120,342 results on '"LITERATURE"'
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2. ¡Ni te me acerques! (Stay Away!) Negotiating Physical Distancing in Hispanophone Corona Fictions
- Author
Julia Obermayr and Yvonne Völkl
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Linguistics and Language ,pandemic ,narrative ,physical distancing ,literature ,film ,Literature and Literary Theory - Abstract
In March 2020, more than 100 governments around the world imposed partial or full lockdown policies prohibiting people to leave their homes except for activities deemed essential (e.g. procuring food, going to work) to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmissions. Furthermore, authorities, media and peers encouraged people to adopt physical distancing behaviors, requesting not to touch each other and even keep a distance of at least one to two meters from one another. Cultural and literary productions—so-called Corona Fictions—represent and process the multitude of ways the population perceived and coped with the lockdown situation during the pandemic and its diverse effects. While literary texts written during confinement and published in anthologies focus on emotional states enhanced by the psychological impact of the lockdown, the narratives in films such as Norberto Ramos del Val’s ¡Ni te me acerques! (2020) focus on negotiating the process of physical distancing itself. This contribution will, thus, look at the representations of physical distancing in written and audiovisual productions from the first lockdown and analyze the similarities therein. From a cultural studies point of view, we are particularly interested in the ways these Corona Fictions negotiate physical distancing, isolation and self-reflection in their narratives of the respective medium.
- Published
- 2022
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3. La voz de la Virgen en las Cantigas de Santa Maria de Alfonso X
- Author
Snow, Joseph T.
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Milagros ,Humanidades ,Miracles ,Nuevo Testamento ,Tonalidades de voz ,Declared Mother of God ,Retrato de la Virgen ,Humanities ,Cantigas de Santa Maria ,Literature ,New Testament ,Nombrada Theotokos ,Characterization of the Virgin ,Literatura ,Multiple vocal tones - Abstract
Comenzando con el Nuevo Testamento y la única transcripción de la voz de María, y pasando por su doctrinal nombramiento de Theotokos(Madre de Dios) en el Concilio de Éfeso (431. d. C.) y la proliferación de milagros atribuidos a ella después, se consideran las ochenta Cantigas de Santa Maria en las que Alfonso X presenta la voz de Santa María hablando en varias tonalidades con una gran variedad de personas, cristianos, judíos y moros, hombres, mujeres, fieles e infieles. El resultado es una Virgen María muy humana y a la vez que funciona siempre con la autoridad divina de Dios., Beginning with the New Testament and the single time Mary’s voice is transcribed, following it up with her being declared Theotokos(Mother of God) at the council at Ephesos (431 A. D.) and the proliferation of miracles attributes to her in the following centuries, we consider the eighty Cantigas de Santa Maria in which Alfonso X reproduces her voice, speaking in a wide variety of tones to men, women, Christians, Jews and Moors, believers and non-believers. We perceive as a result the human side of the Virgin Mary as well as her reliance on divine authority.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Fernando de Pulgar (2022), Claros varones de Castilla. Letras. Edición, estudios y notas de María Isabel de Páiz Hernández y Pedro Martín Baños con Gonzalo Pontón Gijón. Madrid: R.A.E
- Author
Gómez Redondo, Fernando
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Literature ,Literatura ,Philology ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
Reseña de: Fernando de Pulgar, Claros varones de Castilla. Letras. Edición, estudios y notas de María Isabel de Páiz Hernández y Pedro Martín Baños con Gonzalo Pontón Gijón. Madrid: R.A.E., 2022, 592 pp. ISBN: 978-84-670-6554-1.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Un manoscritto ritrovato dei 'Nobili fatti di Alessandro Magno'
- Author
Tommasi, Alessia
- Subjects
Vernacular Translations ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Humanidades ,Historia de preliis ,Romanzi medievali ,Filologia italiana ,Alexander the Great ,Romanzo di Alessandro ,Humanities ,Italian Philology ,Literature ,Manoscritti ,Medieval Romances ,Literatura ,Alessandro Magno ,Manuscripts ,Volgarizzamenti ,Alexander’s Romance - Abstract
In questo articolo descrivo e studio un manoscritto recentemente riscoperto dei Nobili fatti di Alessandro Magno, finora considerato perduto. Il manoscritto è stato descritto da Hilka (1914) quando apparteneva all’anti-quario Rosenthal, e la descrizione dettagliata dello studioso non lascia dub-bi sull’identificazione: si tratta del ms. oggi a New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, con la segnatura 194. Tale ms. può essere considerato un importante testimone per la ricostruzione del testo finora noto come Nobili fatti, dal momento che contiene la stessa ver-sione del ms. B (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, II.IV.29): permette dunque di allestire una nuova edizione critica, integrando un’ampia lacuna di B (dovuta alla caduta di alcune carte), senza contaminare con la versione alternativa del ms. C (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, II.I.62). Pre-sento infine un primo studio sulla relazione tra i testimoni dei Nobili fatti, giungendo alla conclusione che il ms. C tramanda un testo distinto da quello dei mss. A e B, e pubblico l’ampia porzione di testo caduta in B, secondo la lezione di A., In this paper I describe and study a recently rediscovered ma-nuscript of the Nobili fatti di Alessandro Magno which has been so far con-sidered lost. This ms. was described by Hilka in 1914, while owned by the antique dealer Rosenthal. Hilka’s detailed description leaves no doubt about the identification of the ms., now New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 194. In addition, this ms. can be con-sidered an important witness for the reconstruction of the text of the Nobili fatti, since it contains the same textual version of ms. B (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, II.IV.29): in fact, it allows to publish a critical edition of the Nobili fatti and to integrate a wide lacuna of ms. B (due to the fall of some leafs), without contaminating with the alternative version of ms. C (Fi-renze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, II.I.62). Finally, I present a first study on the relationships between the witnesses of the Nobili fatti, coming to the conclusion that ms. C hands down a different text than that of mss. A-B, and I publish the large portion of text fallen in B, according the text of ms. A.
- Published
- 2022
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6. La muerte deseada. Tres tipos caballerescos ejemplares de suicidio
- Author
José Ramón Trujillo
- Subjects
Ethics ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Motivos caballerescos ,Ética ,Libros de caballerías castellanos ,Castilian Romance of Chivalry ,Motifs of Chivalry ,Literatura artúrica ,Death ,Suicide ,Muerte ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Literatura ,Philology ,Suicidio ,Arthurian literature ,Courtesy ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
La presencia cotidiana de la muerte en la Edad Media ha dado lugar a numerosas representaciones culturales, muchas de ellas convertidas en tópicos ex-tendidos por todo el Occidente cristiano. De todas las formas de muerte deseada, el suicidio es el acto mortal intencionado con un menor reflejo en la literatura me-dieval. A diferencia de los obsidionales, ejemplo trágico de defensa de la identidad colectiva valorado en la Antigüedad, los suicidios individuales se consideran un caso especial y reprobable de asesinato, que permanece innominado hasta el s. xvii. Tras considerar la esencia de la muerte voluntaria, el presente artículo estudia tres tipos ejemplares en las traducciones artúricas, de causa y condición diferente, que permi-ten concluir una falta de uniformidad en la percepción medieval del acto y del agente suicida. Debido a su naturaleza, la literatura caballeresca refleja escasos episodios, aunque estos se encuentran llenos de intención didáctica y de un sentido relacionado con la concepción del linaje., The quotidian presence of death in the Middle Ages has given rise to numerous cultural representations, many of which have become literary topos throughout the Christian West. Of all the forms of desired death, suicide is the intentional act of death that is least reflected in medieval literature. Unlike the obsidionals, a tragic example of the defence of collective identity from Classical Antiquity, individual suicides are considered a special and reprehensible case of self-killing, which remains unnamed until the 17th century. After discussing the essence of voluntary death, this article studies three exemplary types in the medieval Arthurian translations, of different cause and condition, which allow us to conclude a lack of uniformity in the medieval mentality of the act and of the suicidal agent. Due to its nature, chivalric literature collects few episodes, although they are full of didactic purpose and a sense related to the conception of lineage.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Reflexiones sobre la muerte en los libros de caballerías
- Author
José Julio Martín Romero
- Subjects
Clero ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Chivalry. Clergy ,Doctrina cristiana ,Christian doctrine ,Pensamiento social ,Death ,Muerte ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Social Thought ,Pensamiento religioso ,Literatura ,Caballería ,Philology ,Romances of Chivalry ,Libros de caballerías ,Religious Thought ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
En el presente artículo se analizan varias reflexiones sobre la muerte en los libros de caballerías. Aunque en la mayoría de los títulos no se narra la muerte del héroe, lo cierto es que ello no impide que encontremos glosas, digresiones, sermones intradiegéticos o diálogos que versan sobre esta realidad. La ideología religiosa que deriva de estos fragmentos propone una estructura social en la que la caballería se supedita al estamento religioso, es decir, proporciona todo un pensamiento sobre la sociedad. Esto sucede en Florisando de Páez de Ribera y en su continuación, Lisuarte de Grecia, de Juan Díaz, pero no en Las Sergas de Esplandián. Un caso especial es el de Renaldos de Montalbán en La Trapesonda, cuya muerte se presenta como un martirio que lo convierte en santo. Frente a estos textos, la reflexión sobre la muerte en Baldo deriva de una perspectiva humanista, sin apoyarse en auctoritatesreligiosas sino grecolatinas., This article analyses several reflections on death in romances of chivalry. Although most of these romances do not narrate the death of the hero, this does not prevent comments, digressions, intradiegetic sermons or dialogues that deal with this reality from being found in these books. The religious ideology that derives from these fragments proposes a social structure in which chivalry is subordinated to the religious social group, therefore it shows a whole system of thought about society. This is the case of Florisando, by Páez de Ribera, and its continuation, Lisuarte de Grecia, by Juan Díaz (but not Las sergas de Esplandián). Renaldos de Montalbán in La Trapesonda is a special case, as his death is shown as a martyrdom which makes him a saint. In contrast to these texts, Baldo’s cogitation on death derives from a hu-manist perspective, not appealing to religious auctoritates but rather to Greco-Latin ones.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Pedagogía y muerte en la Edad Media: de Catón a Próspero
- Author
Alvar Nuño, Guillermo
- Subjects
Pecado original ,Juvenco ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Original sin ,Juvencus ,Disticha Catonis ,Prosper of Aquitaine ,Sedulio ,Textos escolares ,School Texts ,Death ,Muerte ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Próspero de Aquitania ,Sedulius ,Literatura ,Philology ,Auctores minores ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
Numerosos especialistas se han aproximado al tema de la muerte en la Edad Media, pero pocos de ellos se han ocupado de cómo se enseñaba a morir a los niños medievales que recibían instrucción letrada. Esta contribución pretende abordar cómo se les aleccionaba sobre el hecho de la muerte desde una preceptiva moral. Para ello, se toma como punto de partida la definición de auctores minoresproporcionada por Conrado de Hirsau (s. xii) y se analizan las primeras obras de su canon: los Disticha Catonis, el Carmen Paschale de Sedulio, los Euangeliorum libri quattuor de Juvenco, y los Liber sententiarum y Epigrammata de Próspero., Numerous specialists have approached the subject of death in the Middle Ages, but few of them have dealt with how medieval children that could receive scholarly instruction were taught to die. This contribution aims to address how they were taught about the fact of dying from a moral perspective. I will depart with the definition of auctores minores provided by Conrado de Hirsau (12th century) and then analyze the first works of his canon: the Disticha Catonis, Sedulius’ Carmen Paschale, Juvencus’ Euangeliorum libri quattuor, Proper’s Liber sententiarum and Epigrammata.
