Broadening participation in computing (BPC) has long been a major emphasis in computer science education. The efforts to bring about greater equity in participation often address issues related to curriculum, educator preparation and professional development, and to a lesser extent, school systems and structures. Furthermore, issues related to broadening participation such as what populations we consider, how disenfranchised populations fare, and their rates of retention and achievement within CS education programs are central to equitable computing and the aspirational goals of CSforAll. While the goals of broadening participation are admirable, the 2020 State of CS Education (, CSTA, & ECEP Alliance, 2020) report makes it clear that equitable CS education is a distant shore. The purpose of this BoF session is to create a space: (a) to explore current research and policy efforts towards equitable CS education and their efficacy, and (b) to interrogate the tensions that underlie these efforts and the practical implications of the current research agenda for K-12 teachers and students.