12 results on '"krizno komuniciranje"'
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- Author
Matijević, Goran and Mandarić, Ante
- Subjects
COVID-19 pandemic ,CRISIS communication ,DIGITAL media ,PUBLIC health ,EPIDEMIOLOGISTS ,EPIDEMICS ,COUNTIES - Abstract
Copyright of Economy & Market Communication Review / Casopis za Ekonomiju i Trzisne Komunikacije is the property of Pan-European University Apeiron and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Barić, Maja Banovac, Medek, Mario Aunedi, and Jeleč, Ivana
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Poljak, Ana Marija and Runjić-Stoilova, Anita
- Subjects
Hrvatski nacionalni stožer ,content analysis ,diskurs ,media ,kriza ,COVID-19 ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija ,virus ,Croatian National Headquarters ,mediji ,lingvistička analiza ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology ,sadržajna analiza ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,discourse ,konferencija ,crisis communication ,linguistic analysis ,conference - Abstract
Kriza je ozbiljan događaj koji utječe na čovjeka, a može zahvatiti bilo koji aspekt čovjekova života. Može biti uzrokovana ljudskim djelovanjem ili prirodnim silama, a bez obzira na uzrok svakako negativno utječe na čovjeka. Upravo iz toga razloga naglašava se važnost komuniciranja tijekom krize. Krizno komuniciranje, da bi bilo učinkovito, mora se temeljiti na preporučenim fazama, ali i strategijama koje će pozitivno djelovati na sprječavanje krize te na ljude. Ono, dakle, za cilj ima ublažavanje posljedica krize. U ovome radu, sadržajnom i lingvističkom analizom, istraživat će se komunikacija tijekom krizne situacije uzrokovane virusom, odnosno COVIDOM-19 koja se temelji na medijskim istupima članova Hrvatskoga nacionalnoga stožera kao vodećih predstavnika tijekom navedene krizne situacije. Obuhvaća, dakle, diskurs članova Stožera, sadržaj onoga što je izrečeno tijekom konferencija, ali i analizu njihovih medijskih istupa prema određenim jezičnim razinama: morfološkoj i leksičkoj, sintaktičkoj te semantičkoj. A crisis is a serious event that affects a human being and can affect any aspect of a person’s life. It can be caused by human action or natural forces, and regardless of the cause, it certainly has a negative effect on people. Because of this, the importance of communication during a crisis is emphasized. Crisis communication, in order to be effective, must be based on the recommended phases, but also on strategies that will have a positive effect on crisis prevention and on people. It therefore aims to mitigate the effects of the crisis. This paper, through content and linguistic analysis, will investigate communication during a crisis situation caused by a virus, i.e. COVID-19, which is based on media appearances of members of the Croatian National Headquarters as leading representatives during the crisis. It includes, therefore, the discourse of the members of the Staff, the content of what was said during the conferences, but also the analysis of their media appearances according to certain language levels: morphological and lexical, syntactical and semantical.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Tepeš, Iva, Mondekar, Helena, and Brezovnjački, Anđelko
- Subjects
CRISIS management ,CRISIS communication ,AEROSPACE industries ,COMMUNICATION - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
6. Crisis communication challenges in case of terrorist attacks
- Author
Šantalab, Matija and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
social media ,media ,terrorism ,terorizam ,nove tehnologije ,mediji ,krizni menadžment ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Odnosi s javnošću ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis management ,new technologies ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Public Relations - Abstract
Terorizam je jedan od najvećih globalnih problema suvremenog doba i nerijetko generator kriznih situacija. Teroristički napadi su jedna vrsta komunikacije putem nasilja. Zbog toga, u ostvarenju svojih ciljeva terorizam zahtjeva veliku pozornost medija, odnosno javnosti. Isto tako, medije privlače velike vijesti kao što su teroristički napadi. Problem nastaje zbog toga što je priroda terorizma takva da medije i samim time i krizno komuniciranje vrlo lako može okrenuti u svoju korist. Situaciju dodatno otežavaju i nove tehnologije koje su promijenile način komuniciranja i širenja vijesti. Uloga medija i novih tehnologija u kriznom komuniciranju je također velika i važna. Zbog toga krize izazvane terorističkim napadom predstavljaju poseban izazov