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2. The future pathways of place branding – Brazilian landscape
- Author
Fabiana Gondim Mariutti, Ph.D. and Magdalena Florek
- Subjects
Marketing ,Economics and Econometrics ,place brand ,place branding ,public-private ,geographical mapping ,geomarketing - Abstract
"Which Place?" All places, far and near, large, and small, highly developed or on a development path, are looking for the best solutions and practices to fulfil the needs and ambitions of their internal and external stakeholders. Place branding is an approach that supports places in these efforts, strategically and interactively. As Kavaratzis and Florek (2021) claim, “in the near future, the global place branding scholarly community will need to address a series of challenges and questions that remain unsolved and unanswered, with implications for both the theory and the practice” (p.28). At the same time, scholars and practitioners need to consider the regional and local dissimilarities. The Brazilian perspectives, possibilities, and conditions are no exception.This first edition advances the understanding of this boundless, imperative, and interdisciplinary field of knowledge. We are grateful to the Brazilian Journal of Marketing editorial team, all the authors and reviewers who have contributed to this Special Issue on place branding (Appendix I. Thank-You Note).Contextually, according to an international literature analysis of the geographical locations stated in the articles on place branding, covering 2014-2018, Europe is the dominant area in the studies, followed by Asia and North America that have also attracted significant attention from scholars (Lu et al. 2020). In South America, specifically in Brazil, academic publications on marca de lugar (place brand), gestão de marketing de marca de lugar (place marketing) and gestão de marca de lugar (place branding) are still scarce. Hence there is an urgent need to properly understand the place branding phenomena and disseminate knowledge of it which is often overtaken by practice, causing all sorts of problems and disappointments. Without a solid scientific base, place branding will become and remain merely a response-based tactic.Therefore, in this Special Issue, we would like to highlight the potential of scientific achievements of academics in Brazil, and to advance the discussion among Brazilian researchers and practitioners. As revealed by Artêncio, Mariutti and Giraldi (2020), a thematic panorama of academic-scientific nature concerns works presented at the main Brazilian Administration conferences: SemeAD, EnANPAD (Marketing Division), and EMA for the last twenty years (1999-2019). With a total of 5,706 studies, only 18 articles address some issues related to place branding or marketing, with the focus mainly on the country level (14), and a few on cities (2) and regions (2). Based on the review of studies’ titles, the abstracts, and the keywords identified in the conferences’ annals, only three works were identified as revolving around a conceptual designation of place marketing, on presented in SemeAD 2016 and at one EMA 2018; and one of place branding presented at EMA 2018. Notably, the studies are specific to some aspect of place brand (place of origin, identity, image, reputation, and culture to name a few).In view of this scientific portrait, several conclusions can be drawn.Firstly, in Brazil research at the national level, place branding studies are certainly evolving. And it needs such a national insertion since the place brand can be used as an instrument in strategic spatial planning to support a structural change in places by contributing to the improvement of the economic and social structure of places and reshaping responses to contemporary challenges faced by the places. Regarding the brand positioning or brand management of a place, a space or territory is not an absolute concept, it is always related to a sphere of social-human application or economic-political structure, which is potentially developed through processes – possibly contested – of producing, maintaining, and assigning meaningful spaces, reinforces Warnaby (2018).Secondly, there is a need of theoretical and empirical development of the concepts of place brand, place marketing and place branding, not only based on studies on Brazilian cities, states (counties), and regions, but also on other places in the country like airports, avenues, beaches, city squares, industrial and other clusters, museums, parks, theatres, etc. Since diverse locus is recognized in a large country like Brazil, providing research questions about the spatiality in marketing literature is key as emphasized by Giovanardi and Lucarelli (2018), Oliveira (2015), and Warnaby (2018).Thirdly ontological and epistemological advancement of research areas within place branding is necessary to provoke reflections and directions for theoretical advancement, particularly in Brazilian research groups. As Govers (2021) claims, “The funding agencies and governments that appreciate that place branding is of strategic, long-term, and crucial importance are, unfortunately, in a tiny minority” (p.338). With this in mind, we hope to draw attention of Brazilian universities, researchers, and policy makers to the importance and relevance of place branding. Thus, “Place branding has been used to foster economic restructuring, social inclusion and cohesion, political engagement and participation, place identification, and the general well-being of citizens”, states Oliveira (2015, p.18).Stakeholders per se, who are co-creators in the place branding process (Kalandides, Kavaratzis, Boisen, 2012; Mariutti Giraldi, 2021) should be involved in the management of public and/or private places, strategically aligned with place branding activities to enhance the value of a place (Mariutti Giraldi, 2021). Tracing the scope of research along this path establish connections between practice and theory and offers insight into the future directions for specific places, hidden or forgotten in Brazil.To address the above contexts together with the Brazilian academic setting, we report that 27 papers were submitted during the six-pandemic months (February to August 2021); they were carefully reviewed and analysed. Also, the best studies selected by the track leaders from the Place Branding Track at the Marketing Meeting - EMA 2021 (by Fabiana Mariutti and Mihalis Kavaratzis) and at the EnANPAD Conference 2021 (by Fabiana Mariutti and João Freire) were invited for submission in the regular evaluation process by Brazilian Journal of Marketing. Both conferences are organized by ANPAD – the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration). For the first time, a place branding track took place at Brazilian conferences. Hence, based on the reviewers’ evaluations and research domain comprehension, decisions were taken by the journal’s guest editors and editors-in-chief. Finally, nine manuscripts were chosen for publication.Robust contributions emerged from this pioneer collection. The following systematically chosen papers illustrate some frameworks and insights for place branding research to be conceivably enhanced in national literature.The Issue starts with a paper by Carniello and dos Santos who analyse branding as a territorial development strategy, discussing the convergence between city branding and a municipality master plan in the case of São Paulo city. Convergence has been identified between the pillars of the brand and the contents of the master plan, especially the communication as a key element for the social and management propositions. A strategic perspective of place branding is therefore postulated using a qualitative approach, with documental design.The subsequent paper, by Kamlot and Santos Vieira de Jesus, discusses the core of branding process, mainly, city brand identity. The article contributes to the exploration of the physical and symbolic dimensions of Rio de Janeiro’s brand identity and to detailed interpretation thereof, considering the city’s recent evolution. Adopting qualitative method to document analysis, the dataset was combined by research papers, e-mails, newsletters, companies and government reports, newspaper articles etc. This study provides important advice on how to design public policies based on the understanding of a city's identity.The next paper analyses the feelings accompanying content generated by users on Instagram, expressed in hashtags linked to the Pernambuco brand (capital of Recife State). Results of this mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) research into Lima, Pessanha, Araújo, Alves, and Cesário suggest that studies using sentiment analysis of user content in social networks can be used by public managers to understand residents, tourists, and potential visitors’ behaviour through action research, preparing and better adapting the city.Beck and Ferasso in turn, analyse the reflection of brand identity, namely the image of cities. In this study, a systematic literature review was used to analyse the content of literature about urban image in the context of Southern Common Market (MERCOSUL). The paper demonstrates that the urban image management can lead to how cities can overcome socio-economic disparities, well-deploying an efficient project of urban image in order to foster a prosperous urban development.Monte, Pompeu, and Holanda describe an interesting thematic-exploratory qualitative approach to a forgotten property – corporate museum – as a business and cultural space which influences the image of a place. The authors trust that the corporate museums an important cultural asset in promoting the place brand, yet they claim that these museums belong not only to the company but also to the city, region, and country where it is located, attracting tourists and investors, and fostering a sense of belonging among the residents. The study, which was presented at the Place Branding Track at EMA 2021, demonstrates an explanatory and theoretical model of how a place brand (city, region, or country) can be boosted by means of a corporate museum. Another business standpoint was taken by Munaier, Rocha, and Portes as they investigated the impact of the business headquarters location of a physical education service provider on the clients' brand trust. Social exchange theory and brand trust were theoretical foundations for the hypotheses of this quantitative study using multivariate statistical techniques. By realizing that the headquarters location influences the clients' brand trust, the authors suggest that the choice of a location is a complex process that companies should manage carefully; at the same time, places can use these relations for branding purposes.The measurement issues of the place branding process are discussed by Cunha, Luce, and Rovedder; they have developed and tested the stakeholder-based place brand equity (SBPBE) measure of the Vale dos Vinhedos, a wine region in Southern Brazil. Based on this quantitative research results from the respondents’ profiles, the authors demonstrate that the more people’s displacements and activities in a place, the more positive their evaluation of the place brand equity tends to be. The outcomes of this research, which was presented at the Place Branding Track at EnANPAD 2021, support a measurement proposition to evaluate these multiple stakeholders on place brand equity based on behavioural data. The last two papers discuss the research recommendations and directions for future developments in the place branding research domain.Based on a systematic literature review using Methodi Ordinatio, Campos, Galina, and Giraldi establish the guidelines for cross-disciplinary future research into soft power, analysing its intertwinement with creative industries and place branding. After adopting the content analysis with oblique approach, it was identified six relevant areas with short description and oblique references in their substantial research: psycho-sociology, labour mobility, urban planning, arts diplomacy, gastro-diplomacy, and geographical indications. It is demonstrated how soft power and place branding reveals an explicit relationship with each other theoretically, strategically, and politically.Ocke and Platt put forward an inviting research agenda providing some advice for scholars, branding practitioners, and marketers taking place from the brand management scope – identity, image, and reputation of a place. By adopting bibliographic material, under a nation branding overview with its economic, political, and cultural-critical orientations, significant proposals for Brazil are suggested to effectively manage place brands, including: (i) appointment of a formal body to coordinate the actions and actors recognizing the role of stakeholders in the decision-making stages; (ii) cooperation between governors and leaders to achieve common goals under a unique umbrella branding program that benefit different sectors of the economy; (iii) the conquer of market opportunities by competitive identity assets such as the green place brand orientation; and (iv) application of integrated methods to measure and evaluate the results of place branding efforts.With this Special Issue, entitled “Which place? The Future Pathways of Place Branding”, we hope to encourage actions and stimulate a debate on how place branding can effectively make Brazilian places improved and how the knowledge offered by the academic community can prepare any type of places for the forthcoming challenges. “What comes next?” In consideration of the future role of place branding in Brazil, our recommendations for future studies highlight themes regarding the current status quo of the country, the post-pandemic times, the human re-integration into places, and, indeed, sustainability issues. Research into place branding requires additional integration of disciplines, international partnerships research groups, professional interchanges, public-private initiatives, clusters mapping, geomarketing analysis, and more sophisticated methods of critical appraisal along with well-established instigating research problems.Appendix IThank-You NoteWe appreciated the endless support by the Editor in Chief Prof. Dr. Julio Carneiro da Cunha.We are grateful to following Reviewers, who neatly contributed to our special call: Dr. Antônio Azevedo - Universidade do Minho, PortugalDra. Beatriz Casais - Universidade do Minho, PortugalDra. Caroline Finocchio - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, BrazilDra. Cecilia Pasquinelli - Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, ItalyPh.D. Candidate: Donizete Ferreira Beck - Universidade Nove de Julho, SP, BrazilDr. Eduardo de Paula e Silva Chaves - Universidade de São Paulo Instituto Federal de São Paulo, BrazilDra. Fernanda Scussel - Universidade de Santa Catarina, BrazilDr. Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos - Universidade de São Paulo, BrazilDr. João Ricardo Freire - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Universidade Europeia, PortugalDr. Julio Araújo Carneiro da Cunha - Universidade Nove de Julho, SP, BrazilDra. Marina Lourenção - Universidade de São Paulo, BrazilPh.D. Candidate: Mateus Artêncio - Universidade de São Paulo, BrazilDra. Mariana Sutter - Toulouse Business School, FranceDr. Marco Ocke - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, BrazilDr. Mihalis Kavaratzis - University of Leicester, EnglandDra. Mirna de Lima Medeiros - Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, PR, BrazilDra. Monica Franchi Carniello - Universidade de Taubaté, SP, BrazilDr. Rafael Barreiros Porto - Universidade de Brasília, D.F., BrazilDr. Ricardo Limongi - Universidade Federal de Goiás, GO, BrazilDr. Robert Bowen - Swansea University, Wales, United KingdomDr. Roberto Flores Falcão - Centro Universitário FECAP, SP, BrazilPh.D. Candidate: Sergio Czajkowski - UNICuritiba, PR, BrazilDra. Suzane Strehlau - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, SP, BrazilDra. Thaysa Nascimento - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilDra. Virginia Castro - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, PR, BrazilDra. Vivian Iara Strehlau - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, SP, BrazilDr. Wesley Moreira Pinheiro - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, SP, Brazil "Qual lugar?" Todos os lugares, distantes e próximos, grandes e pequenos, desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento, estão procurando as melhores soluções e práticas para atender às necessidades e ambições de seus stakeholders internos e externos. Place branding é uma abordagem que apoia os lugares nesses esforços, estrategicamente e de forma interativa. Como Kavaratzis e Florek (2021) afirmam, “no futuro próximo, a comunidade acadêmica global de gestão de marca de lugar precisará abordar uma série de desafios e questões que permanecem sem solução e sem resposta, com implicações tanto para a teoria quanto para a prática” (p. 28). Ao mesmo tempo, acadêmicos e profissionais precisam considerar as diferenças regionais e locais. As perspectivas, possibilidades e condições brasileiras não são exceção.Esta primeira edição avança na compreensão deste campo de conhecimento ilimitado, imperativo e interdisciplinar. Agradecemos à equipe editorial do Brazilian Journal of Marketing, a todos os autores e revisores que contribuíram para esta edição especial sobre gestão de marca de lugar (Apêndice I. Nota de Agradecimento).Contextualmente, de acordo com uma análise da literatura internacional das localizações geográficas encontradas nos artigos sobre place branding, entre 2014 e 2018, a Europa é a área dominante nos estudos, seguida pela Ásia e América do Norte que também têm atraído significativa atenção dos estudiosos (Lu et al. 2020). Na América do Sul, especificamente no Brasil, as publicações acadêmicas sobre marca de lugar (place brand), gestão de marketing de marca de lugar (place marketing) e gestão de marca de lugar (place branding) ainda são escassas. Daí a necessidade urgente de compreender adequadamente os fenômenos de gestão de marca de lugar e de difundir o seu conhecimento que muitas vezes é ultrapassado pela prática, causando todos os tipos de problemas e decepções. Sem uma base científica sólida, o place branding se tornará e continuará sendo apenas uma tática baseada em resposta.Portanto, nesta Edição Especial, gostaríamos de destacar o potencial das realizações científicas dos acadêmicos no Brasil e avançar na discussão entre pesquisadores e profissionais brasileiros. Conforme estudado por Artêncio, Mariutti e Giraldi (2020), um panorama temático de cunho acadêmico-científico averiguou os trabalhos apresentados nos principais congressos brasileiros de Administração: SemeAD, EnANPAD (Divisão de Marketing) e EMA nos últimos vinte anos (1999-2019). Com um total de 5.706 estudos, apenas 18 artigos abordam algumas questões relacionadas à gestão de marca de lugar ou gestão de marketing de marca de lugar, com foco principalmente em nível de país (14), e alguns em cidades (2) e regiões (2). Com base na análise dos títulos desses estudos, dos resumos e das palavras-chave identificadas nos anais dos congressos, apenas três trabalhos foram identificados como alinhado à uma designação conceitual de marketing de lugares, apresentados no SemeAD 2016 e no EMA 2018; e um trabalho de gestão de marca de lugar apresentado no EMA 2018. Notavelmente, os estudos são específicos para alguns aspectos da place brand (local de origem, identidade, imagem, reputação e cultura, para citar alguns).Diante desse retrato científico, conclusões apontadas podem ser complementadas.Em primeiro lugar, nas pesquisas realizadas no Brasil em nível nacional, os estudos de place branding certamente estão evoluindo. E precisam de tal inserção nacional, uma vez que a marca de lugar pode ser usada como um instrumento no planejamento espacial estratégico para apoiar uma mudança estrutural nos lugares por contribuir para a melhoria da estrutura econômica e social dos lugares e remodelar as respostas aos desafios contemporâneos enfrentados pelos lugares. Referente ao posicionamento de marca ou gestão da marca de um lugar, um espaço ou território não é um conceito absoluto, está sempre relativo a uma esfera de aplicação social-humana ou estrutura econômica-política, o qual se desenvolve potencialmente por meio de processos – possivelmente contestados – para produzir, manter e atribuir espaços com significado, reforça Warnaby (2018).Em segundo lugar, há a necessidade de desenvolvimento teórico e empírico dos conceitos de marca de lugar, gestão de marketing de marca de lugar, e gestão de marca de lugar, não apenas com base em estudos sobre cidades, estados e regiões brasileiras, mas também em outros lugares do país como aeroportos, aglomerados industriais, avenidas, parques, praias, praças, museus, teatros etc. Como a diversidade de locus é reconhecida em um país extenso como o Brasil, é fundamental fornecer perguntas de pesquisa sobre a espacialidade existente na literatura de marketing, como enfatizam Giovanardi e Lucarelli (2018), Oliveira (2015) e Warnaby (2018).Em terceiro lugar, o avanço ontológico e epistemológico das linhas de pesquisa em place branding é necessário para provocar reflexões e direcionamentos para o avanço teórico, particularmente nos grupos de pesquisa brasileiros. Como Govers (2021) afirma, “as agências de financiamento e governos que valorizam que a gestão de marca de lugar seja de importância estratégica, de longo prazo e crucial são, infelizmente, uma pequena minoria” (p.338). Com isso em mente, esperamos chamar a atenção de universidades, pesquisadores e gestores de políticas públicas brasileiras para a importância e relevância da gestão de marca de lugares. Afinal, “A marca de lugar tem sido usada para promover a reestruturação econômica, a inclusão e coesão social, o engajamento e a participação política, a identificação do lugar e o bem-estar geral dos cidadãos”, expõe Oliveira (2015, p.18).Os stakeholders per se, que são cocriadores no processo de gestão de marca de lugar (Kalandides, Kavaratzis, Boisen, 2012; Mariutti Giraldi, 2021) precisam estar envolvidos na gestão de locais públicos e/ou privados, estrategicamente alinhados com as atividades de gestão de marca de lugar para aumentar o valor de um lugar (Mariutti Giraldi, 2021). Traçar o escopo da pesquisa ao longo desse caminho estabelece conexões entre prática e teoria e oferece insights sobre os vindouros rumos para lugares peculiares, escondidos ou esquecidos no Brasil.Para abordar os contextos acima em conjunto com o cenário acadêmico brasileiro, compartilhamos que 27 trabalhos foram submetidos durante os seis meses de pandemia (fevereiro a agosto de 2021); eles foram cuidadosamente revisados e analisados. Além disso, os melhores estudos selecionados pelos líderes de tema de ‘Gestão de Marca de Lugar’ no Encontro de Marketing - EMA 2021 (por Fabiana Mariutti e Mihalis Kavaratzis) e no EnANPAD 2021 (por Fabiana Mariutti e João Freire) foram convidados para submissão no processo de avaliação regular pela Revista Brasileira de Marketing. Ambas os congressos são organizados pela ANPAD – Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração). Pela primeira vez no Brasil, uma trilha acadêmica de place branding aconteceu em congressos brasileiros. Portanto, com base nas avaliações dos revisores e na compreensão do domínio da linha de pesquisa, as decisões foram tomadas pelos editores convidados e editores-chefes da revista. Por fim, foram escolhidos nove manuscritos para publicação.Contribuições robustas emergiram desta coletânea pioneira. Os seguintes artigos sistematicamente escolhidos ilustram algumas arcabouços e insights para a pesquisa sobre gestão de marca de lugar ser concebivelmente aprimorada na literatura nacional.A edição começa com um artigo de Carniello e dos Santos que analisam o branding como estratégia de desenvolvimento territorial, discutindo a convergência entre o city branding e um plano diretor municipal no caso da cidade de São Paulo. Foi identificada uma convergência entre os pilares da marca e os conteúdos do plano diretor, especialmente a comunicação como elemento-chave para as proposições sociais e de gestão. Postula-se, assim, uma perspectiva estratégica de place branding com uma abordagem qualitativa, com design documental.O artigo subsequente, de Kamlot e Santos Vieira de Jesus, discute o cerne do processo de branding, principalmente, a identidade da marca de cidade. O artigo contribui para a exploração das dimensões físicas e simbólicas da identidade da marca do Rio de Janeiro e para a interpretação detalhada do RJ, considerando a evolução recente da cidade. Adota o método qualitativo para análise documental, o conjunto de dados foi combinado por artigos de pesquisa, e-mails, boletins, relatórios de empresas e governos, artigos de jornais etc. Este estudo fornece indicações importantes sobre como delinear políticas públicas a partir da compreensão da identidade de uma cidade.O próximo artigo analisa os sentimentos que acompanham o conteúdo gerado pelos usuários no Instagram, expressos em hashtags vinculadas à marca da cidade de Pernambuco (capital de Recife). Resultados dessa pesquisa mista (qualitativa e quantitativa) de Lima, Pessanha, Araújo, Alves e Cesário sugerem que estudos utilizando análise de sentimento de conteúdo de usuários em redes sociais podem ser utilizados por gestores públicos para entender o comportamento dos moradores, turistas e potenciais visitantes por meio da pesquisa-ação, preparando e adaptando melhor a cidade.Beck e Ferasso, por sua vez, analisam o reflexo da identidade da marca, ou seja, a imagem das cidades. Neste estudo, uma revisão sistemática da literatura foi utilizada para analisar o conteúdo da literatura sobre imagem urbana no contexto do Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL). O trabalho demonstra que a gestão da imagem urbana mostra como as cidades podem superar as disparidades socioeconômicas, com a implementação de um projeto eficiente de imagem urbana a fim de promover desenvolvimento urbano bem-sucedido.Monte, Pompeu e Holanda descrevem uma interessante abordagem qualitativa temática-exploratória de um lugar esquecido – museu corporativo – como um espaço empresarial e cultural que influencia a imagem de um lugar. Os autores acreditam que os museus corporativos são um importante ativo cultural na promoção da marca do lugar e ainda, que esses museus pertencem não apenas à empresa, mas também à cidade, região e país onde está localizado, atraindo turistas e investidores, fomentando um sentimento de pertencimento entre os moradores. O estudo, que foi apresentado no Place Branding Track no EMA 2021, propõe um modelo explicativo e teórico de como uma marca de lugar (cidade, região ou país) pode ser potencializada por meio de um museu corporativo.Outro ponto de vista empresarial foi adotado por Munaier, Rocha e Portes ao investigarem o impacto da localização da sede comercial de um prestador de serviços em educação física perante a confiança da marca dos clientes. A teoria da troca social e a confiança na marca foram fundamentos teóricos para as hipóteses deste estudo quantitativo usando técnicas estatísticas multivariadas. Ao perceber que a localização da sede influencia a confiança da marca dos clientes, os autores sugerem que a escolha de um local é um processo complexo que as empresas devem gerenciar com cuidado; ao mesmo tempo, os lugares podem usar essas relações para fins de branding.As questões de mensuração do processo de gestão de marca de lugar são discutidas por Cunha, Luce e Rovedder; eles desenvolveram e testaram a medida de valor da marca local baseada em stakeholders (SBPBE) do Vale dos Vinhedos, na região Sul do Brasil. Com base nos resultados dessa pesquisa quantitativa a partir dos perfis dos entrevistados, os autores demonstram que quanto mais movimentos e atividades das pessoas em um local, mais positiva tende a ser sua avaliação do valor da marca do lugar. Os resultados desta pesquisa, apresentada no Place Branding Track no EnANPAD 2021, sustentam uma proposta de mensuração para avaliar esses múltiplos stakeholders sobre o posicionamento da marca com base em dados comportamentais.Os dois últimos artigos indicam as recomendações de estudos e as direções para desenvolvimentos futuros no domínio da pesquisa sobre gestão de marca de lugar.Com base em uma