Background: In simple terms, sociology can be interpreted as a science that describes the state of society complete with structure, layers, and various other social symptoms that are interconnected. With this science a phenomenon can be analyzed by presenting the factors that drive the occurrence of the relationship, social mobility and the beliefs that underlie the occurrence of the process. Purpose: The purpose is to know the sub-disciplines of sociology, know the sociological approach, know the sociological approach in the Islamic intellectual tradition (ibn khaldun), know the problems and prospects of the sociological approach, know the main work in Islamic studies with a sociological approach, and know the significance and contribution of the sociological approach in Islamic studies. Methods: Method The object of discussion of Islamic studies in the sociological approach as in the discussion of this paper, there are three main approaches to sociology, namely: 1) structuralfunctional approach, 2) conflict or marxien approach and 3) symbolic interactionism approach. Results: Several objects of sociological approach used by sociologists turned out to produce ways to understand religion easily. In addition, according to some sociologists and methodologists of Islamic studies that Islam itself attaches great importance to the role of social aspects in religious life. Conclusion: The conclusion of sociology is society, so this science is very fast developing and branching out into other scientific fields, sociology of law, urban sociology, rural sociology, literature and so on, and it does not rule out the possibility that the branches of sociology will increase. Islamic studies that use a sociological approach are very interesting and can bring closer understanding of the universality of Islamic teachings themselves. But these studies still need the helping hand of Islamic scholars to develop them. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]