kriznom komuniciranju. Transnacionalni karakter terorizma, njegova povezanost s medijima i tehnološki razvoj omogućuju su neki od glavnih izazova s kojima se krizno komuniciranje suočava. Terrorism is one of the biggest global problems of modern times and often a crisis generator. Terrorist attacks are a form of communication through violence. Therefore, terrorism requires a great deal of attention from the media and the public in order to achieve its goals. Likewise, the media is attracted by big news such as terrorist attacks. The problem arises because the nature of terrorism is such that the media and thus crisis communication can very easily used by terrorist in their advantage. The situation is further complicated by new technologies that have changed the way news is communicated and disseminated. The role of the media and new technologies in crisis communication is also very significant and important. Therefore, crises caused by a terrorist attack pose a particular challenge to crisis communication. The transnational character of terrorism, its connection with the media and new technologies are some of the major challenges that crisis communication faces.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Zbornik Radova: Univerzitet 'Džemal Bijedić' u Mostaru, Ekonomski Fakultet is the property of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, Faculty of Economics and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
8. Communication in Crises and Media: Press Coverage on Landmine Accidents.
- Author
Čerina, Josip and Rotar, Nada Zgrabljić
- Abstract
Copyright of Medijska Istrazivanja/Media Research is the property of Sveuciliste u Zagrebu / Nada Zgrabljic Rotar, Ph.D, Univ of Zadar and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2009
9. Stavovi i mišljenja ravnatelja osnovnih i srednjih škola Zadarske županije o uvođenju djelatnika za odnose s javnošću
- Author
Ljubičić, Ruža and Pavelin, Goran
- Subjects
ravnatelj ,target audience ,communication ,school ,ciljna javnost ,media ,public relations ,director ,komunikacija ,mediji ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Odnosi s javnošću ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis communication ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Public Relations ,odnosi s javnošću ,škola - Abstract
Pojavom odnosa s javnošću u svijetu javlja se njihova potreba i na našim prostorima. Iako dosta kasnije, otvaraju se nova radna mjesta djelatnika za odnose s javnošću. Služba za odnose s javnošću, te njezinim djelatnici bave se, između ostaloga, komunikacijom s javnošću te s medijima, sudjeluju u kriznom komuniciranju te provođenju programa čime nastoje poboljšati ili zadržati postojeći ugled. Odnosi s javnošću teže stvaranju pozitivnoga imidža škole te širenju pozitivnoga mišljenja te stavova. Komunikacija s medijima i javnošću općenito složen je proces te iziskuje visoke kompetencije i znanja iz toga područja. Trenutno djelatnost odnosa s javnošću pokriva ravnatelj škole. Mnogi ravnatelji, ispitani u provedenom istraživanju, slažu se s činjenicom da je potrebno uvesti nekoga tko će se baviti odnosima s javnošću, međutim ne djelatnika koji bi se samo time trebao baviti nego onoga koji će uz taj posao obavljati i neku drugu djelatnost u školi, dakle po principu „pola radnoga vremena“. Uvođenje djelatnika za odnose s javnošću značilo bi kvalitetniju komunikaciju između dionika škole te općenito s javnošću. With the emergence of public relations in the world, the need for it also appears in our areas. Even though much later, new jobs for public relations employees have opened. The Public Relations Department and its staff are involved, among other things, in communicating with the public and the media, they participate in crisis communication and the implementation of programs, thus try to improve or retain the existing reputation. Public relations tend to create a positive image of schools and spread positive opinions and attitudes. Communication with the media and the public is generally a complex process and requires high competence and knowledge in this area. Currently, public relations activities are performed by a school principal. Many principals, who were surveyed in this research, agree with the fact that it is necessary to have a staff member who would deal with public relations, but not a worker who would only deal with this area, but also involve themselves in other activities at school, according to the principle of “Half Time“. The introduction of public relations employees would mean better a communication between school stakeholders and the general public.
