Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal.) is an important medicinal plant cultivated in about 4000 ha in India. It is mainly distributed in the northwestern region of Madhya Pradesh and also in limited areas of different states. However, wild collection of the species continues to be a source of raw drug in Ayurvedic preparations. In the present communication, results of a comparative study of the wild type distributed locally in Anand, Gujarat and the superior variety, Jawahar Ashwagandha (JA-20), are presented. Results revealed conspicuous differences between the cultivated and wild-type plants in most of the characters studied. One of the major differences between cultivated and wild-type plants is that the former are annual, whereas the latter are perennial. Photosynthetic rate was higher in the wild type, which was reflected in its higher biomass production. Another distinguishing character was the floral structure which favours self-pollination in the cultivated plants because of short stigma covered with anther lobes, which is in contrast to the wild type having long, projected stigma inviting cross-pollination. The cultivated plants were in full bloom during December-February; however, in the wild type flowering was a continuous process throughout its lifespan. Flow cytometer study revealed the same ploidy level for both the plant types. However, chemical profile showed variation between the two plant types, even though targeted chemical constituents tested in the study were common to both. However, HPLC quantification of these constituents showed superiority of the wild type compared to JA-20. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]