe of the auricular pavillion, and obtain a natural curve of the neoantihelix.
- Published
- 2009
38. Tratamiento quirúrgico de luxaciones y luxofracturas peri-lunares del carpo en un centro especializado
- Author
Diego Alejandro Dávalos Herrera, Elkin Augusto Lozano González, and Alejandro Satizábal
- Subjects
business.industry ,Medicine ,business - Abstract
Introducción. Las luxaciones y las luxofracturas perilunares son lesiones de alta energía poco comunes y de difícil tratamiento debido al extenso compromiso de tejido blando, cartilaginoso y óseo. No obstante, existen varias opciones de tratamiento recomendadas, con un énfasis reciente en la reducción abierta y la fijación interna. Objetivo. Evaluar una cohorte de pacientes que recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico específico para luxaciones y luxofracturas perilunares agudas del carpo en un centro especializado en trauma y cirugía de mano. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado en 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de luxación o luxofractura perilunar del carpo y tratados quirúrgicamente. Se evaluaron pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente entre febrero de 2008 y febrero de 2014 y se valoraron datos sociodemográficos, mecanismo del trauma, tiempo de seguimiento, escala visual análoga de dolor, escala DASH y arcos de movilidad articular. Los resultados clínicos se obtuvieron a través de entrevista personal y valoración clínica. Resultados. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 32 años y la mano dominante fue la más afectada (80%). Las luxaciones perilunares puras fueron las más frecuentes (50%), seguidas de las luxofracturas transescafolunares (40%) y transestiloradiales (10%). Se evidenciaron 2 complicaciones. Conclusiones. En el presente estudio todos los pacientes se llevaron a procedimiento quirúrgico de forma oportuna y tuvieron una buena recuperación, por lo que se establece que el tratamiento quirúrgico temprano (
- Published
- 2021
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39. Prediction of Outcome and Endovascular Treatment Benefit Validation and Update of the MR PREDICTS Decision Tool
- Author
Esmee Venema, Bob Roozenbeek, Maxim J.H.L. Mulder, Scott Brown, Charles B.L.M. Majoie, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Andrew M. Demchuk, Keith W. Muir, Antoni Dávalos, Peter J. Mitchell, Serge Bracard, Olvert A. Berkhemer, Geert J. Lycklama à Nijeholt, Robert J. van Oostenbrugge, Yvo B.W.E.M. Roos, Wim H. van Zwam, Aad van der Lugt, Michael D. Hill, Philip White, Bruce C.V. Campbell, Francis Guillemin, Jeffrey L. Saver, Tudor G. Jovin, Mayank Goyal, Diederik W.J. Dippel, Hester F. Lingsma, Jelis Boiten, Jan Albert Vos, Ivo G.H. Jansen, Robert- Jan B. Goldhoorn, Kars C.J. Compagne, Manon Kappelhof, Josje Brouwer, Sanne J. den Hartog, Wouter H. Hinsenveld, Adriaan C.G.M. van Es, Bart J. Emmer, Jonathan M. Coutinho, Wouter J. Schonewille, Marieke J.H. Wermer, Marianne A.A. van Walderveen, Julie Staals, Jeannette Hofmeijer, Jasper M. Martens, Sebastiaan F. de Bruijn, Lukas C. van Dijk, H. Bart van der Worp, Rob H. Lo, Ewoud J. van Dijk, Hieronymus D. Boogaarts, J. de Vries, Paul L.M. de Kort, Julia van Tuijl, Jo P. Peluso, Puck Fransen, Jan S.P. van den Berg, Boudewijn A.A.M. van Hasselt, Leo A.M. Aerden, René J. Dallinga, Maarten Uyttenboogaart, Omid Eschgi, Reinoud P.H. Bokkers, Tobien H.C.M.L. Schreuder, Roel J.J. Heijboer, Koos Keizer, Lonneke S.F. Yo, Heleen M. den Hertog, Tomas Bulut, Paul J.A.M. Brouwers, Marieke E.S. Sprengers, Sjoerd F.M. Jenniskens, René van den Berg, Albert J. Yoo, Ludo F.M. Beenen, Alida A. Postma, Stefan D. Roosendaal, Bas F.W. van der Kallen, Ido R. van den Wijngaard, Joost Bot, Pieter-Jan van Doormaal, Anton Meijer, Elyas Ghariq, Marc P. van Proosdij, G. Menno Krietemeijer, Rob Lo, Dick Gerrits, Wouter Dinkelaar, Auke P.A. Appelman, Bas Hammer, Sjoert Pegge, Anouk van der Hoorn, Saman Vinke, H. Zwenneke Flach, Naziha el Ghannouti, Martin Sterrenberg, Wilma Pellikaan, Rita Sprengers, Marjan Elfrink, Michelle Simons, Marjolein Vossers, Joke de Meris, Tamara Vermeulen, Annet Geerlings, Gina van Vemde, Tiny Simons, Gert Messchendorp, Nynke Nicolaij, Hester Bongenaar, Karin Bodde, Sandra Kleijn, Jasmijn Lodico, Hanneke Droste, Maureen Wollaert, Sabrina Verheesen, D. Jeurrissen, Erna Bos, Yvonne Drabbe, Michelle Sandiman, Nicoline Aaldering, Berber Zweedijk, Jocova Vervoort, Eva Ponjee, Sharon Romviel, Karin Kanselaar, Denn Barning, Vicky Chalos, Ralph R. Geuskens, Tim van Straaten, Saliha Ergezen, Roger R.M. Harmsma, Daan Muijres, Anouk de Jong, Anna M.M. Boers, J. Huguet, P.F.C. Groot, Marieke