revisão sistemática da literatura, Campos, Galina e Giraldi estabelecem as diretrizes para futuras estudos interdisciplinares sobre soft power, analisando seu alinhamento teórico-prático com indústrias criativas e gestão de marca de lugar. Após a adoção da análise de conteúdo com abordagem teóricas, foram identificadas seis áreas relevantes com breve descrição e referências oblíquas nessa investigação pujante: psicossociologia, mobilidade laboral, planejamento urbano, diplomacia artística, gastrodiplomacia e indicações geográficas. Demonstra-se como o soft power e o place branding revelam uma relação explícita entre si: teoricamente, estrategicamente e politicamente.Ocke e Platt apresentam uma agenda de pesquisa convidativa, fornecendo alguns apontamentos para acadêmicos, profissionais de branding e profissionais de marketing que ocorrem no escopo da gestado de marca – identidade, imagem e reputação de um lugar. Ao adotar material bibliográfico, sob uma visão geral do nation branding com suas orientações econômicas, políticas e cultural-críticas, em que propostas significantes para o Brasil são sugeridas para a gestão eficaz das marcas de lugares, incluindo: (i) nomeação de um órgão formal para coordenar as ações e atores reconhecendo o papel dos stakeholders nas etapas de tomada de decisão; (ii) cooperação entre governadores e líderes para alcançar objetivos comuns sob um programa único de marca guarda-chuva que beneficia diferentes setores da economia; (iii) a conquista de oportunidades de mercado por meio de ativos identitários competitivos, como a orientação da marca green place; e (iv) aplicação de métodos integrados para mensurar e avaliar os resultados dos esforços de place branding.Com esta Edição Especial, intitulada “Qual lugar? Os Caminhos Futuros do Place Branding”, esperamos incentivar ações e estimular um debate sobre como a gestão de marca de lugar pode efetivamente melhorar os lugares brasileiros e como o conhecimento oferecido pela comunidade acadêmica pode preparar qualquer tipo de lugar para os próximos desafios. “O que vem depois?” Considerando o papel promissor da gestão de marca de lugar no Brasil, nossas recomendações para estudos futuros destacam temas relacionados com o atual status quo atual do país, ao momento pós-pandemia, a reintegração humana aos lugares a, ainda, questões de sustentabilidade. Estudos sobre a gestão de marca de lugar requer estudos interdisciplinares adicionais, integração de disciplinas, grupos de pesquisa de parcerias internacionais, intercâmbios profissionais, iniciativas público-privadas, mapeamento de clusters, análises em geomarketing e métodos mais sofisticados para avaliação crítica acompanhados de problemas de pesquisa instigantes bem estabelecidos.Apêndice INota de AgradecimentoNós apreciamos o apoio inesgotável do Editor-Chefe Prof. Dr. Julio Carneiro da Cunha.Somos gratos aos seguintes revisores, que contribuíram de forma organizada para nossa edição especial:Dr. Antônio Azevedo - Universidade do Minho, PortugalDra. Beatriz Casais - Universidade do Minho, PortugalDra. Caroline Finocchio - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, BrazilDra. Cecilia Pasquinelli - Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, ItalyPh.D. Candidate: Donizete Ferreira Beck - Universidade Nove de Julho, SP, BrazilDr. Eduardo de Paula e Silva Chaves - Universidade de São Paulo Instituto Federal de São Paulo, BrazilDra. Fernanda Scussel - Universidade de Santa Catarina, BrazilDr. Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos - Universidade de São Paulo, BrazilDr. João Ricardo Freire - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Universidade Europeia, PortugalDr. Julio Araújo Carneiro da Cunha - Universidade Nove de Julho, SP, BrazilDra. Marina Lourenção - Universidade de São Paulo, BrazilPh.D. Candidate: Mateus Artêncio - Universidade de São Paulo, BrazilDra. Mariana Sutter - Toulouse Business School, FranceDr. Marco Ocke - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, BrazilDr. Mihalis Kavaratzis - University of Leicester, EnglandDra. Mirna de Lima Medeiros - Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, PR, BrazilDra. Monica Franchi Carniello - Universidade de Taubaté, SP, BrazilDr. Rafael Barreiros Porto - Universidade de Brasília, D.F., BrasilDr. Ricardo Limongi - Universidade Federal de Goiás, GO, BrasilDr. Robert Bowen - Swansea University, Wales, United KingdomDr. Roberto Flores Falcão - Centro Universitário FECAP, SP, BrasilPh.D. Candidate: Sergio Czajkowski - UNICuritiba, PR, BrasilDra. Suzane Strehlau - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, SP, BrasilDra. Thaysa Nascimento - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrasilDra. Virginia Castro - Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, PR, BrazilDra. Vivian Iara Strehlau - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, SP, BrasilDr. Wesley Moreira Pinheiro - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, SP, Brasil
- Published
- 2022
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3. A tér a marketingben
- Author
Kovács András
- Subjects
tér ,marketing ,geomarketing ,regionális tudomány ,History (General) and history of Europe ,Economic history and conditions ,HC10-1085 ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
A tér és térbeliség napjainkban sem játszik fontos szerepet a különféle szervezetek marketingtevékenységében. Tanulmányunkban – a térbeliség és a marketing alapfogalmainak áttekintését követően – bemutatjuk, hogy az üzleti gondolkodásban, a piacokról folyó diskurzusban, illetve ezen belül különösen a stratégiai marketingben mely területeken azonosíthatók térbeli problémák. A marketing térvonatkozásainak elméleti megalapozásához röviden ismertetjük a társadalmi térfogalom különféle megközelítéseit a társadalomtudományokban (regionális tudomány, társadalomföldrajz, közgazdaságtan, szociológia). A tér elméleti és alkalmazott közgazdaságtani értelmezését követően foglalkozunk a marketingre vonatkozó elképzelésekkel. Röviden bemutatjuk a marketing hazai és nemzetközi fogalmi megközelítéseit, és a marketing kotleri értelemben vett (tágan értelmezett) modelljét felhasználva emeljük ki annak explicit és implicit térvonatkozásait, rámutatunk a termék, az ár, az értékesítés és a kommunikációs stratégia térbeli sajátosságaira, a kapcsolati marketing, a társadalmilag felelős marketing és belső marketing területi aspektusaira. Számos példával illusztráljuk, hogy a marketing erőteljesen térbe ágyazott, így amellett érvelünk, hogy a hatékonyabb marketinggondolkodásban figyelembe kell venni a térbeli kapcsolódásokat, területi meghatározottságokat. A geomarketing-gondolkodásmódban, melynek szükségességére hívjuk fel a figyelmet, a térbeliség nem szűkül le a telephelyválasztásra és az értékesítéstervezésre, hanem áthatja a marketing egészét.
- Published
- 2017
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4. Impact of geomarketing and location determinants on business development and decision making.
- Author
Ramadani, Veland, Zendeli, Donika, Gerguri-Rashiti, Shqipe, and Dana, Leo-Paul
- Subjects
- *
MARKETING , *DECISION making , *INDUSTRIAL management , *CHOICE (Psychology) , *EQUATIONS - Abstract
Purpose This paper aims to study and compare variables such as location, industry, socio-demographics and business factors of several companies located in Western Macedonia.Design/methodology/approach Research method is based on primary data the authors collected through questionnaires and secondary data obtained from State Statistical Office. Besides, the research sums up data classification of companies in the aspect of geomarketing and how location determinants and geo-information of certain cities can influence their business development and decision-making. Lastly, the results of data and Structural Equation Modeling integration are presented.Findings Since Republic of Macedonia is more than 25 years in transition, experts have often foreseen that companies in their country most of the time make intuitive decisions and do not take into account many elements during decision-making process in the business aspect. But on the other hand, results reveal interesting facts about companies involved in their research. For a majority of companies, the influence of geomarketing on business development is positive as long as during decision-making process its determinants have been taken into consideration and reviewed.Practical implications The paper helps the entrepreneurs to develop their businesses and decision-making process based on geomarketing determinants.Originality/value This is the first paper that investigates and compares variables such as location, industry, socio-demographics and business factors of companies located in Macedonia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Bohdan Semak and Marta Barna
- Subjects
Sustainable development ,Service (business) ,Entrepreneurship ,tour operating in the eu countries ,model of tourism development ,lcsh:HD72-88 ,lcsh:Economic growth, development, planning ,Product (business) ,Internationalization ,it-tour operating ,international tourism ,е-tourism ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Social media ,Business ,innovations in tourism ,Marketing ,Geomarketing ,Tourism ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
The article examines the role of the tourism industry in the world economy, reveals the specifics of the innovation process in tourism. The classification of innovations in tourism according to the object of their application is given. The main directions of using innovative marketing technologies in the field of tourism services are considered: release of new types of tourism product, change in the organization of production and consumption, identification and use of new markets, as well as the use of new equipment and technology. Factors that accelerate the introduction of marketing innovations are studied. Based on the analysis of world experience, several models of regulation of innovative tour operating activities in the EU have been identified. The first direction of formation of the model of the innovations development in tourism is the activity of stimulating innovations in the public and private sectors of tourism with the aim of their transition to a qualitatively new model of touring (similar model is used in Greece, Italy and Portugal). The second direction is defined as the internationalization and opening of new markets (a similar model of stimulating innovative development is typical of Spain, Romania and partly Norway). The third one includes support for entrepreneurship in the field of tourism, stimulation of entrepreneurial initiatives, opening a new tourism business (A similar model of stimulating innovation in tourism is typical of many countries in Europe, Australia, New Zealand). The fourth direction is the promotion of the country, its tourism product, including educational and cultural ones (A similar model is typical of Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain, Turkey, Thailand). The role of introduction and active development of e-business and marketing technologies is defined, especially in modern conditions. The necessity of development of the newest directions of the Internet marketing in the field of tourism, including mobile, Internet branding and geomarketing, is proved. The role of innovative marketing technologies as one of the central elements of modern development of activity of tourist firms, the necessity of application of computer technologies and non-standard ways of giving of the information during carrying out modern technical maintenance, are justified. The first group of such technological solutions consists of management technologies, including property management system (PMS), aimed at optimization of basic technological operations. The modern hotels and chains are trying to present themselves not only in global distribution system (GDS), which has become a powerful advertising tool, but also in alternative distribution system (ADS), which is primarily needed by hotels focused on the business segment. Global distribution system (GDS) is also closely integrated into well-known booking systems such as Booking.com, HRS, Agoda, Travelocity, Expedia etc. The next group is for food and beverages inventory management technology (F&B). The group of marketing technologies includes search engine optimization measures (SEO and PPC), which allow to raise the hotel site in search engine rankings, E-mail Marketing as a means of maintaining constant communication with the client, marketing activities in social media (Social Media Optimization), creation of virtual hotels or illusions of visiting a hotel (Second Life and Virtual Hotels Conclusion), branding, etc. The last group of technologies are service ones, i.e. technologies for improving hotel products and services. Innovative technologies are developing in the direction of ensuring sustainable development (greening of hotel services and activities), inclusion in traditional technological operations of innovative components: electronic concierge terminals, access to hotel services via mobile devices, maximizing Internet access, etc. Based on the analysis of the activities of large tour operators, regional differences have been identified in Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Spain, Austria, Norway and France. It is proved that marketing innovations in tourism have a qualitative novelty, which affects the promising areas of tourism development, improvement of existing tourism products, improving the image and competitiveness of the tourism industry. Based on the study, it is generalized that the role of marketing innovations in international tourism has been growing every year, and it has become especially relevant in the conditions of the COVID-19 crisis. For travel companies, the effect of marketing innovation can be expressed in the qualitatively new changes in the tourism industry, improving the efficiency of tourism infrastructure, management of sustainable operation and development of tourism in the country and the formation, positioning and consumption of tourism services, improving the image and competitiveness of travel companies.