- Published
- 2022
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9. La poesía lírica de Christine de Pizan: nuevas perspectivas poéticas dentro de la tradición
- Author
Rodríguez Varela, Rita
- Subjects
Honor femenino ,Social imaginary ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Deconstrucción ,Amor cortés ,Humanidades ,Literary topics ,Tópicos literarios ,Deconstruction ,Humanities ,Imaginario social ,Literature ,Courtly-Love ,Literatura ,Feminine honor - Abstract
El presente artículo explora el tratamiento del amor cortés en Les Cent ballades d’amant et de dame (1402), Le dit de la pastoure (1403) y Le livre du duc des vrais amants (1404) de Christine de Pisan. El objetivo principal es analizar la deconstrucción realizada por la autora a través de la incorporación de nuevas voces y perspectivas narrativas que aportan una nueva significación a conceptos como el amor o el deseo. Asimismo, se explorará el valor decisivo del honor en el destino de la mujer., This article explores the treatment of courtly-love in Les Cent ballades d’amant et de dame (1402), Le dit de la pastoure (1403) and Le livre du duc des vrais amants (1404) by Christine de Pisan. The main objective is to analyze the deconstruction carried out by the author through the incorporation of new voices and narrative perspectives that bring a new meaning to concepts such as love or desire. The decisive value of honour in the destiny of women will also be explored.Keywords
- Published
- 2022
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10. La imagen de la muerte en la literatura medieval occidental
- Author
Elisa Borsari and José Ramón Trujillo
- Subjects
Literatura medieval occidental ,Muerte ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Literature ,Literatura ,Philology ,Base teórica ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
Pocos temas como la muerte –estremecedor y fascinante al mismo tiempo– son tan transversales y frecuentes en las obras y autores de los siglos medios. Este artículo trata de enlazar y justificar las distintas contribuciones publicadas en este número monográfico de la revista, asentando la base teórica común que subyace al tema de la representación de la Muerte en en la literatura medieval occidental.
- Published
- 2022
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11. La muerte en escena: Le Mystère de la Passion de Arnoul Gréban
- Author
Suárez Pascual, María Pilar
- Subjects
Drama litúrgico ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Violence ,Teatro francés medieval ,Misterio ,Death ,Muerte ,Liturgical Drama ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Mystery play ,Violencia ,Medieval French Theater ,Literatura ,Mystères de la Passion ,Philology ,Arnoul Gréban ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
Pocas producciones literarias, y culturales, han conferido tanta centralidad a la muerte como los Mystères de la Passion, que a lo largo del siglo xv y hasta mediados del xvi fueron creados y representados en Francia y algunas zonas de Bélgica. Construidos en torno a la muerte de Cristo, estos dramas gozaron del favor y el entusiasmo del público de la época. De entre todas esas obras, la compuesta por Arnoul Gréban en 1450 es una de los más representativas, y en ella nos detendremos para reflexionar sobre los recursos dramáticos a través de los cuales la muerte de Jesús es mostrada al público desde los distintos puntos de vista que concurren en una escena caracterizada por su configuración simbólica. La ostensión del cuerpo torturado y de las emociones contradictorias que convergen en torno suyo da lugar a una serie de cuadros plenos de patetismo, pero también de una crueldad hiperbolizada rayana a menudo en lo grotesco. Todo ello tiene lugar en el seno de una representación que posee un marcado carácter ritual en cuyo transcurso el grupo ve reflejado sobre la escena el drama de la vida y la muerte, así como sus propios miedos y contradicciones ante ella., Few literary and cultural productions have conferred as much centrality to death as the Mystères de la Passion, which throughout the fifteenth century and until the mid-sixteenth were created and performed in France and some areas of Belgium. Built around the death of Christ, these dramas enjoyed the favor and enthu-siasm of the public of the time. Among all these works, the one composed by Arnoul Gréban in 1450 is one of the most representative, and in it we will stop to reflect on the dramatic resources through which the death of Jesus is shown to the public from the different points of view that they concur in a scene characterized by symbolic configuration. The display of the tortured body and the contradictory emotions that converge around it gives rise to a series of paintings full of pathos, but also of hyperbolized cruelty that often borders on the grotesque. All this takes place within a performance that has a marked ritual character during which the group sees the drama of life and death reflected on the scene, as well as their own fears and contradictions.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Drvstanvs hic iacit: muertes de Tristán. Notas de lectura del Tristán de Thomas
- Author
Alvar Nuño, Guillermo and Luna Mariscal, Karla Xiomara
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Iseult ,Iseo ,Bleherís ,Bleheris ,Death ,Thomas ,Tristan ,Tristán ,Muerte ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Literatura ,Philology ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
Además de una introducción dedicada a la figura de Bleherís y a los orígenes de la leyenda de Tristán, el artículo contiene una traducción de varios episodios del Tristan de Thomas, que son comentados por los autores. Los episodios en cuestión son los que se refieren al desenlace de la obra: Tristán herido, Tristán y Kaherdín, Kaherdín en Inglaterra, La tempestad, Muerte de Tristán, Muerte de Iseo, Despedida de Thomas. El trabajo se cierra con unas conclusiones sobre las características esenciales del estilo de Thomas y una amplia bibliografía., In addition to an introduction dedicated to the figure of Bleherís and the origins of the Tristan legend, the paper contains a translation of several episodes of Thomas’ Tristan, which are commented on by the authors. The episodes in question are those that refer to the outcome of the play: Tristan Wounded, Tristan and Kaherdin, Kaherdin in England, The Tempest, Death of Tristan, Death of Iseult, Farewell to Thomas. The work closes with some conclusions on the essential characteristics of Thomas’ style and an extensive bibliography.
- Published
- 2022
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13. La muerte como triunfo en la hagiografía medieval castellana
- Author
Fernando Baños Vallejo, Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Española, Lingüística General y Teoría de la Literatura, and Estudios de Teoría Literaria, Literatura Comparada y Teoría de la Traducción Literaria (TeLiCom)
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Hagiografía ,Flos sanctorum ,Martyrs ,Death ,Muerte ,Confesores ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Mártires ,Literatura ,Philology ,Confessors ,Berceo ,Hagiography ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
La tipología de la muerte en la hagiografía es estudiada aquí a través de obras medievales castellanas: los cuatro poemas que Berceo dedicó a santos, y tres martirios leídos por flores sanctorum (Mamés, Vitores y Cristina). Se trata de exa-minar cómo estos siete relatos matizan motivos comunes de la hagiografía: en las pasiones, el martirio es el núcleo del relato, y prueba suficiente de la santidad, y por tanto de victoria. En las vidas de confesores, la muerte beatífica ya no es el núcleo estructural, pero cumple igualmente una función destacada, también triunfal, en cuanto que es tránsito a la Gloria., The typology of death in hagiography is studied here through medieval Castilian works: the four poems that Berceo devoted to saints, and three martyrdoms read in flores sanctorum (Mamés, Vitores y Cristina). The aim is to examine how these seven stories nuance common motifs of hagiography: in the passions, martyr-dom is the nucleus of the story, and sufficient proof of sanctity, and so of victory. In the lives of confessors, death is no longer the structural nucleus, but it also fulfils an outstanding function, triumphant too, insofar as it is a pass to Glory.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Vieron el escripto e mostráronlo: nuevos testimonios de la Crónica del moro Rasis y de la Crónica sarracina
- Author
Romera Manzanares, Ana María and Cossío Olavide, Mario Antonio
- Subjects
Humanities ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Historiografía medieval ,Literature ,Crónica sarracina ,Humanidades ,Medieval historiography ,15th century ,Literatura ,Ecdotic ,Crónica del moro Rasis ,Siglo XV ,Ecdótica - Abstract
En este artículo se da a conocer el hallazgo de un manuscrito vienés que contiene dos nuevos testimonios de la Crónica del moro Rasis y la Crónica sarracina de Pedro de Corral. Además de una descripción codicológica del códice, se ofrece un breve estudio ecdótico que permite ubicar los testimonios transmitidos en sus respectivas tradiciones textuales., This article presents the discovery of a Viennese manuscript that transmits two new testimonies of the Crónica del moro Rasis and Pedro de Corral’s Crónica sarracina. In addition to a codicological description of the codex, the article offers an ecdotic study that locates the two works in it in their respective textual traditions.
