12 results on '"Albanija"'
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- Author
Igor Đ. Vukadinović
- Subjects
albanija ,kosovo i metohija ,jugoslavija ,kultura ,ekonomija ,univerzitet u prištini ,univerzitet u tirani ,History of Eastern Europe ,DJK1-77 - Abstract
Promene u položaju autonomnih pokrajina u Srbiji krajem šezdesetih godina 20. veka odrazile su se na odnose Kosova i Metohije sa Albanijom. Državni sekretarijat za inostrane poslove i Savezno izvršno veće počeli su 1967. godine da ohrabruju kulturno i ekonomsko povezivanje Kosova i Metohije sa Albanijom, objašnjavajući to strategijom za normalizaciju odnosa između Jugoslavije i Albanije. Nakon skupova u Prištini i Tirani i međusobnih poseta prosvetnih delegacija, dogovoreno je da se udžbenici iz Albanije koriste u školskom sistemu Kosova i Metohije, a kosovska preduzeća su svoju proizvodnju preusmerila na albansko tržište. Profesori Univerziteta u Tirani angažovani su u nastavi na prištinskim fakultetima. Izveštaji albanskih predavača iz Prištine omogućili su partijskom vrhu Albanije širok spektar informacija o situaciji u Jugoslaviji. Rad se primarno zasniva na neobjavljenoj arhivskoj građi Centralnog državnog arhiva Albanije u Tirani, uz korišćenje dokumenata iz srpskih arhiva kao i objavljenih istorijskih izvora i literature.
- Published
- 2021
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3. Pogranični promet Jugoslavije i Albanije i dvovlasnička imanja 1945-1948.
- Author
Božica Slavković Mirić
- Subjects
jugoslavija ,albanija ,dvovlasnička imanja ,pogranični promet ,period posle drugog svetskog rata ,History of Eastern Europe ,DJK1-77 - Abstract
Na osnovu arhivske građe i stručne literature rad analizira pogranični promet i problem dvovlasničkih imanja Jugoslavije i Albanije tokom 1945–1948. Ove dve države uspostavile su intenzivnu ekonomsku saradnju nakon Drugog svetskog rata. Kao bitno pitanje istaknuto je rešavanje odnosa duž jugoslovensko-albanske granice. Potpisan je Sporazum o pograničnom prometu 1945, a nakon posete Envera Hodže Jugoslaviji sredinom 1946. ukinuta je carinska granica i izjednačene su valute. Probleme oko dvovlasničkih imanja rešavala je mešovita albansko-jugoslovenska komisija. Ipak, svi započeti projekti i rešavana pitanja bili su prekinuti albanskim prihvatanjem Rezolucije Informbiroa u junu 1948, nakon čega je jugoslovensko-albanska granica bila zatvorena.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Keče i dron. Modeli političke ekspresije na fudbalskim utakmicama albanske reprezentacije u Beogradu.
- Author
Kovačević, Ivan
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2020
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The presented work is based mainly on the still scarcely and insufficiently explored documents stored in Belgrade archives (Arhiv Jugoslavije, Arhiv Srbije). It aims to address the impact of the political and social changes that took place after the removal of A. Ranković from office in the summer months of 1966 on Yugoslav-Albanian relations. It was at this time that the power of functionaries of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia who were of Albanian origin increased. Among other things, they began to demand a quick and fundamental improvement in the relations between the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Albania. In so doing, they sought to meet the aspirations of the Albanian ethnic group in Yugoslavia. Besides, they believed that better contacts with Albania would moderate the ongoing wave of Albanian nationalism in Kosovo. On its own initiative also, the Yugoslav government tried to improve relations with the Albanian People's Democracy during the period under scrutiny. The main intention, however, was not to establish an alliance between the two countries, but to end long-term tension. Yet, the objectives of the officials of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia who were of Albanian origin went much further. They tried to achieve the widest possible cooperation with the Tirana regime at almost any price. They even did their utmost to persuade the Belgrade authorities to accept partial responsibility for the bad relations with Enver Hoxha's regime. Nevertheless, neither of these attempts ended successfully. The Enver Hoxha regime was not, in fact, interested in deeper cooperation with Yugoslavia. Furthermore, the Belgrade government agreed with only some of the amiable steps, and relatively minor ones at that, towards Albania. Indeed, it was only after the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact forces and after the establishment of cooperation between Yugoslavia and China in early 1969 that contacts between Belgrade and Tirana began to improve, albeit only temporarily. Nor did they ever reach the level the Pristina officials had desired. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
CVETKOVIĆ, Vladimir Lj.