- Published
- 2020
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6. Geomarketing: Desde una visión comercial a una aplicación social, en contextos metropolitanos
- Author
Francisco Javier Núñez Cerda, Carlos Mena Frau, and Elias Albornoz Del Valle
- Subjects
Planificación Urbana ,sports equipment ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Sistemas de Información Geográfica ,Public sector ,Análisis espacial ,General Medicine ,Commercialization ,Goods and services ,Business ,Marketing ,Welfare ,Geomarketing ,media_common - Abstract
Resumen: El geomarketing aplicado, con propósitos comerciales, aborda elementos del marketing, incorporando perspectivas espaciales, todo soportado por SIG. Analiza temáticas de mercado, colaborando a la comercialización privada de bienes y servicios, definiendo coberturas geográficas comerciales y rentabilizando dichos negocios. Dichas técnicas, también aplican al análisis y evaluación de proyectos apoyando eficazmente programas sociales organizados por el sector público u otros usuarios, satisfaciendo necesidades en comunidades urbanas: génesis del geomarketing social, una nueva orientación. Ésta busca aumentar el bienestar de los ciudadanos; ej. Localización de equipamiento educa cional, salud, deportivo o soporte a la aplicación de políticas y programas a beneficiarios segmentados. Este artículo, basado en proyectos I+D+i realizados por los autores, propone una sistematización metodológica e informatizada, para aplicar geomarketing desde ambas perspectivas orientadas al usuario. Se identifica información, etapas, procesos propios y compartidos, más resultados obtenidos. Se prueba un caso comercial y otro social, en el Centro Metropolitano de Concepción, Región del Biobío, Chile.
- Published
- 2020
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7. Geomarketing e o problema da questão locacional nos estudos de marketing
- Author
Angélica Cidália Gouveia dos Santos, Felipe Diniz Ramalho, Patrícia Campos Bernardes, Matheus Pereira Libório, and Petr Iakovlevitch Ekel
- Subjects
Marketing ,Economics and Econometrics ,Philosophy ,Humanities ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Objetivo do estudo: Revelar o real interesse dos pesquisadores de marketing pela questao locacional (geomarketing) e demonstrar como aspectos metodologicos (implicacoes dos metodos locacionais) e teoricos (diferencas conceituais) atuam na estagnacao e na baixa participacao da producao cientifica de estudos de geomarketing. Metodologia/abordagem: Coleta de dados por meio de questionario, bases de dados cientificas e demograficas, tratados por metodos estatisticos (teste-t/regressao) e locacionais. Principais resultados: O grande interesse dos pesquisadores de marketing pela questao locacional nao se reflete em volume de producao cientifica. Implicacoes dos diferentes metodos locacionais nos resultados de um problema de marketing sao pouco exploradas. O uso de sistemas de informacao geografica (GIS) e a vinculacao teorica das pesquisas a estrutura seminal do marketing se apresentam como elementos que dificultam pesquisas em geomarketing, se colocando tambem como possiveis justificativas para o baixo numero de publicacoes de geomarketing nas areas de negocios (administracao/marketing). Contribuicoes teoricas/metodologicas: Metodos locacionais podem ser reproduzidos sem GIS. As implicacoes associadas aos metodos locacionais podem ser utilizadas como direcionadores da solucao para cada problema de pesquisa. Os problemas de geomarketing podem ser vinculados a teoria do marketing, desde que o lugar se apresente como elemento de ligacao com o mercado e sua dinâmica, e nao como objeto desconectado do comportamento dos consumidores. Relevância/originalidade: A pesquisa mostra como evitar a aplicacao inconsistente de tecnicas, conceitos e rotulos geograficos nos varios dominios empiricos do marketing regional, um ponto relevante para aumentar o numero de pesquisas de geomarketing em paises em desenvolvimento como o Brasil.
- Published
- 2020
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8. O. Bodnaruk. Using innovative marketing technologies in the tourism industry
- Author
Oksana Bodnaruk
- Subjects
Consumption (economics) ,Digital marketing ,Electronic business ,GeneralLiterature_INTRODUCTORYANDSURVEY ,business.industry ,Novelty ,Technical support ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Marketing ,business ,Geomarketing ,Tourism ,General Environmental Science ,Computer technology - Abstract
The article explores the role of the tourism industry in the global economy, reveals the specifics of the innovation process in the field of tourism. The concept of “innovation in tourism” is defined as systemic events that have a qualitative novelty, which leads to positive changes and ensures the stable functioning of the tourism industry. The classification of innovations in tourism by the object of their use is given. The main directions of using marketing innovative technologies in the field of tourism services are considered: the release of new types of tourism products, changes in the organization of production and consumption, the identification and use of new markets for products, and the use of new equipment and technologies. The factors that accelerate the implementation of marketing innovations are investigated. The role of electronic business in the implementation of marketing technologies is shown. The necessity of developing the latest directions of Internet marketing in the tourism industry, including mobile, viral, block marketing, branding and geomarketing, has been proved. The role of innovative advertising companies as one of the central elements of the marketing activities of travel agencies is shown. The necessity of using modern technical support, computer technology and non-standard methods of presenting information during their implementation has been proved. It was determined that marketing innovations in tourism have a qualitative novelty that affects promising areas of tourism development, improvement of existing tourism products, increasing the image and competitiveness of tourism industry enterprises.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Geomarketing - Tool for Consumer Spending Estimation in the Czech Tourism & Hospitality Market
- Author
Petr Štumpf, Radim Dušek, and Viktor Vojtko
- Subjects
Czech ,Geographic information system ,Consumer spending ,geomarketing ,consumer behaviour ,SMEs ,lcsh:Business ,Tourism ,Hospitality ,smes ,lcsh:Finance ,lcsh:HG1-9999 ,ddc:650 ,Consumer Behaviour ,gis software ,Business and International Management ,Marketing ,Geomarketing ,Consumer behaviour ,Estimation ,business.industry ,hospitality ,language.human_language ,GIS software ,tourism ,language ,lcsh:HF5001-6182 ,business ,Finance - Abstract
This paper deals with a source market size estimation tool that is based on a combination of geomarketing information and consumer spending datasets. We have decided to apply a proposed estimation method on three consumption expenditure groups that are related to the tourism and hospitality industry in the Czech Republic. The geographic and consumer spending data sets for the period 2011 - 2016 were drawn from publicly available sources. With the use of GIS software, this method allowed us to estimate and graphically display consumer spending on recreation and culture; restaurants and hotels; and transport in 2016 at the level of Czech districts, as well as the average annual growth rate during the period 2011 – 2016. This paper describes the Czech tourism and hospitality market from its size and growth point of view. It shows the trends in expenditures for hospitality and tourism services, explain the purchasing power in Czech regions and districts and predict the development for next few years. The results obtained by this low-cost method can be easily used by enterprises from the Czech Republic within domestic tourism, as well as by the foreign companies wanting to attract Czech visitors.
- Published
- 2019
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10. Factors Influencing the Adoption of Geolocation and Proximity Marketing Technologies
- Author
Stefania Pareti, Erika Pulido Arjona, Carlos Osorio, and Elizabeth Ramírez Correa
- Subjects
Customer experience ,Proximity marketing ,business.industry ,Final product ,020206 networking & telecommunications ,02 engineering and technology ,Marketing strategy ,Geolocation ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Added value ,020201 artificial intelligence & image processing ,Business ,Marketing ,Geomarketing - Abstract
The use of geolocation technologies is an opportunity for businesses dedicated to retail the city of Manizales can approach their customers and offer different promotions, discounts, advertising and better and improve the customer experience, using its location. However, to ensure the proper design of a marketing strategy of proximity, it is necessary to know the factors that influence the acceptance that will have the use of this technology in users or end consumers, ensuring that stores in the city can offer appropriate services. Through the use of the UTAUT2 model an exploration of those factors that influence the adoption and use of this technology is made using a PLS-SEM model. The results confirm that the variables hedonic motivations, performance expectation, effort expectation and price are statistically significant for users. The use of this technology brings a better experience for and to the customer, providing added value to the final product.
- Published
- 2021
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11. Method for analyzing the location, assortment and success of outlets based on transactional data
- Author
Polina Vyacheslavovna Levina and Peter Gladilin
- Subjects
Consumer demand ,020206 networking & telecommunications ,02 engineering and technology ,Predictive analytics ,Purchasing ,Geolocation ,Goods and services ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,020201 artificial intelligence & image processing ,Business ,Marketing ,Time series ,Transaction data ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Accounting for consumer demand in different categories in various districts of the city is one of the most important stages in planning the development of a business related to the sale of goods and services. The exponential growth in the amount of data available for analysis in recent years opens up new opportunities for marketers to form optimal strategies for the development of a chain of retail outlets based on real data on customer purchases, which can be developed using data analysis and machine learning methods. The paper proposes a predictive analytics method based on transactional data on purchases of private clients of banks in an urban network of retail outlets. Trends in purchasing activity in various categories of goods and services, combined with the identified geolocation, demand and competitive characteristics of outlets, can be used to predict consumer demand in various city districts and make recommendations on changing the assortment of outlets to reduce costs and increase profits.
- Published
- 2020
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12. From Geomarketing to Spatial Marketing
- Author
Gérard Cliquet
- Subjects
Competition (economics) ,Service (business) ,Direct marketing ,Spatial contextual awareness ,Promotion (rank) ,business.industry ,Sales promotion ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Marketing ,business ,Geomarketing ,Consumer behaviour ,media_common - Abstract
Geomarketing has become a critical domain for most of companies dealing with retailing and services for the three last decades. Usually, retail and service companies utilize geomarketing to make decisions about store location, trade area delineating, and customer plotting. Little by little new applications have emerged from mapping uses dealing with prices, merchandising, and promotion (advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, salesforce management). Spatial consumer behavior is now considered of paramount importance either within the store or outside as competition is sometimes growing fiercely in markets, on the one hand, and customers are more and more mobile, on the other hand. But the true revolution appears suddenly with smartphones and touch pads which enable to develop both a real mobile marketing (m-marketing) and location-based marketing. With this device, any consumer can be positioned anywhere, anytime to send him/her messages as she/he can keep informed about products and prices, and purchase opportunities; meanwhile, this consumer may either buy from anywhere or at any time. Mapping is no more the only way to manage decisions in a spatial context in marketing. Hence, many concepts should be considered or reconsidered: spatial commodity, ubiquity, proximity, and so on. And new methods emerge to better control space in markets and to be sure to keep in touch with customers even though this last intention should be limited for privacy reasons. That is the reason why geomarketing should be enlarged to spatial marketing.