- Published
- 2018
10. Izbrisani ponovno krivi?
- Author
Markučič, Mateja and Bašić-Hrvatin, Sandra
- Subjects
framing ,erased ,content analysis ,media ,uokvirjanje ,semiotic analysis ,spirala molka ,critical discourse analysis ,the theory of cognitive dissonance ,mediji ,udc:316.77:342.715(043.2) ,izbrisani ,krizno komuniciranje ,kritična diskurzivna analiza ,magistrske naloge ,analiza vsebin ,agenda-setting ,the spiral of silence ,crisis communication ,teorija kognitivne disonance ,semiotična analiza - Published
- 2015
11. Terrorism and tourism
- Author
Kešetović, Želimir
- Subjects
mediji ,krizni menadžment ,krizno komuniciranje ,media ,turizam ,turistička privreda ,tourism ,terrorism ,crisis management ,crisis communication ,terorizam ,tourist industry - Abstract
The paper discusses the motives and reasons why tourism is interesting for terrorists, including the effects of terrorist attacks on tourist industry, and the crisis management strategies that some countries have used so as to mitigate the effects of such attacks on tourists, the national economy and country-image. Tourists as innocent symbolic victims and tourism as one of the most important modern industries have become favorite terrorists targets in the aftermath of the Cold War. Terrorist acts have since had a major effect not just on the tourism industry, but also on the overall economic and political positions of affected countries. The author argues that after terrorist attacks of 9/11 it has been difficult to use the old methods and strategies to regain tourist confidence in the affected destinations, pointing it out that each terrorist incident ought to be analyzed in detail so as to achieve a maximum preventative effect. The author concludes that, beside being familiar with the crisis communication theory and possessing practical communication skills, crisis managers should be open-minded and creative in implementing a large scale of communication tools and techniques with a view to recovering an image of stability and safety of tourist destinations affected by terrorist attacks. U radu se razmatraju motivi odnosno razlozi zbog koji je turizam interesantan za teroriste, prezentiraju se posledice terorističkih napada na turističku privredu i ukazuje na najznačajnije mere iz oblasti kriznog menadžmenta koje su pojedine zemlje koristile u ublažavanju efekata terorističkih napada na turiste, turističke destinacije, nacionalnu ekonomiju i imidž zemlje. Turisti kao nevine simboličke žrtve i turizam kao jedna od najznačajnijih savremenih privrednih grana postali su još pre završetka Hladnog rata meta terorista, a izvršeni teroristički akti imali su značajne posledice ne samo za turističku privredu već i za ekonomski i politički položaj pogođenih zemalja. Autor ocenjuje da je nakon terorističkih napada od 11. septembra 2001. u SAD teško primenjivati stare metode i strategije u vraćanju poverenja turista u turističke destinacije, te da svaki konkretan slučaj zahteva brižljivu analizu i, pored teorijskog poznavanja kriznog komuniciranja i praktičnih komunikacionih veština, inventivnost i kreativnost kriznih menadžera u primeni široke palete komunikacionih alata i tehnika u obnavljanju imidža stabilnosti i bezbednosti turističkih destinacija pogođenih terorističkim aktima.
