This article has as its main objective share the experience of the fieldwork developed with the Curricular Component (CCR), offered by the by the degree course in Geography of the Federal University of the Southern Frontier (UFFS, campus Erechim/RS). Held five times between the years 2014 and 2019 the itinerary contemplated experiences located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba/PR (Lapa and Curitiba) and in Barra do Rio Turvo/SP, in what confers the movement of struggle for land/territory, for the agrarian reform and for re-existence of the peasants. Through the dialogue with the subjects, the observation and registration of the elements that make up their territorialities, the itinerary provided the students interactions with the logic of socio-territorial organization of the Landless Workers Movement (MST); with actions aimed in the development of productive and organizational agroecological practices and work with Agroforestry Systems (SAFs); with experiences of cooperation and of education in the countryside. Methodologically, the choice of the itinerary and the inherent teaching-learning mediations were aligned with a theoretical conception that dialogued 1) with the "Agrarian Question Paradigm", according to the Fernandes (2005) proposition; and 2) with the own Institutional Political Project (IPP) of the UFFS, institution of higher education forged with the challenge of projecting itself as "popular". In this track, in addition to the presentation of the elements that made up the itinerary itself, we will contextualize, also, the construction of the suggestion of the referred fieldwork elaborated in a straight harmony with the CCR's agenda and with the objectives of the Higher Education Institution in which it is inserted. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]