We describe a collocation method with weighted extended B-splines (WEB-splines) for arbitrary bounded multidimensional domains, considering Poisson's equation as a typical model problem. By slightly modifying the B-spline classification for the WEB-basis, the centers of the supports of inner B-splines can be used as collocation points. This resolves the mismatch between the number of basis functions and interpolation conditions, already present in classical univariate schemes, in a simple fashion. Collocation with WEB-splines is particularly easy to implement when the domain boundary can be represented as zero set of a weight function; sample programs are provided on the website . In contrast to standard finite element methods, no mesh generation and numerical integration is required, regardless of the geometric shape of the domain. As a consequence, the system equations can be compiled very efficiently. Moreover, numerical tests confirm that increasing the B-spline degree yields highly accurate approximations already on relatively coarse grids. Compared with Ritz-Galerkin methods, the observed convergence rates are decreased by 1 or 2 when using splines of odd or even order, respectively. This drawback, however, is outweighed by a substantially smaller bandwidth of collocation matrices. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]