- Published
- 2020
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13. A new geographical pricing model within the principle of geomarketing-mix
- Author
Martine Pelé, Jérôme Baray, Institut de Recherche en Gestion (IRG), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12), and Baray, Jérôme
- Subjects
IRG_AXE3 ,Supply and demand ,0502 economics and business ,optimized location models ,morphological analysis ,Product (category theory) ,algorithm pricing ,050207 economics ,Location ,Geomarketing ,pricing strategy ,Industrial organization ,geomarketing-mix ,Marketing ,Service (business) ,Geographical pricing ,big data in marketing ,05 social sciences ,artificial intelligence ,spatial clustering ,Spatial clustering ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,050211 marketing ,Business ,[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,geopricing - Abstract
International audience; This article introduces a new model which aims at spatially optimizing the price of a product or service by considering supply and demand features, including their geographical location. Introducing the concept of a geomarketing-mix, factorial analysis and fuzzy clustering can be employed to automatically detect business and strategic opportunities. The method is applied to the French secondhand car market. By so doing, it is possible, first, to identify geographic areas that are typical of a certain supply and, second, to specify the optimal prices and types of vehicles for sale in these areas in view of a given marketing strategy.
- Published
- 2020
14. Geomarketing Techniques to Locate Retail Companies in Regulated Markets
- Author
Jorge Chacón-García
- Subjects
Marketing ,Economics and Econometrics ,Geographic information system ,Process (engineering) ,business.industry ,020209 energy ,05 social sciences ,Analytic hierarchy process ,02 engineering and technology ,Regulated market ,Space (commercial competition) ,Investment (macroeconomics) ,Spatial geometry ,0502 economics and business ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,050211 marketing ,business ,Geomarketing ,Industrial organization ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Our background is the investment when opening a retail business in a regulated market, such as the pharmaceutical sector in Spain, which involves many risks caused by external factors that hinder the choice of a new-business location process. To study this phenomenon, we optimized the choice of the location of a retail site in a regulated market via a methodology that entailed a combination of analytical methods of spatial geometry with geographic information systems (GIS) and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) multicriteria decision method. The integration of both methods shows great efficiency in the measurement of spatial reality in detail and its influence on decision-making in retail businesses. The study, conducted in Seville (Spain), showed how legal restrictions for the location of a new pharmacy greatly hindered the possibility of success for new retail businesses. However, by implementing both methods, we discovered a series of suitable spaces, which were assigned a score based on several criteria. The combination of GIS methods and AHP multicriteria decision method can be used to reduce the risk of opening a new retail business in a regulated market with space restrictions.
- Published
- 2017
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15. Geomarketing As A Tool For Health Service Business: Private Hospital Application
- Author
Ozlem Atalik, Hakan Uyguçgil, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Atalık, Özlem, and Karakoç, Tahir Hikmet
- Subjects
Spatial density ,Geographic information system ,business.industry ,geomarketing ,statistical analysis ,Context (language use) ,knowledge-based marketing ,health ,lcsh:Business ,İktisat ,Health services ,İşletme ,Geographic analysis ,Profiling (information science) ,Hospital patients ,Marketing ,Geographic Information System (GIS) ,business ,lcsh:HF5001-6182 ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Geomarketing, a new way of knowledge-based marketing, integrates geographic analysis, reasoning, and technology for the improvement of the business judgmental decision. Geomarketing can help you find out who your best customers are and apply geographic analysis techniques to discover where to find more of them. Solving almost any sales and marketing challenge start with knowing who your customer is. Therefore; private hospitals, as commercial businesses with huge investments, also need to find out their best customers and discover where to find more of them. In other words, private hospitals also need customer profiling with geomarketing tools. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze spatial density, based on the demographic characteristics of customers of private hospitals. A small private hospital, located in Eskisehir city center was chosen for this study. In one year period, the address locations, frequency of visits, clinic choices and neighborhood concentrations of the patients, due to the demographic characteristics, were examined using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from the hospital patient records.
- Published
- 2017
16. Geomarketing and situated consumers
- Author
Syagnik Banerjee
- Subjects
Consumption (economics) ,Intrusiveness ,Promotion (rank) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Transparency (graphic) ,Situated ,Context (language use) ,Relevance (information retrieval) ,Business ,Marketing ,Geomarketing ,media_common - Abstract
With the increasing abundance of accessible location data, marketers have been targeting consumers with proximity filters to generate campaigns that are more effective. However, the ubiquitous availability of internet-connected devices have not only presented more consumption opportunities, they have also initiated more response variations to marketing surveillance. In this talk, I summarize some of the marketing practices that are executed with location data, insights derived from location data and behavioral transformations in consumers in the context of Geo-surveillance. More specifically, I discuss the role of physical, social and temporal contexts on promotion effectiveness, utility of location tools in determining advertising transparency, consumer segmentation and the personalization-driven elicitation of location privacy concerns.
- Published
- 2019
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17. Determination of recreational attractiveness ratings of Donetsk areas on the basis of a geomarketing system
- Author
Nadejda Davidchuk
- Subjects
Attractiveness ,Computer science ,General Medicine ,Marketing ,Geomarketing ,Recreation - Published
- 2019
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18. Influencia de la geolocalización y el geomarketing turístico
- Author
Revuelta Boada, Andrea, Herrero García, David, and Universidad de Cantabria
- Subjects
Marketing ,Geolocalización ,Posicionamiento ,Turismo ,Apps ,Geomarketing - Abstract
RESUMEN: Con el transcurso de los años, las tecnologías han ido evolucionando, ofreciendo información valiosa en la sociedad en la que vivimos. Esto ha propiciado que surja un nuevo perfil de consumidor más tecnológico y con una mayor cantidad de información a su alcance. En el ámbito turístico, dos de las herramientas de información turística son la geolocalización y el marketing, que cuya fusión desencadena el geomarketing. En definitiva, en el siguiente Trabajo Fin de Grado se pretende informar sobre las TICs (concretamente, la geolocalización y el geomarketing) como un medio de información, comercialización e innovación en los destinos turísticos, analizando el perfil del nuevo viajero. Una vez que se conozca lo descrito con anterioridad, se llevará a la práctica mediante el ejemplo de la ciudad de Santander. ABSTRACT: Over the years, technologies have changed offering valuable information to the society where we live. This has led to the emergence of a new profile of more technological consumers who have got a greater amount of information at their disposal. Regarding the tourism field, this study tries to highlight two of the tourist information tools which are geolocation and marketing, whose fusion triggers geomarketing. In conclusion, the following dissertation aims to inform about ICTs (specifically, geolocation and geomarketing) as a means of information, marketing and innovation in tourist destinations, analyzing the profile of the new traveller. Once these issues are described, they will be carried out taking as an example the city of Santander. Grado en Turismo
- Published
- 2019
19. Workshop Session: Maintaining Quality: Using Non-Probability web Surveys to Measure Sexual Behaviours and Attitudes in the British General Population: A Comparison with a Probability Sample Interview Survey
- Author
Nicholas Allo
- Subjects
Marketing ,Economics and Econometrics ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Population ,Information structure ,Developing country ,Distribution (economics) ,Subject matter ,Business ,Business and International Management ,education ,Developed country ,Geomarketing ,Data limitations - Abstract
Efforts are continually made from within and outside developing countries, to better understand the consumer and customer distribution, for the purpose of devising and delivering a more accurate means to market insight within such regions. Despite some of the efforts being made, it appears there still is an inability to achieve a similar level of market and/or population insight as there is available for most developed countries. It is anticipated, however, that hindrances to achieving the market insight desired may be akin to issues such as market entry via locations with greater disposable incomes comparative to similar locations, data limitations -- inconsistencies, limited accessibility, geographies used consisting administrative boundaries and lacking information structure -- and insufficient efforts from academia on this subject matter when compared to private-sector efforts, which are likely to present a bias suited to their own purposes.
- Published
- 2015
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20. Podkhody k upravleniiu territorial'nym rynkom na osnove instrumentov marketinga
- Author
Irina Aleksandrovna Nazvanova
- Subjects
внешняя среда ,маркетинговый потенциал территории ,социально-экономический потенциал региона ,социально-экономический потенциал территории ,geomarketing ,territorial market ,территориальный рынок ,маркетинг мест ,territory potential framework ,внутренняя среда ,internal environment ,territorial marketing ,маркетинг ,геомаркетинг ,external environment ,структура потенциала территории ,socio-economic potential of the region ,social and economic potential of the territory ,marketing potential of the territory ,marketing ,маркетинг территории - Abstract
в работе анализируется структура социально-экономического потенциала территории, рассматриваются существующие подходы и точки зрения, описаны содержание и структура потенциала территории, в рамках которой выделяется среда функционирования, описаны ключевые ресурсные элементы потенциала территории, предложен ресурсно-средовый подход к описанию маркетингового потенциала региона., in the present paper the structure of the social and economic potential of the territory is analyzed, the existing approaches and points of view are examined. The author describes content and structure of the territory potential, within which the functioning environment is highlighted. It is offered to use the resource-environment approach to the description of the marketing potential of the region; the key resource elements of the territory potential are closely described in the paper.
- Published
- 2018
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21. Inexpensive Marketing Tools for SMEs
- Author
Marcelo Leon, Teresa Guarda, Yovany Salazar Estrada, Luis Mazon, Datzania Villao, José Avelino Vitor, and Maria Fernanda Augusto
- Subjects
business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Information technology ,Context (language use) ,02 engineering and technology ,Competitive advantage ,Competition (economics) ,0502 economics and business ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Key (cryptography) ,Information system ,050211 marketing ,020201 artificial intelligence & image processing ,Database marketing ,Marketing ,business ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Today small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a key role in the economy and are considered the engines of global economic growth. In today’s environment of mature economies, stagnant markets and fierce competition, consumers are increasingly informed and demanding personalized treatment and products and services that meet their needs. In this context, SMEs can remain in the market, and maintain a competitive advantage, if they are able to respond to customers’ needs in a timely manner. That is possible if supported by the appropriate information systems and information technologies. Actually, many SMEs are far from accessing all the available data, because they have neither the knowledge nor financial capacity to acquire tools that allow you to extract knowledge from your internal and external databases. However, is possible by combining a database that provides behavioral information from your prospects and combining that data with the spatial information of those customers. This joint allows a comprehensive analysis that is possible through the use of segmentations techniques, which supports marketing campaigns in an effective way, promoting visibility in the market, and allowing acquiring or maintaining a strategic positioning, using inexpensive tools.
- Published
- 2018
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22. Towards a fairer manager performance measure: a DEA application in the retail industry
- Author
Gérard Cliquet, Dany Vyt, Centre de recherche en économie et management (CREM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU), Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), and Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
Marketing ,Economics and Econometrics ,Measure (data warehouse) ,DEA method ,store manager’s performance ,05 social sciences ,geomarketing ,GIS ,Retail industry ,Ranking ,Order (business) ,Organizational justice ,0502 economics and business ,Data envelopment analysis ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,050211 marketing ,Business ,Business and International Management ,Neighbourhood (mathematics) ,Geomarketing ,050203 business & management ,Industrial organization - Abstract
International audience; Retailers need to determine the performance of their individual stores and, beyond the stores, the managers in charge of running them. The aim of this paper is to develop performance standards that can be applied to fairly distribute rewards to managers regarding their performances by taking into account store neighbourhood characteristics. In order to propose a fairer measure of store performance, the authors introduce and explore the concepts of organisational justice and store efficiency. They use real data from a French supermarket chain and a geomarketing approach. The twostep Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model results are compared with a retailer’s ranking. The retailer tends to favour points of sale having a more important sales area, with more employees and operating in a more densely populated area with a higher buying power. The ranking stemming from the DEA model links store performance to other geo-demographic variables.