- Published
- 2022
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15. La muerte en el romancero cortés manuscrito
- Author
Dumanoir, Virginie
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,15th and 16th centuries ,Pasión ,Death ,Court ,Manuscript romancero ,Muerte ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Romancero manuscrito ,Literature ,Literatura ,Philology ,Passion ,Corte ,Siglos XV.XVI ,Music ,Filología - Abstract
El romancero cortés manuscrito abarca un centenar de romances y glo-sas, con o sin deshecha, acompañados o no de música, todos representativos de los gustos imperantes en las cortes nobiliarias peninsulares entre principios del siglo xvy mediados del siglo xvi. Los versos octosilábicos asonantados encierran casi dos-cientas palabras derivadas de muerte y de morir, a las que podemos sumar casi cien derivadas de matar, ecos de representaciones religiosas, amorosas, caballerescas, sociopolíticas o filosóficas. La primera es bíblica. La Pasión es un modelo ofrecido para cualquier cristiano, pero también la fuente de metáforas amorosas de la acep-tación gozosa del sufrimiento, de una vida que es muerte y de una muerte que es vida. La sociedad caballeresca en la que vive el público cortesano de los romances antiguos configura otra serie de representaciones de la muerte dada o recibida en relación con los conflictos de poder. Las representaciones ritualizadas de la muerte también encuentran cabida en el romancero cortés manuscrito., The courtly manuscript romancero covers a hundred ballads and glosses, with or without coda, accompanied or not by music, which represents the prevailing tastes in the peninsular nobiliary courts between the early 15th and the mid-16th cen-turies. The assonant octosyllabic verses contain almost two hundred words derived from death and dying, to which we can add almost a hundred derived from killing. Its study allows to highlight poetic echoes of religion, love, chivalry, society or philoso-phy. The first one is biblical. The Passion is a model offered to any Christian, but also the source of loving metaphors of the joyful acceptance of suffering, of a life that is death and of a death that is life. The chivalric society in which the courtly public of the ancient ballads lives configures another series of representations of death given o received, related to conflicts of power. Ritualized depictions of death also find a place in the courtly manuscript romancero.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Notas codicológicas a la colección de sermones visionarios de la abadesa Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534): el manuscrito Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial J-II-18
- Author
Acosta García, Pablo
- Subjects
Abadesa ,Juana de la Cruz ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Literatura conventual ,Humanidades ,Sermón visionario ,Codicología ,Sermon ,Sermón ,Humanities ,Franciscan Women ,Manuscript Studies ,Literature ,Convent Literature ,Abbess ,Literatura ,Mujeres Franciscanas ,Visionary Sermon - Abstract
In this article new codicological data from the manuscript Royal Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial J-II-18, which contains the visionary sermons of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534), are presented and analyzed. The finding of former library call numbers, the examination of the paper watermarks, and an in-depth study of the binding provides with new perspectives on the apocryphal nature of the prologue., Se interpretan los datos recabados en el análisis codicológico del manuscrito de la Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, J-II-18. El códice contiene una de las dos únicas copias existentes del denominado Libro del conorte, que recoge la predicación visionariade la abadesa franciscana Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534). El hallazgo de antiguas signaturas, el estudio de las filigranas, así como el examen detallado de su última reencuadernación, proveen de nuevas perspectivas sobre el carácter seguramente espurio de su Prólogo.
- Published
- 2022
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17. Poetry in popular songs: towards a systematic model for its representation
- Author
Rocío Badía Fumaz
- Subjects
Literary genres ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Géneros literarios ,Contemporary popular song ,Humanidades ,Poesía y música ,Literatura comparada ,Canción popular actual ,Language and Linguistics ,Humanities ,Literature ,Intermedialidad ,Comparative literature ,Literatura ,Intermediality ,Poetry and music - Abstract
Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar las relaciones entre poesía y música con el objetivo de proponer un modelo sistemático para abordar las distintas formas de aparición de la poesía en la canción popular actual. Se tendrán en cuenta para ello tres fenómenos: a) la consideración de la letra de la canción como poema (intermedialidad intrínseca), atendiendo a los rasgos líricos de las letras, pero rechazando la total identificación entre poesía y letra al tener en cuenta posibles rasgos narrativos y dramáticos; b) la presencia efectiva de un poema anterior en una canción (intermedialidad extrínseca), en distintos grados y tanto en el plano de la letra como en el plano de la música, aspecto este apenas estudiado; y c) el cambio hacia lo lírico de un texto inicialmente no poético debido a su transformación en canción, lo que llevará a cuestionar tanto las variaciones que se introducen en la letra como los valores que esta adquiere al ser recibida con la música. Además, se indicarán otras problemáticas relacionadas con la recepción ya señaladas por la crítica, que deberán incorporarse a la reflexión en el futuro, como la conflictiva noción de autoría en el tránsito de literatura a canción, la importancia de la performance en la construcción del significado o el recurso a la intermedialidad como instrumento de poder., This paper aims to explore the relationships between poetry and music to propose a systematic model to deal with the different forms of appearance of poetry in contemporary popular song. Three phenomena will be examined: a) the consideration of the lyrics as a poem (intrinsic intermediality), going through the lyrical features of the lyrics, but also the narrative a dramatic ones, rejecting a total identification between poetry and songs; b) the effective presence of a previous poem in a song (extrinsic intermediality), to different degrees, and both at the level of the lyrics and at the level of music, an aspect that has hardly been studied; and c) the lyrical reception of a non-poetic text due to its transformation into a song, which will lead to question both the variations that are introduced in the lyrics and the values that it acquires when received with the music. In addition, other problems will be pointed out, related above all to reception, such as the conflictive notion of authorship in the transition from literature to song, the importance of performance in the construction of literary meaning or the use of intermediality as an instrument of power.
- Published
- 2022
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18. Verses on a score. Theoretical approaches to musical adaptations of poetry
- Author
Clara Isabel Martínez Cantón
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Humanidades ,Adaptación ,Language and Linguistics ,Musicalización ,Humanities ,Literature ,Intermedialidad ,Traducción intersemiótica ,Literatura ,Intermediality ,Musical setting ,Adaptation ,Intersemiotic translation - Abstract
La musicalización de poemas es una práctica artística frecuente y productiva que merece una atención crítica detenida y desde presupuestos teóricos sólidos y operativos. En este artículo se exploran los principales enfoques teóricos para la investigación en este ámbito, señalando qué destaca prioritariamente cada uno de ellos, sus virtudes, problemas y posibilidades. Se realiza una revisión que sigue una línea cronológica, desde la literatura comparada, a los estudios de traducción intersemiótica, la teoría de la adaptación y los presupuestos de la intermedialidad. Este artículo aborda cómo se ha tratado, desde distintas posiciones teórico-críticas, el fenómeno de la musicalización. Cada uno de estos enfoques plantea objetivos diversos y, consecuentemente, destacan y obvian diferentes factores. Por último, apuntamos hacia los estudios intermediales como perspectiva más globalizadora y prometedora para el estudio de las musicalizaciones., Musical adaptation of poetry is a frequent and productive artistic practice that deserves careful critical attention from solid and operative theoretical assumptions. This article explores the main theoretical approaches for research in this field, pointing out what each of them highlights as a priority, its virtues, problems, and possibilities. This review follows a chronological line, from comparative literature to intersemiotic translation studies, adaptation theory and intermediality studies. This article discusses how the musical adaptation of poetry has been treated from different theoretical-critical positions. Each of these approaches has different objectives and, consequently, emphasizes and ignores different factors. Finally, we point out intermediality studies as a globalizing and promising perspective for the study of musical adaptations.
- Published
- 2022
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19. Reality and fiction in Soldados de Salamina: autofictional mechanisms and hybridization of genres in the film adaptation
- Author
Juan García-Cardona
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Film adaptation ,Humanidades ,Adaptación cinematográfica ,Ficción ,Autoficción ,Language and Linguistics ,Humanities ,Autofiction ,Reality ,Soldados de Salamina ,Literature ,Realidad ,Fiction ,Literatura - Abstract
Desde el surgimiento del neologismo “autoficción” por el autor Serge Doubrovsky en los años 70, el estudio crítico de las obras denominadas bajo este término se ha mantenido en alza. La mayoría de estos estudios se han realizado en obras pertenecientes a la literatura; no abundan de la misma manera los estudios realizados en el ámbito del cine. Un buen método para explorar el dispositivo autoficcional en el medio audiovisual podría residir en la adaptación cinematográfica. "Soldados de Salamina" (2001), considerada una de las obras paradigmáticas de la autoficción en castellano, fue adaptada por David Trueba a la gran pantalla en el año 2003. El director tuvo que transponer algunas de las características propias de estos híbridos entre verdad e invención, concebidas inicialmente en la esfera literaria. Por ejemplo: la cuestión de la identidad nominal o el estatuto de ficcionalidad que implica el género autoficcional. Mediante la adaptación, es posible constatar estos mecanismos trasladados del medio literario al fílmico, y de comprobar si siguen vigentes estos preceptos. Además, esta incursión del plano de la realidad que conlleva la autoficción supone una fluctuación en el género de la cinta, dentro del campo cinematográfico, siendo el documental el género principal en la introducción de hechos reales. En esta investigación, propongo explorar estos dispositivos fílmicos empleados para entretejer realidad y ficción, y así ayudar a delimitar la autoficción en los estudios fílmicos., Since the emergence of the neologism “autofiction” by the author Serge Doubrovsky in the 70s, the critical study of the works named under this term has been on the rise. Most of these studies have been carried out in books belonging to literature; the studies carried out in the field of cinema do not abound in the same way. An excellent method to explore the autofictional device in the audiovisual medium could lie in the film adaptation. "Soldados de Salamina" (2001), considered one of the paradigmatic works of autofiction in Spanish, was adapted by David Trueba to the big screen in 2003. The director had to transpose some of these hybrids’ characteristics between truth and invention, initially conceived in the literary sphere. For example: the question of nominal identity or the statute of fiction implied by the autofictional genre. Through adaptation, it is possible to verify these mechanisms transferred from the literary to the filmic medium and check whether these precepts are still in force. Furthermore, this incursion into the plane of reality that autofiction entails supposes a fluctuation in the film genre, within the cinematographic field, with the documentary being the primary genre in the introduction of real events. In this research, I propose exploring these filmic devices used to interweave reality and fiction, thus helping define autofiction in film studies.