- Published
- 2010
12. Communication in Crises and Media: Press Coverage on Landmine Accidents
- Author
Josip Čerina and Nada Zgrabljić Rotar
- Subjects
krizno komuniciranje ,minski problem ,mediji ,minske nesreće ,izvori informacija ,službe za odnose s javnošću ,communication in crises ,the landmine problem ,media ,landmine accidents ,sources of information ,PR services - Abstract
The pervasiveness of landmines in Croatia is a crisis of drastic proportions and demands more effective communication from the media to the public. Due to human and economic losses in many dramatic incidents before and after the Croatian War of Independence, mine accidents are, according to the theory of communication in crises (Banks, 2005), taking dimensions of a social and economic catastrophe. Informing the public about mine accidents is an extremely important ethical, moral and social problem from the aspect of both journalists and those who organize mine policy action. Public Relations (PR) services have an extremely important role in the process; however, in order for the media to effectively perform their social responsibility, the PR services must work diligently before, during, and after the crises (Novak, 2001). This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the articles (total number, n=85) on mine accidents published in daily newspapers for the period 2007 through 2008. The analysis categorizes newspapers according to national (altogether 4 newspapers) and regional reach (6). The aim of the research was to collect information on how the mine problem in Croatia is being monitored based on several different parameters: the continuity of interest in the topic, the amount of detail provided in each article, the use of sources, and the disclosure of victims’ identities. The purpose of this study intends to contribute to the creation of a more rapid response PR service that could communicate more effectively with the media in crises situations related to mine accidents. The results of the analysis indicate that informing the public about mine accidents is insufficient. Too often the media focus on a particular incident rather than the problem at large. News coverage lasts only a day or two before interest subsides. More than half of the press titles cite anonymous sources. Graphics used in the articles are modest and unattractive and mostly limited to photographs of the place where the mine accident occurred. The identity of the mine victim is, in most cases, revealed. Based on the research we conclude that the collaboration between the mine action profession and the media must be better organized and more professional in order to ensure that the range of mine-related topics covered is broadened and that the information provided is both robust and disseminated rapidly. Not only would this end the practice of providing abbreviated, routine reports, but would also have a positive effect on the communicational contribution of the press in promoting safe behavior in mine-affected areas., Minski problem u Republici Hrvatskoj je kriza fizičke naravi koja zahtjeva komuniciranje prema različitim javnostima. Zbog ljudskih i gospodarskih gubitaka u mnogobrojnim dramatičnim incidentima nakon Domovinskoga rata, a i prije toga, minske nesreće, prema definicijama teorije kriznog komuniciranja (Banks, 2005) poprimaju razmjere društvene i gospodarske katastrofe. Kada se dogodi minska nesreća izvještavanje je izuzetno važan etički, moralni i društveni problem s aspekta struke koja organizira protuminsko djelovanje i s aspekta novinara. U tome iznimno veliku ulogu imaju službe za odnose s javnošću, ali bi njihov rad, da bi mediji učinkovito obavljali svoju društvenu odgovornost morao biti kontinuiran kako za vrijeme krize, tako i prije i poslije (Novak, 2001). Ovaj rad donosi kvantitativnu analizu članaka o minskim nesrećama koji su objavljeni u dnevnim novi-nama u razdoblju od početka 2007. do kraja 2008. godine, njih n=85. Analizom su obuhvaćene novine prema nacionalnom i regionalnom dosegu, ukupno 4 s nacio¬nalnim i 6 s regionalnim. Cilj istraživanja je bio prikupiti podatke o načinu na koji se prati minski problem, a na temelju trajnosti zanimanja, za temu, opremljenosti članaka, korištenju izvora i navođenju imena žrtava. Svrha je da se time pridonese kreiranju službe za odnose s javnošću u komuniciranju s medijima u kriznim situacijama na primjeru minskih nesreća. Rezultati analize pokazali su da se izvještavanje o minskim nesrećama vezuje uz incident, traje jedna ili dva dana, a nakon toga zanimanje za događaj i minski problem opada. Oko polovica svih napisa ne navodi izvor informacija ili je izvor anoniman. Grafička oprema je skromna i neatraktivna i uglavnom se odnosi na općenite fotografije s mjesta minske nesreće. Identitet minske žrtve se najčešće otkriva. Na temelju istraživanja se zaključuje da je potrebno organizirano i stručno jačanje suradnje između struke koja se bavi protuminskim djelovanjem i medija kako bi se omogućilo učinkovitije širenje i dostupnost različitih sadržaja, a ne samo rutinsko izvještavanje o nesreći. To bi se pozitivno odrazilo na komunikacijske vrijednosti tiska u promociji sigurnog pona¬šanja u okruženju zagađenom minama.
- Published
- 2009
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