A. Mens, Katinka R. van Kranendonk, Kilian M. Treurniet, Manon L. Tolhuisen, Heitor Alves, Annick J. Weterings, Eleonora L.F. Kirkels, Eva J.H.F. Voogd, Lieve M. Schupp, Sabine L. Collette, Adrien E.D. Groot, Natalie E. LeCouffe, Praneeta R. Konduri, Haryadi Prasetya, Nerea Arrarte- Terreros, Lucas A. Ramos, MUMC+: MA Neurologie (3), Klinische Neurowetenschappen, MUMC+: Hersen en Zenuw Centrum (3), RS: Carim - B05 Cerebral small vessel disease, Beeldvorming, MUMC+: DA BV Medisch Specialisten Radiologie (9), RS: Carim - B06 Imaging, Neurology, Public Health, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Basic and Translational Research and Imaging Methodology Development in Groningen (BRIDGE), Damage and Repair in Cancer Development and Cancer Treatment (DARE), Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, ACS - Microcirculation, ANS - Neurovascular Disorders, ANS - Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms, and ACS - Atherosclerosis & ischemic syndromes
- Subjects
Male ,SELECTION ,Original Contributions ,Vascular damage Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 16] ,Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology ,registry ,GUIDELINES ,THERAPY ,ANGIOGRAPHY ,Brain Ischemia ,law.invention ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,Interquartile range ,Modified Rankin Scale ,law ,80 and over ,Registries ,030212 general & internal medicine ,ACUTE ISCHEMIC-STROKE ,uncertainty ,Stroke ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,Aged, 80 and over ,Endovascular Procedures ,Middle Aged ,Disorders of movement Donders Center for Medical Neuroscience [Radboudumc 3] ,Outcome (probability) ,reperfusion ,Treatment Outcome ,thrombectomy ,ComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSING ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,Rare cancers Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 9] ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Concordance ,Clinical Trials and Supportive Activities ,Clinical Sciences ,Clinical and Population Sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Clinical Research ,medicine ,ischemic stroke ,Humans ,Endovascular treatment ,Aged ,Advanced and Specialized Nursing ,Neurology & Neurosurgery ,business.industry ,MECHANICAL THROMBECTOMY ,Other Research Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 0] ,Neurosciences ,medicine.disease ,Brain Disorders ,HERMES collaborators and MR CLEAN Registry Investigators ,Emergency medicine ,Observational study ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Supplemental Digital Content is available in the text., Background and Purpose: Benefit of early endovascular treatment (EVT) for ischemic stroke varies considerably among patients. The MR PREDICTS decision tool, derived from MR CLEAN (Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Endovascular Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Netherlands), predicts outcome and treatment benefit based on baseline characteristics. Our aim was to externally validate and update MR PREDICTS with data from international trials and daily clinical practice. Methods: We used individual patient data from 6 randomized controlled trials within the HERMES (Highly Effective Reperfusion Evaluated in Multiple Endovascular Stroke Trials) collaboration to validate the original model. Then, we updated the model and performed a second validation with data from the observational MR CLEAN Registry. Primary outcome was functional independence (defined as modified Rankin Scale score 0–2) 3 months after stroke. Treatment benefit was defined as the difference between the probability of functional independence with and without EVT. Discriminative performance was evaluated using a concordance (C) statistic. Results: We included 1242 patients from HERMES (633 assigned to EVT, 609 assigned to control) and 3156 patients from the MR CLEAN Registry (all of whom underwent EVT within 6.5 hours). The C-statistic for functional independence was 0.74 (95% CI, 0.72–0.77) in HERMES and, after model updating, 0.80 (0.78–0.82) in the Registry. Median predicted treatment benefit of routinely treated patients (Registry) was 10.3% (interquartile range, 5.8%–14.4%). Patients with low (
- Published
- 2021
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40. Sindrome de Posner - Schlossman: reporte de caso
- Author
Diego José Mamani Maquera and Nahuel Pantoja Dávalos