- Published
- 2022
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20. Een bijzondere Brabantse tekstgetuige van de Martijntrilogie van Jacob van Maerlant
- Author
Sofie Moors
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Literature - Abstract
Whereas classical philological research aimed to present a convincing reconstruction of the original text, more recent philological research, i.e. material philology, focuses on the transmission of texts and their (unique) variation as such. One text in Middle Dutch that had an exceptionally successful transmission is the thirteenth-century Martijn trilogy by the Flemish poet Jacob van Maerlant. In order to better understand this transmission, this article offers a diplomatic edition of an unpublished fragment, discovered by Herman Pleij in 1986 in the Bibliothèque municipale of Lyon. On the basis of a comparison with other text witnesses, we have been able to observe that the variants of the L manuscript mainly cluster with the F manuscript (c. 1475), the D printing (1496) and with the G manuscript (c. 1375-1400). The variants of K (ca. 1380-1385), the Brabant printing D2 (ca. 1496), the Ge fragment from Cologny (ca. 1375-1400) and the Brabant fragment Y (ca. 1375-1400) also cluster with L. These fragments were mainly written in Brabant at the end of the fourteenth century, demonstrating that Maerlant’s text was also distributed outside Flanders. Moreover, the text witnesses L, Y, Z (ca. 1450) and E (ca. 1400) all come from single-quire manuscripts. The rise of this easily producible text carrier may explain why the Martijn trilogy had such a successful transmission.
- Published
- 2022
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21. Historie van Troyen door de Ferguut-kopiist
- Author
Breeus-Loos, Laurent and Sleiderink, Remco
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Literature ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
In this contribution a fourteenth-century fragment (Leiden, UB, BPL 2387 D) of Jacob van Maerlant’s Historie van Troyen (ca. 1264) is edited for the first time. The fragment is written by the Brabantine Ferguut-scribe and consists of two parchment strips that belonged to the same folio. The sixty – mostly remnants of – verses are situated in a passage that Maerlant borrowed from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Until now this passage was known only through the Wissen manuscript, the only fully surviving manuscript of the Historie van Troyen (Brussel, KBR, IV 927). An analysis of the variants and comparison with the Latin source text show that in the Wissen codex this passage is highly corrupt. Previous research suggested that the Leiden fragment belonged to a manuscript that included two other texts of the Ferguut-scribe as well: Alexanders geesten (Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Donaueschingen 173) and Roman van Cassamus (Brussel, KBR, 18.228). However, some deviations in the execution of the Leiden fragment and the foliation of the Cassamus-fragment cast doubt on this hypothesis. The Leiden fragment is probably the only remnant of yet another manuscript by the Ferguut-scribe.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Hoogmoed komt voor de val
- Author
Fraeters, Veerle
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Literature ,Linguistics ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
While it is well known that the lyrical poetry of the Middle Dutch mystical author Hadewijch (c. 1240) is rich in courtly and religious intertext, references to the allegorical textual tradition have long been overlooked. These references become apparent when the poems are read, not just poetically but also from a narratological perspective, with a special eye to point of view, characters and storyline. Such a combined analysis reveals the presence of several peripheral characters, amongst which personified virtues, playing their part in the mystical love story between the two protagonists, the human soul and divine love. This article offers a detailed analysis of the closing stanza of Song 9 which stages a parading rider unexpectedly being thrown off his horse. The analysis shows that this trope is inspired by the representation of superbia (pride) in Prudentian allegory, and will, for the intended audience, have evoked an extra layer of meaning that remains implicit in the song. The article thus illustrates that a good understanding of the multiple-layered intertext of Hadewijch’s lyrical register provides a hermeneutical key of utmost importance, while also providing a deeper insight into the mystagogic functioning of the songs.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Dolor y gloria, ¿autobiografía, autoficción o ficción autobiográfica audiovisual?
- Author
Agustín Gómez Gómez
- Subjects
Autorreferencia ,Literature and Literary Theory ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Humanidades ,Biography ,Art ,Pedro Almodóvar ,Ficción autobiográfica ,Autobiographical Fiction ,Autoficción ,Language and Linguistics ,Autobiografía ,Humanities ,Autofiction ,Self-reference ,Literature ,Trilogy ,Literatura ,Autobiography ,media_common - Abstract
"Dolor y gloria" (2019) de Pedro Almodóvar es una obra autorreferencial de ficción. Nuestro objetivo es establecer a qué categoría pertenece, especialmente a partir de las tres formas más frecuentes: la autobiografía, la autoficción y la ficción autobiográfica. Partimos de los postulados de Philippe Lejuene y de la teoría de la autoficción para realizar un análisis fílmico, e igualmente hemos considerado algunos textos del propio Almodóvar y entrevistas que, como paratextos, nos ayudan a comprender qué hay de personal en sus películas. También tendremos en cuenta "La ley del deseo" (1984) y "La mala educación" (2004) como dos obras anteriores con las que "Dolor y gloria" formaría una trilogía. A partir de La ley del deseo, en la que el autor empírico aparece en escena, dejará de tener presencia en sus obras y los autorretratos anteriores desaparecerán, pero mantendrá la representación de algunas vivencias a través de personajes delegados. En esa primera etapa encontramos autorretratos y posteriormente veremos momentos autobiográficos y autoficciones en los que algunos de sus personajes adoptan esas experiencias. El resultado de nuestro estudio es que transforma vivencias propias, cercanas y ajenas en narraciones de ficción. Las conclusiones son que no existe relato autobiográfico, en algunos casos hallamos autoficción y, principalmente, ficción autobiográfica., "Pain and Glory" (2019) by Pedro Almodóvar is a self-referential work of fiction. Our objective is to establish which category it belongs to, especially from the three most frequent forms: autobiography, autofiction and autobiographical fiction. We start from the postulates of Philippe Lejuene and the theory of auto-fiction to carry out a filmic analysis, and we have also considered some texts by Almodóvar himself and interviews which, as paratexts, help us to understand what is personal in his films. We will also take into account "The Law of Desire" (1984) and "Bad Education" (2004) as two previous works with which "Pain and Glory" would form a trilogy. From "The Law of Desire", where the empirical author appears on the scene, he will no longer have a presence in his works and the previous self-portraits will disappear, but he will maintain the representation of some experiences through delegated characters. In this first stage we find self-portraits and later we will see autobiographical moments and autofictions in which some of his characters adopt those experiences. The result of our study is that it transforms own, close and of others experiences into fictional narratives. The conclusions are that there is no autobiographical account, in some cases we find autofiction and, mainly, there is autobiographical fiction.
- Published
- 2022
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24. Poetry: The 1950s to the Present
- Author
Dale Fancher Enggass
- Subjects
Literature ,Poetry ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Art ,business ,media_common - Published
- 2022
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25. Catullus 107: a Callimachean reading
- Author
Armand D'Angour
- Subjects
Literature ,Philosophy ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Reading (process) ,Art ,Classics ,business ,media_common - Abstract
‘Excitement struggles with the restraint of form and language and the artifice of verbal repetition… runs riot.’ The repetition is more pronounced and personal here than in another Lesbia epigram, no. 70, where ‘the repetition dicit…dicit makes it certain that Catullus had [Callimachus, Ep. 25 Pf.] in mind’. Poem 70 illustrates how Catullus might allude to and adapt a Hellenistic model in expressing his personal feelings; while the longer elegiac poems in particular (and 66, the translation of Coma Berenices) show the depth of his engagement with Callimachean literary technique. We should not be surprised to find Callimachean elements here too, given the demonstrable correspondences with poem 68 in particular, a composition noted for its use of Alexandrian artifice. But while there are close echoes of the high emotion, the doctus poeta of 68 seems to be largely missing from 107. Here Catullus exults ipsa refers te / nobis (5–6); there his mistress se nostrum contulit in gremium (132).
- Published
- 2023
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26. Poetic exchanges and scribal agency in early modern manuscript culture
- Author
Jessica Edmondes
- Subjects
Literature ,History ,Copying ,Manuscript culture ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Poetry ,Casual ,business.industry ,Agency (philosophy) ,Print culture ,Miscellany ,Scholarship ,business - Abstract
Scholarship on manuscript culture often privileges textual fluidity and scribal agency. However, a casual attitude toward texts and authorship was not universal in manuscript transmission. This essay focuses on BL, Harley MS 7392(2), which is representative of the type of miscellany compiled and circulated in learned institutions where poetry was highly valued and exchanging it helped to cultivate communal identities. The copying habits and attribution practices of its compiler reveal a concern for the integrity of the text and an interest in the question of authorship. This essay argues that, at times, copyists attempted to preserve more "fixed" forms that accorded with the wishes of authors, a feature that has been associated with print culture.
- Published
- 2023
27. Jagadish Chandra Bose and the anticolonial politics of science fiction
- Author
Christin Hoene, RS: FASoS AMC, and Literature & Art
- Subjects
Literature ,Literary genre ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,Magic realism ,Philosophy ,05 social sciences ,0507 social and economic geography ,colonial literature ,06 humanities and the arts ,060202 literary studies ,050701 cultural studies ,Jagadish Chandra Bose ,Politics ,science fiction ,Argument ,0602 languages and literature ,Cultural imperialism ,magical realism ,business ,postcolonial theory - Abstract
In postcolonial studies there are two main strands of argument concerning the legacies and effects of cultural imperialism on science fiction as a literary genre. The first strand presents a critical reading of Western science fiction of the nineteenth and early twentieth century as a genre that is deeply embedded in the discourses and ideologies of colonialism and imperialism (Rieder, 2008; Kerslake, 2007). The second strand presents a critical reading of the writing back of postcolonial authors, stressing the subversive elements of both science and fiction and their power to undermine dominant narratives of cultural imperialism and (neo)colonialism (Chambers, 2003; Hoagland and Sarwal, 2010; Langer, 2011; Smith, 2012; Varughese, 2013 and 2017). In this article I focus on a piece of colonial-era science fiction from a non-Western writer: Jagadish Chandra Bose’s short story “Runaway Cyclone”. First published in 1896 and republished in an extended version by the author in 1921, I analyse how Bose’s story combines elements of science fiction and magical realism. I then argue that Bose turns the narrative tropes of Western science fiction on their head and thus undermines Western science as an epistemological tool of imperial control. Reading “Runaway Cyclone” alongside Bose’s non-fictional accounts on science in colonised India will then reveal a philosophy of science that embraces Western science and Indian philosophy, which in turn can be read as a politics of science that is in effect anticolonial.
- Published
- 2023
28. The Concept of the Grotesque in Literature: Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s Play The Physicists and Its Turkish Translation
- Author
KILIÇ, MELTEM and Kılıç M., Uras A.