- Abstract
Immediately after WWII Yugoslavia established close relations with the USSR and other Eastern European countries under its domination. After Tito's conflict with Stalin in 1948 these relations were disturbed and Yugoslavia became subject to military, economic and traffic blockade from these countries, particularly the neighboring ones. After Stalin's death the process of normalization started. Until 1955 it was rather formal in nature and Yugoslavia watched closely her neighbors, reassessing her own, but also their steps on that way. Only after the Belgrade Declaration significant improvements were achieved, whereas the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party and adoption of the Moscow Declaration in 1956 decisively influenced the reestablishment of relations between the ruling communist parties (with the exception of the Albanian one). Until then, this was fi rmly refused by Yugoslavia. However, the crisis that broke out in Hungary in fall 1956 and Yugoslavia's views on it soon led to new cooling down of relations. The peak of this estrangement was the boycott of the 7th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in Ljubljana in 1958 by all East European countries, and the beginning of the new anti-Yugoslav ideological campaign that ensued. The new split with the neighbors, coupled with Yugoslav foreign political concept of equidistance toward both blocks, led later on to significant decrease in Yugoslav interest in more meaningful cooperation with the neighboring East European countries. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
7. Edvin Pezo, Zwangsmigration in Friedenszeiten? Jugoslawische Migrationspolitik und die Auswanderung von Muslimen in die Türkei (1918 bis 1966)
- Author
Vlašić, Anđelko
- Subjects
Migracije ,Jugoslavija ,muslimani ,Turska ,Albanija - Abstract
Rad je recenzija monografije "Zwangsmigration in Friedenszeiten?" povjesničara Edvina Peze.
- Published
- 2013
8. Jugoslovenska politika prema zemljama narodne demokratije u susedstvu : 1953-1958. godine
- Author
Cvetković, Vladimir Lj, Dimić, Ljubodrag, Ristović, Milan, Radojević, Mira, Bogetić, Dragan, and Radić, Radmila
- Subjects
Hungary ,narodna demokratija ,Romania ,the Cold War ,Jugoslavija ,Albanija ,Yugoslavia ,Rumunija ,Bugarska ,Mađarska ,hladni rat ,spoljna politika ,SSSR ,foreign policy ,Albania ,people’s democracy ,Bulgaria ,USSR - Abstract
Doktorska disertacija Jugoslovenska politika prema zemljama narodne demokratije u susedstvu 1953 – 1958. godine zasnovana je na jugoslovenskim arhivskim izvorima iz Arhiva Srbije i Crne Gore, Diplomatskog arhiva Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije i Vojnog arhiva kao i na relevantnoj domaćoj i stranoj literaturi. Disertacija se bavi jugoslovenskom politikom prema Albaniji, Bugarskoj, Rumuniji i Mađarskoj u periodu normalizacije odnosa Jugoslavije sa ovim zemljama posle Staljinove smrti tj. posle petogodišnjeg perioda tokom koga su njihovi odnosi bili u gotovo potpunom prekidu. Ona predstavlja pokušaj da se sagleda odnos Jugoslavije prema neposrednom susedstvu u uslovima hladnog rata i sadejstva jugoslovenskih interesa sa jedne i spoljnih faktora poput uloge Sovjetskog Saveza u procesu normalizacije odnosa Jugoslavije sa pomenutim zemljama ili uloge vodećih zapadnih zemalja i njihovih interesa u Jugoslaviji i susednim zemljama „narodne demokratije“ sa druge strane. U nekoliko faza kroz koje su od marta 1953. do aprila 1958. godine prošli odnosi Jugoslavije sa Albanijom, Bugarskom, Rumunijom i Mađarskom (od Staljinove smrti do potpisivanja Beogradske deklaracije, od potpisivanja Beogradske deklaracije do XX kongresa KPSS-a, od XX kongresa KPSS-a do izbijanja događaja u Mađarskoj 1956. godine i od događaja u Mađarskoj do kritike novog Programa SKJ) jugoslovenska politika se menjala u skladu sa okolnostima zadržavajući kao konstante izražen interes za normalizaciju odnosa i insistiranje na tome da sve susedne zemlje „narodne demokratije“ javno osude svoju raniju politiku prema Jugoslaviji i rehabilituju sve koji su na montiranim sudskim procesima osuđeni zbog špijunske delatnost u korist Jugoslavije. Osnovni cilj rada na ovoj dioktorskoj disertaciji je bio da pruži nova znanja o ovoj temi, nove poglede na jugoslovensku spoljnu politiku i ponudi novi ugao gledanja na odnose Jugoslavije sa SSSR-om i Varšavskim paktom u celini. U