- Published
- 2017
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23. The Behavioral Response to Location Based Services: An Examination of the Influence of Social and Environmental Benefits, and Privacy
- Author
Pedro R. Palos-Sanchez, Ana María Campón-Cerro, José Manuel Hernández-Mogollón, and Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones
- Subjects
location-based services (LBS) ,tourism ,geolocation ,geomarketing ,technology adoption ,PLS ,sustainability ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Geography, Planning and Development ,lcsh:TJ807-830 ,lcsh:Renewable energy sources ,Context (language use) ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,0502 economics and business ,Marketing ,lcsh:Environmental sciences ,media_common ,Sustainable development ,lcsh:GE1-350 ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,lcsh:Environmental effects of industries and plants ,05 social sciences ,Variance (accounting) ,lcsh:TD194-195 ,Sustainability ,Location-based service ,Conceptual model ,050211 marketing ,Technology acceptance model ,Business ,050203 business & management ,Tourism - Abstract
Given the importance tourism has in many economies, this research was designed to study how the social and environmental benefits of Location Based Services (LBS) in the tourism sector influence user behavior and thus contribute to sustainable development. The objective has been to study LBS as a solution that makes the deployment of tourism activities easier, more useful and improves attitudes towards it, but in a context where trust in privacy and benefits-based sustainable social and environmental development are key. To achieve this, this research identifies what could be the influence factors in the adoption of mobile applications with Location Based Services from the point of view of the tourism sector, especially if the social and environmental benefits of LBS can help improve usage behavior. We investigated the technological acceptance of LBS in tourism, using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a solid model to explain its adoption. Nine hypotheses were investigated by carrying out a survey of travelers (n = 277) during their visit to Seville (Spain). To test the conceptual model’s hypotheses, the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique was applied to estimate variance-based structural equations models (SEM).The results of this study indicated that tourists are willing to accept these LBS services within a particular adoption model, where trust in privacy and social and environmental benefits are paramount.
- Published
- 2017
24. Knowledge Acquisition Based on Geomarketing Information for Decision Making: A Case Study on a Food Company
- Author
Amanda Nunes, Célio Santana, Fernanda Bezerra, and Natan Sobral
- Subjects
Product (business) ,Renting ,Index (economics) ,business.industry ,Decision taking ,Advertising ,Action research ,Marketing ,business ,Food company ,Geomarketing ,Knowledge acquisition - Abstract
This paper presents a case study of a marketing agency that used geomarketing to perform a new campaign for a food company. Initially the food company started a ad-hoc initiative of advertisement renting five outdoors in the most crowded avenues of Recife. This research was conducted based on a action research, in a real environment, where the marketing agency evaluated the former marketing campaign and based on its results, proposed a new one reaching more people and places where the product is sold. The result was the increment of target people reached and also in the sales. The knowledge about where were the best places to put the advertisements was acquired using geomarketing only. Index Terms—Geomarketing, knowledge acquisition, decision taking.
- Published
- 2014
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25. Geomarketing and Consumer Behavior
- Author
Jean‐Pierre Douard
- Subjects
Advertising ,Business ,Marketing ,Geomarketing ,Consumer behaviour - Published
- 2013
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26. Spatial Strategies in Retail and Service Activities
- Author
Gérard Cliquet
- Subjects
Service (business) ,Business ,Marketing ,Geomarketing - Published
- 2013
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27. Advertising Policy and Geographic Information
- Author
Karine Gallopel
- Subjects
Advertising research ,Advertising campaign ,business.industry ,Advertising ,Contextual advertising ,Business ,Marketing ,Online advertising ,Geomarketing - Published
- 2013
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28. Geomarketing models in supermarket location strategies
- Author
Amparo Baviera-Puig, Juan Buitrago-Vera, and Carmen Escribá-Pérez
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,Geographic information system ,HF5001-6182 ,Computer science ,geomarketing ,multiplicative competitive interaction model (MCI) ,ComputerApplications_COMPUTERSINOTHERSYSTEMS ,Geographic information systems (GIS) ,business planning ,trade area ,0502 economics and business ,Retail location theory ,geographic information systems (GIS) ,Competitive interaction ,Business ,Marketing ,Geomarketing ,Industrial organization ,Consumer behaviour ,spatial organization ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,COMERCIALIZACION E INVESTIGACION DE MERCADOS ,Trade area ,neural networks ,Location theory ,ECONOMIA, SOCIOLOGIA Y POLITICA AGRARIA ,Business planning ,Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) ,050211 marketing ,business ,Multiplicative competitive interaction model (MCI) ,050203 business & management ,Neural networks ,Spatial organization ,retail location theory - Abstract
[EN] Choosing where to open a new outlet is a critical decision for retail firms. Building on the multiplicative competitive interaction model from retail location theory, this paper develops a geomarketing model that can be used to devise supermarket location strategies. First, attributes that explain a supermarket s pull on consumers were determined. These attributes included objective (taken from databases and empirical observation) and subjective (based on managerial judgements) variables relating to the supermarket and its trade area. Then, geographic information system tools were used to analyse real data at a highly detailed level (road section). From a geomarketing viewpoint, the model shows that sociodemographic characteristics of the supermarket s trade area affect firms location strategies. The paper also discusses improvements for calibrating and validating this model. Adding the spatial organization of supermarkets to the model yields a different consumer behaviour pattern. This geomarketing model can help managers to design supermarket location strategies according to shop features, competitors and environment, whilst estimating supermarket sales., The authors would like to thank the Consum-Universitat Politècnica de València Chair (Cátedra) for collaborating in this study.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Svetlana Fedyunina and Galina Panichkina
- Subjects
Geography ,Significant part ,Field research ,Volga region ,Marketing ,Training (civil) ,Geomarketing - Abstract
A significant part of training area of students specializing in Advertising and Public Relations is investigation of branding techniques. Students do not only study theoretical materials, but mainly get the skills of field research, participate in communication practices. Since 2014 Stolypin’s Volga Region Institute of Management of the RANEPA participates in projects developing the brand of Saratov, the city on the Volga River.
- Published
- 2016
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30. Geotourism: A new Form of Tourism utilising natural Landscapes and based on Imagination and Emotion
- Author
Jean‐Pierre Pralong
- Subjects
business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Tourism geography ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Natural resource ,Marketing strategy ,Promotion (rank) ,Ecotourism ,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management ,Geotourism ,Sociology ,Marketing ,business ,Geomarketing ,Tourism ,media_common - Abstract
Tourists and visitors currently tend to consider environment and the purity of nature, educational tourism, culture and history, large‐ and small‐scale events, and entertainment and fun as crucial issues. For certain specific target groups, these wishes and needs may be satisfied by a new form of tourism called “geotourism”, which is an multi‐interest kind of tourism exploiting natural sites and landscapes containing interesting earth‐science features in a didactic and entertaining way. Relative to demand, a form of tourism based on imagination and emotion, favouring experience and sensations, and explaining the natural environment by playing with its temporal and spatial dimensions may provide opportunities of economic development. Different target groups (e.g. seniors, families, schools) potentially interested in cultural and natural landscapes seem to constitute specific markets to consider. In this sense, on‐site interpretation needs to be more adapted to the visitors' expectations and a more original and striking way of communication has to be used. From a promotional point of view, “geomarketing”, a kind of image communication that explores the temporal and spatial dimensions of the rocks (e.g. minerals, fossils) and forms (e.g. glaciers, caves) of the Earth's surface, may be developed. This will not only generate inquisitiveness among the target groups selected, but also give a clear position to a destination, in order to distinguish itself from similar territories. Of course, product communication must complete this marketing strategy with the creation, promotion and sale of specific and original products, especially for the summer period (from spring to autumn). For instance, a mix of walking, wellness, “agro‐tourism” and “geotourism” may be profitable for regional economic development. Thus, this paper is a conceptual contribution based on a theoretical work and a literature review.
- Published
- 2006
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31. Effects of neighbourhood characteristics on store performance supermarkets versus hypermarkets
- Author
Ann Verhetsel
- Subjects
Marketing ,Attractiveness ,Store format ,Hypermarket ,Advertising ,Business ,Micromarketing ,Geomarketing ,Neighbourhood (mathematics) ,Differential impact - Abstract
We investigate the impact of neighbourhood characteristics on the relative attractiveness of product categories within a store, with special attention for the differences between hypermarkets and supermarkets. We consider two questions. Firstly, is the impact of neighbourhood-specific factors on attractiveness of product categories smaller for hypermarkets than for supermarkets? Secondly, is there a difference in relative attractiveness of product categories between supermarkets and hypermarkets and to what extent is this difference dependent on kind of neighbourhood? For the impact of store and trading area characteristics on category and store performance, we use a framework that was originally presented in Campo et al. (J. Int. Res. Market 17 (2000) 225). Empirical application to national stores of a European retail chain confirms the differential impact of neighbourhood characteristics on supermarkets and hypermarkets. The research proves that geomarketing analysis can be useful for developing micromarketing strategies.
- Published
- 2005
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32. Geomarketing Analyses of the Città Fiera Mall
- Author
Gernot Paulus, Salvatore Amaduzzi, and Tamara Serajnik
- Subjects
business.industry ,Visitor pattern ,Marketing department ,Advertising ,GIS ,geomarketing ,mall ,Marketing strategy ,Interview data ,Competition (economics) ,Geography ,Order (business) ,Situated ,Marketing ,business ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Nowadays, it is very difficult to succeed in a world of competition and challenges, especially for malls. Citta Fiera is a big mall, situated in the North-East of Italy, and it attracts all kinds of people. Therefore, it is very important to know which marketing strategy (e.g. advertisement) should be utilized in which municipality in order to attract specific visitor categories. The mall marketing department needs to have information (e.g. spatial distribution and potential of visitors) about the following visitor categories: housewives aged under 45, housewives aged over 45, employees aged between 35 and 55, unemployed and university students. The paper is structured as follows: at first a basic overview about the topic is provided through a literature research. Then the interview data is analyzed, projecting the empirical 10.140 interviews to the total number of 5.248.441 yearly entrances counted at the door of the mall. Then, the statistical analysis is performed and the geodata are evaluated. Finally, network analysis and spatial analysis are carried out, as well as a subsequent cartographic visualization. Based on this analysis the marketing department knows who the visitors are and where they reside. It is subsequently possible to define the marketing strategy (e.g. advertisement) for specific visitor categories at the right location.
- Published
- 2015
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33. Analyse des flux d’achat : une aide à la localisation commerciale
- Author
Gérard Cliquet, Michèle Heitz, Jean-Pierre Douard, Centre Européen de Recherche en Economie Financière et Gestion des Entreprises (CEREFIGE), Université de Lorraine (UL), Centre de recherche en économie et management (CREM), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU), Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
retail attraction ,zone de chalandise ,bases de données localisées ,050105 experimental psychology ,localized databases ,Product mix ,Market area ,0502 economics and business ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Leakage (economics) ,Marketing ,purchase flow ,Attraction commerciale ,Geomarketing ,Reliability (statistics) ,Industrial organization ,Stock and flow ,05 social sciences ,flux d’achat ,Attraction ,catchment area ,retail location ,Order (business) ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,050211 marketing ,Business ,050203 business & management ,localisation commerciale - Abstract
International audience; Retail attraction evolves with increasing consumer mobility. This article develops a method for analyzing purchase flows based on the use of localized databases, in order to estimate opportunities for sales outlets to capture customer stocks and flows in a market area. This method facilitates the evaluation of actual rather than speculative purchase behavior from a limited number of explanatory variables. It leads to new possibilities for evaluating purchase behavior induced by changes in the offering. The method is compared to traditional attraction models and shows greater reliability of results in measuring the attraction of outlets. It highlights the complementarities in local markets between territories and retail leakage phenomena. The method is an aid to decision making regarding the choice of location, size, format and product mix of stores.; L’attraction commerciale évolue avec la mobilité croissante des consommateurs. Cet article développe une méthode d’analyse des flux d’achat fondée sur l’utilisation des bases de données localisées, afin de permettre l’estimation, pour des points de vente, des possibilités de captation de stocks et de flux de clientèle dans une aire de marché. Cette méthode facilite l’évaluation des comportements d’achat effectifs et non plus spéculatifs à partir d’un nombre restreint de variables explicatives. Elle débouche sur des possibilités nouvelles d’évaluation des comportements d’achat induits par des modifications de l’offre. Elle est comparée aux modèles traditionnels d’attraction et montre une meilleure fiabilité des résultats dans la mesure de l’attraction des points de vente. Elle souligne les complémentarités entre territoires et les phénomènes d’évasion sur les marchés locaux. La méthode constitue une aide à la décision quant aux choix de localisation, de taille, de format et d’assortiment des points de vente.
