The Corrosion inhibition of a inhibitor namely Ni complex of 1-(8-hydroxy quinolin-2yl-methyl) urea (Ni-HUF) in controlling corrosion of mild steel immersed in aqueous solution containing 60 ppm Clhas been investigated using weight loss method. The corrosion inhibition efficiency offered by 50 ppm of Ni-HUF is 74 %. The corrosion inhibition was observed due to the formation of more stable and compact protective film on the metal surface. Fluorescence spectral analysis was used to detect the presence of iron-inhibitor complex. Polarization study and Electrochemical Impedance spectra confirm the formation of a protective film formed on the metal surface. Introduction Metal complexes are widely used as catalyst of chemical reactions, e.g. Oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of ethane and epoxidation of geraniol [1-3] and as stabilizer or precursor in sol-gel processes [4-6]. Very few works have been performed to study anticorrosive behavior of metal complexes. Harms et al.[7] proposed corrosion inhibition through precipitation of Fe(II) phosphate and Fe(III) phosphate in presence of Fe(III) acetylacetonate and Fe(II) acetylacetonate respectively. Palladium acetylacetonate is suggested as an effective corrosion inhibitor for water cooled nuclear reactor [8]. Interaction of transition metal complexes with mild steel is greatly affected by their standard electrode potentials, their reactivity and the nature of the ligand that could stabilize the metallic complexes. Reduction of Cu (II) and Co (II) species on mild steel surface is possible due to their noble standard electrode potential compared to Fe (II). However, it should be noted that negative charged ligands like nitro, thiocyanate, Oxalato, glucinato and acetylacetonate could stabilize the higher oxidation states [9]. Hence reduction of Cu (II) and Co (II) on the steel surface could be affected by the ligands surrounded them. It is reported that sodium, zinc and calcium salts of gluconic acid could provide an effective corrosion inhibition for the mild steel immersed in near neutral media [10-13]. The effectiveness of gluconates on the anodic metal dissolution reaction and the cathodic oxygen reduction reaction in neutral solution depends on the inhibitor concentration and the nature of cations introduced in the solution as a gluconate salt [14]. The aim of the present work is to evaluate corrosion inhibitive performance of nickel complex of 1-(8-hydroxy quinolin-2yl-methyl) urea to mild steel immersed in aqueous solution containing 60 ppm Cl-. The corrosion inhibition efficiency was evaluated using weight loss method and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The protective film formed on the metal surface characterized with the help of surface analytical techniques such as fluorescence and UVVisible spectroscopy. Materials and Methods Mild steel specimens; (0.026% S, 0.068% P, 0.39 % Mn, 0.11 % C and the rest iron ) of dimensions 1.0 cm ×4.0×0.2 cm were polished to mirrors finish and degreased with acetone and used for weight loss method. Weight loss method: Mild steel specimens triplicate were immersed in 100 ml beaker containing 100 ml of aqueous solution containing 60 ppm of Clcontaining various concentrations of the Ni complex of 1-(8-hydroxy quinolin-2yl-methyl) urea -inhibitors for one day. After one day immersion the specimens were taken out, washed in running water, dried and weighed using a Shimadzu balance, model AY62. The corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) was calculated using the equation: IE = 100[1-(w2-w1)] % Where w1 is the corrosion rate in the absence of inhibitor and w2 is the corrosion rate in the presence of inhibitor. Potentiodynamic Polarization study: Polarization studies were carried out in a CHI electrochemical workstation with impedance model 643, Austin, USA. A three electrode cell assembly was used. The working electrode was mild steel. The exposed surface area was 1 cm2. A saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as the reference electrode and a rectangular platinum foil was used as the counter electrode. The results such as Tafel slopes, Icorr, Ecorr and LPR values were calculated. AC impedance spectra The instrument used for polarization study was also used for AC impedance spectra. The cell set up was the same as that was used for polarization measurements. The real part (Z’) and the imaginary part (Z’’) of the cell impedance were measured in ohms at various frequencies. AC impedance spectra were recorded with initials E (v) =0V, high frequency limit was 1×105 Hz, low frequency limit was 1 Hz, amplitude =0.005V and quiet time tq=2 s. The values of charge transfer resistance Rt and the double layer capacitance Cdl were calculated.