Far away is the Ecuadorian criminal policy of complying with adequate standards of scientificity. Then as the politician on duty seems to legislate with yesterday’s newspaper in his hand. In this paper, two issues are criticized in particular. First, the contradictory criminal policy of the Ecuadorian legislator is highlighted by taking sides with one of the most guaranteed theories of men’s rea of intent. At the same time, in the same legal body Reform, the legislature is legislated to expose to public light, which has been apprehended in flagrant crime (fashion crimes), and thus the judge has validated. Secondly, that is, in the second chapter of the work, the failures of the theory of the will of men’s rea that was adopted by the legislator are analyzed critically, together with the critical analysis of the rest of theories that dominate the scientific discussion nowadays. Finally, it will be concluded that the legislator was openly contradictory in his criminal policy and that the theory of the will of men’s rea. However, it offers very high respect for the dignity of the human being, and that is why it constitutes the most guarantee theory, this does not mean that in theoretical or procedural terms, it is the most rational and suitable for which the Ecuadorian legislator could have inclined. JEL CODE: K14 RESUMENLejos se encuentra la política criminal ecuatoriana de cumplir con estándares adecuados de cientificidad, pues el político de turno parece legislar con el diario de ayer en la mano. En esta obra se critica dos cuestiones en especial: en primer lugar, se destaca la contradictoria política criminal del legislador ecuatoriano al decantarse sobre una de las teorías del dolo más garantistas que existen y al mismo tiempo, esto es, en el mismo cuerpo legal reformatorio, se legisla el adefesio legislativo de exponer a la luz pública a quien haya sido aprehendido en delito (los delitos de moda) flagrante y así el juez lo haya convalidado. En segundo lugar, es decir, en el capítulo segundo de la obra, se analiza críticamente las falencias de la teoría de la voluntad del dolo que fue adoptada por el legislador, en conjunto con el análisis crítico del resto de teorías que dominan la discusión científica en la actualidad. Finalmente, se concluirá que la teoría de la voluntad del dolo si bien ofrece un respeto altísimo a la dignidad del ser humano y por ello se constituye como la teoría más garantista, esto no significa que en términos teóricos, ni procesales, sea la teoría más racional e idónea por la que pudo haberse inclinado el legislador ecuatoriano. ABSTRACTFar away is the Ecuadorian criminal policy of complying with adequate standards of scientificity. Then as the politician on duty seems to legislate with yesterday’s newspaper in his hand. In this paper, two issues are criticized in particular. First, the contradictory criminal policy of the Ecuadorian legislator is highlighted by taking sides with one of the most guaranteed theories of men’s rea of intent. At the same time, in the same legal body Reform, the legislature is legislated to expose to public light, which has been apprehended in flagrant crime (fashion crimes), and thus the judge has validated. Secondly, that is, in the second chapter of the work, the failures of the theory of the will of men’s rea that was adopted by the legislator are analyzed critically, together with the critical analysis of the rest of theories that dominate the scientific discussion nowadays. Finally, it will be concluded that the legislator was openly contradictory in his criminal policy and that the theory of the will of men’s rea. However, it offers very high respect for the dignity of the human being, and that is why it constitutes the most guarantee theory, this does not mean that in theoretical or procedural terms, it is the most rational and suitable for which the Ecuadorian legislator could have inclined. KEYWORDS: Legislator, criminal policy, exposure to the public light, violation of the presumption of innocence, Thymus will theory, men’s rea. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: K14