Med pisanjem pričujoče diplomske naloge sem si zastavila dva vodilna cilja. V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem želela teoretično obdelati pojem književnega prevajanja in mladinske književnosti ter ugotoviti, katere so posebnosti prevajanja le-te. Izpostavila sem nekaj izbranih prevajalcev, teoretikov oz. avtorjev, ki so se s teorijo prevajanja ukvarjali v preteklosti, kakor tudi nekaj sodobnih teoretikov in poskušala predstaviti njihove poglede glede (ne)zvestobe izvirnemu besedilu. Ustavila sem se tudi ob pojmu priredba in poskušala nanizati nekaj najpogostejših razlogov za prirejanje v mladinski književnosti ter jih ilustrirati s primeri. V drugem delu sem vso pozornost namenila izbranemu nemškemu izvirniku Die Biene Maja und ihre Abenteuer iz leta 1920 in njegovi priredbi Dogodivščine čebelice Maje iz leta 2004. Zanimalo me je, ali priredba kaže znake odmikanja od izvirnika iz utemeljenih razlogov, opredeljenih v prvem delu tega diplomskega dela. Ker analiza slehernih prevodnih premikov ne bi bila smiselna, sem se poleg tega osredotočila še na prevodne premike, ki so značilni prav za področje prevajanja mladinske književnosti, vendar žal v negativnem smislu, saj se navadno pojavljajo spontano ali brez pravih utemeljitev. V mislih imam različne olepšave in rabo pomanjševalnic. Ugotovitve o (ne)smiselnosti prirejanja glede na izbrano izvirno literarno delo sem zbrala v sklepnem delu. Ugotovila sem, da je prevajalka oz. prirejevalka upoštevala najpogostejše razloge za prirejanje v mladinski književnosti in skladno s tem iz besedila odstranila nekatere neprimerne vsebine, na primer nasilje oz. smrt. Po drugi strani pa je neupravičeno posegala v izvirnik, ko je s pomanjševalnicami poskušala olepšati prevod. In my diploma thesis I wanted to achieve two main goals. In the first part of my diploma thesis I wanted to theoretically analyze the areas of literary translation and youth literature, and establish the particularities of translating youth literature. I have chosen a few translators, theorists or authors, who discussed the theory of translation in the past as well as some contemporary theorists, and tried to present their views on the (dis)loyalty towards the source text. I also examined the term adaptation and tried to list some of the most common causes for adaptation in youth literature and illustrate them with examples. In the second part I focused entirely on the original German text Die Biene Maja und ihre Abenteuer from the year 1920 and its adaptation Dogodivščine čebelice Maje from the year 2004. I wanted to see if the adaptation showed any justifiable signs of deviation from the original text, as defined in the first part of the diploma thesis. Since the analysis of each and every translation shift would not be sensible, I additionally focused on the typical negative translation shifts in youth literature translation that are usually made spontaneously and without any real justification. By that I mean various euphemisms and diminutives. The findings about the (un)reasonable adaptations in relation to the original literary text are presented in the final part. I came to the conclusion that the person translating-adapting the text considered the most common reasons for adaptations in youth literature and removed some unsuitable content accordingly, e.g. violence or death. On the other hand, the translator also made unjustifiable changes of the original when trying to beautify the translation by using diminutives.