vezi sa tim definisan je i drugi cilj ovog rada koji se odnosi na rekonstrukciju jugoslovenske politike prema ovim zemljama i na pokušaj da se uoče specifičnosti, metode i ciljevi te politike koji su se razlikovali u odnosu na jugoslovensku politiku prema ostalim istočnoevropskim zemljama. Treći cilj na temu jugoslovenske politike prema susednim zemljama „narodne demokratije“ od 1953. do 1958. godine bio je i sistematizacija postojećih znanja o ovoj temi i njihova evaluacija s obzirom na veći stepen dostupnosti izvora nego što je to bio slučaj pre više decenija kada su nastali najznačajniji radovi koji su se delimično bavili pojedinim segmentima ove teme. Četvrti cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje hronološki jasno određenih faza kroz koje su prolazili odnosi Jugoslavije sa Mađarskom, Rumunijom, Bugarskom i Albanijom u posmatranom periodu i identifikacija faktora koji su na to uticali. U trenutku Staljinove smrti, susedne zemlje „narodne demokratije“ bile su daleko od centra pažnje jugoslovenske spoljne politike jer je , između ostalog, i njihov značaj za nju u uslovima prekida međudržavnih odnosa bio mali. Međutim, promene koje su ubrzo posle Staljinove smrti usledile u Sovjetskom Savezu omogućile su početak normalizacije odnosa Jugoslavije i „prve zemlje socijalizma“ što je za sobom povuklo i mogućnost da Jugoslavija normalizuje svoje odnose i sa susednim zemljama „narodne demokratije“. Kada su u pitanju bile te zemlje, primarni jugoslovenski interes nije se nalazio u sferi politike i ekonomije kao u slučaju Sovjetskog Saveza već u sferi praktičnih međudržavnih pitanja koja su teško opterećivala Jugoslaviju. Na prvom mestu to je bio interes da se što pre otkloni vojna pretnja na granicama i stanje na zajedničkoj „liniji razgraničenja“ koje je u godinama posle 1948. iziskivalo velika materijalna i kadrovska ulaganja. Osim toga, Jugoslavija je jasan interes imala i po pitanju poboljšanja položaja pripadnika jugoslovenskih manjina u susednim zemljama „narodne demokratije“ kao i po pitanju normalizacije saobraćaja. Razlog što Jugoslavija nije pokazivala izražen interes za političku i ekonomsku saradnju sa ovim zemljama ležao je u činjenici da je ona u međuvremenu, u vreme godina sukoba, uspela da pronađe alternativu kako u sferi spoljne politike tako i u sferi ekonomije i na taj način obesmisli blokadu kojoj je bila izložena sa Istoka. Međutim, cena iznalaženja te alternative bila je visoka i pretila je da ugrozi monopol vlasti Saveza komunista Jugoslavije što je za Tita i njegovo najbliže okruženje bilo neprihvatljivo. Iz tog razloga, mogućnost da se nađe zajednički jezik sa Moskvom predstavljao je za Tita priliku da uspostavi ravnotežu kada je u pitanju bio jugoslovenski položaj prema suprotstavljenim blokovima u zaoštrenoj hladnoratovskoj atmosferi. Odnos Jugoslavije prema SSSR-u, i obrnuto, može se smatrati jednim od najznačajnijih faktora koji su uticali na oblikovanje jugoslovenske politike prema susednim zemljama „narodne demokratije“ sa jedne i na kreiranje politike koje su sve istočnoevropske zemlje vodile prema Jugoslaviji sa druge strane. Drugi značajan faktor koji je uticao na jugoslovensku politiku prema zemljama „narodne demokratije“ u susedstvu od 1953. do 1958. godine bio je u tesnoj vezi sa jugoslovensko-sovjetskim odnosima a ticao se prevashodno ideologije i s tim u vezi destaljinizacije. Kreirajući u godinama sukoba sa Informbiroom sopstveni model „samoupravnog“ socijalizma, Jugoslavija tokom procesa normalizacije odnosa nije pristajala na „jedinstvo lagera“ i povratak u njega što je bio glavni kamen spoticanja u njenim odnosima kakao sa SSSR-om tako i sa drugim istočnoevropskim zemljama pa i susednim kao što su bile Albanija, Bugarska, Mađarska i Rumunija. S tim u vezi je i destaljinizacija, odnosno njen napredak i dubina u susednim „zemljama“ narodne demokratije kao i njihova spremnost da se distanciraju od staljinističke ideologije, predstavljala jedan od glavnih faktora koji su uticali na oblikovanje jugoslovenske politike prema tim zemljama. Najzad, važan činilac koji je uticao na jugoslovensku spoljnu politiku uopšte pa i na njenu politiku prema delu ili celini Istočnog bloka bili su i njeni odnosi sa Zapadom, koji su iz pragmatičnih razloga tokom godina sukoba sa Informbiroom bili poboljšani do te mere da su Jugoslaviju, iako nevoljno, doveli na rub uključenja