Humans and education are two important issues in planning the growth, development and advancement of a country. The basic education for an individual starts with the teaching at home, school and the environment. Children’s education is important in Islam. The importance of emphasising the development of children is a practice pioneered by Islamic scholars since ancient times based on the teaching of Islam that used Qur’an and Sunnah as their references. Parents today face with challenges in educating their children. They are required to ensure that their children are raised and given the education that covers the development of intellect, physical, spiritual, morals and social. Education can nurture the current and future generations to grow and be responsible to God, themselves, other people and the country. The aim of the present research was to examine about the effective approaches of children’s education in shaping a sustainable family according to Islamic references. The research method is based on reading of articles, journals, newspapers, books and others as primary data. The learning process involves mental, physical, emotional and social aspects. This article in general discusses about teaching in the aspects of education, which is classified into four types namely Formal Teaching, Informal Teaching, Non-Formal Teaching and Rasulullah pbuh Teaching Method. Generally, the aspects of children’s education are divided into aspects of faith, morals, physical, mental, spiritual social, emotional and sexology. Therefore, there are three main things that need to be emphasised in shaping children and their souls in forming a sustainable family which include strengthening of spiritual and worship activities, knowledge and noble values.