- Published
- 2015
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34. Démarche marketing d’optimisation de l’implantation et du développement d’une officine de pharmacie
- Author
Laluque, Marie-Camille and UB -, BU Carreire
- Subjects
Zone de chalandise ,Marketing ,[SDV.SP] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Pharmaceutical sciences ,Déontologie ,Politique de prix ,Services ,Sociodémographie ,Aménagement ,Géomarketing - Abstract
Cette thèse a pour objet d’analyser les différents outils marketing qui peuvent aider le pharmacien à optimiser l’implantation de sa pharmacie, mais également tous ceux qui vont l’aider à la développer Dans une première partie, seront exposés les différents apports du géomarketing. C’est un nouvel outil qui permet d’optimiser le choix parmi différentes implantations possibles, afin de déterminer celle qui sera la plus favorable au développement de la pharmacie. Pour une officine déjà implantée, ces méthodes offrent la possibilité de mieux connaître son environnement, et d’évaluer l’adéquation de son positionnement marketing avec les besoins de ses patients. Dans une seconde partie, compte tenu de l’analyse géomarketing, seront abordées les différentes approches marketing applicables à la pharmacie d’officine en les confrontant aux règles déontologiques qui encadrent le caractère libéral et commercial de la profession de pharmacien.
- Published
- 2014
35. Geomarketing
- Author
Dupač, Viktor, Pokorný, Pavel, and Krejčová, Iva
- Subjects
geomarketing ,promotion ,Geomarketing ,propagace ,marketing - Abstract
In this thesis, I focus on geomarketing. Im using a survey with some randomly selected universities and companies, finding how they use or do not use geomarketing in practice, or if such information are willing to share. My model situations representing cases in which it is possible to use geomarketing by own resources or by outsourcing. Using the model situations also defines the benefits of geomarketing and I compare them with some other commonly used methods in practice. For example, I describe outsourced geomarketing services by one mobile operator in practice or use of geomarketing social network called Foursquare. I also presents one computer software and one online software from the Internet as a tool to support geomarketing. The aim of this work is the introduction of geomarketing and its current usage in practice.
- Published
- 2014
36. Business opportunities analysis using GIS: the retail distribution sector
- Author
Juan Buitrago-Vera, Amparo Baviera-Puig, and Norat Roig-Tierno
- Subjects
Matching (statistics) ,City block ,Digital mapping ,Process (engineering) ,Location ,Level of detail (writing) ,Strategy ,GIS ,Data science ,ECONOMIA, SOCIOLOGIA Y POLITICA AGRARIA ,Competition (economics) ,Retailers ,Business opportunities ,Information system ,Business ,Marketing ,Geomarketing - Abstract
[EN] The retail distribution sector is facing a difficult time as the current landscape is characterized by ever-increasing competition. In these conditions, the search for an appropriate location strategy has the potential to become a differentiating and competitive factor. Although, in theory, an increasing level of importance is placed on geography because of its key role in understanding the success of a business, this is not the case in practice. For this reason, the process outlined in this paper has been specifically developed to detect new business locations. The methodology consists of a range of analyzes with Geographical Information Systems (GISs) from a marketing point of view. This new approach is called geomarketing. First, geodemand and geocompetition are located on two separate digital maps using spatial and non-spatial databases. Second, a third map is obtained by matching this information with the demand not dealt with properly by the current commercial offer. Third, the Kernel density allows users to visualize results, thus facilitating decision-making by managers, regardless of their professional background. The advantage of this methodology is the capacity of GIS to handle large amounts of information, both spatial and non-spatial. A practical application is performed in Murcia (Spain) with 100 supermarkets and data at a city block level, which is the highest possible level of detail. This detection process can be used in any commercial distribution company, so it can be generalized and considered a global solution for retailers.
- Published
- 2013
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37. Geomarketing como Suporte de Decisão em Gestão do Território
- Author
Cardoso, Carlos Eduardo Pisa, Ferreira, Jorge, Santos, Rui, and Rocha, Fernando
- Subjects
Marketing ,Localização ,Sistemas de Informação ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território na Área de Especialização em Detecção Remota e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica É evidente a crescente importância da informação geográfica nos dias de hoje, nomeadamente no contexto empresarial. É neste ramo que se torna possível a organização e manipulação de informação referente a clientes e pesquisas tendo em conta uma perspectiva geográfica. As acções de Marketing evidenciam cada vez mais o enorme potencial do factor localização bem como a análise espacial. As empresas poderão assim identificar de uma forma bastante fidedigna, os locais de maior potencial de consumo de um determinado produto numa cidade, região ou país. O cruzamento das informações de mercado com as bases de dados geográficas, permite uma fiel análise e visualização dos mapas digitais que revelam o comportamento das variáveis estudadas. O estudo-caso evidencia o exemplo da localização de actuais e potenciais clientes através da análise espacial, indicando com exactidão onde estão e quem são os clientes da empresa Endesa Energia nos municípios de Almada e Seixal e em muitas situações, a forma como agem
- Published
- 2011
38. Retail Network Performance Evaluation: A DEA Approach considering Retailers' Geomarketing
- Author
Dany Vyt, Centre de recherche en économie et management (CREM), Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Maraine-Scipanov, Dominique, and Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,Operations research ,Control (management) ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,geomarketing ,02 engineering and technology ,DEA ,0502 economics and business ,Data envelopment analysis ,Network performance ,Business and International Management ,Marketing ,Neighbourhood (mathematics) ,Geomarketing ,Product category ,021103 operations research ,05 social sciences ,Benchmarking ,efficiency ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,050211 marketing ,Business ,[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,Retailing ,performance - Abstract
International audience; Stores develop customized assortment based on localization characteristics. In terms of performance analysis, theses changes make more difficult to analyse store performance. This adjustment procedure entails an internal benchmarking which needs small samples to control regional and assortment effects. This paper explores the influence of competitive environment and store neighbourhood characteristics on store efficiency by using three data envelopment analysis models (DEA). This research is illustrated by using real data from a French supermarket retail chain at the product category level. It is showed that the two-steps DEA model is a relevant analysis tool to take into account location aspects. It presents a discriminant power strong enough to derive managerial implications with small samples.
- Published
- 2008
39. Inovativni marketing
- Author
Vranešević, Tihomir, Dvorski, Stjepan, Dobrinić, Damir, and Staničić, Sandra
- Subjects
tržište ,marketing ,izravni marketing ,kupci ,kanali i mediji izravnog marketinga ,geomarketing ,poštansko tržište ,mobilno trgovanje ,upravljanje troškovima - Abstract
Knjiga je namijenjena prije svega studentima, ali i svima onima koji se žele upoznati s marketingom kao koncepcijom poslovanja poduzeća. Naglasak u knjizi stavljen je na izravni marketing kao informacijski vođen marketinški proces, upravljan tehnologijom baze podataka, kojim se otvara cijela paleta novih poslovnih mogućnosti. U knjizi su osim izravnog marketinga, koji je temelj knjige, navedene i osnove marketinga ; filozofije marketinškog poslovanja, segmentiranja i pozicioniranja koje je izrazito važno, te elemenata marketinškog miksa. Osim izravnog marketinga, navedeni su i neki novi, inovirani oblici marketinga, kao što su geomarketing i mobilno trgovanje kao jedan od najnovijih trendova.
- Published
- 2008
40. O potencial de mercado de empresas atacadistas através do varejo de materiais de construção nos municípios paulistas, no segmento de materiais elétricos, entre 1997 e 2002
- Author
Saheli, Sumaia, Escolas::EAESP, Samartini, André Luiz Silva, Pereira, Inês, Pagano, Leonardo, Saes, Maria Sylvia Macchione, and Aranha Filho, Francisco José Espósito
- Subjects
Marketing ,Wholesale companies ,Market potential ,Materiais de construção - Comercialização - São Paulo (Estado) ,Electrical supplies ,Atacado ,Materiais elétricos - Comercialização - São Paulo (Estado) ,Comércio atacadista - São Paulo (Estado) ,Comércio varejista - São Paulo (Estado) ,Mercado - Avaliação ,Hierarchical models ,Modelos hierárquicos ,Administração de empresas ,Potencial de mercado ,Materiais elétricos ,Geomarketing - Abstract
A pesquisa que se segue representa um estudo sobre o potencial de mercado de empresas atacadistas através do varejo de materiais de construção nos municípios paulistas. O período de análise da pesquisa compreende os anos entre 1997 e 2002, focando a demanda por materiais elétricos. O trabalho contempla a revisão da literatura pertinente ao assunto; a realização de uma pesquisa de campo com os varejistas de materiais de construção; a utilização de dados secundários diversos; e a estimação do potencial de mercado através da utilização de modelos hierárquicos lineares. O modelo proposto compõe-se de quatro partes. A primeira estima o volume de emprego no varejo de materiais de construção em cada município, com base na massa salarial dos municípios e no dinamismo populacional das microrregiões e mesorregiões paulistas. Para tanto, utiliza-se de modelo hierárquico em três níveis. A segunda parte estima a receita do varejo de materiais de construção com base no emprego gerado por estes estabelecimentos, utilizando-se de modelo hierárquico em dois níveis. A terceira parte, com base na pesquisa de campo, relaciona a receita do varejo ao potencial de mercado para o atacado. Por fim, na última parte se valida a estimativa, comparando-a ao faturamento de um atacadista de referência. Os resultados encontrados confirmam a adequação do modelo proposto. Ainda, as pesquisas realizadas, sejam elas através da coleta de dados diretos ou indiretos, apontam para a importância do atacado, principalmente como fornecedor do pequeno varejo, fortalecido este último pela estabilização econômica. Assim, mesmo em vista do acirramento do ambiente competitivo, fruto do fortalecimento do varejo e do desejo da ampliação das vendas diretas por parte dos fabricantes, o atacado preserva sua importância na economia. Por fim, observou-se que a distribuição espacial do potencial de mercado relativo não divergia significativamente da distribuição da densidade do emprego estimado e da distribuição da densidade da receita líquida de revenda do varejista estimada, sugerindo que estas variáveis possam ser utilizadas como variáveis proxies. This paper is a study on the marketing potential of wholesale companies based on the retail of building supplies, in the São Paulo state municipalities, during the 1997 - 2002 timeperiods. The focus of this study is on the demand for power electrical supplies. The study comprehends: a literature review; the conduction of a field research together with building supplies retailers; the employment of several secondary data; and, an estimation of the market potential with the application of linear hierarchical models. The presented model has been developed in four steps. First, with the application of a three level hierarchical model, employment volume is estimated on the building supplies retailing for each municipality. This is based on the total wage and salary income of each municipality and, on the dynamism of the population in the microregions and the mesoregions of São Paulo state. Second, with a two level hierarchical model, retail sales revenue is estimated based on the employment volume generated by the retailing business. Third, based on a field research, a relationship between retail sales revenue and the market potential for the wholesale business is established. At last, the determined market potential is validated when compared to the annual sales of a wholesaler of reference. The verified results validate the application of the presented model. Either by means of direct or indirect data collection, the conducted research highlights the importance of the wholesale business, mainly as supplier for the retailing business, where this latter has increased with the stability of the economy. Thus, even in face of a tough environment competition, due to the strengthening of the retail business and the desire on the part of the manufacturers to expand direct sales, the wholesale business still retains its importance on the economy. Finally, it was observed that the spatial distribution of a determined market potential does not differ significantly from the distribution of the estimated employment density nor from the distribution of the estimated resale net revenue density of the retailer, which suggests that these variables may be used as proxies.
