1. Studies of the processes of compensation of speech pathology of various types and the artificial disorders of the processes of speech production and perception gave rise to the concept that the system of articulation control was able to solve various inverse problems. The main inverse problem in this system consists in calculation of articulation control commands designed to reproduce acoustic parameters of the speech signal heard. For example, this problem should be solved during language learning. There are grounds to believe that optimum solutions of the main inverse problem and its various variants can be found by the control system using a variety of its own internal criteria of solution selection. Therefore, formulation and analysis of mathematical inverse problems of vocal tract is, on one hand, of considerable interest in terms of elucidation of properties of the articulation control system and, on the other hand, it is a promising system for solving applied problems of automatic recognition, synthesis, and compression of speech. Mathematical simulation based on experimental measurements of vocal tract shape and movement of articulators showed that the variational method is the most effective for solving the inverse problems of speech. This method consists in the search for a conditional optimum of a certain functional (optimality criterion) in the space of parameters of mathematical models of speech production. The necessary condition of adequacy of the inverse problem solution for vocal tract to actual processes of speech production is that the mathematical criteria of optimality during solution of inverse problem are consistent with the internal criteria of optimality of the system of articulation control. It is well known that certain mathematical criteria of optimality (e.g., instantaneous criteria of work and kinetic energy) provide satisfactory solution of both static problems for fricative and vowels [1, 2] and dynamic inverse problems [3, 4]. However, there are grounds to believe that the mathematical criteria of optimality of integral type (i.e., criteria calculated for a certain interval of time) should be used for solving a number of inverse problems of speech. One of such grounds is based on the properties of cross-striated muscles. Even merely to maintain the articulator in a fixed in time position other than neutral, the motor units of crossstriated muscles should be continuously contacted, requiring thereby energy expenditure. Adequate mathematical criteria of optimality during solution of corresponding inverse problems should meet the following requirements: (1) provide adequate reproduction of experimental data; (2) reproduce the effects of compensation in the case of fixation of given articulator; (3) demonstrate the reorganization of control score in the case of modification of the articulation tempo. The goal of this work was to find such adequate criteria of optimality by comparing a number of momentary and integral criteria of optimality. The system of articulators “jaw‐tongue tip” is a convenient test object for detailed studies of various optimality criteria. This system was analyzed in this work. 2. Let x 1 ( t ) be a vertical displacement of the jaw from neutral position; x 2 ( t ) , similar displacement of the tongue tip; and u 1 ( t ) and u 2 ( t ) , the commands of the control systems for these articulators. Each articulator is a system with lumped parameters. Therefore, their movement is described by ordinary differential equations + + = , where k = 1, 2, with zero initial conditions. In these equations, ω k and g k are the proper frequency and damping coefficient of natural oscillations of the k th articulator, respectively; m k is the mass of the articulator. The value u k ( t ) in this case can be interpreted as effective muscular force involved in articulator control. The total displacement of articulators y ( t ) = x 1 ( t ) + x 2 ( t ) , induced by control forces u ( t ) = ( u 1 ( t ), u 2 ( t )) is described by the following equation