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medicine.medical_specialty ,Medicine (General) ,genetic structures ,Ocular hypertension ,R5-920 ,anterior uveitis ,Ophthalmology ,medicine ,Medical treatment ,business.industry ,Sindrome de Posner - Schlossman, uveítis anterior, hipertensión ocular ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,eye diseases ,Decreased Visual Acuity ,Posner-Schlossman syndrome ,Optic nerve ,ocular hypertension ,Medicine ,Anterior uveitis ,sense organs ,business ,Acetazolamide ,posner-schlossman syndrome ,Rare disease ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Introduction:Posner - Schlossman Syndrome (PSS) is a rare disease, more prevalent in men between 20 and 50 years old, characterized by recurrent attacks of anterior uveitis and ocular hypertension.Clinical case:We report the case of a 42-year-old patient with a single eye. He came to the consultation presenting decreased visual acuity, photobobia, halos around the lights, and intense pain in his left eye. The ophthalmological examination revealed inflammatory signs in the anterior segment, elevated intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. Medical treatment was started with corticosteroids and topical antiglaucoma drugs, oral acetazolamide and intravenous mannitol, obtaining no response and it was decided to perform a surgical intervention (Ahmed valve implantation) in the left eye, subsequently achieving a good clinical evolution and resolution of the case.Conclusion:This report highlights that the episodic and recurrent nature of SPS requires strict monitoring. Introducción:El Sindrome de Posner - Schlossman (SPS) es una enfermedad infrecuente, de mayor prevalencia en hombres de entre 20 a 50 años, que se caracteriza por presentar ataques recurrentes de uveítis anterior e hipertensión ocular.Caso clínico:Reportamos el caso de un paciente de 42 años, con ojo único. Acudió a consulta presentando disminución de la agudeza visual, fotobobia, halos alrededor de las luces y dolor intenso en su ojo izquierdo. Al examen oftalmológico se evidenciaron signos inflamatorios en segmento anterior, presión intraocular elevada y daño en el nervio óptico. Se inició tratamiento médico con corticosteroides y antiglaucomatosos tópicos, acetazolamida oral y manitol endovenoso, no obteniendo respuesta y se optó por realizar una intervención quirúrgica (implante de válvula de Ahmed) en el ojo izquierdo, logrando posteriormente una buena evolución clínica y resolución del caso.Conclusión:Este reporte resalta que la naturaleza episódica y recurrente del SPS requiere un seguimiento estricto.
- Published
- 2021
41. Consentimiento y donación de órganos de un familiar ante la muerte encefálica en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención
- Author
Yazmín Reyes Rodríguez, Erika Rivera Durón, Teresa Sánchez Estrada, Angélica Guadalupe Dávalos Alcázar, and Guisety López Cantera
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medicine.medical_specialty ,education.field_of_study ,Subarachnoid hemorrhage ,Descriptive statistics ,business.industry ,Population ,medicine.disease ,Family member ,Family medicine ,Donation ,medicine ,General Materials Science ,Potential donor ,In patient ,Organ donation ,business ,education - Abstract
Introducción: a nivel internacional hay una búsqueda de donadores debido a una demanda creciente mientras que éstos son pocos. Dentro de la cultura de la donación existen los factores sociales y psicológicos que influyen directamente en la decisión de la familia de un potencial donador por muerte encefálica. Objetivo: identificar cuáles son las experiencias de la familia ante la condición potencial de donación de órganos en pacientes con muerte encefálica en una institución de tercer nivel. Material y métodos: estudio mixto cuanti-cualitativo retrospectivo, transversal realizado en una institución de tercer nivel, por medio de una familia (el responsable) con un integrante donador por muerte encefálica. Análisis: estadística descriptiva con valores porcentuales, en Spss 23 previo, diseño de base de datos con variables sociodemográficas y de actitud. Resultados: el 51.8 % de la población tuvo el diagnóstico de hemorragia subaracnoidea; seguida del 18.4 % con diagnóstico de tumor cerebral. Y un 9.6% diagnosticados con evento vascular cerebral. Destaca un 1.8 % con diagnóstico de criptocosis cerebral. La investigación revela que el 53.5 % de la población es femenina y el 46.5 % masculina, en la relación con el índice de donación el 43.3 % de los hombres aceptan la donación a diferencia del 23 % de las mujeres que se convierten en donadoras. Conclusiones: las experiencias de los familiares de donadores por muerte encefálica reflejan disposición para donar. Sin embargo, es evidente que se requiere una evaluación de las condiciones emocionales del familiar, en el momento de sugerirle la posibilidad de autorizar la donación.
