U ovom su radu obrađeni i sažeti svi relevantni podaci o ribarstvu u Republici Hrvatskoj. To znači da su obrađeni podaci o slatkovodnom ribarstvu (uzgoj slatkovodne ribe i drugih vodenih organizama, gospodarski i rekreacijsko–športski ribolov), morskom ribarstvu (marikultura, gospodarski ribolov, mali ribolov i prerada riba), uvozu i izvozu riba i ribljih proizvoda te o novčanim poticajima u ribarstvu. Uzgoj slatkovodne ribe u godini 2003. obilježen je smanjenjem proizvodnje s obzirom na prethodnih pet godina. I dalje šaran je najdominantnija riba u uzgoju slatkovodne ribe, ali se njegov udio smanjuje iz godine u godinu, dok se udio proizvedene pastrve povećava. Uz smanjenje proizvodnje, smanjene su i ukupne i proizvodne površine na kojima se obavlja uzgoj, te su proizvodne površine najmanje u desetogodišnjem razdoblju i iznose 6.281,97 ha. U godini 2003. smanjen je i potrošak hrane, dok je potrošak gnojiva i vapna povećan, odnosno najveći je u desetogodišnjem razdoblju. Takav povećan i potrošak gnojiva i vapna uvjetovan je nepovoljnim klimatskim uvjetima tijekom ljeta. U godini 2003. nešto je bolja situacija u uzgoju morske ribe (marikulture) nego u uzgoju slatkovodne ribe. Dosegnuta proizvodnja bijele ribe ne mijenja se već nekoliko godina i iznosi 2.510 tona, a i uzgoj kamenica stagnira, dok se uzgoj dagnji u nekoliko posljednjih godina povećava kao i uzgoj tuna. Ulov ribe u gospodarskom ribolovu iznosi 29.102 tone i obavlja se na 34.000 km2, pa je u odnosu prema godini 2002. ulov povećan čak 49,24%. Uz povećanje ukupnog ulova povećan je i broj gospodarskih ribara te broj ribarskih plovila. Broj ribara koji obavljaju ribolov za vlastitu potrošnju bez prava prodaje, odnosno ribari koji obavljaju mali ribolov u godini 2003. iznosi 13.500. Proizvodnja ribe i ribljih proizvoda u 2003. godini iznosi 19.000 tona, od čega 62% otpada na konzerviranu ribu. Uvoz i izvoz ribe i ribljih proizvoda povećava se u desetogodišnjem razdoblju. Vrijednost izvoza stalno nadmašuje vrijednost uvoza iako je odnos izvoza i uvoza količinski mnogo veći na strani uvoza. Jedna od mjera potpore jesu i novčani poticaji koji se isplaćuju po proizvedenoj i prodanoj količini pa je u godini 2003. isplaćeno 68.266.489,79 kuna, odnosno 4,86 % više nego u godini 2002., This work deals with the analysis and sublimation of all the relevant informations regarding fisheries in Republic of Croatia. This means that there were processed data about freshwater fisheries (farming of freshwater fish and other aquatic organisms, commercial and sports fisheries), marine fisheries (mariculture, commercial fisheries, small–scale fisheries and processing of fish products), import and export of fish and fish products as well as the financial subventions regarding fisheries. The farming of freshwater fish in 2003 is marked by the decrease of production comparing to the past 5 years. Carp is furthermore the most dominant fish species in freshwater fish farming, but it’s percentage is decreasing, and the percentage of the trout is increasing over the years. In addition to the decrease of production, the areas of production are decreasing as well, and now they are the smallest in the past decade — 6,281.97 ha. In 2003 the amount of used food is also decreased, but the amount of used fertilizers and lime is increased, that means it is the biggest in the past decade. This is caused by the bad climate conditions during the summer. Marine fisheries farming (mariculture) in 2003 is in a slightly better position then the freshwater fish farming. The production of white fish species, which was reached before few years, is not changing — 2,510 tons, also the farming of oysters is stagnating, but in the past few years the farming of mussels and tuna fish is increasing. The total marine fish catch is 29,102 tons and it is performed over 34,000 km2, comparing to the 2002 it is increased by almost 49.24%. Additional to the increase of the total catch the number of commercial fishermen and fishing vessels is also increased. The number of fisherman which fish for their own consumption without the right to sell fish, that means the small–scale fishermen in 2003 is 13,500. The production of fish and fish products in 2003 is 19,000 tons, and the 62 % of it is canned fish. The import and export of fish and fish products is increasing over the last decade. The value of export is constantly overcoming the value of import, although the balance of export and import in amount is much bigger in the case of import. As one of the support measures, financial state subventions are paid according to the produced and sold amount, and in 2003 the state subventions were 68,266,489.79 kunas, which is 4.86 % more comparing to the 2002.