The article is deals with the theoretical analysis of scientific literature in reference to using of clip chaoticness in order to actualize the absurdity of the content of information on the territory of cyberspace as the latest manipulative technology of goal-oriented influence on the individual and mass consciousness. Such concepts as clip chaoticness of cyberspace, logic of absurdity, absurdization, clip culture, clip thinking, conceptual thinking, etc. are revealed. The newest informational-communicative technologies, which can lead to fatal dangerous consequences for our society, are described. It is stated that the clip chaoticness of cyberspace as a means of absurdization and the manipulative technology of social and psychological influence in the information space primarily focus on the partial or complete "disbalance" of the harmonious correlation between the conceptual and the clip levels of thinking. This, by turns, tells that the information flows of various political, social, economic, religious, and spiritual institutions are fighting for the corresponding symbolic capital, the right and the opportunity to transform it relative to the main goals of their social projects, using the latest technologies of the modern scientific world to create the clip chaoticness in the areas of cyberspace. Creating chaos using absurdism testifies that the growth of clip culture in the information space can lead to uncontrollability of informational-communicative flows (absurdity grows into the process of absurdization, clip chaoticness – in clips chaotization). This is explained by the fact that information flows at the present stage already can work with different intensity of the submission of information, and the "necessary" intensity is difficult to maintain in a competitive conditions (depending on the intensity and saturation of the information flow the influence on the society may change), especially there is no guarantee that one or the other flow will not amenable to information attack. Only this already indicates that chaoticness of clip in the areas of the informational space is difficult to control for today. And in fact it becomes impossible to control artificially created chaoticness in the information flow, for example, on such two parallels as clip and explanation of absurd actions by creation of controlled or organized chaos. In final result, it will not be the clip chaoticness, but the clip chaotization (a constant increasing and growth of chaos), which in fact at all is already impossible to control and constrain at the present stage of formation of technological progress. Relevant existing institutions of information security will not be able to stop widespread chaoticness, that’s why the creation of algorithms for timely prediction of such catastrophic flows at the stage of their formation is the urgent need. It is substantiated that technological progress has led to a change in the informational-communicative means and to the formation of the latest varieties of human intellectual activity. It is concluded that the evolutionary period of change in human consciousness is in full swing, the personality has not yet reached the level of development, in order as a result of the chaoticness of informational-communicative flows (marathons) be able to transform her cognitive-strategic potential and have time to engage in effective information processing for a short period of time at an adequate level. And this, at the same time, provides the opportunity to apply manipulative technologies of the influence on individual and social consciousness. Key words: clip chaoticness of cyberspace, logic of absurd, reduction to absurdity, clip culture, clip thinking, conceptual thinking.