1)泌尿器系悪性腫瘍は94例で有疾患数6, 250例に対して1.5%であった.2)外来新来患者の主疾患は膀胱炎22.8%, 前立腺炎17.0%, 上部尿路結石症12.9%, 前立腺肥大症10.1%が主疾患であった.前年度に比し上部尿路結石症が2.7%, 淋菌感染が0.8%と増加した以外は, 前年度より新来患者数は増加しているが, その主疾患の割合は前年の割合と同様であった, A statistical study was performed on new outpatients. The total number of new outpatients in 1984 was 6, 890 (male: 4, 381, female: 2, 509) and the male to female ratio was was 1.75:1. They had urogenital diseases definitely diagnosed (5, 925), indefinitely diagnosed (325), normal (282), and diseases other than urogenital (358). Thirty percent of the outpatients were referred to by other sources. The number of operations on new outpatients was 191, circumcision, resection of condyloma and vasectomy were representative. The peak of the age distribution was in the thirties for males and in the twenties for females. For the first time in Japan, we treated renal and upper ureteral stones using Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) on September 1st 1984. The results of ESWL at our hospital have been satisfactory. A statistical study was made on new outpatients according to the international disease classification. There were 94 malignant (urogenital) tumors (1.5%). The major diseases of the new outpatients were cystitis (acute or chronic: 22.8%), prostatitis (17.0%), upper urinary tract stone (12.9%), benign prostatic hypertrophy (10.1%). In males the major diseases were prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy, upper urinary tract stone, balanoposthitis, gonorrhea, and in female they were cystitis, upper urinary tract stone, pyelonephritis, renoptosis. We conclude that out hospital plays a major role as a private urological hospital.