Veliko podjetij želi izboljšati svoje poslovanje zato smo mnenja, da je sprememba organizacijske strukture nujna. S pravilno zastavljenimi cilji ter načrtno izbranimi načini in pristopi lahko podjetje tudi v kriznem obdobju uspešno premaguje ovire. Sprememba organizacijske strukture predstavlja korenite spremembe, v večini primerov pa so povezane s poslovanjem podjetja, tako znotraj kot tudi navzven. Organizacijska struktura predstavlja sliko podjetja in v njem razporejene vloge, ter dolžnosti in odgovornosti zaposlenih. V njej morajo biti jasno izražene povezave nadrejeni-podrejeni. Vendar pa struktura predstavlja širok pojem v delovanju organizacije, zato smo v okviru magistrskega dela predstavili nam najpomembnejše lastnosti, ki na kakršenkoli način označujejo organizacijo in organizacijsko strukturo. Te spremembe se pojavljajo tako v manjših podjetjih, kot tudi v velikih podjetjih, vendar pa vse v osnovi potekajo na podoben način. To pomeni, da je pred vsakimi spremembi potrebno nujno proučiti trenutno stanje, kakor tudi pripraviti plan sprememb, ki bo vodilo k njegovemu uresničevanju. S pomočjo plana se začrta pot izvajanja sprememb. Vendar pa se v podjetjih vse premalo zavedajo, da je tako zahtevne spremembe potrebno prepustiti strokovnjakom na omenjenem področju, ki s pravim pristopom in načinom dela prepoznajo sleherno točko, v kateri se lahko pojavijo težave. S pomočjo različnih avtorjev smo predstavili pomen in značilnosti organizacijske strukture, ki nas je spremljala skozi celotno drugo poglavje, v katerem smo podrobno predstavili tudi najpomembnejše organizacijske strukture. Velik poudarek smo namenili prav poglavju organizacijske spremembe podjetja, saj smo v njem želeli predstaviti osnovne značilnosti, kako in na kakšen način se dejansko lotiti omenjenih sprememb. S tem poglavjem smo tudi zaključili prvi del. Drugi del je bil v celoti namenjen predlogu spremembe organizacijske strukture in izboljšanju poslovanju podjetja »X. Ta del je v začetku zajemal predstavitev podjetja z obstoječo organizacijsko strukturo. V nadaljevanju pa smo podrobno predstavili izbran problem, ter rešitve za katere smo prepričani, da se morajo v podjetju nujno izvesti, saj le na podlagi teh uspešno izvedemo celoten projekt. Predstavili smo tudi novo organizacijsko strukturo, ki bo pripomogla k nedvomno boljši povezanosti zaposlenih in, glavnemu cilju, izboljšanju poslovanja podjetja »X«. Mnenja smo da, ko bodo ljudje spoznali, da sprememba organizacijske strukture ne prinaša le slabosti v podjetje, temveč da je to želja k izboljšanju in ohranjanju podjetja, šele takrat bomo dobili vso potrebno podporo tudi širše družbe. Do takrat pa bodo še tako optimistične napovedi »teama strokovnjakov sprememb« za zaposlene le pesimistične napovedi in strmenje v prihodnost.. As many companies want to improve their business we think the change of the organizational structure is necessary. With correctly set goals as well as directly chosen ways and approaches the company can successfully overcome obstacles even in the times of a crisis. The change of the organizational structure presents radical changes, mostly connected with the company’s management, on the outside and the inside. The organizational structure represents the picture of a company and the arranged parts in it, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of the employees. It must contain evidently expressed connections superior – inferior. However, the structure represents a wide concept in the activity of the organization and therefore, as a concept of our master’s thesis, we introduced for us the most important features that in any kind of way label the organization and the organizational structure. The changes emerge in both, small and large companies, but basically they lapse in a similar way. This means that with every change there needs to be a research of the current state as well as a prepared plan of the changes that lead to its realization. The path of the realization is determined with the help of a plan. However, there is little awareness in the companies that this demanding changes need to be left to the professionals on the field mentioned, who with the right approach and their way of process recognize every spot of a possible problem. With the help of various authors we presented the meaning and features of the organizational structure that guided us through the whole second chapter where we also introduced the most important organizational structures. We put a great emphasis on a chapter on the organizational changes of a company as we wanted to present the basic features like how and in what way you should begin with the mentioned changes. With this chapter we finished the first part. The second part as whole is intended for the preposition on changes of the organizational structure and the business improvement of company “X”. Firstly, this part captured the presentation of a company with the existent organizational structure. Later on, we presented the chosen problem in detail and the solutions, in which we were sure need to urgently be carried out, as only this is how we can successfully perform the whole project. We also introduced a new organizational structure that definitely helped with the better connection of the employees and, as a main goal, in improving the business of the company “X”. We think people will acknowledge that the change of the organizational structure does not bring only the downside but if there is a will for improvement and the preservation of the company only then we will get all the necessary support from the wider society. Until then, even the most optimistic predictions for the employees by the “team of change experts” remain the pessimistic predictions and a stare into the future.