Bradford's Law of Scattering is a law of diminishing returns and scattering. Bradford formulated the law in 1948 and claimed that for a given subject area “there are a few very productive periodicals, a larger number of more moderate producers, and a still larger number of constantly diminishing productivity” [1]. For any single issue, or subject area, the top third (Zone 1 or core) represents the journals that are the most frequently cited in the literature of that subject and that are, therefore, likely to be of highest interest to researchers in the discipline. The middle third (Zone 2) includes the journals that have had an average amount of citations, and the bottom third (Zone 3 or tail) comprises the long tail of journals that are seldom cited and regarded as of marginal importance to the subject [2]. Researchers have defined a subject area in lexical, semantic, and subject scattering terms [3], and some argue that problems in defining “subject” may not matter, provided it is applied consistently [4]. Bradford's law predicts that the number of journals in the second and third zones will be n and n2 times larger than the first zone respectively [5, 6], and therefore, it should be possible to predict the total number of journals containing papers on a subject once the number in the core and middle zone of journals is known. Once the total number of journals is known, it should be possible to predict how much relevant information is missing from an incomplete search. Given the time-consuming and extensive effort required to identify sources on a subject for a systematic review, accurately predicting the size (and quality, if possible) of the literature from Bradford's law would be useful for such studies. Empirical testing of Bradford's law requires a complete and large bibliography, a well-defined subject, and a limited time frame [5, 7]. Bradford's law has been applied successfully to measure the literature of many subjects, such as nursing [1], science [8], crystallography [9], and occupational therapy [2]. In addition, many librarians will be familiar with Eugene Garfield's Science Citation Index, which is based on Bradford's law [10]. One analysis of all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the MEDLINE database found that the journal distribution varied from the standard Bradford's law [11]. However, there have not been any studies on the usefulness of Bradford's law to predict the size of literature in systematic reviews. Other methods to estimate the total number of articles when searching for systematic reviews, such as the Horizon Estimate, have been applied with varying success [12]. This study arose from work with the Acute Respiratory Infections Group, one of the fifty-two entities making up the Cochrane Collaboration. Cochrane Reviews are systematic literature reviews aiming at high quality and, therefore, explicitly striving for completeness. The validity of Bradford's law for systematic reviews has not been addressed in the literature. Accordingly, this study examined whether Bradford's law was valid for the Cochrane Review–identified literature on acute otitis media and pneumonia, conditions that are reported in a wide variety of clinical and health journals [13].