- Published
- 2021
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42. Frailty among chronic kidney disease patients on the kidney transplant waiting list: the sex–frailty paradox
- Author
Pérez-Sáez, María José, Arias Cabrales, Carlos Enrique, Dávalos Yerovi, Vanesa, Redondo Pachón, María Dolores, Faura, Anna, Vera, María, Bach-Pascual, Anna, Pedreira Robles, Guillermo, Junyent-Iglesias, Ernestina, Crespo Barrio, Marta, Marco, Ester, Rodríguez-Mañas, Leocadio, Pascual Santos, Julio, and FRAIL-MAR Study Group
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Transplantation ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Frailty ,business.industry ,Gender ,medicine.disease ,Kidney transplant ,Kidney transplantation ,Nephrology ,Waiting list ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Original Article ,Sex ,Risk factor ,AcademicSubjects/MED00340 ,business ,Kidney disease - Abstract
Background Frailty is defined as decreased physiologic reserve and resistance to stressors that predisposes patients towards poor health results. Its prevalence in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients who are kidney transplant (KT) candidates is high. Frailty is associated with a higher rate of complications and mortality after transplant. It is unknown whether frailty phenotype differs depending on sex in this population. Methods This was a prospective longitudinal study of 455 KT candidates evaluated for frailty by physical frailty phenotype at the time of inclusion on the KT waiting list. Pre-frailty was defined as the presence of two criteria and frailty as three or more criteria. Univariate and multivariate analyses searched for associations of frailty status, frailty components and gender differences. Results Thirty percent of the total cohort resulted to be pre-frail (20%) or frail (10.3%), but disparities were observed between sexes, with 22.5% of men and 47.2% of women falling into one of these categories. Among frailty criteria, women presented with a higher percentage of exhaustion (39.6% versus 17%) and slowness (22.2% versus 9.6%) compared with men. Comorbidity burden was higher among frail men, whereas social factors were poorer between frail women. Disability was common among those patients who were frail, both men and women. Conclusions Frailty is twice as frequent in advanced CKD women as men. Frailty criteria distribution and phenotype seem to differ among sexes, which might have implications in terms of specific and individualized interventions to improve their status before transplantation., GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT Graphical Abstract
- Published
- 2021
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43. Safety and Outcomes of Thrombectomy in Ischemic Stroke With vs Without IV Thrombolysis
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Laura Dorado, Tiago Moreira, Rossana Tassi, Kennedy R. Lees, Niaz Ahmed, Roberto Cavallo, Irene Escudero-Martínez, Georgios Tsivgoulis, Michael V. Mazya, Andrea Zini, Robert Mikulik, Jyrki Ollikainen, Daniel Strbian, Miroslav Brozman, Jose Antonio Egido, Danilo Toni, Ana Paiva Nunes, André Peeters, Eva Hurtikova, Guido Bigliardi, Staffan Holmin, Lubomír Jurák, Paolo Frigio Nichelli, Roman Herzig, Antoni Dávalos, and Miroslava Nevsimalova
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Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Outcome Assessment ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Arterial Occlusive Diseases ,Cerebral Arteries ,Combined Modality Therapy ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Humans ,Ischemic Stroke ,Middle Aged ,Registries ,Thrombectomy ,Thrombolytic Therapy ,Functional Status ,Outcome Assessment, Health Care ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Modified Rankin Scale ,Internal medicine ,medicine.artery ,80 and over ,medicine ,Anterior cerebral artery ,Stroke ,business.industry ,Atrial fibrillation ,medicine.disease ,3. Good health ,Health Care ,Heart failure ,Middle cerebral artery ,Cardiology ,Observational study ,Neurology (clinical) ,Internal carotid artery ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
ObjectiveTo test the hypothesis that IV thrombolysis (IVT) treatment before endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) is associated with better outcomes in patients with anterior circulation large artery occlusion (LAO) stroke, we examined a large real-world database, the Safe Implementation of Treatment in Stroke–International Stroke Thrombectomy Register (SITS-ISTR).MethodsWe identified centers recording ≥10 consecutive patients in the SITS-ISTR, with at least 70% available modified Rankin Scale (mRS) scores at 3 months during 2014 to 2019. We defined LAO as intracranial internal carotid artery, first and second segment of middle cerebral artery, and first segment of anterior cerebral artery. Main outcomes were functional independence (mRS score 0–2) and death at 3 months and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (SICH) per modified SITS–Monitoring Study. We performed propensity score–matched (PSM) and