- Published
- 2006
41. A contribuição do geomarketing nas organizações
- Author
Fagundes, André Francisco Alcântara, Moriguchi, Stella Naomi, Carneiro, Tereza Cristina Janes, and Valadão Júnior, Valdir Machado
- Subjects
Análise do potencial de mercado ,Marketing ,Sales management ,Business localization ,Market segmentation ,Segmentação de mercado ,Market potential analysis ,Sistema de informação geográfica ,Administração de vendas ,Localização do negócio ,CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ADMINISTRACAO [CNPQ] ,Geographic information system ,Geomarketing - Abstract
This dissertation has verified the contribution that geomarketing - a tool which uses computational techniques and geographical data in order to generate information in digitalized maps - has given to the decision-making process of marketing in the main corporate groups of Uberlândia-MG. The research had as its focus the verification of the contribution of geomarketing in the following marketing activities: market segmentation, sales management, market potential analysis and business localization. The method used was cases study and the companies researched belong to the ten corporate groups in town which achieved the best finantial results in 2004. The data were collected by means of interviews with the people in charge of the marketing or geomarketing area of the researched companies. Content and documental analysis have been used for the analysis of the data collected. It has been concluded that geomarketing contributes to the marketing area in the decision making process, especially when it comes to quality and accuracy of the reports that it releases to its users, which, due to the innovative way of mixing marketing data with maps, allows a faster and more efficient comprehension of the analysed market circumstances. Besides, even if geomarketing doesn t present innovations related to the marketing theory, it consists of a tool which brings more positivity to the marketing area. The research has also shown that the use of geomarketing is more useful for the companies which have a larger number of clients, actual and potential, especially in situations in which these clients are geographically dispersed in their market. Esta dissertação verificou a contribuição que o geomarketing ferramenta que utiliza técnicas computacionais e dados geográficos para gerar informações dispostas em mapas digitalizados tem gerado para o processo decisório de marketing nos principais grupos empresariais que atuam em Uberlândia-MG. A pesquisa teve como foco a verificação da contribuição do geomarketing nas seguintes atividades de marketing: segmentação de mercado, administração de vendas, análise do potencial de mercado e localização do negócio. O método utilizado foi o estudo de casos, em que se pesquisou uma empresa de cada um dos dez grupos empresariais da cidade que apresentaram os maiores faturamentos no ano de 2004. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis pela área de marketing ou geomarketing das organizações pesquisadas. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo e documental para a análise dos dados coletados. Concluiu-se que o geomarketing contribui e auxilia os gestores de marketing das organizações no processo de tomada de decisões, especialmente no que concerne à qualidade e precisão dos relatórios que ele disponibiliza para os seus usuários, que, devido à forma inovadora de mesclar dados mercadológicos com mapas, possibilita uma compreensão mais rápida e eficiente das circunstâncias de mercado analisadas. Além disso, ainda que o geomarketing não apresente inovações em relação à teoria de marketing, ele consiste em uma ferramenta que traz mais assertividade aos gestores de marketing. A pesquisa também mostrou que o uso do geomarketing é mais útil para organizações que tenham um maior número de clientes, atuais e potenciais, principalmente em situações nas quais os mesmos estejam geograficamente dispersos pelo seu mercado. Mestre em Administração
- Published
- 2006
42. Direct marketing and geographic information
- Author
Christine Petr, Centre de recherche en économie et management (CREM), Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), G. CLIQUET, Maraine-Scipanov, Dominique, and Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
spatial analysis ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Advertising ,Space (commercial competition) ,marketing direct ,Direct marketing ,Geography ,0502 economics and business ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,050211 marketing ,Marketing ,business ,[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,Geomarketing ,050203 business & management ,analyse spatiale - Published
- 2006
43. Introduire l'espace dans les décisions marketing
- Author
Cliquet, Gérard, Centre de recherche en économie et management (CREM), Université de Caen Normandie (UNICAEN), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Normandie Université (NU)-Normandie Université (NU)-Université de Rennes (UR)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Maraine-Scipanov, Dominique
- Subjects
espace ,marketing ,décision ,geomarketing ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration - Abstract
invité par le professeur Jean-Charles Chebat, HEC Montréal; International audience
- Published
- 2006
44. Produit et information géographique : le géomerchandising
- Author
Volle, Pierre, Centre lillois d'analyse et de recherche sur l'évolution des entreprises (CLAREE), Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Gérard Cliquet, and Volle, Pierre
- Subjects
géomarketing ,retailing ,assortiment ,assortment ,marketing ,distribution ,[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration ,merchandising ,commerce ,géomarketing,marketing,distribution,commerce,assortiment,merchandising,retailing,assortment - Abstract
Concerning trade management, geography intervenes when dealing with the adaptation of price to the characteristics of a trade area. It would also deal with the distribution of messages (catalogues, prospectus, display, etc.) in certain geographic areas more than others, according to the expected efficacy of the communication. However, in this chapter, we will not concentrate the analysis on the location strategy or on the pricing (see chapter 9), and communications policies (see chapters 10 and 11), but on the policy of the supply/offer, knowing that the assortment is a decision for which the geographic dimension also reveals itself to be equally fundamental. Thus, in the hypothesis in which the retailer constitutes his assortment without taking into account climatic, economic, demographic and psycho-sociological differences linked to geography, the offer will probably be out of step with customer expectations. Consequently, effective productivity of the store will be inferior to it potential productivity., Concernant la gestion commerciale, la géographie intervient, lorsqu'il s'agit d'adapter le prix aux caractéristiques de la zone de chalandise. Il pourra également s'agir de diffuser des messages (catalogues, prospectus, affichage...) sur certaines aires géographiques plutôt que sur d'autres, en fonction de l'efficacité attendue de la communication.Toutefois, dans ce chapitre, nous ne concentrons pas l'analyse sur la stratégie de localisation ou sur les politiques de prix et de communication, mais sur la politique d'offre, sachant que l'assortiment est une décision pour laquelle la dimension géographique se révèle également fondamentale. Ainsi, dans l'hypothèse où le distributeur constitue son assortiment sans tenir compte des différences climatiques, économiques, démographiques et psycho-sociologiques liées à la géographie, l'offre sera probablement en décalage avec les attentes des clients. Par conséquent, le rendement effectif du point de vente sera inférieur à son rendement potentiel.
- Published
- 2002
45. Dois modelos espacializados do potencial financeiro para produtos de supermercados em municípios do estado de São Paulo
- Author
Aranha Filho, Francisco José Espósito, Escolas::EAESP, Urdan, André Torres, Andrade, Dalton Francisco de, Mazzon, José Afonso, Torres, Norberto A., and Bussab, Wilton de Oliveira
- Subjects
Escola regional de marketing ,Geografia de negócios ,Marketing ,Supermercados - São Paulo (Estado) ,São Paulo (Estado) - Produtos industrializados - Comercialização ,Hierarquia geográfica ,Geografia comercial - São Paulo (Estado) ,Demanda (Teoria econômica) ,Administração de empresas ,Sistemas de informação ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Neste trabalho, o potencial para produtos de supermercados em municípios do Estado de São Paulo é modelado por meio da aplicação de modelos lineares hierárquicos em dois níveis (município e microrregião) e em três níveis (município, micro e mesorregião). Os modelos lineares hierárquicos acomodam bem as relações espaciais de vizinhança e hierarquia que estruturam o mercado, produzindo resíduos normais, homocedásticos e não autocorrelacionados espacialmente (enquanto os modelos de regressão linear convencionais não permitem incorporar os conceitos de estrutura geográfica e têm seus pressupostos de homocedasticidade e independência violados). A metragem de loja e a densidade populacional são propostas como variáveis proxi para, respectivamente, a demanda de mercado e a hierarquia de uma localidade.
- Published
- 2000
46. The impact of location factors on the attractiveness and optimal space shares of product categories
- Author
Ann Verhetsel, Tom Goossens, Katia Campo, and Els Gijsbrechts
- Subjects
Marketing ,Attractiveness ,Operations research ,Profitability index ,Business ,Space (commercial competition) ,Micromarketing ,Geomarketing ,Space allocation ,Differential impact - Abstract
In this paper, we investigate the impact of location characteristics on the relative attractiveness of product categories within a store, and formulate micromarketing implications for the allocation of store space to categories. We present a framework for the impact of store and trading area characteristics on category and store performance, which integrates and extends previous geomarketing research. Building upon this framework, we propose a tractable and flexible procedure for assessing location influences, and derive optimal space allocation rules for different location profiles. Empirical application to national stores of a European retail chain confirms the differential impact of location characteristics on categories' attractiveness. Tailoring the allocation of store space to these location-based differences in category appeal leads to a significant increase in overall chain profitability.
47. Novas tecnologias de comunicação ao serviço do marketing
- Author
Teixeira, Álea Gilda Salgueiro Morgado, Barreto, Sérgio dos Santos, and Albergaria, José
- Subjects
Marketing ,Comportamento do Consumidor ,Smartphones ,Hipermercados ,Comércio retalhista ,Tecnologia da informação ,Geomarketing - Abstract
Mestrado em Marketing A incorporação da sociedade da informação móvel com empresas retalhistas modernas, mais desenvolvidas tecnologicamente, abre novas perspetivas no campo da pesquisa e desenvolvimento, que podem conduzir a um conhecimento mais aprofundado dos clientes e formas inovadoras de comunicação e interação com os mesmos. Esta dissertação de mestrado pretende lançar um olhar sobre a forma como as novas tecnologias de comunicação, usadas num ambiente específico (interior dos hipermercados), podem ser exploradas no sentido de serem colocadas ao “serviço” do Marketing. No seguimento de uma pesquisa sobre o estado da arte na utilização de novas tecnologias de comunicação em espaços fechados (indoor), foi conduzido um estudo exploratório numa grande superfície comercial com o objetivo de recolher informação, junto dos consumidores, sobre a utilização que fazem das novas ferramentas tecnológicas e a sua predisposição para o uso de novas aplicações. Apesar de os consumidores terem acesso às tecnologias mais avançadas, os resultados obtidos apontam para alguma relutância na utilização destas tecnologias em espaço comercial, quer seja para auxílio à compra quer seja para obter mais e melhor informação. Sem surpresas, conclui-se também que são os mais jovens e com nível de formação superior os mais predispostos a, no futuro, vir a utilizar estas novas ferramentas. This masters dissertation pretends to take a look to the way as the new communications technologies, used in a specific environment - supermarkets, can be explored to be used as marketing tools. Following the research about the state of the art in the utilization of the new communications technologies at indoor spaces, was conducted an exploratory study, in a specific environment, e.g. some supermarket, with the purpose to get information, thought the consumers, about the utilization of new technological tools and their tendency to the use of new applications in the future. We realise that despite the end users have access to the most advanced technologies the results that we have got show resistance in use some of these technologies in commercial spaces,. We have concluded, without surprises that are the younger with highest rate of education who more likely will use these new tools in the future.
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