- Subjects
The Physicists ,Social Sciences and Humanities ,Edebiyat Çevirisi ,Dil ve Edebiyat ,Social Sciences (SOC) ,Edebiyat ve Edebiyat Teorisi ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Interpreting and Translating ,literary translation ,EDEBİYAT ,Friedrich Dürrenmatt ,Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Social Sciences & Humanities ,ARTS & HUMANITIES ,Mütercim-Tercümanlık ,Gideon Toury ,the grotesque ,Grotesk ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI) ,Arts & Humanities (AHCI) ,Die Physiker ,Sosyal Bilimler (SOC) ,Philology ,LITERATURE - Abstract
Çelişkili kavramların iç içe geçtiği bir güldürü biçimi olan grotesk, ilk olarak Batı’da ortaya çıkar. Başta güzel sanatlar alanında kullanılan bir tür olsa da sonraları dünya yazın dizgesinde önemli bir role sahip olur ve Batı dışında yazın dizgelerini de etkiler. Ülkemize çeviri yoluyla tanıtılmış bu türün en önemli temsilcilerinden biri olan, bu kavramı hem resimlerinde hem de tiyatro oyunlarında adeta yücelten ve tüm özelliklerini başarıyla sergileyen İsviçreli yazar ve ressam Friedrich Dürrenmatt’ın grotesk öğelerle bezeli iki perdelik oyunu Die Physiker’ın Türkçe çevirisini ele almak ve grotesk’in erek dil ve kültüre yansımasını tartışmak bu çalışmanın başlıca hedefidir. Bu doğrultuda, çevirmen Mustafa Tüzel’in 2005 yılında Türkçeye aktardığı çeviri eserdeki kararları Gideon Toury’nin Erek Odaklı Çeviri Kuramına göre incelenmiş, normlar sayesinde çeviri sürecinde alınan kararlar anlaşılır kılınmaya çalışılmış ve söz konusu çevirinin Türk edebiyat dizgesinde üstlendiği işlev sorgulanmıştır. Bununla birlikte, çalışmanın konusu olan grotesk kavramı ve özellikleri, Dürrenmatt’ın hayatındaki yeri ve önemiyle birlikte ele alınmış, Die Physiker adlı tiyatro oyunu ve çevirisi üzerinden tartışılmıştır. İzlenen bu yolla hedeflenen amaç, yazarın dünyaya bakış açısının olduğu kadar karakterinin de grotesk’e eğilimli olduğunu göstermek, bu türle olan yakın ilişkisinin grotesk eserler yaratmada en büyük yardımcılardan biri olabileceği üzerine dikkat çekmektir. Burada ayrıca belirtilmelidir ki, çalışma ‘sahnelenebilirlik’ kavramı üzerinden değerlendirilmemiştir, zira incelenecek eserin eldeki baskısı edebiyat okurları için düzenlenmiş bir baskıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Die Physiker, Grotesk, Gideon Toury, Edebiyat Çevirisi The grotesque is a form of humor in which contradictory concepts are intertwined and first emerged in the West. Although initially a genre used in the fine arts, it later played an important role in world literature and influenced non-Western literature. The main purposes of this study are to examine the Turkish translation of Die Physiker (The Physicists), a two-act play with grotesque elements written by the Swiss author and painter Friedrich Dürrenmatt, one of the most important representatives of this genre to be introduced to Türkiye through translation who glorified this concept in both his paintings and plays and successfully displayed all its features, and to discuss the reflection of the grotesque in the target language and culture. To this end, the study analyzes the translation decisions of translator Mustafa Tüzel in his 2005 translation and questions the function of this translation in the Turkish literary system. The concept of the grotesque and its characteristics are discussed alongside its place and importance in Dürrenmatt’s life through the play Die Physiker and its translation. The aims here are to show how the author’s character is as prone to the grotesque as his view of the world and to draw attention to the fact that his close relationship with this genre can be a great help in creating grotesque works. The study does not evaluate the work through the concept of performability due to the present edition of the examined work being intended for literary readers. Keywords: Friedrich Dürrenmatt, The Physicists, the grotesque, Gideon Toury, literary translation
- Published
- 2023
29. La lectura como un eje de vínculo y acogida: transformaciones de los participantes de una Comunidad de lectura de literatura en un entorno rural
- Author
Bolívar Castañeda, Alejandra
- Subjects
Community education ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Literature ,Educación comunitaria ,Group communication ,Literatura ,Comunicación en grupo ,Reading promotion ,Promoción de la lectura - Abstract
La literatura propicia el encuentro, posibilitando profundizar en las comprensiones e interpretaciones sobre lo literario y la vida misma, y constituyéndose como una invitación para construir nuevos sentidos y significados. Con el objetivo de comprender las transformaciones de los participantes de una Comunidad de lectura (espacio- tiempo de contemplación y diálogo sobre la literatura), se analiza, a partir de la teoría fundamentada, la información de audios, vídeos, fotografías, producciones de los participantes y bitácoras de 11 sesiones realizadas con niños y adultos en un contexto rural (vereda Chiniata, Colombia). Se identifica, así, la potencialidad de la literatura para acompañar los retos que implica el encuentro con otros. De este modo, se plantea como un eje a partir del cual tejer complicidades y prácticas de acogida que favorezcan la construcción de actitudes e identidades que reconozcan a los otros como interlocutores en la construcción de distintos mundos posibles., Literature makes the encounter possible, which favors the deepening of understandings and interpretations of the literary and the life itself, constituting them as an invitation to build new meanings. In order to understand the transformations of the participants in the Reading Community (a space-time of contemplation and collective dialogue on literature), based on grounded theory, the information from audios, videos, photographs, participants' productions, and logs of 11 sessions conducted with children and adults in a rural context (Chiniata village, Colombia) is analyzed. It identifies the potential of literature to accompany the challenges that involve meeting others. In this way, it is proposed as an axis that creates complicities and starts practices that contribute to the construction of attitudes and identities and recognize others as partners in the construction of different possible worlds.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Bottero, Stefano
- Subjects
Death ,Settore L-FIL-LET/14 - Critica Letteraria e Letterature Comparate ,Cultural Studies ,Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,comparative ,literature ,contemporary ,aesthetics ,Death, poetics, literature, contemporary, aesthetics, comparative, theory ,poetics ,theory ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
This article is proposed as a study on the issue of the relationship between the datum of death and the aesthetic context of the creation of a literary work, and therefore of authorial poetics. Starting with an in-depth study of the concept of literature and poetics ‘of death’, it will be intended to proceed with research on the related philosophical and critical issues, to provide an overview of the most important insights on the subject. Thanks to a comparative and transmedia approach, the discourse will be addressed to the theory of death in literature, considering in a broad sense the most significant contemporary critical proposals. Thus, literary and cinematographic case studies will be proposed, as part of a reflection on the issue from a theoretical point of view. The ontological implications relating to the creation of the work of art will also be considered, in order to deepen, with full awareness, the relationship between the poetics of death and works of a not only artistic and literary nature, but also the testimonial.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Jewish Literature in German Clothing…?
- Author
Grözinger, Karl Erich
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Jews ,literature ,German Jewish literature - Abstract
As in the case of Franz Kafka and other authors like Franz Werfel, Joseph Roth, Arthur Schnitzler or Leo Perutz, it is necessary to take seemingly secondary or even hidden allusions to Jewishness very seriously. Only then it is possible to achieve a better, deeper and even completely new understanding of their works. Following on from H. G. Gadamer we must acknowledge that Jewish authors like their readers understand their texts in a fundamentally different way than Christians, due to their own horizon of understanding.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Foreigner in One’s Own Language: Models of Translating Modern Croatian Dialect Literature into the Standard Croatian Language
- Author
Mario Kolar
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,dialect ,literature ,translation ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Since there are many differences between the standard Croatian language and the Croatian dialects (Čakavian, Kajkavian and Štokavian), Croatian literary works written in dialects usually include a glossary or otherwise try to bring their language closer to inodialect readers. This paper first reconstructs the models of translating modern Croatian dialect literature into the standard Croatian language and then analyses the advantages and disadvantages of each model.
- Published
- 2022
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33. 'I Love Romance!' Adolescent Girls Critique the Depiction of Love and Romance in The Hunger Games
- Author
Shara L. Crookston
- Subjects
Literature ,Cultural Studies ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Depiction ,Art ,business ,Romance ,The Hunger Games ,media_common - Abstract
In this qualitative study, nine adolescent girls between the ages of eleven and fourteen (M=12) reacted to how romance is depicted in The Hunger Games book and film series. Although some feminist researchers have been disappointed in the series ending, arguing that it reinforces post-feminist, repronormative and heteronormative ideas, most of the participants in this study felt that the inclusion of romance was appropriate for protagonist Katniss Everdeen, stating that this did not take away from what they saw as the “girl power” message of the series. Study participants believed that authors write heterosexual romance as a way of appealing to adolescent girl readers; several girls, however, expressed their desire to see this change. Furthermore, study participants provided alternative endings to the series that did not always include heterosexual romance or marriage for Katniss, thereby providing a nuanced critique of heteronormativity and gender roles in the series.
- Published
- 2022
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34. Frankenstein e o Tradutor
- Author
Dirce Waltrick do Amarante
- Subjects
Translation ,Linguistics and Language ,Tradução ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Tradutor ,Literature ,Literatura ,Manipulação ,Manipulation ,Translator ,Frankenstein ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Resumo Alberto Manguel, ao comparar traduções de um determinado texto para diferentes idiomas, chega à conclusão de que o texto muda de identidade de uma língua para a outra, mas, ainda assim, permanece o mesmo. Mas como é que o texto pode permanecer o mesmo diante dessas identidades sempre cambiantes? Ou, o que permite dizer que traduções de um mesmo texto são um só texto? Manguel, que compara o texto a uma pessoa e, citando um antigo enigma filosófico, se pergunta, então, “se uma pessoa que teve cada parte de seu corpo substituída por órgãos e membros artificiais continua a ser a mesma pessoa”, ou seja, “em qual dos nossos membros reside nossa identidade: Em que elemento de um poema reside o poema?”. Abstract Alberto Manguel, when comparing translations of a certain text into different languages, comes to the conclusion that the text changes its identity from one language to another, but, despite of that, remains the same. But how can the text remain the same in the face of these ever-changing identities? Or, what allows us to say that translations of the same text are one text? Manguel, who compares the text to a person and, quoting an ancient philosophical puzzle, asks himself, then, whether a person who has had each part of his body replaced by artificial organs and limbs remains the same person, that is, “in which of our members does our identity lie: In what element of a poem does the poem reside?”.
