M. De Stefano, Annalisa Lamberti, Ilaria Rea, L. De Stefano, E. De Tommasi, Ivo Rendina, F. Baldini, J. Homola, R. A. Lieberman, E., De Tommasi, I., Rendina, I., Rea, M., De Stefano, Lamberti, Annalisa, L., De Stefano, Francesco Baldini, Jiri Homola, Robert A. Lieberman, DE STEFANO, Mario, and A., Lamberti
Diatoms are monocellular micro-algae provided with external valves, the frustules, made of amorphous hydrated silica. Frustules present patterns of regular arrays of holes, the areolae, characterized by sub-micrometric dimensions. Frustules from centric diatoms are characterized by a radial disposition of areolae and exhibit several optical properties, such as photoluminescence, lens-like behavior and, in general, photonic-crystal-like behavior as long as confinement of electromagnetic field is concerned. In particular, intrinsic photoluminescence from frustules is strongly influenced by the surrounding atmosphere: on exposure to gases, the induced luminescence changes both in the optical intensity and peaks positions. To give specificity against a target analyte, a key feature for an optical sensor, a biomolecular probe, which naturally recognizes its ligand, can be covalently linked to the diatom surface. We explored the photoluminescence emission properties of frustules of Coscinodiscus wailesii centric species, characterized by a diameter of about 100-200 μm, on exposure to different vapours and in presence of specific bioprobes interacting with target analytes. Very high sensitivities have been observed due to the characteristic morphology of diatoms shells. Particular attention has been devoted to the emission properties of single frustules. Diatoms are monocellular micro-algae provided with external valves, the frustules, made of amorphous hydrated silica. Frustules present patterns of regular arrays of holes, the areolae, characterized by sub-micrometric dimensions. Frustules from centric diatoms are characterized by a radial disposition of areolae and exhibit several optical properties, such as photoluminescence, lens-like behavior and, in general, photonic-crystal-like behavior as long as confinement of electromagnetic field is concerned. In particular, intrinsic photoluminescence from frustules is strongly influenced by the surrounding atmosphere: on exposure to gases, the induced luminescence changes both in the optical intensity and peaks positions. To give specificity against a target analyte, a key feature for an optical sensor, a biomolecular probe, which naturally recognizes its ligand, can be covalently linked to the diatom surface.We explored the photoluminescence emission properties of frustules of Coscinodiscus wailesii centric species, characterized by a diameter of about 100-200 mu m, on exposure to different vapours and in presence of specific bioprobes interacting with target analytes. Very high sensitivities have been observed due to the characteristic morphology of diatoms shells. Particular attention has been devoted to the emission properties of single frustules.