The study treats the Andalusian domes in a time-period extending from 92 H./711A.D, the date of the Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, until 897 H. /1492 A.D, which marks the fall of the last Muslim stronghold in Granada. The study focuses mainly on conducting a precise taxonomy to the Andalusian domes, searching for the sources and the precedents of each and every type. Moreover, it emphasizes on the most particular characteristics in the structural behavior and constructive aspects of each type. Most importantly, the study aims to unify the Arabic terms given to the Andalusian domes, because certain types of domes have lately received different denominations when some Spanish works were translated into Arabic language, which would lead to further confusion in the Arabic scholarship. Christian and Mudéjar examples are out of the scope of the study, as the latter aims to be a mere starting point for further research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]