- Published
- 2022
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35. The Etruscan Inferno: A Spatial and Synaesthetic Reading by Gabriele D’Annunzio
- Author
Martina Piperno
- Subjects
Arts & Humanities - Other Topics ,Cultural Studies ,Volterra ,Linguistics and Language ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Arts & Humanities ,Humanities, Multidisciplinary ,Language and Linguistics ,Italian decadentism ,DANTE ,Literature ,Gabriele D'Annunzio ,Dante Alighieri ,Etruscan ,Inferno ,Literature, Romance - Abstract
In the novel Forse che sì forse che no (1910), Gabriele D’Annunzio provides an interesting contamination of suggestions from Dante’s Inferno with ancient Etruscan art and, more generally, with the mystifying landscape of the Tuscan city of Volterra. In doing so, he productively combines his typical imaginative and synaesthetic style with scholarly and cultural trends of the time suggesting that a secret ‘blood memory’ might tie together Tuscan art of all times – from the Etruscans to Dante to the modern era. This essay explores D’Annunzio’s rendering of the ‘Etruscan Dante’ by setting it in the wider context of the reception of Dante and of ancient Italian art with a particular focus on the synaesthetic contaminations between suggestions from the text and the visual and tactual features of ancient Etruscan art.
- Published
- 2022
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36. The Poet Nefʿī, Fresh Persian Verse, and Ottoman Freshness
- Author
Sooyong Kim
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Literature ,History ,Panegyric ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Turkish ,business.industry ,Invective ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Art ,language.human_language ,language ,business ,Persian ,media_common - Abstract
Scholars have generally recognized the Ottoman poet Nefʿī (d. 1635) for his refinement of the panegyric in Turkish and his skill in its unflattering twin, the invective. They have thus paid little attention to the fact that he composed poems in Persian, and sufficient to compile a collection of them, simply viewing his output as a byproduct of his taste for the fresh style emanating from the East, particularly India, with no consideration of other factors at play. The article addresses this contextual gap by situating Nefʿī's engagement with the fresh style in relation to wider efforts at poetic renewal and also to literati disputes about the extent to which the fresh style and other currents from the East ought to be adopted and assimilated, in which differing formal and generic preferences, as well as linguistic and rhetorical concerns, were central. The article ultimately suggests that Nefʿī's overall work should be seen as part of those wider efforts that also aimed at making Ottoman practice distinctively fresh.
- Published
- 2022
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37. Figures of exclusion: jailbird women in prison fiction
- Author
Helena González Fernández
- Subjects
Vis a Vis ,Literature and Literary Theory ,López Silva, Inma, 1978-. Aqueles días en que eramos malas ,Ficción carcelaria de mujeres ,Humanidades ,Tránsfuga ,21st century ,Language and Linguistics ,Humanities ,Preses ,Inma López Silva ,Literatura gallega ,Sex discrimination ,Pariah ,Women prisoners ,Defectors ,Women prison fiction ,Discriminació sexual ,Television series ,Segle XXI ,Personatges de ficció ,Sèries de televisió ,Estudis de gènere ,Paria ,Literature ,Galician literature ,Literatura ,Fictitious characters ,Gender studies - Abstract
La representación de las reclusas experimenta un notable incremento en la ficción literaria y audiovisual de la segunda década del siglo XXI, constituyendo un síntoma de las crisis contemporáneas al tiempo que humaniza y singulariza a las “mujeres malas”. La exclusión y reclusión de las presas presenta una contradicción con consecuencias tanto en la política feminista como en los modelos de ficción. Se produce un reconocimiento de sujetos imprevistos que apenas habían aparecido en la ficción debido a que se las consideraba parias, deshechos, residuos (Varikas 2007; Bauman 2005). Sin embargo, las representaciones recientes, influidas por la importancia del género, la sexualidad y la racialización, crean nuevos matices: distintos tipos de parias (Arendt 2004) y nuevas figuras tránsfugas (Leibovici 2013; Jaquet 2018). Nuestro propósito es contextualizar y analizar estas figuras de exclusión de la escritora gallega Inma López Silva en su novela "Aqueles días en que eramos malas" (2016) en comparación a la producción audiovisual contemporánea, particularmente la serie "Vis a vis"., Literary and audiovisual fiction of the second decade of the 21st century experiences a notable increase in the representation of women prisoners, constituting a symptom of contemporary crises and, at the same time, humanising and singularising the “bad women”. The exclusion and confinement of women prisoners presents a contradiction with consequences for both feminist politics and fictional models. There is a recognition of unforeseen subjects who had hardly appeared in fiction because they had been considered outcasts, wastes, residues (Varikas 2007; Bauman 2005). However, recent representations, influenced by the importance of gender, sexuality and racialisation, create new nuances: different types of pariahs (Arendt 2004) and figures of defectors (Leibovici 2013; Jaquet 2018). Our aim is to contextualize and analyze the figures of exclusion of the Galician writer Inma López Silva in her novel "Aqueles días en que eramos mala"s (2016), in comparison to contemporary audiovisual production, particularly the series Vis a vis.
- Published
- 2022
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38. L’intentio auctoris, comment et pourquoi
- Author
Schuerewegen, Franc
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Literature ,Language and Linguistics - Published
- 2023
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39. Türkei als Transitland für den deutschsprachigen Roman 'Ali und Nino'
- Author
TEKİN, HABİB and Tekin H.
- Subjects
Yusif Vezir Chemenzeminli ,Social Sciences and Humanities ,Dil ve Edebiyat ,Social Sciences (SOC) ,Edebiyat ve Edebiyat Teorisi ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler ,EDEBİYAT ,German Language and Literature ,Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Publikation ,Social Sciences & Humanities ,Publikationsgeschichte ,Batı Dilleri ve Edebiyatları ,ARTS & HUMANITIES ,Ali und Nino ,Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI) ,Western Languages and Literatures ,LITERATURE, GERMAN, DUTCH, SCANDINAVIAN ,Arts & Humanities (AHCI) ,Sosyal Bilimler (SOC) ,Philology ,EDEBİYAT, ALMAN, HOLLANDA, İSKANDİNAV ,Essad Bey ,LITERATURE - Abstract
Das frühe Erscheinen des Romans Ali und Nino in seiner türkischen Übersetzung spielt eine essenzielle Rolle in der Verbreitung des Mythos, dass nicht Essad Bey, sondern der aserbaidschanische Schriftsteller Yusif Vezir Chemenzeminli sein wahrer Autor sei. Ermöglicht wird die Verbreitung dieses Mythos durch den Istanbuler Journalisten und Übersetzer Semih Yazıcığolu, der im Vorwort zu seiner eigenen Übersetzung des Romans, die (heute bekanntermaßen unbegründeten) Chemenzeminli-Mutmaßungen der beiden Washingtoner ExilAserbaidschaner, Max (Mustafa) Türkekul und Yusif Kahraman kolportiert. Yazıcığolu hat sich vor allem als Übersetzer von James Bond-Romanen und anderen Krimis einen Namen gemacht. In seinem Vorwort von 1971 zu seiner Übersetzung von Ali und Nino verstand er es, die dürftigen Vermutungen Türkekuls und Kahramans nicht nur darzustellen, sondern auch fantasievoll auszubauen. In New York City, von wo aus Ali und Nino tatsächlich erst ab 1971, und auch erst in seiner englischen Übersetzung, seine ganz eigene internationale Strahlkraft entwickelte, wusste man es zwischenzeitlich allerdings besser: zwei „Kronzeugen\" waren im Sommer 1971 hervorgetreten: frühere Freunde Essad Beys, die glaubhaft versichern konnten, dass er der Autor war. Heute erscheint es fast wie ein genialer Plan oder wie ein genialer Zufall, dass das Wissen um den zumeist in Aserbaidschan spielenden Roman Ali und Nino gerade über die Türkei und das Türkische – aufgrund der sprachlichen, kulturellen und geografischen Nähe – durch den Eisernen Vorhang hindurch bis nach Baku wirken würde. Dies hat sich ebenfalls demgemäß erwiesen. In dem vorliegenden Vortag werden die Gründe erläutert, wieso der wahre Autor Essad Bey bei der Neuentdeckung des Romans unbekannt bleibt, bzw. verschwiegen wird, und warum die zweifelsfreie Zuschreibung an ihn im Gegensatz zum Chemenzeminli-Mythos untergeht. Erläutert wird weiterhin, wie genau der Roman durch den Eisernen Vorhang nach Baku gelangt, welche Wirkungen er dort entfaltet (Stichwort: KGB, Einschüchterung, Expertenmeinungen), die die mittlerweile nun über fünfzig Jahre lang andauernde Verwirrung um Essad Bey / Yusuf Vezir Chemenzeminli einläuten, welche Blüten diese treiben und wie sie dennoch keinen Bestand haben kann.
- Published
- 2023
40. Das Türkenbild und der Philhellenismus in dem Orientroman 'Die Sklavin in Anadolis Wüste. Eine Geschichte aus dem Freiheitskriege Griechenlands' (1822) von Johann Andreas Christoph Hildebrandt
- Author
TEKİN, HABİB and Tekin H.
