Since the creation of the Law n° 13.467/17, known as the Labor Reform, some very important polemic changes occurred in the Labor Law. Between those changes the alteration caused by the article 507-A of the Consolidation of Labor Law, subject of this research, stands out, since it regards the possibility of usage of judgment arbitration about the conflicts resulting from individual labor contracts. Considering the facts, we explain that the alteration was aimed only at one determined working class, since it only allows arbitration in contracts with remuneration greater than twice the superior limit of financial benefit of the Social Security's General Regime, as long as the initiative to the commitment clause come from the employee or expressly agreed. Thus, based on the structure principle, typical of Labor Law, and, more specifically of the elemental principles of employee protection and unavailability of labor rights, this article proposes to debate, yet, the compatibility of the arbitral institute with the labor individuals conflicts based on the analysis of arguments that support the stir created by the alteration. Aiming this, the deductive method was utilized, fundamented by a theoretical-bibliography research and consistent critical analysis of the national doctrine and some scientific articles about the theme. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]