u zapadni vojni savez. Zapad je bio taj kome se nije dopadalo jugoslovensko približavanje SSSR-u i istočnoevropskim zemljama i u periodu normalizacije njihovih odnosa svaki korak koji je vodio približavanju dveju do tada suprotstavljenih strana izazivao je na Zapadu sumnje u iskrenost Jugoslavije i zebnju kada je u pitanju bila budućnost odnosa Zapada i Jugoslavije. Kao rezultat sadejstva nekoliko najvažnijih spoljnih faktora i jugoslovenskih interesa u neposrednom susedstvu iz okvira socijalističkog „lagera“ nastajala je jugoslovenska politika prema Istoku uopšte pa i prema Albaniji, Bugarskoj, Rumuniji i Mađarskoj ponaosob, onakva kakva je bila. U periodu od 1953. do 1958. godine ta politika je bila aktivna i pozitivna ali ne i bez ograda. Tih godina, Jugoslavija je bez sumnje pokazivala interes da normalizuje svoje odnose sa susedima sa kojima je osim granice delila i ideologiju ali najčešće nije želela da ona bude ta koja će dati inicijativu za konkretne korake u tom procesu. Smatrajući da su međusobni odnosi narušeni ne njenom već krivicom suseda, ona je strogo poštovala načelo (koje je inače zastupala i kada je u pitanju bila njena politika prema SSSR-u) da prvi korak treba da učini onaj koji je odgovoran za prekid normalnih dobrosusedskih odnosa. Imajući u vidu sve interese, želje i aspiracije koje je Jugoslavija imala kada je u pitanju bio prostor neposredno uz njene granice kao i faktore koji su neminovno uticali na njenu politiku, može se reći da je Jugoslavija prema zemljama „narodne demokratije“ u susedstvu u periodu normalizacije međusobnih odnosa od 1953. do 1958. godine vodila politiku mogućeg. Ta politika, međutim, iako osmišljena na isti način, nije uvek bila ista prema svakoj pojedinačnoj zemlji u susedstvu iz prostog razloga što u njima nije nailazila na istovetne uslove i mogućnosti. Tamo gde su mogućnosti bile veće, Jugoslavija je postizala više. Međutim, kako je vreme odmicalo i kako je Jugoslavija bivala sve uspešnija u pronalaženju svog sopstvenog „trećeg puta“, čini se da joj je sve manje i manje bilo stalo do sadržajnije saradnje sa većinom suseda od kojih je (budući da su sve bile deo Istočnog bloka), u skladu sa svojom novom spoljnopolitičkom strategijom koja je ekvidistancu prema blokovima predviđala kao imperativ, trebalo da napravi određeni otklon. The Ph.D. thesis Yugoslav Policy Towards the Neighboring Countries of People’s Democracy 1953-1958 is based on Yugoslav archival sources from the Archives of Yugoslavia, the Diplomatic Archives of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Serbia and the Military Archives, as well as on the relevant domestic and foreign literature. The thesis deals with Yugoslav policy towards Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary during the period of normalization of relations between these countries and Yugoslavia after Stalin’s death, i.e. after a five years’ period of almost complete interruption in bilateral relations. It is an attempt at a study of the interplay of Yugoslavia’s relations with immediate neighborhood during the Cold War and Yugoslav interests on the one hand, and interests of foreign factors, such as the Soviet Union and the leading Western nations in Yugoslavia and in the neighboring countries within the framework of the normalization of Yugoslavia’s relations with the above mentioned countries. During the several phases the Yugoslav relations with Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary went through between March 1953 and April 1958 (from Stalin’s death until the signing of the Belgrade Declaration, from then to the 20th congress of the CP of the USSSR, from then until the beginning of the events in Hungary in 1956 and from then until the critique of the new Program of the CP of Yugoslavia), the Yugoslav policy changed in accordance with the situation, preserving the interest in normalizing relations and insisting that all neighboring countries of “people’s democracy” should condemn their former policy towards Yugoslavia and rehabilitate all those who had been sentenced as Yugoslav spies at show trials. The main goal of this Ph.D. thesis was to provide new knowledge of the topic, new views on Yugoslav foreign policy and to propose a new vantage point on the Yugoslav relations with the Soviet Union, and on relations with the Warsaw Pact as a whole. Connected with this was another