- Subjects
Social Sciences and Humanities ,Dil ve Edebiyat ,Social Sciences (SOC) ,Edebiyat ve Edebiyat Teorisi ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Orientroman ,EDEBİYAT ,German Language and Literature ,Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Social Sciences & Humanities ,Türkenbild ,Batı Dilleri ve Edebiyatları ,ARTS & HUMANITIES ,Griechische Revolution ,Philhellenismus ,Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI) ,Befreiungskriege ,Western Languages and Literatures ,LITERATURE, GERMAN, DUTCH, SCANDINAVIAN ,Arts & Humanities (AHCI) ,Sosyal Bilimler (SOC) ,Philology ,EDEBİYAT, ALMAN, HOLLANDA, İSKANDİNAV ,LITERATURE - Abstract
In dem vorliegenden Beitrag ist die Trilogie Die Sklavin in Anadolis Wüste. Eine Geschichte aus dem Freiheitskriege Griechenlands (1822) von Johann Andreas Christoph Hildebrandt (1763-1846) Gegenstand der Untersuchung. Ausgehend vom ersten Band handelt es sich hierbei um die Freundschaft einer griechischen und türkischen Familie, die durch den Einbruch des Krieges zerstört wird. Der Vater der türkischen Familie wird in den militärischen Dienst als JanitscharenFührer einberufen, der Vater der griechischen Familie, ein Kaufmann, gerät in schwierige Situationen. Die Haupthandlung umfasst das Leben im Exil der griechischen Protagonisten Paulowna, der Tochter des griechischen Kaufmanns, ihren Verkauf als Sklavin und die Reise von Constantinopel (heute Istanbul), über Smyrna (heute Izmir) und Anadolis Wüste (heute Anatolien) bis hin zur persischen Grenze (heute Iran). In Anbetracht des historischen Hintergrundes nimmt der Orientroman einen besonderen Stellenwert ein, denn es handelt sich hierbei um die realhistorischen Griechischen Befreiungskriege zwischen 1821-1829; jener Zeitrahmen also, in dem der Roman verschriftlicht und publiziert wurde. Deshalb soll in dem Werk sowohl das Türkenbild als auch der Philhellenismus untersucht werden. Es soll dargestellt werden, welche positiven und negativen Charaktereigenschaften den Türken als auch den Griechen in dem genannten Roman zugeschrieben werden, und ob mit der Feder des Autors eine Kritik gegenüber den Türken und/oder den Griechen zu erkennen ist.
- Published
- 2023
41. Planet circles and astromancy in takvim-i ebedi
- Author
KOÇ GİANNOPOULOS, AYLİN and Koç Giannopoulos A.
- Subjects
Social Sciences and Humanities ,Dil ve Edebiyat ,Social Sciences (SOC) ,Edebiyat ve Edebiyat Teorisi ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Sosyal Bilimler ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Sanat ve Beşeri Bilimler (AHCI) ,Arts & Humanities (AHCI) ,EDEBİYAT ,Sosyal Bilimler (SOC) ,Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler ,Philology ,Social Sciences & Humanities ,ARTS & HUMANITIES ,LITERATURE - Abstract
ÖZTakvim, Arapça kiyâm’dan düzeltmek, tanzim etmek ve yoluna koymak anlamlarına gelir. İnsanların zamanı bilme, yaşantılarını düzenleme, olayları sıralama, zamandan yararlanma gibi temel ihtiyaçlarından ve isteklerinden ortaya çıkmıştır. Yüzyıllar boyunca her medeniyet önemli saydığı bir tarihi başlangıç noktası kabul ederek Güneş veya Ay’ın hareketlerine göre takvim sistemleri geliştirmiş ve gereksinimlerine göre takvimler hazırlamıştır. Bu takvimlerden bir tanesi de dönemin Türk Edebiyatı muallimlerinden dil bilgisi ve sözlük çalışmalarıyla da tanınan Pavlakis Melitopoulos tarafından yazılmış 1914 tarihli Takvim-i Ebedi’dir. Der-Saâdet (İstanbul)’te basılan bu takvim 110 sayfadır. Karamanlıca veya Karamanlı Türkçesi olarak da adlandırılan Grek harfli Türkçedir. Takvimin \"Bir Hakikat\" ile başlayan ilk sayfasında Melitopoulos, Türkçenin daha kolay öğrenilebilmesi ve metodik bir kitabın eksikliğinin giderilebilmesi amacıyla eseri kaleme aldığını ifade eder. Başlık itibarıyla sade bir takvim gibi addolunsa da aslında takvimden öte Karamanlıların inançlarını, sözlü kültür ürünlerini, gelenek ve göreneklerini içeren folklorik bir malzeme niteliği taşımaktadır. Takvimde astrolojiye dair bilgilerin yanında hikâyeler, şiirler, atasözleri, vecizeler, hadisler de yer almaktadır. İnsanoğlunda geleceği öğrenmeye dair bitmek bilmeyen bir istek ve merak vardır. Bu istek ve merak insanları Güneş, Ay ve yıldızların hareketlerinden çeşitli hükümlere varmaya ya da şiddetli yağmur yağması, gök gürlemesi, gökkuşağının görünmesi gibi birtakım tabiat olaylarından hareketle geleceğe dair tahminlerde ve yorumlarda bulunmaya yöneltmiştir. Bu hükümler, tahminler, yorumlar zamanla belli bir sistematiğe dönüşerek yıldızname, falname, melheme ve takvim gibi eserlerde ya müstakil olarak ya da kısmen yazıya aktarılmıştır. Pavlakis Melitopoulos’un Takvim-i Ebedi’si de Devreler ve Müneccimlik bölümleriyle kısmen böyle bir eserdir. Devreler; 1914 yılından 2137 yılına kadar 28 devreyi kapsar. Bu bölümde; her bir devrede vuku bulabilecek meteorolojik olaylar, doğal afetler anlatılır. Müneccimlik ise Burçlar, Sima-Çehre, Alâim-i Sema ve Raʿd (Gök Gürlemesi) alt başlıkları içerir. Sırasıyla; on iki burca ve yüze (alın, göz, kaş, burun, ağız, kulak) göre kişilik tahlili yapılır. Akabinde gökkuşağı ve gök gürlemesi gibi tabiat hadiseleriyle ilgili inanışlar ve hükümler bildirilir. On iki ay esas alınarak bu tabiat hadiselerinin gerçekleşmesi durumunda, gelecek adına neye delalet ettiğinin cevabı verilir. Savaşlar, kıtlık, salgın hastalıklar, isyan, doğal afetler, tarım, hayvancılık gibi konularda yorumlarda ve tahminlerde bulunulur. Takvim sade bir dil ve üslupla yazılmıştır. Bu çalışmada; Devreler (6-34) ve Müneccimlik (35-56) bölümleri Grek harflerinden Latin harflerine aktarılmıştır. Metindeki terimlerin ve bugünkü Türkçede yaygın olarak kullanılmayan kelimelerin \"Sözlük\" başlığı altında bir listesi hazırlanarak anlamları yazılmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde ise dil, edebiyat ve kültür incelemelerinde astroloji, atasözü, hikâye, şiir gibi folklorik malzeme içeren bu tür takvimlerin tespitinin, neşrinin önemi dile getirilerek değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler Karamanlıca, Takvim-i Ebedi, Pavlakis Melitopoulos, devreler, müneccimlik. Takvim (Calendar), from the Arabic kiyâm, means correcting, arranging and putting things in order. It was developed from the basic need of people to know the time, to organize their lives, to put things in order, and to make the best use of it. Throughout the centuries, every civilization adopted a starting point of reference and developed calendar systems based on the movements of the sun or the moon in order to serve their needs. One example is the Takvim-i Ebedi, written in 1914 by Pavlakis Melitopoulos, one of the Turkish teachers of the time, who was also known for his grammar and dictionary studies. This 110-page work, written in Karamanlidika, was printed in Istanbul. In the introduction (Bir Hakikat/ A Truth) of the calendar Melitopoulos states that he wrote this book in order to develop an easier method of teaching Turkish making up of such a book at the time. Although a simple calendar, as implied in its title, it is actually a folkloric material that includes the beliefs, the customs and the oral tradition of the Karamans, rather than a calendar. In addition to information about astrology, the calendar also includes stories, poems, proverbs, aphorisms, hadiths etc. Human beings have the endless desire and curiosity to predict the future. This desire and curiosity led people to draw various conclusions from the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars, or to make predictions and interpretations about the future based on natural events such as heavy rain, thunder and the appearance of the rainbow. These conclusions, predictions, and comments were written down systematically over time either independently or partially in works such as yıldızname, falname, melheme and calendar. A part of Pavlakis Melitopoulos’ Takvim-i Ebedi contains such a work, with its sections on Devreler and Müneccimlik. Devreler (Planet circles) covers 28 cycles from 1914 to 2137. In this chapter; meteorological events and natural disasters that may occur in each period are explained. Müneccimlik (Astromancy) includes the sub-titles of Burçlar (Horoscopes), Sima-Çehre (Face), Alâim-i Sema (Rainbow) and Raʿd (Thunderstorm). Respectively; personality analysis is done according to twelve zodiac signs and facial characteristics (forehead, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth and ears). In addition, beliefs and predictions related to natural events such as rainbows and thunders are included. Depending on when these natural events occur within the twelve months of the year predictions can be made about the future. These predictions concerns subjects such as wars, famine, epidemics, rebellions, natural disasters, agriculture and livestock breeding. The calendar is written in a plain language and style. In this study; Devreler (6-34) and Müneccimlik (35-56) sections were transcribed from Greek letters to Latin letters. A list of terms and words from the text that are not commonly used in today\"s Turkish and their meaning is contained under the \"Sözlük\" section. In the conclusion part, the importance of the ascertainment and publication of such calendars that contain folkloric materials such as astrology, proverbs, stories and poems in language, literature and culture studies has been evaluated. Keywords Karamanlidika, Takvim-i Ebedi, Pavlakis Melitopoulos, planet circles, astromancy.
- Published
- 2023
42. PENAS IBÁÑEZ, Beatriz & GARCÍA LANDA, José Ángel (UZ): 'Art, Truth, and Politics' de Harold Pinter (2005): traducción de un texto culturalmente relevante
- Author
Beatriz Penas Ibáñez
- Subjects
Literature ,Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Philosophy ,lcsh:Translating and interpreting ,Harold Pinter ,Literary translation ,Art history ,lcsh:P306-310 ,Ceremony ,Language and Linguistics ,language.human_language ,German ,Expression (architecture) ,language ,Traducción Literaria ,business ,media_common ,Courage - Abstract
La presente contribución ofrece al lector en lengua castellana la posibilidad de leer –en su versión traducida al español– el discurso que Harold Pinter, el reconocido dramaturgo británico fallecido en 2008, compuso para su presentación “in absentia” ante la Real Academia Sueca en diciembre de 2005, con ocasión de la entrega que se le hizo del premio Nobel de Literatura el día siete de dicho mes y año. Se trata de un texto del que sólo encontraremos las traducciones al francés, sueco y alemán que acompañan al original inglés en la página web de la Fundación Nobel. Por eso esta traducción al español parece necesaria. El discurso de Pinter es un texto importante al que los lectores de lengua española también han de tener acceso por el interés de las ideas en él desarrolladas y por la valentía con que dichas ideas fueron expuestas a la luz pública.