multivariable logistic regression analyses.ResultsOf 6,350 patients from 42 centers, 3,944 (62.1%) received IVT. IVT + EVT–treated patients had less frequent atrial fibrillation, ongoing anticoagulation, previous stroke, heart failure, and prestroke disability. PSM analysis showed that IVT + EVT–treated patients had a higher rate of functional independence than patients treated with EVT alone (46.4% vs 40.3%,p< 0.001) and a lower rate of death at 3 months (20.3% vs 23.3%,p= 0.035). SICH rates (3.5% vs 3.0%,p= 0.42) were similar in both groups. Multivariate adjustment yielded results consistent with PSM.ConclusionPretreatment with IVT was associated with favorable outcomes in EVT-treated LAO stroke in the SITS-ISTR. These findings, while indicative of international routine clinical practice, are limited by observational design, unmeasured confounding, and possible residual confounding by indication.Classification of EvidenceThis study provides Class II evidence that IVT before EVT increases the probability of functional independence at 3 months compared to EVT alone.
- Published
- 2021
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44. Methylation Status of GLP2R, LEP and IRS2 in Small for Gestational Age Children with and without Catch-up Growth
- Author
Harry Pachajoa, Diana Ramirez-Montaño, Mario Angulo, Ximena García, Diana M. Dávalos, Danielle Floyd-Aristizábal, Laura Torres-Canchala, Rodrigo Lemus, Lorena Díaz-Ordoñez, and Ana M. Aristizabal
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medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism ,medicine.disease ,Gastroenterology ,Low birth weight ,Endocrinology ,Insulin resistance ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,DNA methylation ,medicine ,Small for gestational age ,Family history ,medicine.symptom ,business ,Prospective cohort study ,Dyslipidemia - Abstract
Objective In small for gestational age (SGA) children, catch-up growth could be influenced by methylation of several genes involved in metabolism. Epigenetics may influence the development of metabolic diseases in adulthood. To compare the methylation of leptin (LEP), glucagon-like peptide-2 receptor (GLP2R), insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS2) in SGA patients with and without catch-up growth. Methods Observational prospective study of SGA children. Demographical and clinical variables were collected from clinical records and parents’ questionnaire. Methylation status of LEP, IRS2, and GLP2R promoters was evaluated in DNA extracted from patient and one parent saliva samples. Results Forty-eight SGA patients were included. Twenty-six (54.2%) had catch-up growth phenotype and 22 (45.8%) did not. The median age was 5.2 years [RIC 4.1-6.8] without difference between groups (p=0.306). The catch-up group had increased appetite (42.3% vs 9.1%, p=0.008), family history of dyslipidemia (42.3% vs 27.3%) and diabetes (34.6% vs 22.7%) compared to non-catch-up group. Catch-up patients had significantly larger waist circumference compared to non-catch-up group (median 55 cm [RIC 52-58] versus median 49.5 cm [RIC46-52]; p
- Published
- 2021
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45. Experiences of caregivers of boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- Author
Martha Liliana Dávalos Serrano, Ximena Palacios Espinosa, Heidi Eliana Mateus Arbelaez, Julián Felipe Huertas, Jennifer Gracia-Ruiz, and Angela Victoria Vera Marquez
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medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Duchenne muscular dystrophy ,medicine ,Physical therapy ,medicine.disease ,business ,General Psychology - Abstract
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disease that leads to progressive and fatal physical deterioration. The progression of this disease requires frequent or permanent care that implies high levels of demand for the caregivers of children who have developed DMD. Certainly, this disease affects diagnosed children and their caregivers as well. The support from the health system is scarce for both, which translates into an intense burden for the mothers and women of the family who care the person diagnosed with DMD during their lifetime. This qualitative study with phenomenological approach aimed to analyze the meaning of the experience of being a caregiver for boys and young men living with DMD in Colombia. After obtaining their informed consent, caregivers were interviewed and a thematic analysis of their narratives was performed to determine three key topics that endow their experiences with meaning: (1) finding out about the disease, (2) living according to the needs of boys and young men, and (3) providing a new meaning to life. The results show that the meaning of DMD is strongly associated with intense suffering and psychological stress, with a high negative burden, especially during the initial years after diagnosis. The study suggests that it is important to assimilate and process these experiences and findings to learn how to live with DMD and identify the certainty of a child’s premature death.