goal of the thesis that concrens the reconstruction of Yugoslav policy toward these countries and the attempt to pinpoint the characteristics, methods and goals of that policy that were different from those of Yugoslav policy toward other east European countries. The third goal of the topic of Yugoslav policy toward the neighboring countries of „people’s democracy“ between 1953 and 1958 was also to systematize the existing knowledge on the subject in view of better accessability of sources as compared with the situation of several decades ago when the most important works touching upon some aspects of this topic were written. The fourth goal of the research was to determin chronologically clearly defined phases that the Yugoslav relations with Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania had gone through during the researched period and to identify the factors that influenced the process. At the time of Stalin’s death the countries of „people’s democracy“ were far from the focus of the Yugoslav foreign policy, because, among other things, their importance was small due to the severed inter-state relations. However, the changes that set in the Soviet Union soon after Stalin’s death made the beginning of normalization of relations with the „first country of socialism“ possible. This entailed the possibility that Yugoslavia also normalizes its relations with neighboring countries of „people’s democracy“. When these countries were in question, Yugoslavia’s primary interest didn’t lie in political or economic spheres as in the case of the Soviet Union, but rather in the sphere of practical inter-state matters weighting heavily on Yugoslavia. Supreme was the interest to do away as soon as possible with the military threat on the borders and to change the situation on the „line of demarcation“ that had required much material and human resources in the years after 1948. Furthermore, Yugoslavia had a clear interest in improving the situation of members of Yugoslav minorities in the neighboring countries of „people’s democracy“, as well as in normalization of trafic. The reason why Yugoslavia showed no great interest in political or economic cooperation with these countries lay in the fact that she had in the meantime, during the years of conflict, found alternative solutions in the spheres of foreign policy and economy, reducing thus to insignifficance the blocade imposed on her from the East. However, the price of that alternative solution was high and it threatened to endanger the power monopoly of the Union of the Communists of Yugoslavia, which was unacceptable for Tito and his innermost circle of collaborators. For that reason, the possibility of finding common grounds with Moscow was for Tito an oportunity to balance Yugoslavia’s position between the two competing blocs in a worsened Cold War atmosphere. Yugoslavia’s relation to the USSSR and vice versa, can be seen as one of the most important factors influencing Yugoslav policy toward the neighboring countries of „people’s democracy“ on the one hand, and on the other, one that was decisively shaping their policy towards Yugoslavia. Another important factor influencing Yugoslav policy toward the countries of „people’s democracy“ in the vicinity between 1953 and 1958 was closely connected with the Yugoslav-Soviet relations and it concerned primarily ideology and, in that context, destalinization. Having created her own model of „self-managing“ socialism during the years of conflict with the Cominform, during the process of normalization Yugoslavia didn’t accept the unity of the Eastern Bloc and the matter of her return to it was one of the main stumbling blocks both in her relations with the USSR and with the neighbors such as Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. In that context, destalinisation, i.e. its progress and depth in the neighboring countries of „people’s democracy“ and their willingnes to distance themselves from the Stalinist ideology was one of the major factors influencing Yugoslavia’s policy toward those countries. Finally, the important factor influencing Yugoslav foreign policy in general, including part of the Eastern Block or it as a whole, were Yugoslavia’s relations with the West that had been so improved during the years of conflict with the Cominform, that they led Yugoslavia, although unwillingly, to