- Published
- 2022
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43. MOTT, BRIAN (UB): Postmodificación de frases preposicionales en inglés y español (con referencia especial a postmodificadores locativos)
- Author
Brian Leonard Mott
- Subjects
Literature ,Linguistics and Language ,Lexical density ,Phrase ,Interpretation (logic) ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,Object (grammar) ,Locative case ,Language and Linguistics ,Linguistics ,business ,Adverbial ,Relative clause - Abstract
Las frases preposicionales constituyen el tipo más frecuente de posmodificación en todos los registros del inglés (Biber et a. 1999: 634). En el español, las expresiones locativas suelen incorporar un pronombre relativo y un verbo (the books [which are] on the table > los libros que están encima de la mesa), o bien expresarse mediante una frase introducida por la preposición de (los libros de encima de la mesa). Wonder (1979) sostiene que el español permite el uso de preposiciones que no sean de en las frases locativas en el caso de “situaciones ‘activas’” (el aterrizaje en pleno campo) frente a “situaciones estáticas” (*el sofá en la sala), y también si la frase puede tener una función adverbial antes que, o además de, una interpretación adjetiva (el ruido en la calle), sobre todo si dicha frase encierra la idea de una posición alternativa para un objeto, o bien un contraste con otro objeto similar (el sofá en la sala contigua). El presente estudio pretende examinar este argumento y, además, explorar la posmodificación preposicional en español de un modo más general, a la par que propone una explicación sobre la elección de estructura en español que se basa en el criterio de la densidad léxica.
- Published
- 2022
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44. A style for every age: A stylometric inquiry into crosswriters for children, adolescents and adults
- Author
Haverals, Wouter, Geybels, Lindsey, and Joosen, Vanessa
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Literature ,stylometry ,Literary style--Statistical methods ,Linguistics ,Aging--Study and teaching ,Language and Linguistics ,Children's literature ,Digital humanities - Abstract
In the field of children’s literature studies, much attention has been devoted to investigating differences between children’s and adult literature. Works of crosswriters, authors who write for both readerships in different works, are an excellent source for this research. This article applies stylometry, the computational method of analysing style, to the oeuvres of 10 Dutch and English crosswriters to trace potential differences in their individual style and similarities between the authors. The analyses also take into account the age of the intended reader (as listed in the paratext) and the publication date, to study the influence these aspects have on writing style. Four case studies zoom in on a specific author or age category of the intended readership to study general tendencies as well as outliers. The results from the stylometric analyses are complemented with peritextual information about the author’s view on style and writing for readerships of different ages. The main conclusion drawn from the case studies is that the style of the texts usually correlates more strongly with the age of the intended reader than with the time period in which it was written. Young adult literature clusters more closely with adult literature. The style associated with a younger readership is distinct in the oeuvres of most authors studied in this article and even transcends the differences between authors.
- Published
- 2022
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45. Bregando con la voz de su amo. La amante de Gardel de Mayra Santos-Febre
- Author
de Maeseneer, Rita and Milkon, Manochak
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory ,Literature - Abstract
La escritora puertorriqueña Mayra Santos-Febres siempre ha demostrado un gran interés por las manifestaciones de la música popular y más particularmente la caribeña, a la vez que ha sido una gran defensora de la mujer negra. En La amante de Gardel (2015), novela ubicada en Puerto Rico, la protagonista es Micaela Thorné, curandera y primera mujer negra médica, rememora en su lecho de muerte su vida y su romance ficticio en 1935 con Gardel cuyo pasado también es narrado. Opinamos que Mayra Santos-Febres utiliza la figura de Gardel para bregar con varias inquietudes recurrentes en su obra: Gardel como expresión de lo pan-latino, Gardel como mito popular, Gardel y el poder de la voz, Gardel como gramófono de los sin voz, Gardel como ícono masculino que somete a la mujer. Por tanto, la novela ofrece más pistas que la mera explotación comercial de un ícono.
- Published
- 2022
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46. The Voice of the Translator: An Interview with Howard Goldblatt
- Author
Jonathan Stalling
- Subjects
Literature ,Cognitive science ,Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Chinese literature ,Art ,business ,Language and Linguistics ,media_common - Abstract
Howard Goldblatt is recognized as one of the most renowned translators of Chinese literature. He has translated more than fifty books, including novels by the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan. His other t...
- Published
- 2022
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47. The Reluctant Warrior: Semiotic Notes on the Story of Zāl in theShāhnāmeh
- Author
Mohammad Afshinvafaie and Mahmoud Omidsalar
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Persian literature ,Literature ,History ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,Semiotics ,Sociology ,business ,Narrative logic ,Moral authority - Abstract
Zāl is the embodiment of the heroic culture which shapes and determines the conduct of the Shāhnāmeh heroes from Manūchihr through Rustam's death. For Zāl to attain that level of moral authority, the poem semiotically endows him with innate wisdom symbolized by his white hair at birth. By the end of the story, when he is still a relatively young man, he has gained the authority to change the ruling dynasty by choosing and crowning kings at will (e.g. his crowning of Zav and Kayqubād). Zāl's story is thus a tale of transformation thatseamlesslyfits into the overall narrative of theShāhnāmeh.It helps the poem's narrativemake the transition from the age of ancient kings in whom heroism, royal authority, and magical potency are combined, to the era of a different line of rulers who govern by royal authority alone. This process moves in two parallel lines: the transfer of the magical wisdom of the primordial kings to the person of a sage who functions as the embodiment of sagacity and prudence, and the transfer of their heroic aspect to a great warrior who serves as the country's “chief hero,” its jahān pahlawān. With the exception of Kaykhosraw, whose character has very strong supernatural and religious dimensions, every important legendary king after Manūchihr has a sage on whose advice he depends (e.g. Zav, Kayqubād and Kaykāvūs have Zāl, Gushtāsp has Jāmāsp, and Alexander has Aristotle). The king also has a warrior who holds the office of the jahān pahlawān (Kaykāvūs and Kaykhusraw have Rustam, Luhrāsp has Zarēr, and Gushtāsp has Isfandiyār).
- Published
- 2022
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48. The Sultan's Life as a Tragedy? Zeyā al-Din Barani, Moʿezz al-Din Keyqobād, and the Performance ofTārikh
- Author
Tilmann Trausch
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Literature ,History ,Read aloud ,060101 anthropology ,Literature and Literary Theory ,business.industry ,Orality ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,0507 social and economic geography ,Historiography ,06 humanities and the arts ,Art ,050701 cultural studies ,Tragedy (event) ,0601 history and archaeology ,business ,media_common - Abstract
This article examines how Zeyā al-Din Barani may have imagined that contemporary audiences would consume his Tārikh-e Firuz Shāhi. Would it only be read visually or also read aloud (directed at the ear rather than the eye), and thus be received aurally, or would it even be performed in front of a larger audience? The plot and protagonists of Barani's story on Moʿezz al-Din Keyqobād present a tragedy that develops around a sultan doomed to fail. An examination of the set-up of Barani's narrative reveals that it contains numerous textual devices that would enable a storyteller to perform the story, using the text as a kind of tumār. As tragedies are written for the stage, not the study, these features of the text indicate that matters of orality, which are crucial for many genres of premodern Persianate courtly literature, are also relevant to the Tārikh-e Firuz Shāhi.
- Published
- 2022
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49. The Islands of Malta and Gozo in Greek and Roman History and Literature
- Author
Horatio Caesar Roger Vella
- Subjects
History ,Geography ,PG1-9665 ,Literature and Literary Theory ,Malta ,Literature ,Gozo ,Mediterranean Archaeology ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 ,Slavic languages. Baltic languages. Albanian languages - Abstract
Malta, Gozo and Comino, the Thrinacia of Homer and the Melitē, Phoebe and Lampas of Scylax, form an archipelago in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea inhabited by both Phoenicians and Greeks before the coming of the Romans to those islands. Many geographers mention them, but other authors refer to their importance as places of production of textiles and other natural goods like oil and honey. Of particular importance was the site of the temple of Juno and Hercules known to Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans as well as to Numidians. Malta and Gozo were also praised for their good harbors and stone. The Grand Harbour itself served as an important Byzantine base with its tower and inner harbour, both places bearing Greek names. Malta was converted to Christianity in AD 60 following St Paul’s shipwreck there, where he spent three winter months. The aim of this article is to scrutinize the information about Malta and Gozo in numerous Greek, Roman and Christian sources.
- Published
- 2021
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50. Teaching Culture through Reading Literature in English Language Teaching
- Author
Leonarda Lovrović and Cathy-Theresa Kolega
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Literature and Literary Theory ,literature, cultural awareness, intercultural competence, English language teaching (ELT), English as a lingua franca (ELF) ,literature ,PE1-3729 ,intercultural competence ,English literature ,cultural awareness ,Language and Linguistics ,Education ,English language ,English as a lingua franca (ELF) ,English language teaching (ELT) ,PR1-9680 - Abstract
English as a lingua franca (ELF) has become a standardized mode of communication between diverse sociocultural groups. Besides linguistic competence, English language learners should possess adequate intercultural competence to establish successful social relations worldwide. Therefore, one of the main objectives of English language teaching (ELT) has become the development of intercultural speakers (Byram 1997; Kramsch 1998). One way of achieving this is by using literature in the classroom because learners interpret literary texts from their personal experience and are thus engaged both at a cognitive and an emotional level. Their individual interpretations can nevertheless also lead to generalizations and enforcement of stereotypes about foreign cultures. Hanauer (2001) has developed a method called focus-on-cultural understanding to expose learners to different interpretations. The study explores whether his method can be successfully applied in the context of Croatian university education. The method has proven to be effective for raising learners’ cultural awareness, which could lead to further development of their intercultural competence.
- Published
- 2021
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