- Published
- 2021
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46. Factores de riesgo para complicaciones de cirugías reconstructivas de ulceras de decúbito pélvicas: experiencia de 10 años
- Author
Enzo Renatto Bazualdo Fiorini, Byron Stalin García Moreira, Mauricio Ricardo Guasgua Herrera, Ivonne Paulette Bravo Galarza, Cristian Javier Dávalos Cristellot, and Jhonny Edgar Narváez Álvarez
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Gynecology ,Fasciocutaneous flap ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Strategy and Management ,Mechanical Engineering ,Significant difference ,Metals and Alloys ,Medicine ,business ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Teaching hospital - Abstract
espanolObjetivo: Determinar la relacion entre la presencia de comorbilidades y la presentacion de complicaciones en las coberturas de las ulceras de presion pelvicas. Material y Metodos: Investigacion descriptiva, retrospectiva, transversal de tipo correlacional, que fue realizado en el Servicio de Cirugia Plastica del Hospital Regional Docente de Cajamarca en Peru, desde Junio de 2010 a Junio 2020. La muestra fue de 35 pacientes con un total de 54 ulceras por presion en Estadios III y IV. Resultados: Encontramos que el sexo masculino fue el mas representativo (77,1%), en su mayoria fueron adultos (60%) con un media de 38,2 ± 13,7. Ademas, el 37.1% estaba expuesto a una comorbilidad, el 42.1% presentaba diabetes mellitus y el 26.3% tuvo obesidad. La etiologia de la ulcera fue por paraplejia (74,1%) y el encamamiento prolongado (11.1%). La ubicacion de la lesion mas frecuente fue la Zona sacra (48,1%), seguido de la region trocanterica derecha (18,5%). El 72,2% de los casos presentaron ulceraciones menores de 10 cm de diametro y el 59,3% tenian una ulcera con profundidad del tipo IV. El tipo de reconstruccion que mas se uso fue el colgajo local de tipo axial en el 59,3% de los casos. El diseno que mas se empleo en la reconstruccion fue el colgajo fasciocutaneo gluteo mayor en V-Y bilateral (29,6%) seguido de colgajos de Tensor de Fascia Lata. Hubo complicaciones en 25,9%, siendo la mas frecuente la necrosis parcial (35,3%). Se encontro como factores de riesgo a las comorbilidades y el tamano de lesion. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con Ulceras de Presion de tipo quirurgica que presentaron comorbilidades y con mayores tamano de lesion presentaron mayor frecuencia de complicaciones con diferencia estadisticamente significativa. EnglishObjective: To determine the relationship between the presence of comorbidities and the presentation of complications in the coverage of pelvic pressure ulcers. Material and Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional research of correlational type, which was carried out in the Plastic Surgery Service of the Regional Teaching Hospital of Cajamarca in Peru, from June 2010 to June 2020. The sample consisted of 35 patients with a total of 54 pressure ulcers in Stages III and IV. Results: We found that the male sex was the most representative (77.1%), the majority were adults (60%) with a mean of 38.2 ± 13.7. In addition, 37.1% were exposed to comorbidity, 42.1% had diabetes mellitus, and 26.3% had obesity. The etiology of the ulcer was paraplegia (74.1%) and prolonged bedwetting (11.1%). The most frequent location of the lesion was the sacral area (48.1%), followed by the right trochanteric region (18.5%). 72.2% of the cases presented ulcerations smaller than 10 cm in diameter and 59.3% had a type IV deep ulcer. The type of reconstruction that was most used was the local axial flap in 59.3% of the cases. The design most used in the reconstruction was the bilateral V-Y gluteal fasciocutaneous flap (29.6%) followed by Tensor Fascia Lata flaps. There were complications in 25.9%, the most frequent being partial necrosis (35.3%). Comorbidities and lesion size found were as risk factors. Conclusions: Patients with surgical pressure ulcers who presented comorbidities and with larger lesions presented a higher frequency of complications with a statistically significant difference. Keywords: Pressure ulcer, complications