the brink of joining the western military alliance. The West was unhappy with Yugoslav rapprochement with the USSR and eastern European countries and every step that brought closer the two once confonted parties during the process of normalization of their relations, caused the West to doubt Yugoslavia’s sincerety and cause fears for the future relations between the West and Yugoslavia. As a result of interplay of several major foreign political factors and Yugoslav interests in the imediate socialist block neighborhood, the Yugoslav policy toward the East in general and toward Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary individually, emerged in the given form. Between 1953 and 1958 that policy was active and positive, but not without restrains. During those years Yugoslavia clearly showed interest in normalizing her relations with the neighboring countries with whom she shared not only borders, but ideology too, but in most cases she was not willing to be the one to initiate concrete steps in that process. Deeming that it had not been her fault but that of her neighbors that the bilateral relations had been spoiled, she observed strictly the principle (that she also championed in her relations with the USSR) that the side that had been responsible for the interruption of normal good neighborly relations should also make the first move. Having in mind all the interests, wishes and aspirations that Yugoslavia had concerning the space imediatly bordering on her territory as well as the factors necessarily infuencing her policy, it can be said that Yugoslavia led the policy of what was possible toward the neighboring countries of „people’s democracy“ during tthe period of normalization of bilateral relations 1953-1958. However, that policy wasn’t always the same toward all these neighboring countries, for simple reason that it didn’t meet with the same conditions and possibilities in them. Where possibilities were greater, Yugoslavia acheived more. However, as the time went by and as Yugoslavia became increasingly more successful in finding her own „third way“, it seems she was increasingly less interested in substantial cooperation with most of the neighbors from whom (since they were all members of the Eastern Block) certain distance should be kept – in keeping with the new foreign political strategy that foresaw equidistance towards both blocs as a must.
- Published
- 2012
9. Skupna zunanjetrgovinska politika EU do držav Jugovzhodne Evrope : diplomsko delo
- Author
Žarković, Tamara and Logožar, Klavdij
- Subjects
Evropa ,mednarodna kooperacija ,Albanija ,Hrvatska ,institucionalizem ,izvoz ,integracijski procesi ,Evropska unija ,mednarodno sodelovanje ,mednarodni sporazumi ,ekonomska pomoč ,Črna gora ,Balkan ,CEFTA ,Slovenija ,uvoz ,tuje investicije ,mednarodna trgovina ,mednarodno ekonomsko sodelovanje ,mednarodno gospodarstvo ,Jugoslavija ,programi ,carinske unije ,stabilizacija ,udc:339.5 ,zunanjetrgovinska politika ,Bosna in Hercegovina ,zunanjetrgovinsko poslovanje ,trgovanje ,prilagajanje ,mednarodni ekonomski odnosi - Published
- 2012
10. Načrti Jugoslavije in Zahoda za menjavo albanskega režima v času po resoluciji Informbiroja
- Author
Hadalin, Jurij
- Subjects
the West ,Yugoslav–Albanian relations ,Jugoslavija ,Albanija ,Yugoslavia ,intelligence services ,obveščevalne službe ,Enver Hoxha ,the Balkans Pact ,Balkanski pakt ,jugoslovansko-albanski odnosi ,Josip Broz Tito ,Albania ,zahod - Abstract
On the basis of the available archive sources of Yugoslav and foreign origins, the following contribution focuses on the lesser–known aspect of the Yugoslav-Albanian relations after their deterioration. The article roughly outlines the plans, operations, concerns and expectations of five states which tried to alter the situation in Albania to their own advantage more or less successfully. Naturally, despite their common goal these states often had conflicting interests., Prispevek na podlagi dostopnega arhivskega gradiva jugoslovanskega in tujega izvora obravnava manj znani vidik iz jugoslovansko-albanskih odnosov v času po njihovi zaostritvi. V grobem orisu so prikazani načrti, operacije, bojazni in pričakovanja petih držav, ki so bolj ali manj uspešno poskušale spremeniti položaj v Albaniji sebi v prid, kljub njihovemu skupnemu cilju pa je med njimi seveda prihajalo do navzkrižja interesov.
