Background: Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is regarded as the gold standard for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis (CDC). Different modifications of the surgical procedure have been developed over the years., Methods: Patients with CDC due to postsaccal lacrimal stenosis and under treatment with DCR have been included in this retrospective study. Two groups of different surgical procedures were analysed: firstly DCR without reconstruction of the ductus nasolacrimalis (DNL, group 1) and secondly patients with reopening the DNL (group 2). Criteria for success were absence of permanent epiphora, absence of inflammation of the lacrimal sac (functional success), and no recurrent surgery with free patency of the lacrimal duct (anatomical success). This was obtained by questionnaire after a follow-up of at least 12 months. The impact of gender, ectasia of the lacrimal sac, dacryoliths, and prior lacrimal surgeries was analysed., Results: Overall, 248 surgeries were enrolled in this trial. Mean age in group 1 was 68 years (range: 22 to 92 years) and gender ratio was 3.2 to 1 (female : male). In that group, 68 operations could be followed up. In group 2, 62 operations on patients of a mean age of 63 years (range: 24 to 89 years) and a gender ratio of 2.9 to 1 (female : male) were observed. Complete success occurred in 75.0% in group 1 and 75.8% in group 2. Recurrent operations were necessary in one case of group 2 (1.6%) and 4 cases of group 1 (5.9%). Gender (group 1 p = 1; group 2 p = 0.115; between groups p = 0.511), ectasia of the lacrimal sac (group 1 p = 0.877; group 2 p = 0.674; between groups p = 0.878), dacryolith (group 1 p = 1; group 2 p = 0.465; between groups p = 1), and prior lacrimal surgery (group 1 p = 0.092; group 2 p = 0.051; between groups p = 0.520) did not influence the success rates in each group or between groups. Significantly more dacryoliths were found during operations of group 2 (p = 0.010)., Conclusion: Reconstruction of the DNL during DCR is a possible and easy modification, with a slightly better success rate in curing CDC. Intraoperatively, dacryoliths might not be apparent remain in the deeper parts of the lacrimal ducts. Therefore, these segments should be inspected during surgery., Competing Interests: Die Autoren Wiebke Dettmer, Hans-Gert Struck, Andrea Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, Arne Viestenz und Jens Heichel geben an, dass keine Interessenkonflikte vorliegen. Friedrich Paulsen wurde von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gefördert (grant PA738/15-1). Er erhält Tantiemen von Elsevier für die 24. Edition des Anatomieatlanten „Sobotta“ und „Sobotta Textbook of Anatomy,“ in der 2. Auflage. Mohammad Javed Ali erhält Tantiemen vom Springer-Verlag für das Werk „Principles and Practice of Lacrimal Surgery“, „Atlas of Lacrimal Drainage Disorders“ und „Video Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery“./The authors Wiebke Dettmer, Hans-Gert Struck, Andrea Schmidt-Pokrzywniak, Arne Viestenz and Jens Heichel have no conficts of interest to be reported. Friedrich Paulsen has received grants from the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; PA738/15-1). He obtains royalty from Elsevier for 24th edition of Anatomy Atlas “Sobotta” and “Sobotta Textbook of Anatomy” second edition. Mohammad Javed Ali obtains royalty from Springer for “Principles and Practise of Lacrimal Surgery”, “Atlas of Lacrimal Drainage Disorders”, and “Video Atlas of Lacrimal Surgery”., (Thieme. All rights reserved.)