- Published
- 2021
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47. Phenylisoxazole-3/5-Carbaldehyde Isonicotinylhydrazone Derivatives: Synthesis, Characterization, and Antitubercular Activity
- Author
Fernando Carrasco, Sandra Oramas-Royo, Sergio Ferrero, Mirko Zimic, Evgenia Spodine, Celedonio M. Álvarez, Wilfredo Hernández, Jesus M. Rodilla, Jorge Coronel, Patricia Sheen, Oscar Chupayo, Juan Z. Dávalos, Universidad de Lima, Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), Cabildo de Tenerife, Carrasco, Fernando, Hernández, Wilfredo, Chupayo, Oscar, Sheen, Patricia, Zimic, Mirko, Coronel, Jorge, Álvarez, Celedonio M., Ferrero, Sergio, Oramas-Royo, Sandra, Spodine, Evgenia, Rodilla, Jesus M., Dávalos, J.Z., Carrasco, Fernando [0000-0002-7746-8627], Hernández, Wilfredo [0000-0002-6122-4935], Chupayo, Oscar [0000-0003-1955-7071], Sheen, Patricia [0000-0002-7118-9301], Zimic, Mirko [0000-0002-7203-8847], Coronel, Jorge [0000-0002-4580-6716], Álvarez, Celedonio M. [0000-0003-4431-6501], Ferrero, Sergio [0000-0003-2334-1169], Oramas-Royo, Sandra [0000-0001-7768-1498], Spodine, Evgenia [0000-0002-7089-3145], Rodilla, Jesus M. [0000-0001-6114-3572], and Dávalos, J.Z. [0000-0002-5835-6371]
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Article Subject ,biology ,Chemistry ,Isoniazid ,General Chemistry ,biology.organism_classification ,Medicinal chemistry ,Phenylisoxazole-3/5-Carbaldehyde Isonicotinylhydrazone ,Mycobacterium tuberculosis ,Antitubercular Activity ,Resistant strain ,Mic values ,medicine ,Spectral data ,Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ,QD1-999 ,medicine.drug - Abstract
14 pags, 5 figs, 3 tabs, 1 sch, Eight new phenylisoxazole isoniazid derivatives, 3-(2′-fluorophenyl)isoxazole-5-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (1), 3-(2′-methoxyphenyl)isoxazole-5-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (2), 3-(2′-chlorophenyl)isoxazole-5-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (3), 3-(3′-clorophenyl)isoxazole-5-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (4), 3-(4′-bromophenyl)isoxazole-5-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (5), 5-(4′-methoxiphenyl)isoxazole-3-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (6), 5-(4′-methylphenyl)isoxazole-3-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (7), and 5-(4′-clorophenyl)isoxazole-3-carbaldehyde isonicotinylhydrazone (8), have been synthesized and characterized by FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass spectral data. The 2D NMR (1H-1H NOESY) analysis of 1 and 2 confirmed that these compounds in acetone-d6 are in the trans(E) isomeric form. This evidence is supported by computational calculations which were performed for compounds 1-8, using DFT/B3LYP level with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. The in vitro antituberculous activity of all the synthesized compounds was determined against the Mycobacterium tuberculosis standard strains: sensitive H37Rv (ATCC-27294) and resistant TB DM97. All the compounds exhibited moderate bioactivity (MIC = 0.34-0.41 μM) with respect to the isoniazid drug (MIC = 0.91 μM) against the H37Rv sensitive strain. Compounds 6 (X = 4′-OCH3) and 7 (X = 4′-CH3) with MIC values of 12.41 and 13.06 μM, respectively, were about two times more cytotoxic, compared with isoniazid, against the resistant strain TB DM97., W. H. and F. C. acknowledge Universidad de Lima Scientific Research Institute for the financial support to carry out this research work. E. S. thanks Financiamiento Basal para Centros Cientificos y Tecnologicos de Excelencia, AFB10008. J. Z. D. thanks Consejo Superior de Investigacion Cientifica (CSIC, Spain). S. O. thanks Ministerio de Ciencias, Innovacion y Universidades (MICINN (RTI2018-094356-B-C21)) and Cabildo de Tenerife (Agust ' in de Betancourt Program).