- Published
- 2011
11. Incidenti v Krfskem prelivu - dokončen prelom albanskega režima z zahodnima velesilama. Jugoslovanski podvigi v začetni fazi hladne vojne
- Author
Hadalin, Jurij
- Subjects
Velika Britanija ,hladna vojna ,Cold War ,Jugoslavija ,Albania ,Albanija ,Yugoslavia ,Great Britain - Abstract
On the basis of available archive materials, the following contribution outlines the role of the Yugoslav leadership in the first skirmishes of the Cold War, especially the mine laying in the Corfu Channel. Namely, in 1946 the relations between Yugoslavia and the Western Allies became very tense, and this lasted until the ultimate break-up between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. This phenomenon was not only characteristic for Yugoslavia. However, this country was most consistent and independent of all the communist states, which did not always make the best impression on the Moscow circles. Yugoslavia also intervened fatally in the international relations of its close but subordinated ally Albania with the West. Namely, with the agreement of the narrower Albanian leadership it prevented the British recognition of the Albanian government and the improvement of the Albanian relations with the Western superpowers, ensuring, in the key moment, the strengthening of its influence in Albania, which then became also formally and legally almost all-encompassing., Prispevek poskuša na podlagi dostopnega arhivskega gradiva prikazati vlogo jugoslovanskega vodstva v prvih praskah hladne vojne, predvsem pri polaganju min v Krfskem prelivu. Leta 1946 je namreč prišlo do hudega zaostrovanja odnosov med Jugoslavijo in zahodnimi zavezniki, ki je trajalo vse do dokončnega preloma Jugoslavije s Sovjetsko zvezo. Ta pojav sicer ni značilen le za Jugoslavijo, je pa bila v svojih dejanjih med vsemi komunističnimi državami pri tem najbolj dosledna in samostojna, kar v moskovskih krogih ni vedno naredilo najboljšega vtisa. Pri tem je usodno posegla tudi v mednarodne odnose svoje tesne, a podrejene zaveznice Albanije z Zahodom. S privoljenjem najožjega albanskega vodstva je namreč preprečila britansko priznanje albanske vlade in izboljšanje albanskih odnosov z zahodnima velesilama, kar ji je v ključnem trenutku zagotovilo utrditev njenega vpliva v Albaniji, ki je tedaj postal tudi formalnopravno skoraj vseobsegajoč.
- Published
- 2010
12. Jugoslovansko-albanski gospodarski odnosi med letoma 1945 in 1992
- Author
Hadalin, Jurij
- Subjects
economy ,Jugoslavija ,Albania ,Albanija ,gospodarstvo ,Yugoslavia ,economic relations ,blagovna menjava ,trade in goods ,gospodarski odnosi - Abstract
The following article offers a chronological overview of the relations between Yugoslavia and Albania in the post-war period. The majority of the text focuses on the trade in goods, which was the only contact between the two countries in certain periods, and it also describes the political situation every time, since all the contacts between the two states should be considered in light of mounting or decreasing political tension., V prispevku je kronološko prikazan pregled gospodarskih odnosov med državama v povojnem obdobju. Glavnina teksta se nanaša na blagovno menjavo, ki je bila v določenih obdobjih edina stična točka med državama. Opisana pa je tudi vsakokratna politična situacija, saj je treba vse stike med državama gledati v luči naraščanja ali popuščanja političnih napetosti.
- Published
- 2007
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