Arma chinensis (Fallou 1881) (Figs. 1 ���49) Arma chinensis Fallou 1881: 340; Josifov & Kerzhner 1978: 181; Zheng 1980: 321; Zheng 1981: 28; Rider & Zheng 2002: 108. Arma discors Jakovlev 1902: 63 ���70. Auriga peipingensis Yang 1933: 9���46. Diagnosis. Dorsum ochraceous, with shining black or brown punctures; head, pronotal lateral angles, and connexiva testaceous (Fig. 1). Basal margin of scutellum with white and smooth apex. Body beneath yellow with coarse and concolorous punctures, sometimes with blackish punctures. Each mesopleuron with a black spot at anterior margin. Legs brown with coxae, trochanters and femora yellow brown, fore tibia with black ventral spine-like bristle at middle (Figs. 2, 3). Redescription. Head: Long, with a levigate patch near each eye. Mandibular plates wide, convergent before clypeus or leaving a gap. Antennal segments 1 and 2 and base and tip of 3 and 4 yellow brown, middle of 3 and 4 black, 5 brown; 2 distinctly longer than 3. Rostrum yellow brown with apex reaching metacoxae. Thorax: Pronotum: Anterior margin roundly excavated; anterior angle short, apex blunt; anterolateral margin white, strongly concave, and coarsely dentate; an obtuse tubercle at posterior margin of each lateral angle; posterolateral margin of pronotum with basal half distantly concave; posterior margin straight. Scutellum: Basal margin of scutellum with white and smooth tip, apex bluntly rounded. Hemelytron: Base of outer margins narrowly pale yellow; one cluster of dense black punctures inside and near apex of median fracture; apical angle not sharp; membrane pale ochraceous, surpassing abdomen. Ostiolar peritreme short. Abdomen (Agarwal & Baijal, 1984): Connexiva testaceous and broadly exposed; apical half of 1 st segment, basal 1 / 4 and apical 1 / 4 of 2 nd to 6 th segments with black punctures, lateral margins black, other part with lateral margins linearly and narrowly pale yellow. Abdomen beneath more or less keeled at meson, basal spine with sharp apex and passing beyond anterior limits of mesocoxae. Stigmata narrowly black. Male genitalia (Figs. 4���11): Pygophore with ventral margin concave, lateral apices angular. Paramere Lshaped, its apex broad and oblong, a cornute process at base. Aedeagus without sclerotized dorsal processes; apical conjunctival lobe developed and not bifurcate at apex; basolateral conjunctival lobes also developed and membranous. Vesica robust, shorter than apical limits of median penial plates. Female genitalia (Figs. 12���15): 1 st gonocoxites wide, with inner margins straight and contacted with each other entirely, cleft after soaked in hot NaOH solution, apical margins laminate and slightly depressed. Apices of 9 th paratergites shorter than those of 8 th paratergites. Measurements [3 (n= 12) / �� (n= 12), in mm]: Body length 11.05���11.70 / 12.60���14.02; abdomen width 5.90���6.12 / 6.73���7.30; length head 1.93���2.33 / 2.25���2.43; length anteocular portion 1.33���1.48 / 1.50���1.60; length postocular portion 0.60���0.68 / 0.75���0.88; interocellar space 0.83���0.85 / 0.85���1.15; length synthlipsis 1.58���1.68 / 1.68���1.80; length antennal segments I-V = 0.45���0.50 / 0.48���0.55, 1.88 ���2.00 / 1.98���2.25, 1.00��� 1.20 / 1.00��� 1.33, 1.38���1.50 / 1.25���1.50, 1.25���1.45 / 1.20���1.38; length rostral segments I���IV= 1.45���1.60 / 1.50���1.73, 1.75���1.98 / 1.95���2.18, 1.08���1.20 / 1.13���1.35, 0.73���0.83 / 0.80���0.98; length anterior pronotal lobe 0.73���0.85 / 0.78���1.03; length posterior lobe 1.58���1.83 / 1.83���2.08; width thorax 5.60���5.91 / 6.32���7.05; length of scutellum 3.85���4.06 / 4.22���4.96; length of hemelytron 7.83���8.51 / 8.82���10.30. Material examined: 1 ��: China: Hebei, Langfang, 25 -III- 2010, De-yu Zou leg; 201 3, 204 ��: China: Jilin, Songyuan, 10 -IV- 2010, Xiao-jun Zhang leg. Distribution: China (Beijing, Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Mongolia, Korea., Published as part of Zou, Deyu, Wang, Mengqing, Zhang, Lisheng, Zhang, Ying, Zhang, Xiaojun & Chen, Hongyin, 2012, Taxonomic and bionomic notes on Arma chinensis (Fallou) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Asopinae), pp. 41-52 in Zootaxa 3382 on pages 45-46, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.208760, {"references":["Fallou, G. (1881) Hemipteres nouveaux de la Chine. Le Naturaliste, 3, 340 - 341.","Josifov, M. V. & Kerzhner, I. M. (1978) Heteroptera aus Korea. II. Teil (Aradidae, Berytidae, Lygaeidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Rhopalidae, Alydidae, Coreidae, Urostylidae, Acanthosomatidae, Scutelleridae, Pantatomidae, Cydnidae, Plataspidae). Fragmenta Faunistica, 23, 137 - 196.","Zheng, L. Y. (1980) Materials of Chinese Asopinae (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Entomotaxonomia, 2, 321 - 324 (In Chinese).","Zheng, L. Y. (1981) Chinese species of genus Arma Hahn (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Natural Enemies of Insects, 3, 28 - 32 (In Chinese).","Rider, D. A. & Zheng, L. Y. (2002) Checklist and nomenclatural notes on the Chinese Pentatomidae (Heteroptera) I, Asopinae. Entomotaxonomia, 24, 107 - 115.","Jakovlev, B. E. (1902) Hemipteres-Heteropteres nouveaux de la faune palearctique II. Revue Russe d'Entomologie, 2, 63 - 70.","Agarwal, S. B. & Baijal, H. N. (1984) Morphology of male genitalia of Scutellerinae and Pentatominae (Heteroptera) with remarks on inter-relationship with the family Pentatomidae. Journal of Entomology Research, 8, 53 - 60."]}