- Published
- 2021
48. Real-world evidence: A review of clinical experience in metastatic gastric cancer second-line treatment with ramucirumab
- Author
Miguel Quintana-Quintana, Consuelo Díaz-Romero, Christian Patricio Camacho-Limas, Laura Torrecillas-Torres, Erika Ruiz-García, José Antonio Acevedo-Delgado, Guillermo Olivares-Beltrán, Francisco Medina-Soto, Jorge Alberto Robles-Aviña, Pedro Sobrevilla, Juan Cruz-Baca, Alicia Espinoza-Acosta, Daniel Motola-Kuba, Ramiro Magaña-Serrano, Juan Paulo Ceja-García, Alejandro Molina-Franco, Leticia Vázquez-Cortes, Julia Angelina Sáenz-Frías, Iván Romerico González-Espinoza, Eduardo Téllez-Bernal, Eva Lucia Willars-Inman, Luis Javier Barajas-Figueroa, Flor de Thé Bustamante-Valles, Benjamín Dávalos-Félix, Saúl Campos-Gómez, and Germán Calderillo-Ruiz
- Subjects
Oncology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Second line treatment ,business.industry ,Internal medicine ,Medicine ,business ,Real world evidence ,Metastatic gastric cancer ,Ramucirumab - Published
- 2022
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49. Curcumin inhibits activation induced by urban particulate material or titanium dioxide nanoparticles in primary human endothelial cells.
- Author
Angélica Montiel-Dávalos, Guadalupe Jazmin Silva Sánchez, Elizabeth Huerta-García, Cristhiam Rueda-Romero, Giovanny Soca Chafre, Irma B Mitre-Aguilar, Ernesto Alfaro-Moreno, José Pedraza-Chaverri, and Rebeca López-Marure
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Curcumin has protective effects against toxic agents and shows preventive properties for various diseases. Particulate material with an aerodynamic diameter of ≤10 μm (PM10) and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) induce endothelial dysfunction and activation. We explored whether curcumin is able to attenuate different events related to endothelial activation. This includes adhesion, expression of adhesion molecules and oxidative stress induced by PM10 and TiO2-NPs. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were treated with 1, 10 and 100 μM curcumin for 1 h and then exposed to PM10 at 3 μg/cm2 or TiO2-NPs at 10 μg/cm2. Cell adhesion was evaluated by co-culture with U937 human myelomonocytic cells. Adhesion molecules expression was measured by flow cytometry after 3 or 24 h of exposure. Oxidative stress was determined by 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (H2DCF) oxidation. PM10 and TiO2-NPs induced the adhesion of U937 cells and the expression of E- and P-selectins, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1). The expression of E- and P-selectins matched the adhesion of monocytes to HUVEC after 3 h. In HUVEC treated with 1 or 10 μM curcumin, the expression of adhesion molecules and monocytes adhesion was significantly diminished. Curcumin also partially reduced the H2DCF oxidation induced by PM10 and TiO2-NPs. Our results suggest an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant role by curcumin attenuating the activation caused on endothelial cells by exposure to particles. Therefore, curcumin could be useful in the treatment of diseases where an inflammatory process and endothelial activation are involved.
- Published
- 2017
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50. Endodontic set sealer eluates promote cytokine production in human mononuclear and periodontal ligament cells
- Author
Rubén Abraham Domínguez-Pérez, Ofelia Mora-Izaguirre, Rosa Martha Pérez-Serrano, Ana I Soza-Bolaños, Till Dammaschke, Samantha N Castillo-Valdés, Gabriela Hernández-Valdez, and María L. González‐Dávalos
- Subjects
Necrosis ,Periodontal Ligament ,Chemistry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,0206 medical engineering ,030206 dentistry ,02 engineering and technology ,020601 biomedical engineering ,Peripheral blood mononuclear cell ,Peripheral blood ,Root Canal Filling Materials ,Clinical Practice ,Andrology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Cytokine ,MTA-Fillapex ,Leukocytes, Mononuclear ,medicine ,Pulp canal ,Cytokines ,Humans ,Periodontal fiber ,medicine.symptom ,General Dentistry - Abstract
Endodontic freshly mixed sealers display toxic effects; however, these are significantly reduced and most become relatively inert in the set state but there is no information about the possible inflammatory reaction promoted by them. Four contemporary and different formulated endodontic set sealers (MTA Fillapex, BioRoot RCS, AH Plus, and Pulp Canal Sealer) were evaluated. Human periodontal ligament cells and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated for 3, 6, 12 and 24 h. Interleukin-6, tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-8 and interleukin-10 concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. All endodontic set sealer eluates promoted a similar production (P ˃ 0.05) of the four cytokines. However, their concentrations decreased within a short time period to nearly undetectable concentrations after 24 h, suggesting that the studied endodontic set sealers do not possess inflammatory properties which has favoured their long-term use in clinical practice.
- Published
- 2021
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